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MY friends are 50. they say nothing to do.


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No one who is playing this game the way it was meant to be played should be 50 yet. Keep skipping all the content (conversations and storyline) and then complain that you are bored. That makes a lot of sense.


That's just plain bs. I've listened to every single quest incl. Bonusseries, didn''t play two days, started on 18., I've done every single quest there is in this game on my marauder.

But after you've done all the quests there is just nothing, Ilum is not a dailyquesthub, it's a little structure with a short storyline leading you into a FP (gl finding a grp when playing a dd, when you need 1 tank + 1 healer per 2 dd who the hell came up with that idiotic idea anyway?) and something like 4 short dailyquests, PVP zone in the west is just dead most of the time, having bioananalysy/chem and slicing leveling these to 400 was easy and fast.


I acutally came to the forums to see what the hell you could do on lv 50 without a FP grp, because I won't be seeing those as a dd any time soon until guildis in their 40s hit 50.

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I have a lot of in game friends who are saying this game is really boring when you get to 50. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


LvL 50 Activities include...


1: operations

2: pvp

3: daily heroics

4: heroic flash points

5: pvp illum

6: illum solo areas and quests


i fail to see how is nothing to do...

Edited by Lokai
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I have a lot of in game friends who are saying this game is really boring when you get to 50. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


what did they expect to happen when and i think im being nice 5% of the game population is 50 and the rest are still leveling?? fp's are gonna be hard to do but theres still a ton of things to do illum alone is Level 50 only.


Plus did they even watch/read the story??? the story's are freaking great and I'm told it continues for a bit after 50. There's also a crap load of side quests that add to the story. i could see not wanting to watch it all over again but i mean theres 8 different story's and light side dark side for each so 8 total story's and 16 variations.

Edited by Urieaal
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Every MMO all over again.


The one thing NEITHER the players NOR the game companies seem to learn.


The players seem never to learn - Don't rush to max level; there most likely will be very little to do there; BECAUSE the game companies never seem to learn peple will rush to max level; so have something worthwhile there.



Even though the bottom line message NO MMO player seems to learn - MMOs are not about the end game, because the end game is an illusion. The "end game" is just an intermission to the next expansion. MMOs are about the journy, not the "win" because you cannot "win" an MMO. There is no defined parameters for "winning".


There is no "end" to an MMO. (well, unless you are Earth and Beyond, Auto Assault, Shadowbane or SWG hehehe).


In truth the "End Game" is where you are supposed to be after leveling, maybe calling max level gameplay "end game" is a misnomer. Still, the fact remains that no matter how many times you play the leveling game you still find yourself with a max level character or ten. There is validity in saying the game is about the journey, but, at the same time while you might like the stories enough to keep rehashing them over and over, the fact is that there are people who don't like the story enough to do that. So, for those players "end game" is where its at. If the game studio wants to retain subs then they have to make content for those players and yes you too. I myself don't really enjoy the leveling process enough to repeat it, more than once after my first main character gets to max level. I have a feeling that there probably are many other people out there that feel the same way, and for those of us that feel this way there should be a reason to keep paying the fee -ie raids, hard modes, and open world pvp in flippable zones. Not a rant just saying you can't put all of us in a box and say that our concerns don't matter.

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No one who is playing this game the way it was meant to be played should be 50 yet. Keep skipping all the content (conversations and storyline) and then complain that you are bored. That makes a lot of sense.


MMOs are built for end game content, and that SHOULD be the focus of the developers from day one. Single player RPGs, like we currently have here, are based on a story from beginning to end.


I don't blame players that are 50 and bored, I blame the developers for not having end game content into the game.


Seriously, from day one they should have been thinking "Ok what do these players do when they are max level, because that is what's going to keep them playing. Our stories are great, but we NEED to have end game content right from the start."


