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SWTOR is incredibly underrated


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I’ve been around SWTOR since 2012. I’ve left at times for FF14 and WOW. Both great games. But while those games get the proper respect why is SWTOR always an afterthought?


I’ve left wow because of shadowlands. The gearing rng is ridiculous. The grind for legendaries and upgrades is ridiculous. The taking away of flight at the beginning of each expansion is ridiculous. All the while the community puts up with it while Ion tells them he knows best.


SWTOR gives players what they want. The best gear available for every player. Great mounts and armors for every player. Great perks through the legacy system. QOL improvements.


Almost everything you want is obtainable in the game some things will take time but the grind for them is nothing like other MMOs.


Tons of content. Yes, the newer content is not as abundant but if you’ve never played this game can keep you bust for a long time.

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Have you spent much time on the forums lately? Give players what they want? They've spent the last year stripping the good from the game, removing things players want, nerfing stuff to the ground, changing stuff that didn't need changing, adding in 'Ad' bars, and other stuff NOONE asked for......


And of course, lets not forget Bugs, bugs, & more blooming bugs

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I’ve been around SWTOR since 2012. I’ve left at times for FF14 and WOW. Both great games. But while those games get the proper respect why is SWTOR always an afterthought?


I’ve left wow because of shadowlands. The gearing rng is ridiculous. The grind for legendaries and upgrades is ridiculous. The taking away of flight at the beginning of each expansion is ridiculous. All the while the community puts up with it while Ion tells them he knows best.


SWTOR gives players what they want. The best gear available for every player. Great mounts and armors for every player. Great perks through the legacy system. QOL improvements.


Almost everything you want is obtainable in the game some things will take time but the grind for them is nothing like other MMOs.


Tons of content. Yes, the newer content is not as abundant but if you’ve never played this game can keep you bust for a long time.


LoL, just about everything you are complaining about WoW Shadowlands is what we’ve complained about swtor the last 4 years. That’s why the game has lost so many players. That and the lack of care when it comes to buggy content and also because Bioware keeps ripping the joy out of the game every chance it gets.


The things Bioware do aren’t always big or game breaking. But what they are doing feels like death by 1000 cuts. They don’t listen to players feed back or if they do, they don’t understand what players would prefer when trying to have fun.


Unlike WoW and other MMOs, swtor isn’t as polished. There are way too many bugs that half the time you feel like you are playing an early release beta. Every patch (I kid you not), Bioware introduce new bugs to old content that’s totally unrelated to the new buggy content they just added. You will see this first hand tomorrow when 6.3 is released. It’s now an open joke about how many bugs to expect in any patch and usually the bigger the patch, the more bugs. (Still waiting for Bioware to prove me wrong and release a bug free patch, maybe 6.3 will be the charm?)


You also have performance issues with desync, FPS and server side lag issues. These are a direct result of the games engine not being up to the task.


So if the game seems underrated, there are some fundamental reasons for it compared to other more polished MMOs. I’m not saying other MMOs don’t have bugs or issues, they do. But when they do, the developers/studio get onto fixing them ASAP. Bioware by contrast still have bugs from launch and take months most of the time to fix bugs for new content. Most of the time they don’t even acknowledge a time frame on when we can expect said bugs to be fixed. Where as other studios get emergency patches out in days, it takes Bioware months.


Now after saying all that. The game is a good game if you can get past all the negatives. It’s vastly superior to WoW’s dated look and non interactive mission givers. The swtor stories are mostly good and the voice acting cut scenes are what sets it apart. Plus Lightsabres and force Lightning go bzzzzz and Mandalorians are just 🥰

The lack of pluggins is great as you don’t need Addons to customise the most basic things like your UI. Sadly Bioware have been destroying aspects of such a great UI over the last 2 years. None of us have been able to fully understand why except maybe they can’t work new UI stuff into the old UI code (crappy Frankenstein engine built from an alpha version of Hero).


Now imagine if you removed all the negative things that could be avoided with more resources (bigger team), advertising and head honchos who want to make a game the players enjoy more than force feeding their own agendas down players throats. This game could have been right up there battling WoW for the MMO crown of best all time or most successful MMO. But EA don’t care about making good games. They only care how much profit they can get from the least amount of over heads.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Not really.


