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Well, I did it and I don't know what the heck I was thinking


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Ok I admit you did a little better. Now its you're typical "getgud" response combined with "you young people got it easy".


The problem which you're argument is that most of the people that don't play objectives started off at some point playing objectives every game. Eventually they got to the point where they would play objectives and score top dps every match. When they reach this point, they start to realize objectives are boring, and require you to avoid pvping to win. Why would anyone sign up to pvp, but then avoid pvping just so they could win a match. A match that gives practically no rewards at all give 0 enjoyment to the player. You're just winning an obj match that you've played hundreds or maybe thousands, and gotten the same miniscule rewards each time. That experience is not fun for anyone, especially considering how easy it is to win a match. Players stop playing objectives because they realize they need a bigger challenge to get enjoyment out of the game. Why would you not take matters into your own hands and play the game so you can have fun. Why would you not play in a way that both maximizes you're enjoyment, and tests your skill and knowledge of your class at the same time.


I don't know how you have this idea that objective players are so skilled that they can score top dps and objs at the same time. Put a guild of pvpers up against a guild of objectives players that have been playing for equal lengths of time, and the objective players will be farmed every time without exception. I'll give you an example, our guild went up against a guild of objective players in a 4v4 match once. We beat them because we had more experience with actual pvp while they had experience on stealth capping nodes.


If its so easy to kill people in this game, why is it that every time a player goes from unranked to ranked, they get stomped while a bunch of ranked players are busy drinking up elo.


We actually have been taking our players into group ranked, and we have had great success. However, group ranked has stakes, and a win-loss record. That is probably one of the worst places to practice pvping. You don't practice for a sport game by playing at the main event. Its much better to pvp in an environment where there's no stakes, and you're taking on more pressure than what you take on from a team of 4 people.

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Ok I admit you did a little better. Now its you're typical "getgud" response combined with "you young people got it easy".


The problem which you're argument is that most of the people that don't play objectives started off at some point playing objectives every game. Eventually they got to the point where they would play objectives and score top dps every match. When they reach this point, they start to realize objectives are boring, and require you to avoid pvping to win. Why would anyone sign up to pvp, but then avoid pvping just so they could win a match. A match that gives practically no rewards at all give 0 enjoyment to the player. Winning an obj match that you've played hundreds or maybe thousands, and gotten the same miniscule rewards each time is not a fun experience for anyone. Why would you not take matters into your own hands and play the game so you can have fun. Why would you not play in a way that both maximizes you're enjoyment, and tests your skill and knowledge of your class at the same time.


I don't know how you have this idea that objective players are so skilled that they can score top dps and objs at the same time. Put any non objective guild of pvpers up against and objective guild of pvpers, and the objective players will be farmed every time. I'll give you an example, our guild went up against a guild of objective players in a 4v4 match once. We still beat them, because we had more experience with actual pvp while they had experience on stealth capping nodes.


If its so easy to kill people in this game, why is it that every time a player goes from unranked to ranked, they get stomped while a bunch of ranked players are drinking their tears.


Ok, believe what you want to justify a less skilled pvp play style in 8v8. It’s obvious you don’t get it because if you did, we wouldn’t need to have this conversation.

Tactics and strats are hard for some people who can’t stop and think before they break a cc or use a cc or interrupt a cap or actually click a node to cap it. The 8v8 game seems way to hard for some :rolleyes:

Maybe go play group ranked. You obviously think arena is the superior format and the ultimate arena format is group ranked. Solo ranked seems to be the toxic zone youre scared of, so you should be nice and safe in group ranked with your 3 other premade friends.

Seriously, running a 4 man premade in regs and saying it’s too hard to play objectives at the same time is just so ludicrous that it defies ridiculous.

Any real pvpers will read this discussion and laugh their heads off at “how hard or how much more skill is required to NOT play objectives”. LMAO.

I still can not get over how funny that statement is 😂


Edit: just so you realise, if you are a real 8v8 PVPer, objectives are part of the skill set. It’s not hard to play the objectives and top the dps. The fact that you don’t understand that is why you’ll never get it. Because if you are playing the objectives properly, you are where the fighting is anyway. So you have a better chance of getting more kills and damage at the objectives. I regularly top or nearly top the points in most 8v8 matches and sometimes I can spend a quarter of my time guarding. I top the dps because I’m still fighting at the node and people are trying to take it from me or I’m trying to take it from them by killing them all. Like I said, it’s not rocket science.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Tactics and strats are hard for some people who can’t stop and think before they break a cc or use a cc or interrupt a cap or actually click a node to cap it. The 8v8 game seems way to hard for some :rolleyes:.


