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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dev's PVP push


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I dunno why y'all are pushing PVP, when you can't balance the game. Why are skank tanks a thing? Have you guys seen them? Plus there's a broken tactical they can use, it's fun, I won't lie. Pushing PVP is the worst idea, until you actually balance things. You guys don't play the game, I understand that, if you did you'd care. You can't even fix skank tanks, sigh
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Why single out the skank tanks when ranged classes have had slows roots teleports and gap close immunity for years? Did you complain about those too before force bound and grit teeth or do you really just have it out for skank tanks and "broken" jugg tactical users because you can't kite and laugh at them as much anymore?
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I guess you skipped over the part "actually balance" part. I guess you play skank tank and are attached to it, I do too, and if you don't think it's broken...


I saw your post in its entirety. If you're truly about balance then why single out one class when balance has been an issue before skank tank became "broken"? It looks very disingenuous. It looks like balance was never an issue for you until a class you don't main became "broken".


It doesn't matter if you play it too, it wouldn't be an issue if it were your main (why would anyone complain about being op at pvp?), but it is now because your preferred class isn't working out anymore. So I'll ask you again, did you complain about the advantages ranged classes had over juggs and knights too, or do you only care about balance when it's no longer in your favor?

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I dunno why y'all are pushing PVP, when you can't balance the game. Why are skank tanks a thing? Have you guys seen them? Plus there's a broken tactical they can use, it's fun, I won't lie. Pushing PVP is the worst idea, until you actually balance things. You guys don't play the game, I understand that, if you did you'd care. You can't even fix skank tanks, sigh


What do you mean by pushing pvp?

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What do you mean by pushing pvp?


Galactic Seasons POs.


@JYthelifesaver, skank tank is one of the more egregious outliers in reg WZs. running around with grit teeth is a bit obscene. every jugg spec would still be at or near the top of regs w/o it.


there are half a dozen threads about ops rolling around in regs.


and there's a couple good threads where septu and cflems address the incompatibility of most WZ maps with the hyped-up mobility abilities of most classes/specs in the game.


but you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice lolroll and grit teeth. they do stick out more than others in WZs.

Edited by CheesyEZ
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Galactic Seasons POs.


@JYthelifesaver, skank tank is one of the more egregious outliers in reg WZs. running around with grit teeth is a bit obscene. every jugg spec would still be at or near the top of regs w/o it.


there are half a dozen threads about ops rolling around in regs.


and there's a couple good threads where septu and cflems address the incompatibility of most WZ maps with the hyped-up mobility abilities of most classes/specs in the game.


but you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice lolroll and grit teeth. they do stick out more than others in WZs.


Juggs are a joke w/o grit teeth, its literally the only thing keeping them viable in pvp right now. Also when they pop ED, just mez them, its not that hard l2p.

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Juggs are a joke w/o grit teeth, its literally the only thing keeping them viable in pvp right now. Also when they pop ED, just mez them, its not that hard l2p.



and in ranked where everyone on your team has more than some vague sense of what they're doing and what the jugg is/can do, it is necessary for dps to compete.


in regs? just a mind-numbing (passive) "easy button." but you go on taking pot shots at me with your snide l2p. I get by just fine. it doesn't take a genius to note the overabundance of juggs on every map and scoreboard to figure out how "bad" they are. the tactical is overkill, and they'd be just fine w/o it in regs.

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I dunno why y'all are pushing PVP, when you can't balance the game. Why are skank tanks a thing? Have you guys seen them? Plus there's a broken tactical they can use, it's fun, I won't lie. Pushing PVP is the worst idea, until you actually balance things. You guys don't play the game, I understand that, if you did you'd care. You can't even fix skank tanks, sigh


Throw dots on them and they melt. Problem solved.

