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I'm more amazed at the amount of Fanbois defending staggered EA.


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There is no doubt staggered EA was a bad ideal and their paying for it now. So all you fanbois just bend over and keep smiling. You seem to like it.


Paying for it all the way to the bank with your money, buddy.


I'm amazed at all the people (like yourself) crying about the choice to stagger early access.

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There is no doubt staggered EA was a bad ideal and their paying for it now. So all you fanbois just bend over and keep smiling. You seem to like it.


This is not early access. This is a staggered launch under the marketing guise of early access. This is not an exclusive event; anyone can still pre-order and get an "early access" code from a GameStop or Origin.


My girlfriend and I have been charged $60 and $80 (respectively) from Origin for the game with no refunds. Why the hell can't we access the product we paid for?

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There is no doubt staggered EA was a bad ideal and their paying for it now. So all you fanbois just bend over and keep smiling. You seem to like it.


Been playing for hours ... what you talking about. All the Fanbois ordered first day, so it's all the other ppl like you doing the QQing

Edited by Augerman
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There is no doubt staggered EA was a bad ideal and their paying for it now. So all you fanbois just bend over and keep smiling. You seem to like it.


A brilliant move by EA/BW. As long as the servers stay up they have plausible deniability for everything else. The fanboys do all of their dirty work flaming, insulting, belittling, and discrediting in one who complains.

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This is not early access. This is a staggered launch under the marketing guise of early access. This is not an exclusive event; anyone can still pre-order and get an "early access" code from a GameStop or Origin.


My girlfriend and I have been charged $60 and $80 (respectively) from Origin for the game with no refunds. Why the hell can't we access the product we paid for?


because official release date is the 20th.



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There is no doubt staggered EA was a bad ideal and their paying for it now. So all you fanbois just bend over and keep smiling. You seem to like it.


They are entitled to theyr opinions just as we are entitled to ours, its just a shame they usually tend to us theyr opinions to attack/flame those of us who don't share theyr opinions.. don't fall into theyr hypocritical ways.

Edited by Munx
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This is not early access. This is a staggered launch under the marketing guise of early access. This is not an exclusive event; anyone can still pre-order and get an "early access" code from a GameStop or Origin.


My girlfriend and I have been charged $60 and $80 (respectively) from Origin for the game with no refunds. Why the hell can't we access the product we paid for?


Specifically says the game will be released on the 20th. You can't decide that this is a staggered launch and expect to be allowed to play when the game doesn't come out until the 20th. You can call your crap gold all you want but if you try to use it to buy something they'll toss you into the loony bin.

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There is no doubt staggered EA was a bad ideal and their paying for it now. So all you fanbois just bend over and keep smiling. You seem to like it.


Just like activision fanboys :D And nvidiots and and.... well you know the drill you yourself are one of them probably or why else bother to make this thread.:D

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There is no doubt staggered EA was a bad ideal and their paying for it now. So all you fanbois just bend over and keep smiling. You seem to like it.


Yes it was such a bad idea that there were thousands of post about it being a bad idea ever since it was announced months ago.... oh wait....


It only became a bad idea when people didn't get to be in when they wanted.

Edited by Shadyne
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There is no doubt staggered EA was a bad ideal and their paying for it now. So all you fanbois just bend over and keep smiling. You seem to like it.


Patience is a virtue, and BioWare gave their customer base TOO much credit in this department. That's the only thing they're paying for right now, expecting people to not be complete drama queens.

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I tried to express this sentiment exactly my dear sir. Unfortunately, the Bioware mod team failed to acquiesce to my learned obervations and rewarded me with a forum Warning.


To which I replied #$@$#$ $#@$ $#@@ mother $#$#@. What you gonna do...ban me from a %%$# game that I can't even $#%^&** access yet? $##$#$ #$$ !!

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