Ok lets break this down then. As i said earlier, you don't need crazy tactics to win a warzone. Two Operatives that are working together is more than enough to win 90% of the time.



You obviously think arena is the superior format and the ultimate arena format is group ranked..


Yes, thats what they were designed to be. There is no greater test of team coordination and class knowledge than this right now given how easily 8v8's can be won with the current stealth meta.


Solo ranked seems to be the toxic zone youre scared of, so you should be nice and safe in group ranked with your 3 other premade friends..


You don't seem to recognize any of what happens in solo ranked. Wintrading and throwing is rampant there. If you're in the running to get top 3, and you aren't part of the "it" group, you get ddosed and death threats sent to you. And these are only the things that happen outside of the game. Inside of the game, you're dealing with people tracking you through the legacy ignore system just to harass you. You even have to be careful about when you que to make sure you don't run into throwers.


Seriously, running a 4 man premade in regs and saying it’s too hard to play objectives at the same time is just so ludicrous that it defies ridiculous..


You seem to have a knack for twisting words. I've already explained many times that objective play is boring and highly unrewarding compared to non-objective play. I don't understand why you keep defending a method of play that has a lower skill cap, but I'll try to put this in as simple of terms as possible. For non- objective play, you spend the entire time actively engaging the enemy at the biggest fight you can find. Not only is this more difficult than guarding a node as a stealth class, but you're also helping your team by keeping the enemy team from pursuing their own objectives. You're forcing the enemy to waste time that they could use for running orbs or capping a pylon. For objective players, its a win-win situation to have non-objective players on your team. You can watch your pylon and browse your phone at the same time, while the non-objective players handle the heavy lifting.

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Not exactly. A quick google search will tell you people don't want to remove arenas. They want a separate que for arenas where they can practice pvp in preparation for ranked. Right now they only way to do that is during preseason, or issuing a guild challenge which is a permanent mark on your guild's record. This just adds to my point that players are heavily unprepared for ranked when they have been playing objectives every match.


The statements you're saying make me think you've never qued for a ranked match before or ever glimpsed at the toxicity in pvp chat between ranked players.


Plenty of players love doing arenas because its the best test of skill between 4 players. As long as there's no toxicity, they're more enjoyment to be had out of that than trying to complete a weekly by explicitly avoiding pvp.


If you bothered to click on those links you'd learn that they want areans to have their own queue because they want them out of the warzone queue. They don't want to play arenas and thus they make those posts.

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In several threads here in the pvp forums I have eluded to many that in order to rebuild the pvp community....we needed some pvp guilds. Well, I created one over the weekend on SF <Truck You> (Republic) and just purchased a guild ship....The Truck Shack.


First, the name. Although I don't respond to a lot of threads in the forums I do read them. It would seem that many get trucked in pvp. I am looking to form a group that could reverse that trend and learn to truck the competition instead. You know, do the trucking instead of getting trucked. Hence the name, <Truck You> .


I am looking for mains/alts and experienced/inexperienced of any level initially to grow this thing. If interested, search <Truck You> in the social tab and look me up. I am usually on late afternoon - evenings during the week and during the day on weekends.


Sorry for posting this in the PVP forums but I knew you all would see it here.


When I get the time, I will create a sister Empire guild and I was thinking about naming it <You Just Got Trucked>


We will see if I can get this off the ground. If not, I can't say I didn't try at least.


Happy hunting! :)


should of named it the "Truck Stop".

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Why would we desire to not pvp in a game specifically dedicated to pvp?

Sorry, but you just seem to be unaware of what PvP abbreviation actually means. It doesn't mean kill everything that is red, it just means player versus player. That's all. That's it. It's an abrreviation used to call a gamemode with set rules where players compete against each other to achieve victory. In arenas - yeah that actually means kill your opponents before they kill you. In objectives based maps it means reach certain score before your opponents do it.


You may be shocked but there are PvP games out there where you can't even kill your opponents. Again, it's because PvP doesn't mean kill everything that is red. Games like Rocket League for example, you win there by scoring goals with the ball.


