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My sincere apologies to Galactic Starfighter team mates


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And "you're welcome" to the other team that gets easy kills.


So yesterday one of my Galactic Seasons objectives was to play unranked pvp. No. No, I'm not going to do that, not a chance. The obvious course of action was to reroll it... and I got "Complete any Starfighter match"... :mad: Being tired of only half my Seasons objectives being counted either due to bugs or undesirable content, I queued for the match. At least one day a week I'd like to finish both objectives.


Since I'm rubbish at this particular part of the game, I have barely played it at all and this was the first time in who knows how long. I think I had 1 kill maybe and like 7 deaths. That probably made it as enjoyable for my team as it was for me. In other words, not at all. And what happens today? The same stupid thing. Not sure if I should punish myself and the other players by queuing again, or stick to just punishing myself by having half my Seasons done today; or maybe even none, if the other objective refuses to count progress again. sigh

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Everybody who has ever done GSF has been terrible at it at first, so that isn't something you'd have to worry about OP!

Sadly, GSF has an awful in-game tutorial. Still, doing it once or twice helps a bit.

teaches you a great deal about flight basics. Entire channel has lots of useful videos made to teach you GSF.


Here is a written guide aimed at total beginner.


Literal GSF Manual written by Jinnora. < - -**Has good and up to date ship build recommendations**


There is going to be a GSF tutorial event on Star Forge, May 8th. Plan is to use the custom battle mode to our advantage. (=nobody is going to be shooting at new pilots, you can check ui out at peace and fly around, figure targeting computer out and so on)


...Just watch the 3 min long video, and you already well on your way.


Starter friendly ships, Imp/Rep: Rycer/Starguard, Pike/Quell, Bloodmark/Spearpoint


With Bloodmark that has been build even a little bit, you can already be an important part of your team during satelite- matches. Use the build recommended in Jinnora's manual. Your systems ability(behind 1-key) is called Tensor Field. It is an AOE buff that makes you and all around you fly a bit faster for a while. Tensor your team at the beginning, like 1 second after you and all others have just spawned. Communicate your intention to do so before match starts. Tell your team you are new and want to tensor. Some vet level pilot who cares about teamwork would do it if you won't. So that frees the vet to do other things. Tensor, head to a satelite asap, drop your healing drone and survie as long as you can. Grats, you just became one of the most important players in your team during the early stages of a satelite match.

Edited by Stradlin
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If it's any consolation, about 15 minutes ago we finally completed a GSF Team Deathmatch where the score ended 50-1. Yes, 50-1.


I can't honestly tell if we were fighting a premade or if we had a multiboxer, but sadly I was unable to capture proof because my Print Screen key on my keyboard is for whatever reason not functioning correctly.


If the entire goal was to increase interest in PvP by adding those daily POs, then sorry, but all you're gonna get is players just queueing in, flying around with no intention of capturing objectives or damaging opponents, complete the match and then go back to PvE.


Faction war/PvP is unfortunately very, very dead. And studios who attempt to revive it have paid the price. Cases of point:


RIFT: Attempted to release a Battle Pass and increase interest in PvP. That game is now in maintenance mode, with devs essentially releasing small changes only once in a blue moon.

World of Warcraft: Released Battle for Azeroth as an attempt to prove to shareholders that faction war wasn't dead. Mass exodus of players ensued, and it took a re-release of the classic version of the game as well as a complete redesign of the entire game (from the tutorial to the leveling system to even classes abilities) to finally stop the bleeding. The mass exodus also caused other MMOs to have to spin up additional server hardware to handle all the new players.


Make no mistake. If players wanted to PvP, they'd go play a MOBA or a team-based FPS.

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Lol, you're certainly not alone. I think I would also say that I'm not the best teammate, as I tend to tunnel vision on kills than objectives. There's nothing wrong with skipping PVP objectives if you don't feel like doing it, but don't let being bad at it deter you from queing up. With so many new players trying out GSF/Warzones, I don't think your inexperience will stand out. There are a lot of other people in the same boat, including me.
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So far the best thing about Galactic Seasons is that it's caused me to play GSF. I've played a ton of matches. I slowly moving up from catastrophically bad to the bottom rungs of mediocre. It's a big improvement lol.


To the OP and anyone else: I wouldn't worry about being bad. Everyone is bad at first. It seems to just be generally accepted by the GSF vets.


The emotional energy of GSF matches is the complete opposite of PvP matches. I've noticed no toxicity what-so-ever.


I think maybe the issue is that most PvPers mistakenly believe that they were always good at PvP (despite the fact that many of them are still not good at PvP lol.) But I don't think anyone is so delusional as to believe that they were always good at GSF.


Anyway, I think no one minds that noobs noob it up in GSF. Those who really care about the game mode seem to feel that it just goes with the territory.

