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my computer just shuts off 10mins into playing


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about 10 mins into the game my computer just shuts off as if i have pulled the power out...

and every driver i can think of is up to date.!


my spec is..

Win7 64bit

8gb ddr3 ram

rampage III gene motherboard

I7 960 processor

60gb ssd main harddrive

500 gb harddrive (linked to the main hd)

geforce GTX460 1g

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thank you for you replay, i actually did a full clean before running the game for the first time, played well for the first 3 hrs, now its every first 10 15 mins into game play...


however my IOH temps run around 75-80c while playing, i forgot to mention that i have artic coolers in there, one on the cpu and 1 running out the system?

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Yeah it's most likely to be overheating. That's pretty much the only situation where a computer will shut itself down.


A good way of checking is to run a program called "CPUID Hardware Monitor" while playing the game. You'll be able to see the temperatures (and fan speeds) of all key system components.

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Sounds like overheating. Mine was doing the exact same thing in Beta. I used that CPUID program and my video card was running at 228 degrees. Bought a $30 cooling pad with a few fans in it, and I can run the game for hours with no problem at all.


Also try getting a can of compressed air and spraying out the fan and the insides if you can get the cover off with out causing problems.


Talk to the manufacturer and see if it is still in warranty. That should be something that is covered.

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ATM if you have your FPS uncapped your GPU will get pretty hot. While my sytem is capable of getting 100 + FPS, I cap it with VSYNC at 60 FPS and my overheating issue is gone.


i7 920

Win 7 64bit

GTX 260 x2 in SLI


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You know i had this problem a week ago. I could not find any reason why the computer was shutting down. I ran all kinds of test. No errors in event viewer. Found nothing. It was driving me crazy.


2 things could have been the reason it stopped shutting down..(did not reboot, just shut down):


1. Heat

2. PSU


I haven't cleaned my PC so it could be heat, but it stopped shutting down right before i got star wars.


I am guessing that maybe one of my fans on the PSU stopped working or was clogged. I think if the PSU overheats it shuts down. If your video card or CPU over heats it would reboot. I think my fan started working again and thats why it hasn't shut down in a week without me doing anything to fix it.


So i would look into your PSU.

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Umm I'm pretty sure some part of your computer is over heating (Its mostly the graphic card). I'd suggest cleaning your computer


Ditto, High spec games tend to cause computers with limited case fans / ventelation to overheat and shutdown for there own protection, try playing with the side of the case open with an external fan aimed inside.

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yes sorry guys i have a 700watt psu...


recently i have played for 45mins with no issue because i enable vsync, and noticed in BIOS my PCIE freq was 101, ive downgraded to 100...


oh like i first mentioned i did a full clean before playing including using gas duster to de-clogg everything...!


all is well at the mo

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Check to make sure your CPU cooler fan is working properly. Does your video card have a fan on it

check to make sure it is working. Try taking the one side panel off for more air circulation. Is your power supply large enough to handle all the extra goodies on your machine or it could be going bad on you.

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Your are most likely over heating, Open your PC and Blow out any Dust that may have accumulated over time. Take special care near the Memory chips, I have seen quite a large number of PCs where dust that has accumulated near the edge connectors of the Memory chips cause problems.




Exploring the Galaxy One Inch at a time.

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Sounds like your Power Supply unit to me.


Power supplies only have so many hours in them at peak wattage. If you're running a PSU at the bare minimum or close to it for it to power your PC they go out FAST. Once the PSU can no longer maintain the wattage necessary to optimally run the computer the computer forces a shut down.


It could be over heating hardware, but I doubt it. I've had this problem myself in the past.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im having the exact same problem. It's not overheating, my computer is clean, driver are up to date. I ran a furmark stress test for 15 minutes on the highest setting and my computer didnt even lag. It has to be an issue with the game. I tried re installing it, but that didnt work.



Win 7 64 bit.

8gb DDR3 ram

AMD Athlon II X4 640

NVIDIA GeForce 7025 (chipset)

NVIDIA nforce 630a (southbridge)

1tb ssd hard drive

GTX 560 ti (grapics card)

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about 10 mins into the game my computer just shuts off as if i have pulled the power out...

and every driver i can think of is up to date.!


my spec is..

Win7 64bit

8gb ddr3 ram

rampage III gene motherboard

I7 960 processor

60gb ssd main harddrive

500 gb harddrive (linked to the main hd)

geforce GTX460 1g


sometimes as soon as start the game mine turns off, but it never goes passed 10 min without turning off the whole system

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thank you for you replay, i actually did a full clean before running the game for the first time, played well for the first 3 hrs, now its every first 10 15 mins into game play...


however my IOH temps run around 75-80c while playing, i forgot to mention that i have artic coolers in there, one on the cpu and 1 running out the system?


80c!? Are you planning to fry an egg on that? I like mine scrambled.


My running temp is 24 to 32 degrees celcius overclocked. But I'm running a Peltier cooler. Two words Sythe Ninja.


My mother board is set to do an emergency shutdown at 70 c. "Shutdown IMMEDIATELY. I don't care if you have to crash a harddrive to do it. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200." It's a "no questions asked shutdown".


I suggest getting your operating temperature down.

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My answer was a little flipant, so I'll elaborate. 60c is hot enough to shorten the lifespan of your electronics. Anything beyond that is just going to make it happen that much faster.


Either your system is malfunctioning due to the temperature or, more likely, your motherboard is deciding to shutdown before it frys itself. Don't ever run your computer again until you can keep the temperature below 61 degrees celsius.

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