TL;DR PvP doesn't mean what many misinformed players think it means and playing objectives based PvP by ignoring objectives is playing totally wrong as objectives are essential part of PvP there, because they represent the means which players compete each other with to achieve victory. It's like entering a Poker tournament and trying to play by Blackjack rules.

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Warzones are better utilized as an environment where people can grow their skill as a pvper rather than guarding a node and avoiding pvp as a consequence.

Successful guarding of a node aka doing objectives in objectives based maps is the very essence of PvP. It's the thing that achieves you the victory in a player vs player gamemode based on doing objectives. You literally can't avoid PvP when you are doing it's very essence. Again, you just misplace PvP with killing stuff. Sorry, but it's not always the same. PvP is competing with other players to achieve victory, nothing else.


The vast majority of all the best pvpers aren't objective players.

Err, what? Best PvPers are simply players that win the most games. The more games you win the better PvPer you are. Simple as that. In arenas that means killing your opponents before they kill you, however in objectives based maps it means reaching certain score before your opponents do and guess what? You do this exactly by doing objectives, not ignoring them. :rolleyes:

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Sorry, but you just seem to be unaware of what PvP abbreviation actually means. It doesn't mean kill everything that is red, it just means player versus player. That's all. That's it. It's an abrreviation used to call a gamemode with set rules where players compete against each other to achieve victory. In arenas - yeah that actually means kill your opponents before they kill you. In objectives based maps it means reach certain score before your opponents do it.


You may be shocked but there are PvP games out there where you can't even kill your opponents. Again, it's because PvP doesn't mean kill everything that is red. Games like Rocket League for example, you win there by scoring goals with the ball.


TL;DR PvP doesn't mean what many misinformed players think it means and playing objectives based PvP by ignoring objectives is playing totally wrong as objectives are essential part of PvP there, because they represent the means which players compete each other with to achieve victory. It's like entering a Poker tournament and trying to play by Blackjack rules.


if this were true it would be called PwP (players playing with players) or something instead of PvP (player versus player). it seems you are the one who is "misinformed" as to what PvP means, you may want to look up the definition of versus. the fact of the matter is that "objing" or playing the objectives by definition is actually a PvE aspect within a PvP zone; by definition objects are part of the environment thus "objing" is literally PvE (player versus environment). so, now that we have properly described these therms and the aspects of warzones we can easily clear up the conundrum as to who the better PvPers are. which is simple, the people PvPing are the best PvPers, there is nothing to argue about, this is simple logic. as for "objers" they are not the best PvPers, in fact they aren't PvPing at all (except when they stop doing the objectives and actually PvP). technically they are the best PvErs in warzones.

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if this were true it would be called PwP (players playing with players) or something instead of PvP (player versus player). it seems you are the one who is "misinformed" as to what PvP means, you may want to look up the definition of versus. the fact of the matter is that "objing" or playing the objectives by definition is actually a PvE aspect within a PvP zone; by definition objects are part of the environment thus "objing" is literally PvE (player versus environment). so, now that we have properly described these therms and the aspects of warzones we can easily clear up the conundrum as to who the better PvPers are. which is simple, the people PvPing are the best PvPers, there is nothing to argue about, this is simple logic. as for "objers" they are not the best PvPers, in fact they aren't PvPing at all (except when they stop doing the objectives and actually PvP). technically they are the best PvErs in warzones.


If you can't do simple things like coordinating around the point while dpsing then you are the problem. If you feel the need to push an enemy to their spawn, only for a stealther to back cap you....you are the problem. Good pvpers can pay attention to the objectives while also topping the dps chart. If you don't want to play objectives, then go play arenas....that's what its there for.

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If you can't do simple things like coordinating around the point while dpsing then you are the problem. If you feel the need to push an enemy to their spawn, only for a stealther to back cap you....you are the problem. Good pvpers can pay attention to the objectives while also topping the dps chart. If you don't want to play objectives, then go play arenas....that's what its there for.


"you are the problem, you are the problem" shut up snowflake. i join warzones to PvP, as does a significant portion of the population. you and anyone else can do all the objs you want, myself and others will continue to get 2-10x more damage, kills, and farm everyone who is playing objectives in warzones no matter how much you PvErs dislike it. this will never change, no matter what you do or say for all perpetuity. so, if YOU don't want to PvP then go do ops, fps, heroics, dailies, or any of the other PvE (objective) based content in the game... that's what they're there for.

