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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Please make sure to include this video in the OP clearly demonstrating ability jamming.


Out of all the issues you have stated in regards to ability delay, this is by far the MOST frustrating. MUST SEE!



- Credits to Belliflop

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I play a Jedi guardian, and I have had moments where I will press an INSTANT ability, the cooldown will activate, but it will get CANCELED and nothing will happen. This HAS to stop.


Also, I have been getting the error message not facing target in PVP A LOT. When I am pressing an ability I am clearly facing them on my screen. I am sorry, but figure out how Blizzard does it AND DO THE SAME!!!!!!

Edited by Xandaroud
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Even as a casual gamer I find this really frustrating as well.


You don't have to be in a warzone or flashpoint feel the pain of this. There have been several times I was trying to take down a tough boss in my class storyline and I died because I couldn't get off a finishing skill... ouch.


But in general, every fight I step into feels a bit laggy and awkward. And I'm not a "clicker" either. I hotkey everything and in fact, I have very nimble fingers because I play the harp!


And on that note, it makes think - Imagine how it would be if I were trying to play my harp but the strings didn't make their lovely "ding" each time I plucked one? Or they did but only 1 or 2 second later? Nothing would harmonize the melody would be ruined. Awful, just awful. Who could play like that?


It's the same in the game. You just can't play like that and expect to make "beautiful music" or rather, precision skill usage.

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Honestly, apart from the speeder casting issue, I'm not having noticable problems with character delay. It could be that I don't notice it due to lag (I'm in Aus, generally ~200 latency), but I'm generally able to use skills straight after eachother (followthrough as soon as I finish casting snipe/ambush, for example, though I do remember some cases in which it didn't work).


I'm not trying to jump to Bioware's defence or anything, there's definately room for improvement in this regard. It just doesn't seem like a super huge issue to me.

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Even as a casual gamer I find this really frustrating as well.


You don't have to be in a warzone or flashpoint feel the pain of this. There have been several times I was trying to take down a tough boss in my class storyline and I died because I couldn't get off a finishing skill... ouch.


But in general, every fight I step into feels a bit laggy and awkward. And I'm not a "clicker" either. I hotkey everything and in fact, I have very nimble fingers because I play the harp!


And on that note, it makes think - Imagine how it would be if I were trying to play my harp but the strings didn't make their lovely "ding" each time I plucked one? Or they did but only 1 or 2 second later? Nothing would harmonize the melody would be ruined. Awful, just awful. Who could play like that?


It's the same in the game. You just can't play like that and expect to make "beautiful music" or rather, precision skill usage.


Playing guitar myself I completely understand!


I support this! 100% please fix the problem I love this game but this is killing me!

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I support this thread. It's a very serious issue and i'm glad to hear they're working on a fix.


BioWare claims to be "investigating the issue", but I for one, do not have much confidence in their ability to address this matter.


This issue of ability delay has been present ever since SWTOR's inception, and honestly, how these gamebreaking bugs making it past internal testing is BEYOND ME, let alone open beta...


I will give them till the end of my free month.


That, and Lead Combat Designer Georg Zoeller should be fired.

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I love you for bringing this issue to attention!


This is the EXACT and NUMBER ONE reason why I don't stick to other MMOs. I really enjoyed Aion in a sense, but the horrific ability delay in that game made me stop playing. This goes the same for LotRO, WAR, AoC, and more. Why is it that only WoW can solve this issue, but others can't? I seriously don't get it! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the stupid ability delay! I've tried to explain it to others on other MMO forums in the past, but couldn't explain it better than you did.


Apologies for comparing, but this is why I played WoW for a long time! Raiding and PvP was always "fluid" unless you had FPS or latency issues. I really wish new MMOs in the future will be able to fix this, because it is the first thing I look for when playing in any new MMO beta/game.


Thank you sir!

Edited by Jauxsi
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Even as a casual gamer I find this really frustrating as well.


You don't have to be in a warzone or flashpoint feel the pain of this. There have been several times I was trying to take down a tough boss in my class storyline and I died because I couldn't get off a finishing skill... ouch.


But in general, every fight I step into feels a bit laggy and awkward. And I'm not a "clicker" either. I hotkey everything and in fact, I have very nimble fingers because I play the harp!


And on that note, it makes think - Imagine how it would be if I were trying to play my harp but the strings didn't make their lovely "ding" each time I plucked one? Or they did but only 1 or 2 second later? Nothing would harmonize the melody would be ruined. Awful, just awful. Who could play like that?


It's the same in the game. You just can't play like that and expect to make "beautiful music" or rather, precision skill usage.




Good post and simile.

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Would you rather they let the thread die and not even attempt to expand it? They obviously care about the issue, just because they can't solve it in a week doesn't mean they don't care whatsoever.


Maybe not, but we need a better response than what we've been given.


Personally if a BioWare rep says "This is our #1 priority and it WILL be fixed," I will be happy with that, and continue playing the game. If a BioWare rep says "This is unfixable as it's part of the game engine," I will acknowledge that, and then just quit the game.


If I get neither response, I'll likely quit anyway.

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This is getting to be so comically bad. It's the absolute worst on my Assassin. Cast Recklessness and ANY instant after that and the second spell triggers the GCD with no response.


Try force shroud + force cloak, watch as the force cloak gets stuck and will literally not trigger for 10+ seconds.


I think it is way worse for melees.

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Ive read what a very small few are calling an "ability-delay" or lack of responsiveness in combat. I've tried to recreate the issue and can't. Im not sure there is any ability-dalay whatsoever; however there may be a "learn-to-play" issue. This is not meant to be argumentive so please keep it civil. What I mean is that some are really used to just button smashing combat (WoW), or being able to queue abilities (LOTRO), and are missing one of the neatest features of SWTOR: The Combat.


In this game, to maximize your damage, you really need to focus on your character and watch their swing (Im speaking as a Marauder here). You CAN NOT start another swing until your last one finishes. This is not "ability-delay" this is actually having a game that is trying to move the genre away from button smashing and into something a little more logical. Watch your toon and time your swings -- works great and is much more fluid than a simple button smasher style combat. I love it!


I for one hope they change nothing about the combat system. The combat is the most fun I have had in an MMO and I have played the majority of them.


I also hope they realize only a very small, vocal minority, are complaining and leave it alone.

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It appears Bioware failed to hire forum 'people?'. It would be nice to have them get on the thread and start talking to us, as much as i hate to bring up WoW for the 100th time in the thread...they'd have blue posts on this already.
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It appears Bioware failed to hire forum 'people?'. It would be nice to have them get on the thread and start talking to us, as much as i hate to bring up WoW for the 100th time in the thread...they'd have blue posts on this already.


It's been commented on already by BioWare reps, and I think BioWare is still trying to ... figure out how to respond more appropriately, if that makes sense.

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