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If the entire goal was to increase interest in PvP by adding those daily POs, then sorry, but all you're gonna get is players just queueing in, flying around with no intention of capturing objectives or damaging opponents, complete the match and then go back to PvE.



That's exactly what I'm doing. I haven't even read what abilities I have, and I don't really care. The game modes I'd want to play are not in conquest every week and crafting was nuked completely. GSF gives thousands of conquest points from doing nothing, and as a bonus it gives GS points. So yeah, I can join a match or two and fly around watching the scenery to get free conquest and GS points. At least I can do something else the same time. While I was still doing conquest properly I actually had to work for the points, but now I get it all for free.


As I said in some post earlier, devs can force me to enter but they can't force me to contribute. Having witnessed how GSF players treat people who prefer other game modes and campaign towards nuking and nerfing the other game modes. Those people have ruined the game from me so I might as well return the favor and benefit from it.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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. That probably made it as enjoyable for my team as it was for me. In other words, not at all. And what happens today? The same stupid thing. Not sure if I should punish myself and the other players by queuing again, or stick to just punishing myself by having half my Seasons done today; or maybe even none, if the other objective refuses to count progress again. sigh


my suspicion for GSF is the same for WZs: BW wants to inflate the numbers of players in queue. this is also a way of justifying their "changes" to reg WZs. oh look? the deserter debuff and WZ quest changes resulted in more ppl in WZ! no arse-hat. you pushed them in their with irrelevant seed quests for GS/conquest.


hey! ppl aren't auto dropping Quesh and Vandin! the system works now! :rolleyes:

Edited by foxmob
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Warzones are just the same as the rest of the game with (arguably) better enemy AI. There are red mobs to kill and clickies to click. If you don't want to play objectives, just fight red and support your teammates like you'd do in PVE.


Maybe make a new PVP char with a class you are comfortable with and list for the level 10-74 bracket. That gives you an advantage over players who just learn how to play their class, and nobody expects wonders from a level 10 anyway.



As for GSF: I'm in the same boat here, but have a more relaxed approach. I have ignored GSF for 7 years, too long to catch up with the veterans. While I learn when to push what button, or even just how to fly properly, the other team may have a blast killing me, but I'm sure so do my teammates with the enemy noobs.


It can be a blessing to have absolutely no idea what's going on around you. :p

Edited by Mubrak
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Glad to hear I'm not alone in this, though I didn't think I would be.


I did end up queuing for a match today too. Did better this time around, had 3 kills, bunch of assists and only 3 deaths. Kept two of our satelites under our control. But I won't be doing it again. So while I appreciate your advice Stradlin, honestly, I probably won't be making use of it. Though who knows.


If I've stubbornly managed to stay out of pvp all these years in spite of the Contacts icon flashing to make me go fight for Pierce, then I can manage to stubbornly stay out of space pvp too. Guess I'll just use my security key cartel coins to pay for the Seasons points I miss out on.

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I cannot get out of Starfighter training. I did so some PVP, when its weekly it raises me two levels when its only daily it doesn't.


Problem is with characters on three servers I dont get anything else done. So I am going to have to pick one and only do Galactic seasons on it.

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I have the same sentiments OP lol. I'm not good at GSF, I never will be, but I do try to help. I've only gotten a single kill and many many deaths :o


Galactic seasons has pushed me a little more out of my comfort zone, starfighter was something I never would've done before


Even though I suck at it I still get it done when it's a weekly mission or daily. To me, anyway, the points are worth it

Edited by denajii
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I think I had 1 kill maybe and like 7 deaths.


I wonder if you were flying that one ship that even I managed to shoot down. :D


I was lucky. I had UlaVii in my team. Out of the 50 kills, he probably got 45.


Regarding warzones: Tried once again after many months. We lost by 5 points at the pylon thingy. I was a few meters before bringing another sparkling shiny to the pylon. No reward despite we really fought well. Thanks, I'm out again.


The absolute worst game design decision in this game of all their bad decisions. Win-only rewards are NOT an incentive to play better. You get punished even though you played a good round. This simply sucks, and I will continue to boycott warzones until they reverse their decision.

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I'm so bad at this, too. I have to self-destruct regularly just to be "contributing" since everyone else's ships are so much faster and more powerful than mine. I don't play GSF enough to have the currency to upgrade, so competing is a joke. I wouldn't do this at all if it wasn't required for PO. So, yeah, sorry. Maybe they could try giving us more PVE objectives to choose from so I don't have to torture myself or anyone else? Just a thought.
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So far the best thing about Galactic Seasons is that it's caused me to play GSF. I've played a ton of matches. I slowly moving up from catastrophically bad to the bottom rungs of mediocre. It's a big improvement lol.


To the OP and anyone else: I wouldn't worry about being bad. Everyone is bad at first. It seems to just be generally accepted by the GSF vets.