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If you can't do simple things like coordinating around the point while dpsing then you are the problem. If you feel the need to push an enemy to their spawn, only for a stealther to back cap you....you are the problem. Good pvpers can pay attention to the objectives while also topping the dps chart. If you don't want to play objectives, then go play arenas....that's what its there for.


This is exactly right. A good 8v8 pvper has situational awareness to watch the nodes and also understands that you can still fight at the nodes and get your kills.


Raansu is right, if all you can do is run around in a pack and kill stuff with no regard for winning, then 8v8 pvp isn’t for you.

You should exclusively queue for Arena pvp. You have two choices there, if you like to be in premades, then queue up group ranked. If you like to run solo, then queue solo ranked. Problem solved.


"you are the problem, you are the problem" shut up snowflake. i join warzones to PvP, as does a significant portion of the population. you and anyone else can do all the objs you want, myself and others will continue to get 2-10x more damage, kills, and farm everyone who is playing objectives in warzones no matter how much you PvErs dislike it. this will never change, no matter what you do or say for all perpetuity. so, if YOU don't want to PvP then go do ops, fps, heroics, dailies, or any of the other PvE (objective) based content in the game... that's what they're there for.


It’s obvious 8v8 pvp isn’t your cup of tea. You don’t care about winning or playing the objectives. Maybe 8v8 is beyond your skill LvL to play properly, which is fine as you can always queue ranked to play the format that suits your skills.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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"you are the problem, you are the problem" shut up snowflake. i join warzones to PvP, as does a significant portion of the population. you and anyone else can do all the objs you want, myself and others will continue to get 2-10x more damage, kills, and farm everyone who is playing objectives in warzones no matter how much you PvErs dislike it. this will never change, no matter what you do or say for all perpetuity. so, if YOU don't want to PvP then go do ops, fps, heroics, dailies, or any of the other PvE (objective) based content in the game... that's what they're there for.


He is not a snowflake. One can disagree with another without being a snowflake. There are posters here who are snowflakes...Raansu does not fit the bill.


PvP does not mean TDM. TDM is a subset of PvP, as is Objective PvP. Dunno why that concept is beyond your grasp. The goal is to do a thing: Kill the other players before they kill you (ranked), or win a match by completing the objectives before your opponents do. But, your opponents are live players who can attempt to stop you by engaging in combat.

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"you are the problem, you are the problem" shut up snowflake. i join warzones to PvP, as does a significant portion of the population. you and anyone else can do all the objs you want, myself and others will continue to get 2-10x more damage, kills, and farm everyone who is playing objectives in warzones no matter how much you PvErs dislike it. this will never change, no matter what you do or say for all perpetuity. so, if YOU don't want to PvP then go do ops, fps, heroics, dailies, or any of the other PvE (objective) based content in the game... that's what they're there for.


If you have to "farm" and ignore objectives to get your high dps then you're just not a good pvper, sorry. I had an 11k dps match yesterday while also paying attention to the objective. It aint that difficult dude. If you don't have the aptitude to multitask and to turn your camera to face the objective and attack people trying to cap while doing your dps and killing players/coordinating CC's to help cap points etc..... then maybe you should stick to arenas?

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This is exactly right. A good 8v8 pvper has situational awareness to watch the nodes and also understands that you can still fight at the nodes and get your kills.


Raansu is right, if all you can do is run around in a pack and kill stuff with no regard for winning, then 8v8 pvp isn’t for you.

You should exclusively queue for Arena pvp. You have two choices there, if you like to be in premades, then queue up group ranked. If you like to run solo, then queue solo ranked. Problem solved.


so, if YOU don't want to PvP then go do ops, fps, heroics, dailies, or any of the other PvE (objective) based content in the game... that's what they're there for.