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in regs? just a mind-numbing (passive) "easy button." but you go on taking pot shots at me with your snide l2p. I get by just fine. it doesn't take a genius to note the overabundance of juggs on every map and scoreboard to figure out how "bad" they are. the tactical is overkill, and they'd be just fine w/o it in regs.


Every class has their own oh **** button, and no, i don't see that many juggs in regs, and the ones i see i can kill w/o problems, learn how their defenses work. Here's some advice, if they're stunned, saber ward does absolutely nothing(same for maras), so be careful when you white bar them.


If you wanna cry bout skank tanks, cry at bioware for making defensive stats completely useless in pvp.

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Galactic Seasons POs.


@JYthelifesaver, skank tank is one of the more egregious outliers in reg WZs. running around with grit teeth is a bit obscene. every jugg spec would still be at or near the top of regs w/o it.


there are half a dozen threads about ops rolling around in regs.


and there's a couple good threads where septu and cflems address the incompatibility of most WZ maps with the hyped-up mobility abilities of most classes/specs in the game.


but you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice lolroll and grit teeth. they do stick out more than others in WZs.



I thought you meant BW was forcing PvP.

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I thought you meant BW was forcing PvP.


eh. it's not a word I'd have chosen. but the op was referring to the way BW incentivizes (coerces, "forces") players to pvp by making it part of the GS POs.


honestly, it's not a big deal. but no reward is worth GSF. lol

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There is class and match making imbalance. PvP is a three-ring **** show, plain and simple, and has been since the days of kill trading on Illum.


honestly, it's not a big deal. but no reward is worth GSF. lol


These comments are a joy to read because they distill my frustration with regs perfectly. Plus, they're amusing as hades. Thank you.

Edited by Sappharan
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eh. it's not a word I'd have chosen. but the op was referring to the way BW incentivizes (coerces, "forces") players to pvp by making it part of the GS POs.


honestly, it's not a big deal. but no reward is worth GSF. lol


I use to feel the same way about GSF before GS. But I’m starting to have fun in GSF. You just have to think of it as a first person shooter on steroids (extra axis of movement) like you’re in a space suit with no ground and no up or down. If you think of it as a flight sim or space sim you will have a terrible time.


Also the learning curve for GSF is steeper than ground pvp because you’ve no pve equivalent to learn anything in. Your basically thrown in the deep end naked and told to kill space sharks with your barehands. LOL.


The one good thing is the GSF community is pretty accommodating and friendly. So they’re much more tolerant of new players. The matches can be relatively fast too. The only faster GS PO is if you get arena pops for your GS pvp PO. Otherwise GSF is the easiest, fastest and most stress free PO you can get for GS.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I have a feeling that all those "nerf skank tanks" posts here will make pt and sin tank useless even in regs with the next few updates... The last skank tank nerf bats hit all 3 classes and look how well that turned out Edited by Voroschuk
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I have a feeling that all those "nerf skank tanks" posts here will make pt and sin tank useless even in regs with the next few updates...


Since when have PT and Sin tank not been useless in regs? Dev's need to stop listening to these people on the forums constantly making complaint forums about why they can't kill a certain class and need to actually hope into some PVP and witness how absolutely terrible the average player has become. Any given WZ you have 5-6 or more solo queued people attacking random targets and letting healers freecast while trying to CC whitebarred opponents. It's not Grit teeth that is the problem. Its the unbalanced power creep that led to Grit teeth being a necessity in the first place. I remember when you had to play merc with just bubble and the %30 kolto rush and people got by just fine. Now everything has a teleport and a reflect.

Edited by juanmiranda
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Throw dots on them and they melt. Problem solved.


Oh, that simple, huh? Why didn’t thousands of people already think of that before :rolleyes:


While internal damage and dots help a lot, it’s still not the easy button you make it out to be. It doesn’t account for Grit Teeth combined with what is essentially a heal to full ability. Frankly, I’d have less of a problem with Grit Teeth if Enraged/Focused Defense healed as much as the Bounty Hunter/Trooper’s big heal. But since it’s just a straight up heal you to full ability, Grit Teeth is just broken.


