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Scoundrels/Operatives ridculously OP.


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Obviously there is a problem with either resolve and/or Smugs. Cause people get chain CCed with full overcharged resolve barthat is..If they survive the first one.


On another note, and this is anecdotal, but how come the jerkiest players seem to be Smugglers?


last time i tried to debilitate someone right after they got out of the hidden strike knockdown, they didnt get stunned, seems to me like the resolve bar worked. i did it once, never did it again


my logic wins cause it happened and always happens and is why i dont seem to do this mysterious 8 second stun lock out of stealth

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gavnash, by your logic, and everyone else in this community, it seems you want this come from the shadows, assassin type class, to stab you in the back. and then you want to be able to turn around and fight them in an even fight.
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last time i tried to debilitate someone right after they got out of the hidden strike knockdown, they didnt get stunned, seems to me like the resolve bar worked. i did it once, never did it again


my logic wins cause it happened and always happens and is why i dont seem to do this mysterious 8 second stun lock out of stealth



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gavnash, by your logic, and everyone else in this community, it seems you want this come from the shadows, assassin type class, to stab you in the back. and then you want to be able to turn around and fight them in an even fight.


:rolleyes: I don't even think you know what you are saying. I still haven't said anything, other than, most everything you've said hasn't made any sense. Feel free to keep going. Gonna check on some other threads.

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I have a 50 Concealment Op, and while our burst is great...thats all we have. If we don't drop you in our opener, that's it ..we're dead.


I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten someone down to like 10%, and then got knocked back, stunned, etc while I'm on my CD.


Some Operatives have amazing gear in which they get all those high crits. My gear is decent, but I only have 2 Champ pieces. I still only manage 5k crits if everything goes perfect.


We don't have a gap closer.

No knock backs.

We don't have a pull.

We don't have a push.

Our stealth gets broken by DOTs, AoE's, Knockbacks, etc. Then we have to run and get out of buggy combat to re-stealth.

Cloaking Screen has a high CD timer even after talent.


Unless an OP is in full Champ gear, exp bonus, relic popped, he isn't going to do all that damage you guys are talking about. We also get dropped like a bad habit if we can't do our opener.


Blatant QQ'ing is blatant.

Edited by Trevock
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I have a 50 Concealment Op, and while our burst is great...thats all we have. If we don't drop you in our opener, that's it ..we're dead.


I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten someone down to like 10%, and then got knocked back, stunned, etc while I'm on my CD.


Some Operatives have amazing gear in which they get all those high crits. My gear is decent, but I only have 2 Champ pieces. I still only manage 5k crits if everything goes perfect.


We don't have a gap closer.

No knock backs.

We don't have a pull.

We don't have a push.

Our stealth gets broken by DOTs, AoE's, Knockbacks, etc. Then we have to run and get out of buggy combat to re-stealth.

Cloaking Screen has a high CD timer even after talent.


Unless an OP is in full Champ gear, exp bonus, relic popped, he isn't going to do all that damage you guys are talking about. We also get dropped like a bad habit if we can't do our opener.


Blatant QQ'ing is blatant.


There are many classes that have never, and I mean, never, gotten close to hitting for a 5k crit, even in Champion gear. A Scoundrel can out burst a sniper and they have stealth, chain CC, extreme mobility, better range than melee, and the ability to disengage from a fight at will. So you make my point for me.


You can see the nerf coming a mile away. It is warranted.

Edited by GavNash
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wow just wow. Almost 8 k damage in a hit.


I pull 5K crits on a fully buffed force sweep on my level 40 sent. Just wait until I hit 50 and stack some PvP gear. 7K crits on an undergeared level 20, and 11-12K damage or more in 3 GCD's is quite possible.

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As a level 50 scoundrel HEALER I have 455 expertise and almost a full set of champion gear, no battlemaster yet.


The operative on our server that makes people cry is Thoodo, yesterday in an alderan match he was specifically targeting me as I was the primary healer...


My deaths: 0

His Deaths: 8



You know what the key is... be moving, do not stand still and spam tracer missile (stoopid BHs), pay attention... stealth in this game is not 100%, in all likelihood you saw him before he hit you, if you allow a stealther to walk away without throwing a dot on him you just let someone else die if not yourself.



SNARE, STUN, CC them back... if you see an operative on someone stun him, dot him, and finish him off, they are squishy. Even without my CC break I have never been killed before the KD/Stun has wore off, at which point I get up and snare and move... OP and Scoundrel's big damage is a 4m range... melee... stay away from them, kite them and they wont kill you... if you are a stupid BH and you think standing there spamming a ranged missile while a melee is beating on you makes the melee OP... you are wrong it just makes you stoopid.

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Good to see a voice of sanity among so many raging posts.


3/4 of players have not reached lvl 50 yet and they are first to come and rage that this and that is OP.


Let's just wait and see shall we?


This is exactly BW stance on balance. Dont forget, there is always skill involved :p

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Unless an OP is in full Champ gear, exp bonus, relic popped, he isn't going to do all that damage you guys are talking about. We also get dropped like a bad habit if we can't do our opener.