It’s obvious 8v8 pvp isn’t your cup of tea. You don’t care about winning or playing the objectives. Maybe 8v8 is beyond your skill LvL to play properly, which is fine as you can always queue ranked to play the format that suits your skills.


first you make an incorrect assumption, that being that PvPers only run around in packs zerging people, which is false. typically, if they are any good they will go to where the most enemies are; where ever the most damage can be done. which means, just because all seven of your other team mates are ganking one enemy player doesn't mean you should go for that one enemy player too. if they're any good, even if the other seven enemies are in mid and your team is elsewhere you would attack them. that is PvP, that is prioritizing the PvP aspect of warzones over the PvE (obj) aspect of warzones. there is nothing wrong with that, and that is exactly what the best PvPers do. secondly, your attempt to insult me by making a completely illogical statement is laughable, all i can say to that is you might want to get check out and make sure you have any marbles up there.


He is not a snowflake. One can disagree with another without being a snowflake. There are posters here who are snowflakes...Raansu does not fit the bill.




PvP does not mean TDM. TDM is a subset of PvP, as is Objective PvP. Dunno why that concept is beyond your grasp. The goal is to do a thing: Kill the other players before they kill you (ranked), or win a match by completing the objectives before your opponents do. But, your opponents are live players who can attempt to stop you by engaging in combat.


i don't know why it's beyond your grasp to understand that there are different aspects of warzones, which i have already explained. there are multiple goals, one of which is, yes, a PvE aspect (objs); to win the match. however another aspect or purpose of warzones is PvP to fight and kill other players, which you are so myopically labeling as "TDM". it all boils down to the fact that is subjective depending on the person playing it, for PvPers it is about fighting and killing other players. for PvErs it's about objectives. to say that warzones is only about objectives, is exactly like saying "SWTOR is only about raids". it's myopic, stupid, and false.


If you have to "farm" and ignore objectives to get your high dps then you're just not a good pvper, sorry. I had an 11k dps match yesterday while also paying attention to the objective. It aint that difficult dude. If you don't have the aptitude to multitask and to turn your camera to face the objective and attack people trying to cap while doing your dps and killing players/coordinating CC's to help cap points etc..... then maybe you should stick to arenas?


this whole assumption you guys are promoting that PvPers CANNOT play objectives is retarded, and yet again false. if we wanted to do 12-16k dps and get 20+ medals we could, in fact many of us used to. that's EASY, PvPers choose not to do objs. it's not a question of ability. if you think getting 12k dps and 18 or 20 medals is harder than getting 20k+ dps, you're a moron - the end. 11k dps, that's cute, call me back when you at least do 20k+ dps/hps and have 80+ kills playing those objectives then we can have a logical discussion. whoops, that'll never happen as long as you're playing objs.

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If you have to "farm" and ignore objectives to get your high dps then you're just not a good pvper, sorry. I had an 11k dps match yesterday while also paying attention to the objective. It aint that difficult dude. If you don't have the aptitude to multitask and to turn your camera to face the objective and attack people trying to cap while doing your dps and killing players/coordinating CC's to help cap points etc..... then maybe you should stick to arenas?


Exactly this. A good player can do both. A less skilled player can’t.

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first you make an incorrect assumption, that being that PvPers only run around in packs zerging people, which is false. typically, if they are any good they will go to where the most enemies are; where ever the most damage can be done. which means, just because all seven of your other team mates are ganking one enemy player doesn't mean you should go for that one enemy player too. if they're any good, even if the other seven enemies are in mid and your team is elsewhere you would attack them. that is PvP, that is prioritizing the PvP aspect of warzones over the PvE (obj) aspect of warzones. there is nothing wrong with that, and that is exactly what the best PvPers do. secondly, your attempt to insult me by making a completely illogical statement is laughable, all i can say to that is you might want to get check out and make sure you have any marbles up there.


this whole assumption you guys are promoting that PvPers CANNOT play objectives is retarded, and yet again false. if we wanted to do 12-16k dps and get 20+ medals we could, in fact many of us used to. that's EASY, PvPers choose not to do objs. it's not a question of ability. if you think getting 12k dps and 18 or 20 medals is harder than getting 20k+ dps, you're a moron - the end. 11k dps, that's cute, call me back when you at least do 20k+ dps/hps and have 80+ kills playing those objectives then we can have a logical discussion. whoops, that'll never happen as long as you're playing objs.


We aren’t assuming anything. We are responding to your statements that say you can’t do as high dps if you have to play objectives too. We also know you run in premade packs. So where is the incorrect assumption?