The emotional energy of GSF matches is the complete opposite of PvP matches. I've noticed no toxicity what-so-ever.


I think maybe the issue is that most PvPers mistakenly believe that they were always good at PvP (despite the fact that many of them are still not good at PvP lol.) But I don't think anyone is so delusional as to believe that they were always good at GSF.


Anyway, I think no one minds that noobs noob it up in GSF. Those who really care about the game mode seem to feel that it just goes with the territory.


100% this, that's how I feel too.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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If it's any consolation, about 15 minutes ago we finally completed a GSF Team Deathmatch where the score ended 50-1. Yes, 50-1...


If the entire goal was to increase interest in PvP by adding those daily POs, then sorry, but all you're gonna get is players just queueing in, flying around with no intention of capturing objectives or damaging opponents, complete the match and then go back to PvE.

Make no mistake. If players wanted to PvP, they'd go play a MOBA or a team-based FPS.

This really sums it up. ^^^^^^^^


I am so tired of idiot Devs trying to shove PvP down my throat (note if you enjoy PvP great, people enjoying different things is wonderful, no sarcasm intended).

Edited by Confusi
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At least in pvp you can use your toon.

GS is just a awkward flight simulator with awkward controls. If I want to play a proper flight game, I'll go play Squadron (and many more great ones that are non-SW).


The worst is that GS last 15 min. If I'm not a decent person, I'll simply log in, park my jet in the void, open internet brower, watch a few cat videos, and go back 15min later.

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I seem to have discovered that I am not nearly as bad with a gunship as I am with other ships. Just had a match were I made two kills. TWO in one match! And I scored a few other hits, too. If I keep at this I might even get three kills in one match. Edited by ceryxp
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At least in pvp you can use your toon.

GS is just a awkward flight simulator with awkward controls. If I want to play a proper flight game, I'll go play Squadron (and many more great ones that are non-SW).




There are various valid reasons as to why one might dislike GSF. I think controls def isn't among them. Elite: Dangerous is pretty much the pinnacle of "space sims". Comes with very highly thought of flight model. By the time I first tried E: D I already had few years of GSF under my belt. Felt immediately at home - Elite, if played on m+kb, flies very similar to GSF. Same exact approach to how you pitch and steer your ship. Assuming you roll with non-gimballed weapons in Elite, even aimign and hitting enemies is very similar. Flight model is much deeper and newtonioan in Elite ofc, but approach to control scheme and way it handles and flies with m+kb is almost the same.

Edited by Stradlin
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So far the best thing about Galactic Seasons is that it's caused me to play GSF. I've played a ton of matches. I slowly moving up from catastrophically bad to the bottom rungs of mediocre. It's a big improvement lol.


To the OP and anyone else: I wouldn't worry about being bad. Everyone is bad at first. It seems to just be generally accepted by the GSF vets.


The emotional energy of GSF matches is the complete opposite of PvP matches. I've noticed no toxicity what-so-ever.


I think maybe the issue is that most PvPers mistakenly believe that they were always good at PvP (despite the fact that many of them are still not good at PvP lol.) But I don't think anyone is so delusional as to believe that they were always good at GSF.


Anyway, I think no one minds that noobs noob it up in GSF. Those who really care about the game mode seem to feel that it just goes with the territory.


Yeah this just about sums it up. Like..I'm not sure if I have ever seen new pilot busy figuring things out getting flamed like one might expect ground-side. The whole "l2p scrub lol" culture just never arrived in GSF. Every single turbo chad piling up 30 kills in an uneven match has been terrible at GSF once. They remember these months well. New pilot asking for advice in game usually gets tons of advice, gets invited to a group etc. /cjoin GSF , no matter which server you are on.Tons of help to be had, in game and otherwise. You just have to look or ask for it.

Edited by Stradlin
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GSF people in-game are significantly nicer than any other bloc I've met in this game, including FPers, regular pvp, ranked, raiders, soloists...maybe RPers are nicer, idk. Correct me if I'm wrong but you are basing this entirely on literally one guy you met on the forum. And he "ruined the game" for you? Damn, either he's amazingly effective, or it didn't take much.


Meh, don't let me stop you, that's free kills for players like me that want to learn.:D


He's not the only one, but I remember him being part of the bunch that campaigned to get all other game modes nuked or nerfed to support theirs. But yes, that's my experience of GSF players, and that's why I want nothing to do with people like them.


And yes, feel free to shoot me if you end up into the same match, I don't mind. You have to be fast though as I tend to accidentally fly into an asteroid if I get attacked. :rolleyes:

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You have to be fast though as I tend to accidentally fly into an asteroid if I get attacked. :rolleyes:


I can not tell you how many times I have used my maneuver to escape a missile lock, flown into an obstacle, and self-destructed.

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