And yes, I already know the token response to logic around here. “Ur bad, Juggs easy, l2p, hurr derrrrrrrr *drools*”.

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Since when have PT and Sin tank not been useless in regs?

They are underperforming even in regs rn that's true, but I can't say they are absolutely useless.

Sin tanks used to be very powerful before force speed dr and DV damage nerf. PT tanks were mediocre but you could still see much more people playing them before 6.x than rn.


It's just people were always complaining about skank tanks in general, but they forget that those tanks were never equally powerful in the first place. And now we have literally one immortal tank and others are so weak in comparison that it is pointless to pick them if you want to win in arenas

Edited by Voroschuk
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Oh, that simple, huh? Why didn’t thousands of people already think of that before :rolleyes:


While internal damage and dots help a lot, it’s still not the easy button you make it out to be. It doesn’t account for Grit Teeth combined with what is essentially a heal to full ability. Frankly, I’d have less of a problem with Grit Teeth if Enraged/Focused Defense healed as much as the Bounty Hunter/Trooper’s big heal. But since it’s just a straight up heal you to full ability, Grit Teeth is just broken.


And yes, I already know the token response to logic around here. “Ur bad, Juggs easy, l2p, hurr derrrrrrrr *drools*”.


Without grit teeth juggs would be trash. That said, the animation is super obvious. Stun them and don't attack them.

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Juggs are a joke w/o grit teeth, its literally the only thing keeping them viable in pvp right now. Also when they pop ED, just mez them, its not that hard l2p.


Rage Juggs are perfectly fine in regs without Grit teeth. I would go as far as saying Bioware could limit Grit Teeth to ranked pvp only because a dps Jugg shouldn’t be using it in pve content. The only reason we have grit teeth was because of ranked. So limiting it to ranked or only Jugg tanks outside of ranked is the simplest solution.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I use to feel the same way about GSF before GS. But I’m starting to have fun in GSF. You just have to think of it as a first person shooter on steroids (extra axis of movement) like you’re in a space suit with no ground and no up or down. If you think of it as a flight sim or space sim you will have a terrible time.


Also the learning curve for GSF is steeper than ground pvp because you’ve no pve equivalent to learn anything in. Your basically thrown in the deep end naked and told to kill space sharks with your barehands. LOL.


The one good thing is the GSF community is pretty accommodating and friendly. So they’re much more tolerant of new players. The matches can be relatively fast too. The only faster GS PO is if you get arena pops for your GS pvp PO. Otherwise GSF is the easiest, fastest and most stress free PO you can get for GS.


I could not agree more with this and I feel the exact same way. I avoided GSF before GS. Now, I am really enjoying it. I have gone from 300 dmg/no medals to 30000 dmg/4-5 medals. I realize that I still have work to do but I have really started to see some improvement recently.


As for the rest of this thread and pvp, getting ***** stomped in a match is always a possibility. It could happen to anyone and this includes new/inexperienced to the vets/experienced players. One of the attractions to pvp for me is the constant drive to become better. As many years as I have played, I know I am not up there with the elite players. I have been close, but have never been able to cross that line. This just makes me strive to get better by learning as much as I can about the venue.

Edited by Nickodemous
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Why single out the skank tanks when ranged classes have had slows roots teleports and gap close immunity for years? Did you complain about those too before force bound and grit teeth or do you really just have it out for skank tanks and "broken" jugg tactical users because you can't kite and laugh at them as much anymore?


Here is the problem with Skank Tank Jugg as is. They get Single Saber Mastery which increases you weapon dam by 20%. If I am correct when you play any tank spec it is a 10% decrease in damage that you deal. So Skank Tank Juggs actually get 10% increase due to Single Saber Mastery while all other classes get a 10% damage decrease. This should not be the case and should be reworked for tank spec Juggs.

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