The way the system works is great the things that ruin it are the details. for instance, lazyness of stories(some feel like they just didn't really even care about capturing the audience but an attempt to quickly finish the job so they can say they finished), the extremely poor acting(not all of it ofc), terribly easy content(this one for me is BIG one, i just don't get a kick out of pushing 1 button to kill 1 mob, that is the worse, i mean... i have 3 full bars of skills but only, really, need to use my resource spammable, that point alone says a lot and should resinate very deep to the developers who are in charge of the difficulty), literally no challenge(most people enjoy some level of challenge),


Some stories are just so damn bland that i wanna just smash my keyboard on the face of the person who developed the story. I would much rather have 1 breath taking story than to have 50 subpar stories that will inevitably turn me away from the game.


One of the biggest issues that i imagine why so many people (including myself) turn away from this game is because they realize this community are so set on how the system works now. They don't want changes to the difficulty and in fact want it easier, they don't want to consider people's point of view. The community give the developer no wiggle room to try new things. This community is made up for 40 year olds with the fear of change and as the saying goes, you can't teach old dog new tricks.


Teenagers, and young adults don't get a kick out of this passive, braindless grind. It doesn't stimulate their brains or their bodies in any way shape or form. And all this is meant to be brutally honest just based on what ive observed. Take my observation with a grain of salt.


The game and the way it works, amazing but the details is what ruins it and those can easily be changed and enhanced, thats the good part. They can make breathtaking DLC's/Chapters, they can increase the difficulty(not impossible but somewhat challenging to the point that fights are at least semi-technical, perhaps not the regular world mobs but end of story bosses should be technical battles, this is what makes all games that have ever existed fun, you get to the last fight and you knew for a FACT that battle was going to need some sort of strategy, and SWTOR storyline is the complete opposite, dont fix what isn't broken this system has existted since tetris and its worked since, that is why no games except for this one apparently attempt to change the model, why?).


TL;DR game is amazing if they had worked it well and took advantage of it but most of the content is made in a lazy manner it appears to me clearly. And too much of it is easy, story should be the cherry on top of the gameplay not the core and dependent variable. It clearly does not work as good as it should if you had invested more time in improving the challenging and rewarding part of it, and the mental stimulation.

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^pretty much what trixxie said. this game has a ton of QoL things that WoW purposely refuses to give its users, but the game play of SWTOR is really quite bad in comparison. it's not even a comparison.


ditto for content updates (i.e., non-CM issue) and balance changes. OMG! the balance changes. so bad. always bad. soooo incredibly slow.


and when they do appear to act on user feedback, they do some of the absolute dumbest things (deserter debuff, give sorcs bubble stun, give mandos enet). and then don't lift a finger to adjust or tweak it for a LONG time.

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Warlords of Draenor - A WoW expansion that is widely regarded as being the worst one. It had lots of flaws and lots of cut content, but despite this it still had more to offer than any expansion SWTOR has put out. Let's have a look at what came with it.


- 3 new full size raids

- 8 dungeons with challenge modes & rewards

- Multiple new sets of gear and weapons with desirable appearances to chase after that were obtainable through in game progression

- A new large scale PVP map, although it was flawed it was still fun to hop in and try out occasionally

- Updated player models

- World bosses

- Garrisons - a highly controversial feature but it was still a large feature none the less


Now let us have a look at Onslaught that has now been out for over a year

- 4 hours worth of levelling/story content

- 1 new raid

- 3 new dungeons

- 2 strongholds made up of mostly re-used assets


See the difference? Even at its worst WoW still provides more than SWTOR, and not just WoW. Have a look at ESO, FF14 & OSRS - all provide way more content that is much more polished.



I find it funny that all the responses to this thread so far are all complete bashing posts....yet those people are still here everyday playing the game. Thats the behavior ill just never understand.


*raises a glass to all the 40 year olds*


I only play the game cause I can afford to sub to multiple games and therefore I hop around depending on my mood. I will admit there are some features in SWTOR that I prefer over other games, but the reality is that there are only so many times I can run the same 8 year old raids over and over again that SWTOR provides. If for whatever reason I find myself with a more restricted budget I would drop SWTOR first.


I never recommend this game to anyone, it is simply not worth the time and money for how little it offers compared to other games in the market.

Edited by micnevv
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Not clickbait at all. I know the game is lacking in new content and bug fixes.


But the grind here for things is much easier than wow. And you don’t need to be a mythic raider to get the best gear.


This game gets so much bad press. Amd a lot of it is from the people that actually play the game. You guys give everyone a bad perception of the game before they even play it. No wonder the population isn’t bigger.

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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Not clickbait at all. I know the game is lacking in new content and bug fixes.


But the grind here for things is much easier than wow. And you don’t need to be a mythic raider to get the best gear.