There are 2 possibilities for end game content; the first is found in PvP. They should have developed a guild system where guilds could build cities - giving the 50's a job to do by making credits gathering supplies to build the city. Then there should be a siege/capture mechanic that allows guilds to fight over their cities. This is just the basis of the idea and I'm not going to take the time to explain everything, but look at a game like Shadowbane or EvE for idea.


The second end game content would be the raids. Since I don't raid I will have to have other players demonstrate how they could have developed that end game content for PvE right out of the gate.


Bottom Line - BioWare tried to make an online Single Player game, and label it as an MMO.

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what did they expect to happen when and i think im being nice 5% of the game population is 50 and the rest are still leveling?? fp's are gonna be hard to do but theres still a ton of things to do illum alone is Level 50 only.


Plus did they even watch/read the story??? the story's are freaking great and I'm told it continues for a bit after 50. There's also a crap load of side quests that add to the story. i could see not wanting to watch it all over again but i mean theres 8 different story's and light side dark side for each so 8 total story's and 16 variations.


I'd say (based on my server) about 35% of the population is 50, or at least within the last 5 levels of 45-50.

Edited by Brene
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Not only that but the one single end game raid was:


a.) Completely broken and impossible to finish.

b.) Required months of weekly runs to even get past the first few bosses because no reasonable gear was available any other way

c.) A total POS eyesore with generic bosses/trash reusing models from level 20 mobs and no storyline whatsoever.


Meanwhile there was:

a.) No PvP system whatsoever. No Honor, No PvP Gear, No Battlegrounds, No PvP Rewards. Well maybe warriors 1-shotting people with an arcanite reaper or warlocks fearing characters permanently was the pvp system.

b.) Buggy or ridiculously difficult 5-mans (basically not doable with any reasonable PuG).

c.) Extremely unstable servers. The game crashed completely for about a week after release and they had to give everyone a free month. Constant lag-fest/crashing subsequently.


It's easy to have rose colored glasses about games like WoW now that the've been out for years and have a boatload of added content but early on most of those games were much bigger trainwrecks with stupid and broken/lacking content compared to SWTOR.


Give it time. No company on Earth can make a game with the features/refinement of 2011 WoW at release. It is simply not economically or logistically possible.


YUP ! many of the big time raids were completed by less than 7% of the entire WoW population.


The one thing that MMO's could learn is to have a lot of activities. Wheather that be crafting , minning, fishing or other activities that might better geared to their OWN GAME. In other words: Learn some tactics from one of the more successful games. Take that information and traslate it into activities that palyers can relate to. In this case it would be for SWTOR.


WoW with an SWTOR wrapper will not work. BUT... if SWTOR Dev team designs activities that are related to their story line (wheather that would be raids, crafting skills, social activities or "pod racing", an intergalactic bass tourney (hey don't laugh ... it just might work ! ) ...


All of these things take time to develope. Rome was not built in a day ! There are always possibilities.

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In truth the "End Game" is where you are supposed to be after leveling, maybe calling max level gameplay "end game" is a misnomer. Still, the fact remains that no matter how many times you play the leveling game you still find yourself with a max level character or ten. There is validity in saying the game is about the journey, but, at the same time while you might like the stories enough to keep rehashing them over and over, the fact is that there are people who don't like the story enough to do that. So, for those players "end game" is where its at. If the game studio wants to retain subs then they have to make content for those players and yes you too. I myself don't really enjoy the leveling process enough to repeat it, more than once after my first main character gets to max level. I have a feeling that there probably are many other people out there that feel the same way, and for those of us that feel this way there should be a reason to keep paying the fee -ie raids, hard modes, and open world pvp in flippable zones. Not a rant just saying you can't put all of us in a box and say that our concerns don't matter.


if you don't like the story enough to watch it or go through the 8 different story lines which can all be replayed in dark or light side.. why are you here????? they've said for sometime the story was there MAIN focus your skipping what BW put the most effort into....


as well any end game in any mmo is pvp, raiding / dungeons / story (if they even have any story). end game is not considerd just reaching level cap and if some folks consider just getting to 50 end game then i doubt they have finished very many games in general at all..