And we aren’t saying pvpers can’t do “x”. We are saying good pvpers can do both. Your whole argument that you’re a pvper because you don’t do objectives and we by your definition must not be because we also play the objectives is ludicrous. We play the objectives and kill at the same time = play vs player in both combat skill and tactical/strategic thinking. Or in our case brains and brawn vs brawn alone. 8v8 is a thinking persons pvp.


Calling us names like “morons” because your points don’t hold up under closer scrutiny or you don’t agree with our points only shows how little you understand about pvp in this game.

If you actually understood the mechanics of the 8v8 maps properly and could play the game properly, you’d know that you can top all the charts by playing the objectives vs someone who chases kills.


I’ve literally watch people of your ilk all congregate in an area away from the objectives to fight and try and kill a handful of players who have a tank and healer with them. They spend their whole game there trying to buff their numbers and then lose. All the while a few people on both teams play the objectives while fighting each other and we still out dps your number crunching squad.


Why do we out dps your numbers you ask? Well because we are fighting at the objectives where the other side need to guard or take them. What is so hard about that to understand? The only objective map that dps doesn’t really matter as much is Hutt ball. But all the other objective maps “require” you to be able to kill the other team to take or guard those objectives. If you are off fighting away from those objectives, then you will have less people to fight and you will lose most of the time against a handful of players who can do both. So heres some hard logic for you to digest. You will find more people to kill by playing the objectives than not playing them. That is how we out dps you guys by playing the objectives while you only number crunch


You say you can play objectives and get 20 medals, then prove it by doing so.


What I don’t understand is why you even play 8v8 pvp if your preferred pvp is death match. Why aren’t you playing group or solo ranked pvp that is specifically designed for your play style.

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The only objective map that dps doesn’t really matter as much is Hutt ball. But all the other objective maps “require” you to be able to kill the other team to take or guard those objectives..


Huttball played correctly actually requires a lot of dps. You need to hold mid to control the ball, and in order to hold mid you need good dps to clear out the enemy team. A lot of people fail to do that and will have the whole team follow along with the ball carrier fighting when in reality it only takes 1-3 players to score quickly depending on the class that has the ball.


Oh hey....look at that, doing an objective requires pvping. If only the other dude could grasp that concept. Too bad the removal of 8v8 ranked has got players like him thinking the way he does.

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Huttball played correctly actually requires a lot of dps. You need to hold mid to control the ball, and in order to hold mid you need good dps to clear out the enemy team. A lot of people fail to do that and will have the whole team follow along with the ball carrier fighting when in reality it only takes 1-3 players to score quickly depending on the class that has the ball.


Oh hey....look at that, doing an objective requires pvping. If only the other dude could grasp that concept. Too bad the removal of 8v8 ranked has got players like him thinking the way he does.


I don’t disagree, just trying to say to that other poster that Hutt ball dps probably matters a bit less than the other 8v8 maps if your goal is to win. Positioning, tactics and strategy (plus the right classes) are probably as important than over all kills or dps. And you are correct, dps and kills are still a major requirement in Hutt ball because you need to hold the respawn and kill the ball carriers or supporters.


Sadly, I don’t think there is anything we can say that will get through to the other poster. They’ve obviously got no affinity for 8v8 pvp or the required skills to play it properly. It’s why so many of their ilk default to death matching and then make the most lame and ludicrous excuses for not playing the objectives.


What I don’t understand is why they don’t go play ranked? It’s specifically designed for their mind set and preferred game style. Why do they even bother with 8v8 if they don’t consider it proper pvp.

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What I don’t understand is why they don’t go play ranked? It’s specifically designed for their mind set and preferred game style. Why do they even bother with 8v8 if they don’t consider it proper pvp.


Because they probably get blown up in arenas lol.

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Only way you're doing 20k dps in a warzone is by doing fluff dot numbers and the other team has 2-3 healers. Congrats I guess though. Max DPS in pve is around 26k and that's generally on a static dummy. PvP focuses so heavily on burst that if you're playing correctly you should be bursting down and killing enemies quickly. If you're popping off 20k in a warzone you're basically just parsing against someone being healbotted and killing no one.


