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MY friends are 50. they say nothing to do.


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I hit lvl 50 last night. I didn't "power-level" through, by skipping content. I tested beta for a long time, so i'll admit I did a lot of space-barring through Ord Mantel and Coruscant... in fairness, i'd heard it all before 5+ times. Though for my story missions, I still loved em, so I didn't skip most of those. I did however have plenty of time, because i'm a teacher and currently on winter vacation.


It's a newly released game... is there as much to do at max-level as say another MMO which myself and many others switched from to this? No, of course not. BW's initial focus had to be on the leveling experience. If you can't enjoy the game getting to level cap, you're not going to like once you get there. Being in the phase immediately after launch, their focus is on stability. There are bugs to change, features to spruce up, and small things to polish to make sure things are as solid in the early community as they want. *Then* they will expand level cap content. It may be a few months before we see major content updates, but they will be coming.


All of that said, there's still plenty to do. Now, I see tons of people who introduce themselves as "I hate PvP", "Daily grinds are boring, I refuse to do them!", and "I'm going to play this solo, I don't like grouping with others". And these people are suddenly surprised that they have little to do, when they've eliminated all PvP content, all heroic Flashpoint / Operations content, and all the daily quests on Ilum and elsewhere. Let us not forget all the people up in arms about a space combat system that many are too stubborn to stop and *try* in the first place. So yes, when you refuse to do any of the multitudes of experiences there are to have at max level, you might find yourself lacking stuff to do.


Me, i'm having a great time ;)

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LvL 50 Activities include...


1: operations

2: pvp

3: daily heroics

4: heroic flash points

5: pvp illum

6: illum solo areas and quests


i fail to see how is nothing to do...


for 3 of those (the FPs and ops) you need a grp, not easy to find as dd.

There are currently 4 or 5 quests on Ilum that you can do.

PVP on Ilum is not happening on my realm so far.

PVP in general is something you can grind, but I don't really enjoy PVP enough to to it all day, I like PVE content, dailies etc, there just aren't any.

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For many gamers, the entire leveling process is something to slog through to get to the end-game which is where they want to be playing. While rushing to get to end-game as soon after launch as possible is a mistake, the really big mistake is launching a game without an end-game at all.


^exactly, no amount of story can make up for not having enough content to keep us playing

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So people who skipped content and power leveled to 50 in a week, well ahead of the vast majority of the player base, are whining about having nothing to do?




For sure, this is no surprise at all, and I have seen this repeating in every MMO launch of late.


I also suspect that BW will ignore them like the other companies did before. These are the players that will descend like a swarm of locusts on a new game and then complain when it is all eaten up, they will do this to any digital meal you put in front of them.


I guess that most MMO companies are gladly taking their cash and accept that many won't sub for long, knowing that their real target audience is not this voracious demographic.

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For many gamers, the entire leveling process is something to slog through to get to the end-game which is where they want to be playing. While rushing to get to end-game as soon after launch as possible is a mistake, the really big mistake is launching a game without an end-game at all.


Ah wise one, you know nothing about end game content. over a dozen flashpoints, 2 ops, a whole planet dedicated to pvp, class story still isn't finished, dailies etc. You're either woefully ignorant or just plain lying.

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For many gamers, the entire leveling process is something to slog through to get to the end-game which is where they want to be playing. While rushing to get to end-game as soon after launch as possible is a mistake, the really big mistake is launching a game without an end-game at all.


Most MMO's come out with extremely limited end game. This is due to everyone starting at L1, and endgame being useless at release. And every MMO increases endgame with their content patches, as the population gets to max level.


Happened in WoW, Lotro, etc.


As was said before, WoW had 1 end game raid for 9 months. Many finished in 5, and sat for 4 months. It happens with most MMO's, especially when they are brand new.

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for 3 of those (the FPs and ops) you need a grp, not easy to find as dd.


Of course it's hard to find a group.. you basically rushed to the new world ahead of everybody else and when you landed you are wondering why there isn't a quicky mart waiting for you to get something to eat.

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So, since I never said I was skipping the story you are convinced I am. I am here to play a game that was advertised as a game not a choose your own story book. The main focus of the game being story is cool, it's unique, and it took guts for them to spend that much money in an economy like we are in.


Again, I'm here to play the game, and if there is no game beyond the story then whats the point.


And one more time to get the point across, I AM HERE TO PLAY THE GAME. got it?


Don't need the personal attacks because you are a worshiper at the bioware alter, this thread is about the apparent lack of things to do at 50. So, since that has been said, quit expecting everyone here to only want to hear the story rather than play the game.


Without sounding rude ... please take the time to review comments that one or two folks (including myself) have made regarding MMO development. (I'm not talking about a "failded" or a game that was "lacking"). Even one of the BEST and most successful games that has been around: it was completed on the day it was released. End game content, major raids and even other activities are freequently added after the initial release date.


That said: IMHO SWTOR Dev team should already be testing and looking at the next series of updates to keep the game fresh and alive.

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^exactly, no amount of story can make up for not having enough content to keep us playing


You guys have to be trolling, 12 flashpoints, 2 ops, a whole planet for pvp, class story still isn't finished. Another woefully ignorant individual or you're lying also. Are you one of those that are now 50. The majority of players are halfway to 50 now, tough to do stuff when hardly anyone is 50 isn't it? Your complaint is beyond the realm of absurdity and factually wrong.

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Of course it's hard to find a group.. you basically rushed to the new world ahead of everybody else and when you landed you are wondering why there isn't a quicky mart waiting for you to get something to eat.


the sad part is that on my server the worlds beyond Dromund kaas only have 6 players maybe 12 at a time at this point so it's not just a "i got to lvl 50 and am bored" thing it's a im still leveling inan empty world thing.

