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Launcher Issues (Re-installing whole game)


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Hi everyone,


This is impacting some players who are using the launcher and not Steam. If you are experiencing this issue, please do not download the current patch until we complete our investigation.


How could this have been tested before deployment?

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Alright, before I begin my attempt to jump in-game, I do want to note that I talked with my guild (or more accurately, my family of guilds, since we have guilds on both pub and imp side), and 2 pub guildies both confirmed they are in-game and having no issues atm.


And I also have not gotten a single download, even after leaving the launcher up for 15 minutes at least. I use the launcher and not Steam. I am a sub, if that makes any difference.


Alright, here goes nothing...


UPDATE: I just logged in to my Sith Inquisitor successfully. No problems thus far. Star Forge player, if that makes any difference.


UPDATE 2: Just checked my mail (GTN sales), and while I don't know if this is related in any way, shape, or form to the current launcher issues, some of the mails are saying a generic "Someone bought this item" without any description of the item bought nor the person buying it...and with no credit amount the GTN took as commissions.

Edited by TheRealKingCrazy
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Hi everyone,


This is impacting some players who are using the launcher and not Steam. If you are experiencing this issue, please do not download the current patch until we complete our investigation.


Stopping both systems.


We're both using the download launcher version, both are Windows 10, newish systems with fully updated and patched OSes.


Based on the logs, it seems that the launcher isn't able to validate the local version, so it's in a loop trying to get the "current" one.


I'm hoping that SWTOR's launcher isn't reliant upon the recently expired Let's Encrypt root CA cert (https://letsencrypt.org/docs/dst-root-ca-x3-expiration-september-2021/).

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Curious... everyone reporting, you are using the swtor launcher but do you also have bitraider disabled? I do so curious if it is just people with bitraider disabled or everyone using the launcher.


I have BitRaider disabled and got stuck with downloading Main Assets 1 loop.

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Hi everyone,


This is impacting some players who are using the launcher and not Steam. If you are experiencing this issue, please do not download the current patch until we complete our investigation.


So if we stop download will we have to re install game again?

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