People like you are free kills honestly. You're the type of player thats out in the middle of nowhere trying to 1v1 someone that I tend to global on my way to the objective point. If you're capable of dpsing and doing the objective then *********** do it, else get the **** out of warzones and go queue arenas.


it's the other way around, people like you are the kind of people who get completely farmed in every single game by people who are focusing on PvPing and still lose a majority of the games too lmao. i don't know if you've simply only ever played with terrible players or what, but i guarantee you are not outperforming the people that are solely focusing on PvP whilst doing objectives, it's simply not possible, especially if you only play burst specs. you wouldn't happen to play on SS would you? because that would explain alot as why you think the way you do.


We aren’t assuming anything. We are responding to your statements that say you can’t do as high dps if you have to play objectives too. We also know you run in premade packs. So where is the incorrect assumption?


well, almost everything you've been stating is incorrect. so you're either assuming or arguing in bad faith. i really don't care which it is, either way you're wrong. not being able to outdps someone of equal skill if they're focusing solely on PvP while doing objectives is not an opinion, it's a physical fact. some guy who only has to paint one house will paint that house faster then if had to paint two houses, arguing this is folly. and you even reiterated one of your false assumptions again, good. i only ever run in a full premade less than a single night a month. if i had to estimate, i would say i run in two man groups about 35% of the time, and am queueing solo 64% of the time. that's a perfect example of a false assumption that you made.


And we aren’t saying pvpers can’t do “x”. We are saying good pvpers can do both. Your whole argument that you’re a pvper because you don’t do objectives and we by your definition must not be because we also play the objectives is ludicrous. We play the objectives and kill at the same time = play vs player in both combat skill and tactical/strategic thinking. Or in our case brains and brawn vs brawn alone. 8v8 is a thinking persons pvp.


part of this is true, good pvpers can do both. fact, they just prefer not to. that's isn't to say that none of the people who do both are good, some of them are decent. but they aren't as good as the people who are solely PvPing, which is why they are outperformed most of the time. i believe this part of the argument stems not from when "you were saying good PvPers can do both", but rather when you guys were arguing about who the best pvpers are.


Calling us names like “morons” because your points don’t hold up under closer scrutiny or you don’t agree with our points only shows how little you understand about pvp in this game.


this is nothing more than self -projection.


If you actually understood the mechanics of the 8v8 maps properly and could play the game properly, you’d know that you can top all the charts by playing the objectives vs someone who chases kills.


again, this is incorrect. if you took two players of equal skill and put them in the same match, on the same team, the person focusing solely on PvP will outdps the player who is also doing objectives 999/1000. usually by ludicrous amounts of damage.


blah, blah, blah


im not even going to address the rest of your post trixxie. i've seen you play, i know you come in near the bottom of the chart every game. you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and your statements and assumptions are delusional.

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im not even going to address the rest of your post trixxie. i've seen you play, i know you come in near the bottom of the chart every game. you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and your statements and assumptions are delusional.


LMAO 😂 you’ve never seen me play because I don’t advertise my character names and none of them have the word Trixxie in them. So right here we can see you are lying through your teeth because your argument is falling apart around you.


I’ve also noticed you’ve not once answered why you don’t queue ranked instead of 8v8. Care to explain that to us?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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SS is deader than dead. Why would I play on a server that should have been merged into SF years ago. I also find it hilarious that you think its impossible to top the dps chart and do objectives. How hard is it to stay near an objective point and keep your camera pointed towards it and sometimes tab to the guy trying to cap the point? The MAJORITY of the maps REQUIRE you to fight to cap points....thus being pvp.


Odessen is probably the only map that doesn't centralize fighting near objectives due to its king of the hill style with random spawn points and even then there's at least one point that has heavy fighting involved. Regardless, every map in some form or fashion requires you to fight other players to control the objective. Its not a hard concept.


Like I've said several times now. If you want pure TDM then stick to arenas. Don't be a hypocrite like another poster in this thread talking about 4v4 being toxic and then turning around and being toxic in warzones by just being a numbers farmer with his premade giving legitimate premades a bad look.

Edited by Raansu
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LMAO 😂 you’ve never seen me play because I don’t advertise my character names and none of them have the word Trixxie in them. So right here we can see you are lying through your teeth because your argument is falling apart around you.


I’ve also noticed you’ve not once answered why you don’t queue ranked instead of 8v8. Care to explain that to us?


well if the merc/mando on SF that is named "trixxietriss" is not you, then i guess you have an imposter. either way they're terrible.


i think it is you though :)

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