Edited by Urieaal
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Guess what? Your friends play really fast. Not the game designers problem that there aren't many people playing at level 50 yet. A lot of people that got their just rolled alts to experience the cool lveling game anyway.


For a newly released MMO there is a ton to do at end game, so that argument is just WAAAAHHHH....!!!

Edited by Drallbait
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I recently hit 50 and I regret it. I joined a guild to raid but unfortunately the guild's raid hours did not match my playtime so I left. So I just sit around working on my crew skills which are useless anyway. PVP in this game is boring just like in any other MMO. For me good pvp is BF3 or MW2. This mmo is pretty much spam, spam, spam. Dailies like the ones on Illum are boring. Just ride around capping republic areas, while republic ride round caping Imperial areas.


Its my own fault for rushing through the content. I have no idea about the plot regaring my bounty hunter. Im not sure why I chose dark/light only that I space-bar through it all.


I ruined my own game experience.. But in the end that game experience at 50 is no better then WoW.


Probably the biggest mistake you can make is powerleveling to 50 to try to get world firsts.. Why?? Because this game is on rails. No one is around. No way to track world firsts.. Bunch of gulds just assuming they are...hoping to feel special. In less then a week my guild started turning into loot whores and wannabe elitests. For what reason? To show off your gear to the 20 people or so on Imperial fleet?


Anyway.. I have re-rolled and will enjoy the story. If I ever get to raid thats cool. If not, no big deal. This game is no UO or EQ, or WoW. The lasting appeal is only as long as the next big MMO to come along.

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this is one of the reasons not to rush to cap. While there are benefits of being able to corner the markets on crafting, being able to gank lowbies etc its really not hugely beneficial to be 50 unless you are with a bunch of other people that are also 50.


Its lonely at the top of the mountain.

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if you don't like the story enough to watch it or go through the 8 different story lines which can all be replayed in dark or light side.. why are you here????? they've said for sometime the story was there MAIN focus your skipping what BW put the most effort into....


as well any end game in any mmo is pvp, raiding / dungeons / story (if they even have any story). end game is not considerd just reaching level cap and if some folks consider just getting to 50 end game then i doubt they have finished very many games in general at all..


So, since I never said I was skipping the story you are convinced I am. I am here to play a game that was advertised as a game not a choose your own story book. The main focus of the game being story is cool, it's unique, and it took guts for them to spend that much money in an economy like we are in.


Again, I'm here to play the game, and if there is no game beyond the story then whats the point.


And one more time to get the point across, I AM HERE TO PLAY THE GAME. got it?


Don't need the personal attacks because you are a worshiper at the bioware alter, this thread is about the apparent lack of things to do at 50. So, since that has been said, quit expecting everyone here to only want to hear the story rather than play the game.

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Every MMO all over again.


The one thing NEITHER the players NOR the game companies seem to learn.


The players seem never to learn - Don't rush to max level; there most likely will be very little to do there; BECAUSE the game companies never seem to learn peple will rush to max level; so have something worthwhile there.



Even though the bottom line message NO MMO player seems to learn - MMOs are not about the end game, because the end game is an illusion. The "end game" is just an intermission to the next expansion. MMOs are about the journy, not the "win" because you cannot "win" an MMO. There is no defined parameters for "winning".


There is no "end" to an MMO. (well, unless you are Earth and Beyond, Auto Assault, Shadowbane or SWG hehehe).


For many gamers, the entire leveling process is something to slog through to get to the end-game which is where they want to be playing. While rushing to get to end-game as soon after launch as possible is a mistake, the really big mistake is launching a game without an end-game at all.

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Hint: Hardly anyone is 50 yet. Get it, meaning the other 95% is not yet 50. The guys who already hit 50 skipped most of the content. BW doesn't care about the 10%ers, they're the worst of the MMO bunch. Pretty hard to do much when hardly anyone is 50 since it requires grouping hmm?
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