This game gets so much bad press. Amd a lot of it is from the people that actually play the game. You guys give everyone a bad perception of the game before they even play it. No wonder the population isn’t bigger.


In a normal sense, your post isnt click bait at all. I only stated that because i knew what was going to happen here. A shining light of positivity shot down by a crowd of doomsayers. Its become a normal trend nowadays.


Its not just a trend here either...this happens on every gaming forum i participate on. So be it....im sure ill be heavily outnumbered here as opinions go. Ill just go ahead and leave now while the coast is still clear.

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Not clickbait at all. I know the game is lacking in new content and bug fixes.


But the grind here for things is much easier than wow. And you don’t need to be a mythic raider to get the best gear.


This game gets so much bad press. And a lot of it is from the people that actually play the game. You guys give everyone a bad perception of the game before they even play it. No wonder the population isn’t bigger.


The game gets bad press for a reason, I've been playing since near launch, continuously, I've never let my sub lapse.

But the company doesn't care, it has taken things the players loved, and trashed them, so many fun parts of the game have been ruined recently. They've spent more time on ad bars, amp side bars, and other cosmetic unneeded stuff, and have ignored content, instead bring out stuff like login rewards, and this new (non content) galactic stuff. All because they want to drain every last cent out of the players, with as little investment as possible. I've spent 9 years on this forum, posting most days, helping people, arguing different aspects trying to get the best for everyone. But it's all meaningless, as the company doesn't care.



As to why I still play? (the question from the other poster) There is no other Star Wars MMO. Plain and simple.

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I'm not 40 ! So I'll just sit here and read all of the "interesting" comments and make the following observations:


** ALL games have their issues.

** This game HAS / HAD one of the greatest potentials of ANY MMO that I've seen.

** That POTENTIAL is still there.

** There are reasons why people are discouraged right now (perhaps even some that at one time would have never been negative).


Observations / Conclusion


** There is a difference between POTENTIAL and ACTUALITY.

** None of us know for a certainty WHY so much of the game that DID work (ie companions and skill trees for our characters) was abandoned.

** Yes there is still a lot to appreciate ... BUT there is also the everlasting dark shadow that seems to loom over everything that is being done !! IMO this is without question the single saddest commentary of all. (BTW: the failure to deal with BUGS is just one example.



**** Respect from customers is earned (not demanded) and trust from the same customers is maintained when said respect is demonstrated... not dismissed.


some "might" feel this way:





I'm too old to matter. And I don't fit into the family portrait ... (wrong demographic !!! )


(Edited for clarity)

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Not clickbait at all. I know the game is lacking in new content and bug fixes.


But the grind here for things is much easier than wow. And you don’t need to be a mythic raider to get the best gear.


This game gets so much bad press. Amd a lot of it is from the people that actually play the game. You guys give everyone a bad perception of the game before they even play it. No wonder the population isn’t bigger.


I'd agree, but I never use the game forums for a recommendation on play or not, especially with F2P games. For example, did you know that bag space is considered P2W? Check out the GW 2 forums for that tidbit. There's lots of stuff like this on MMO forums, ranging from "the game's too easy" to "but RNG" or "Grind". Anyone that's actually played a real grinder will just chuckle, and move on. It's the nature of game forums.

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One of the biggest issues that i imagine why so many people (including myself) turn away from this game is because they realize this community are so set on how the system works now. They don't want changes to the difficulty and in fact want it easier, they don't want to consider people's point of view. The community give the developer no wiggle room to try new things. This community is made up for 40 year olds with the fear of change and as the saying goes, you can't teach old dog new tricks.


Teenagers, and young adults don't get a kick out of this passive, braindless grind. It doesn't stimulate their brains or their bodies in any way shape or form. And all this is meant to be brutally honest just based on what ive observed. Take my observation with a grain of salt.


The game and the way it works, amazing but the details is what ruins it and those can easily be changed and enhanced, thats the good part. They can make breathtaking DLC's/Chapters, they can increase the difficulty(not impossible but somewhat challenging to the point that fights are at least semi-technical, perhaps not the regular world mobs but end of story bosses should be technical battles, this is what makes all games that have ever existed fun, you get to the last fight and you knew for a FACT that battle was going to need some sort of strategy, and SWTOR storyline is the complete opposite, dont fix what isn't broken this system has existted since tetris and its worked since, that is why no games except for this one apparently attempt to change the model, why?).