Blatant QQ'ing is blatant.


That's part of the problem. Someone used every consumable possible, WZ buff, relic, adrenal and crit someone for 8k. Now every level 50 Operative runs around hitting everyone for 8k. ZOMGPANICNERRRRRF

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I pull 5K crits on a fully buffed force sweep on my level 40 sent. Just wait until I hit 50 and stack some PvP gear. 7K crits on an undergeared level 20, and 11-12K damage or more in 3 GCD's is quite possible.


Yep. I've seen it in action. But from a Guardian. OMG nerf it until no one can have any fun!

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There are many classes that have never, and I mean, never, gotten close to hitting for a 5k crit, even in Champion gear. A Scoundrel can out burst a sniper and they have stealth, chain CC, extreme mobility, better range than melee, and the ability to disengage from a fight at will. So you make my point for me.


You can see the nerf coming a mile away. It is warranted.


What is the chain cc you are speaking of? We only have the knock down/dirty kick/flash grenade. My dirty kick won't re cc you if I used my knock down and flash bang breaks with damage.


Our mobility is worse that sorcs, all our big dps skills are within 10m so basically we are melee and escape which has 2 min cool down with talents.


What are you talking about?

Edited by ohnam
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As a level 50 scoundrel HEALER I have 455 expertise and almost a full set of champion gear, no battlemaster yet.


The operative on our server that makes people cry is Thoodo, yesterday in an alderan match he was specifically targeting me as I was the primary healer...


My deaths: 0

His Deaths: 8



You know what the key is... be moving, do not stand still and spam tracer missile (stoopid BHs), pay attention... stealth in this game is not 100%, in all likelihood you saw him before he hit you, if you allow a stealther to walk away without throwing a dot on him you just let someone else die if not yourself.



SNARE, STUN, CC them back... if you see an operative on someone stun him, dot him, and finish him off, they are squishy. Even without my CC break I have never been killed before the KD/Stun has wore off, at which point I get up and snare and move... OP and Scoundrel's big damage is a 4m range... melee... stay away from them, kite them and they wont kill you... if you are a stupid BH and you think standing there spamming a ranged missile while a melee is beating on you makes the melee OP... you are wrong it just makes you stoopid.


Thank you for a reasonable response, we die all the time.

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What is the chain cc you are speaking of? We only have the knock down/dirty kick/flash grenade. My dirty kick won't re cc you if I used my knock down and flash bang breaks with damage.


Our mobility is worse that sorcs, all our big dps skills are within 10m so basically we are melee and escape which has 2 min cool down with talents.


What are you talking about?


... what? you can easily chain dirty kick and knock down. I've been victim of this many many times. Maybe someone who has already been recent victim of OTHER CCs, but someone who hasn't? Yeeeeah, no.

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Anyway. Fact remains, they are immensely OP and their damage needs to be turned down ALOT.


They are atm the gods of pvp.





I play one and I get pwnd all the time. Play one first, otherwise you are just a QQ ragenerd who is going to send this game down the same nurf hell that killed WoW classes at every patch in round robin fashion over 7+ years! This class too op BAM nurf, now the other classes are op BAM BAM BAM nurf. Screw getitng better, just make others weaker so I can get kills with less effort. Ya thats a smart way to make a game 'better.'

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I play one and I get pwnd all the time. Play one first, otherwise you are just a QQ ragenerd who is going to send this game down the same nurf hell that killed WoW classes at every patch in round robin fashion over 7+ years! This class too op BAM nurf, now the other classes are op BAM BAM BAM nurf. Screw getitng better, just make others weaker so I can get kills with less effort. Ya thats a smart way to make a game 'better.'


You level 50? If not, then you likely don't have your strongest bursts that can easily allow you to pretty much 2 shot people. No joke. I'm personally not asking for a HUGE nerf, but no class should be able to do that.

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Sorry but, they are not OP. Learn to counter stealth.


There are scenarios for which they are good or bad. If you're a level 10 Sage/Sorc, yes you're going to explode. I've played as a 50 scoundrel and as a 50 commando and don't think they are OP. I have no problem handling operatives with my commando.

Edited by HuntinSikness
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Chain CC when our opener fills your resolve bar... Lulz.


It does not fill it completely. You want to lie, go right ahead, but don't expect people to fall for it.


Sorry but, they are not OP. Learn to counter stealth.


There are scenarios for which they are good or bad. If you're a level 10 Sage/Sorc, yes you're going to explode.


When a level 50 however can be two shotted, there's a problem. Pop the cooldown out of it? Nope, you get CCed right away again. I've fallen victim to this enough to KNOW can and IS done if other CCs haven't touched me recently. I don't mind surprise attacks from Scoundrels/Ops pretty much ensuring their victory 1 on 1, but again, not exactly acceptable to go quite THAT far.

Edited by Kuari
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I love how the answer is always, "Just break the stun, then the Operative magically just dies!"


Right. I'm gonna have a 2 min CD up every time one of these FOTM guys jumps on me, especially considering there's more and more of them in warzones every day it seems.

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