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The most played (unnamed) MMO in the world suffered a lack of end game in its first year. Then content was added along the way, as I'm sure it will be here.


Revisionist history happens too much, and that other MMO, despite millions and millions of users, had one, single end game raid for the first 9+ months of the game. One.


Give it time. At release, the focus, obviously, is on lower, leveling content. As time goes on, and the majority of customers have L50's, the focus will shift. Older leveling content will see less focus, and end game will become the priority.


Working as intended.


I Remember running UPPER BLACKROCK SPIRE FOREVER Before end game content was added.......

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I'm older than you, of that I can assure you. I also spent the better part of my 20s in Iraq... the 'real world' you pampered masses will never see.


While I respect you for going to war, it isn't a completely different realm of life than that of a civilian's "real world." The two can't be compared even to spite one another. You simply know that you're more experienced and leave it at that.

Edited by OBLCDiomedes
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You guys have to be trolling, 12 flashpoints, 2 ops, a whole planet for pvp, class story still isn't finished. Another woefully ignorant individual or you're lying also. Are you one of those that are now 50. The majority of players are halfway to 50 now, tough to do stuff when hardly anyone is 50 isn't it? Your complaint is beyond the realm of absurdity and factually wrong.


MMOs are built for end game content, and that SHOULD be the focus of the developers from day one. Single player RPGs, like we currently have here, are based on a story from beginning to end.


Seriously, from day one they should have been thinking "Ok what do these players do when they are max level, because that is what's going to keep them playing. Our stories are great, but we NEED to have end game content right from the start."


There are 2 possibilities for end game content; the first is found in PvP. They should have developed a guild system where guilds could build cities - giving the 50's a job to do by making credits gathering supplies to build the city. Then there should be a siege/capture mechanic that allows guilds to fight over their cities. This is just the basis of the idea and I'm not going to take the time to explain everything, but look at a game like Shadowbane or EvE for idea.


The second end game content would be the raids. Since I don't raid I will have to have other players demonstrate how they could have developed that end game content for PvE right out of the gate.


Ilum is a whole planet for PvP that has no lasting effect on the world around you. End game content needs to be persistence. Meaning If I take a base on Ilum, then it should be mine or my guilds forever, until someone else comes and takes it away. Don't reset things ever in a game just because. Look at games like Shadowbane and EvE for great end game content and persistent universes.


Star Wars is a galaxy about to explode, yet we have 1 world in the unknown regions that we can PvP on. We need planets that guilds can build mini cities on, and where guilds can fight over resources.

Edited by Rhinoplat
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I Remember running UPPER BLACKROCK SPIRE FOREVER Before end game content was added.......


Exactly. Endless UBRS runs to get attuned to MC, then 9 months of nothing but MC. BWL came 9 months later. People remember things to fit their points, but in truth, WoW had little end game, and no good end game, until 9 months after launch.

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Does it really matter if people could reach Max level in 1 week or 3 weeks? I play casually..less then 2 hours a day..skipping days here and there and more time on weekend. After 2 weeks i am 38 with 300+ on my 3 crew skills. In less then 1 weeks time i expect to be 50. This is playing pretty casual. Fact is don't matter if you can rush 50 in a week when the process itself is very quick by casual standards. So if no end game 1 month in..what is there to keep people playing?


It doesn't even have to be end game content ..ffxi proved with chains if promethia that adding Max level.content isn't the only way to go. Bursa it stands..you can do almost all things to.do in 1 month time casually playing. That is a problem with a game that is based on continuous play

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There is plenty to do at 50 when there are enough people to play with. There are 15 flashpoints with two modes each, there are two raids with two modes, there are dailies, there is PvP, there is finishing your class story, there are datacrons, there is exploration in general, there is crafting.


What else do people want? Or is it just a lack of people to do these things that is the problem?

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At least SW:tor didnt didnt bash another mmo unlike some other failed mmo :Cough: RIFT


Your not in Azeroth anymore


after I saw that the game was gonna crash and burn


I almost fell outta my chair, lol, so true. Rift is ok, but only if you don't like having fun. And they were right, going to telara is not being in azeroth anymore, it's like a cheap version of azeroth with generic gameplay and even less story.


As far as crashing and burning maybe not because it's a place where the "I hate WoW" club can go and complain about WoW, and well you know, complain about WoW.

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In my opinion, everyone should hit 50 on one Class, as fast as possible, Raid 3 or more nights a week, for 3 or more hours each, and compete in Rated PvP





I was around when WoW came out, playing EQ at the time. I was there when EvE was still fresh and a mess.


I was there for the launch of FF11 and I spent way too much money on that, I was there for Rift as well.

I remember getting so excited for Warhammer online.



I have lots of MMO time in, and I highly disagree with this. I also have over 3 days of /played time and my highest character is a mid 30's trooper/commando. Along with a now 13 Jedi shadow.


I am taking my time, I get about 4-6 hours a night in plus weekends, while spending time with my wife.


Even warhammer is chugging along still and it still has some neat features, its been a long time since I looked in on FF11 but I assume it still has its player base.


This game will be around for a while with no issues, thats my opinion on the matter. Its going strong now, and should continue to go strong.


Just enjoy the ride to level cap, play a alt from time to time and enjoy the game. People are rushing to cap and IMO thats silly.

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I'm older than you, of that I can assure you. I also spent the better part of my 20s in Iraq... the 'real world' you pampered masses will never see.


A) You are not probably older than me.


B) I got my Honorable Discharge the year before the First Gulf War.


But....Thank You Very Much For Your Service. I do appreciate it.



Now, go get a real job, so you don't have to work two of them. I know that's hard to do in a Socialist run country, but there should be a way for you to make a living by working 50 hours a week and being too tired to exhaust the content of a new game in 2 weeks time.

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