I don't even understand where you got this idea about ages from? What does that have to do with anything? Have you documented every Swtor players' age and their opinion of the game? Some of the most vocal players on this forum are older and they are the ones who ask the most for change.


About your "constructive criticism" I don't really think it makes much sense. If you want difficulty why not play master mode flashpoints, nightmare operations, master mode uprisings, ranked PVP? The harder content you ask for is there if you want it. I mean even if they upped the difficulty of the story it could never be to a significant amount since a lot of players would leave. I mean have you seen the reactions to Spirit of Vengeance? There are still people complaining about its difficulty today. I would understand if this game didn't have any harder content, but like this, it just seems you're asking for it at the wrong place.



About the OP's post, I think it's a bit more complicated than that. it's fair for a lot of players who've been here for so long to start getting discouraged with the state of the game, however, some of them bad-mouth this game to such an extreme I truly don't understand what they're still doing here. I also agree that one of SWTOR's biggest enemies in terms of popularity is definitely some of its player base, I've never seen so many people who actively play a game yet trash it at the same time and will literally say they won't recommend it to anyone.

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About the OP's post, I think it's a bit more complicated than that. it's fair for a lot of players who've been here for so long to start getting discouraged with the state of the game, however, some of them bad-mouth this game to such an extreme I truly don't understand what they're still doing here. I also agree that one of SWTOR's biggest enemies in terms of popularity is definitely some of its player base, I've never seen so many people who actively play a game yet trash it at the same time and will literally say they won't recommend it to anyone.


iT'S THE ONLY sTAR wARS mmo OUT THERE. If we had a choice, this game would be in even worse straits.

Not sure how long you've been here, or how many years you've subbed, but if you spent enough time, you'd have seen the game go to great heights, and be magnificent, only for the devs to smash it down, and flush it down the toilet.,

It's gone from massive investment, huge trust and love from fans, to little or no investment, devs that don't respond to fans, content being curtailed while commercial stuff has become the no 1 priority. Clicks have developed, where if you're not in that click, nothing you say matters, and the areas of the game that get the most attention, are because the people in charge are part of that click.


We've all seen what the game can be, and then we see how it is. It's not surprised people get despondent.

And lets not forget Bugs, bugs and more &^%^ bugs, a whole lot more than there ever was.

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Well I still enjoy the game. Sure there are parts I just don't do, but there is still enough for me to play. The parts I don't play other do.


I do wish however those that don't enjoy, would just move onto something else. The game is now in it's 9th year, everyone should know the score by now. It's not going to change, except, or don't and move on.

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Lots of players complaining about bugs but after playing for many years ive only come across a handful of bugs that legit disrupted my game and the occasional getting stuck but nothing on the level people are saying. Personally I feel the game is good enough for me and I don't have much to complain about other than I wish they could expand the team and get us more content or even a big expansion faster.
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Well I still enjoy the game. Sure there are parts I just don't do, but there is still enough for me to play. The parts I don't play other do.


I do wish however those that don't enjoy, would just move onto something else. The game is now in it's 9th year, everyone should know the score by now. It's not going to change, except, or don't and move on.


except it has changed, it has gotten better, then gotten worse, and over again. , maybe we hope that some day it will get better again.

We pay for a service, we're entitled to complain when it's not up to scratch, just the same as when we compliment it when they do something right.


Don't be too quick to wish that people walk away, you might find the game struggling even more.


There still parts of the game I enjoy, just not as much as I used to, and I will point out all the &*^% ups they've done, the bad decisions, and the inane policies that have come in to place.

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You two are extremely bleak. As unhappy as I was in 4.x and the launch of 5.0, this game has gotten much better with the launch of Ossus and 6.0. However, since 6.0, there has been very little new "content" that I am interested in. I'm a bit bored now.


But with that said, I have a few complaints myself. One thing I've really come to despise over the months is that %!@ ad bar. Usually when people pay a subscription, as with virtually all other services, they get to be ad-free. But not this game.


Some things they could have done in the past 1.5 years since 6.0 that would have kept me happier are:


1. Continued release of new set bonuses. There should be more focus on spec-specific set bonuses. Looking at you Hatred/Serentity!


2. Ossus-like daily+story area to acquire new augment mats. Not only would there be open world content, imagine if we'd had a daily area as an additional method of acquiring new mats.


3. Solo Ops boss and/or WB's. There's hasn't been a new solo ops boss since Hive Queen. The devs can design flashpoints and new events, but not a solo ops boss? It's not like we expect to have a NiM version.


Anyway. Depending what happens toward the end of the year content-wise will decide whether I continue my subscription. It may be time to take several months off like in 5.0, because in the end, all you can really do is make suggestions and vote with your wallet.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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You two are extremely bleak. As unhappy as I was in 4.x and the launch of 5.0, this game has gotten much better with the launch of Ossus and 6.0. However, since 6.0, there has been very little new "content" that I am interested in. I'm a bit bored now.



Because it has become bleak, modes of the game which we specifically play have been targeted, nerfed, and ruined beyond all reason. We've tried being nice, and positive, and where did that get us? The devs spend more time and effort of stuff we don't want, or ask for, just so they can push us to buy cc's. And now they are getting rid of on of the ways we get free cc's.....And that is just a small part of what has gone wrong recently. And for the record, I used to be extremely positive about this game, but due to a lot of stuff over the last year, here and in game, it has soured on me



Unless you get all of the community, or most , to vote with their wallet, it won't change, sadly.

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You two are extremely bleak. As unhappy as I was in 4.x and the launch of 5.0, this game has gotten much better with the launch of Ossus and 6.0. However, since 6.0, there has been very little new "content" that I am interested in. I'm a bit bored now.


But with that said, I have a few complaints myself. One thing I've really come to despise over the months is that %!@ ad bar. Usually when people pay a subscription, as with virtually all other services, they get to be ad-free. But not this game.


Some things they could have done in the past 1.5 years since 6.0 that would have kept me happier are:


1. Continued release of new set bonuses. There should be more focus on spec-specific set bonuses. Looking at you Hatred/Serentity!


2. Ossus-like daily+story area to acquire new augment mats. Not only would there be open world content, imagine if we'd had a daily area as an additional method of acquiring new mats.


3. Solo Ops boss and/or WB's. There's hasn't been a new solo ops boss since Hive Queen. The devs can design flashpoints and new events, but not a solo ops boss? It's not like we expect to have a NiM version.


Anyway. Depending what happens toward the end of the year content-wise will decide whether I continue my subscription. It may be time to take several months off like in 5.0, because in the end, all you can really do is make suggestions and vote with your wallet.


But ask yourself, was my critique wrong in anyway? Sometime it’s hard to look at something that’s not perfect & love it anyway, that doesn’t mean we have to like all the bad.

I wouldn’t say I’m bleak, just accepting to the situation and being honest about it.

Plus the OP asked the question why swtor was under rated and that’s why.

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The game gets bad press for a reason, I've been playing since near launch, continuously, I've never let my sub lapse.

But the company doesn't care, it has taken things the players loved, and trashed them, so many fun parts of the game have been ruined recently. They've spent more time on ad bars, amp side bars, and other cosmetic unneeded stuff, and have ignored content, instead bring out stuff like login rewards, and this new (non content) galactic stuff. All because they want to drain every last cent out of the players, with as little investment as possible. I've spent 9 years on this forum, posting most days, helping people, arguing different aspects trying to get the best for everyone. But it's all meaningless, as the company doesn't care.



As to why I still play? (the question from the other poster) There is no other Star Wars MMO. Plain and simple.


while I agree that they've directed their resources and "updates" toward petty and comparatively unimportant things, it's also worth noting that that's exactly what this game is: a cosmetic RP fest. I don't say that insultingly. it just is what it is. the "game engine" simply cannot do what it's supposed to do effectively for in-game content (insofar as "in game content" means pvp and operations).


originally, this game was a WoW clone. at its core, it still is. but it has also steadily moved away from that model with every xpack. imo, there are 3 interrelated reasons for that:

  1. the aforementioned game engine/servers simply cannot process/render the action fast and consistently,
  2. it's very costly to update content frequently, and the costs of doing so dwarf the costs of re-scaling operations et al. to always be peak difficulty, and
  3. there's a lot more bang for the buck in selling cosmetics than re-inventing the wheel every 6-12 months with new operations, maps, and metas that then require constant tweaking and curating.


this is, of course, my opinion, because I doubt any company would ever be so honest about their decisions, but I do feel reasonably certain that they are accurate.


it's also worth noting that large swathes of the player base are now very casual and into the RP. I don't mean RP as in RP guilds, but just into the look and feel of TOR/SW rather than pushing new end game content. and it's not as if NiM raiding is easy; in fact, I find it quite difficult. I just gave up on the game's "serious" content because it constantly bugs out or cannot reliably render things in real time. so in that regard, the devs are just playing to their strengths.


edit: from my perspective, BW has pretty successfully "fooled" players into thinking/viewing "conquest" as some great "end-game" activity. it's a really pathetic sort of end-game vis-a-vis raiding, mythic+, or rated pvp, but the vast majority of the player base that remains seems to have adopted it and still chase it every week despite it being...gawd...how old now? anyway, they're moving away from the WoW model steadily.


lastly (I think?) being a WoW clone was a point of criticism for SWTOR from day 1. and as a WoW clone, it's inferior in every way. with the only advantages being the IP and the RP.

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:rak_02:Let’s also not forget that swtor doesn’t charge for expansions or updates like WoW does. This is major difference between the two games. Plus swtor is free to play for a vast majority of the player base.

At the end of the day, the saying goes, “you get what you pay for”.


Sadly this has been a major issue for swtor development. Without the budget and resources that comes from full subscription services and paid expansions, swtor was always doomed to a cycle of far less content and less often than a game like WoW.


I would throw my money at a $50-$60 swtor expansion if they were as big as WoWs and BioWare cared enough about making the game fun again over cash shop micro transactions and punishing gambling mechanics.

I think many of us long time subscribers would pay if BioWare showed they still cared about what the players want. Which is to have fun playing an enjoyable game to unwind and lose yourself in the Star War universe. It’s certainly not playing a game like it’s a second job that has lots of small annoyances that degrade the fun experience.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Dear OP,


Well, the responses to this thread went about how I thought they'd go.


I love this game. But it's not overrated. It's rated right where it should be.


FFXIV is underrated. WoW is overrated. SWTOR, the ratings are just right.


I felt like, in a lot of ways, 6.0 was what 4.0 should have been. However, one of those ways was not development budget. I wish they had the budget for 6.0 that they had for 4.0. But they didn't.


Having EA as your overlord has a big benefit and a big drawback. The big benefit is that EA loves SWTOR as it is now--a consistent cash cow. The big drawback is that EA loves SWTOR as it is now--a consistent cash cow.


So they are thrilled to keep the game going. They don't seem to be quite so thrilled about throwing money at game development. And from a purely profit-maximizing perspective, I understand.

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I never recommend this game to anyone, it is simply not worth the time and money for how little it offers compared to other games in the market.


I came back to play some of the base story (starter planet to Corellia, by far the best story content in the game) and clicked a referral link (which are going away tomorrow.) If I know someone really likes SW, I will recommend subbing for 30-60 days and playing the 8 original class stories and all the planets arcs. Beyond that, it isn't really worth playing. And even the original story is now so easy it isn't even funny. As preferred I was level 22 leaving Tython. But, the original stories are pretty good and can be played for nothing in whatever gear you pick up.


I can not in good conscience recommend the newer content at all (KOTFE and newer.) KotFE, like Last Jedi, destroyed characters and story and there's just no going back from that.


So, now I play ESO, which uses Hero Engine and shows what you can do with the engine with a few clue cards (they don't tend to admit it's Hero anymore, but it is.) If you want to see what the engine is capable of, that's worth looking at (lots of gameplay videos on Youtube that show teh environment and gameplay.)


So, I'll play through one or two characters up to Corellia and then leave again. The rest of you have fun and do what you prefer, but SWTOR isn't worth spending actual money on from where I'm standing.

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I came back to play some of the base story (starter planet to Corellia, by far the best story content in the game) and clicked a referral link (which are going away tomorrow.) If I know someone really likes SW, I will recommend subbing for 30-60 days and playing the 8 original class stories and all the planets arcs. Beyond that, it isn't really worth playing. And even the original story is now so easy it isn't even funny. As preferred I was level 22 leaving Tython. But, the original stories are pretty good and can be played for nothing in whatever gear you pick up.


I can not in good conscience recommend the newer content at all (KOTFE and newer.) KotFE, like Last Jedi, destroyed characters and story and there's just no going back from that.


So, now I play ESO, which uses Hero Engine and shows what you can do with the engine with a few clue cards (they don't tend to admit it's Hero anymore, but it is.) If you want to see what the engine is capable of, that's worth looking at (lots of gameplay videos on Youtube that show teh environment and gameplay.)


So, I'll play through one or two characters up to Corellia and then leave again. The rest of you have fun and do what you prefer, but SWTOR isn't worth spending actual money on from where I'm standing.


You mean the ESO that's forums are burning down with how the Engine needs updated because of the lag in Cyrodil? That ESO? The same game where I could redact the game name out of posts, and you'd be hard pressed to know it wasn't a post from here? Congratulations?

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