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Need to increase a 7th Quickbar limit already - with a purchase an additional quickbar through the CM - 6 quickbars was good in the first several years of this game, but with all the new stuff since then, 7 is really needed for many (especially in my guild).


Increase the Quickbar limit to 7 please.  My guild & I will gladly purchase more unlock quickbars through the CM.

Edited by blacksilverroar
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Quickbar Key-bind Text Overlay


 So one thing I noticed when I got back into the game recently is the Overlay Text for your Keybinds. Some Keybinds have the text cut off, For Example, any Keybinds that Involve the Mouse. The Text on the Quickbar will Just read Mouse, The Rest of the text for the Keybinds will be Cut off. For Example, Mouse Button 4 or Mouse Wheel Up will both just read as Mouse. As a Left-Handed Gamer, I had to get creative with my Key-binding just to be able to play MMOs. I tend to have a lot of Keybinds around Mouse Buttons to compensate for not having the keys around WASD. I’m hoping something can be done about that, such as Changing the Text read MB4 instead of Mouse Button 4, WU instead of Mouse Wheel Up, as well as the ability to change the font sizes. As someone who likes Alts having all my action bars saying Mouse as my keybinds, it gets hard to remember what over 100 abilities are bound to.

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I agree with the suggestion of re-introducing the "very low shader" option, or give us a way to brighten up the rooms. 

For instance, when Ruhnuk came out I could not complete the quest for the datacron because I COULD NOT SEE where I was going. It was totally non-visable to me. (I had completed all the steps up to the final).

I have not attempted it on any other character since that time because my 66 year old eyes aren't getting any younger.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sure this has been posted before but I'd like to please request/ suggest an option to turn down/ turn off other players' animations.

The game lags when I'm in 16 man content and it makes it harder to see the boss and the mechanics. The otion can still allow for healer aoe circles to be seen but please let us turn off other peoples' animations.

This is not only a request from me but from my guild (Courageous - Sta Forge) since we've all had lag issues caused by this. Also it makes our lives easier when raiding and doing Operations.

More than a few of us have died mid pull because their games froze as an aoe was coming out.

Having an option to turn off other players' animations would be really nice. As in turn off the effects of their skills.

There could be 2 options - one to slightly turn them down but keep healeing animations showing up, one to completely turn off all animations caused by the abilities of other players.


Also I just wanted to say good job with the color blind mode. These modes don't usually work for me, but it actually works in this game, making it easier for me to see differences between blue and purple gear.


Thank you for your time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but, I'm about to uninstall the game and not look back. I spent money on a armor set so I could do a canon character and level it so I can do other game content after leveling. Here's the issue: My character is a Bounty Hunter, I have been using xp boosts and gearing up every few levels, and I'm being punished for doing so. Because I'm using xp boosts and gearing up every few levels, I've apparently progressed to fast, and am not allowed to progress any further in the story missions because I'm to low a level to access the mission I'm supposed to be doing. THIS IS TOTAL BS. If I make it to the mission by whatever legal non EULA violating means, I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO PROCEED. Star Trek Online had the same issue years ago, they had level requirements for missions. This prevented a lot of people form progressing any further, or collecting needed gear, or rewards, until they ground out however many levels they had to have to proceed. SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE GRINDING. A lot of people left the game because of it. They fixed it and now there's no level requirements to do any mission in the game.  I'M NOT GOING TO GRIND FOR A WEEK JUST TO BE ABLE TO DO THE NEXT MISSION!, that's total bs. I'll probably be uninstalling as I am not going to grind for days just to be able to do the mission I have slotted as next, only to find out I have to do this over and over because the game punishes you for doing well and using boosts. I don't even really know why I am posting this here because nothing will change, oh well, had fun while it worked.

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21 minutes ago, Reldyeb said:

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but, I'm about to uninstall the game and not look back. I spent money on a armor set so I could do a canon character and level it so I can do other game content after leveling. Here's the issue: My character is a Bounty Hunter, I have been using xp boosts and gearing up every few levels, and I'm being punished for doing so. Because I'm using xp boosts and gearing up every few levels, I've apparently progressed to fast, and am not allowed to progress any further in the story missions because I'm to low a level to access the mission I'm supposed to be doing. THIS IS TOTAL BS. If I make it to the mission by whatever legal non EULA violating means, I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO PROCEED. Star Trek Online had the same issue years ago, they had level requirements for missions. This prevented a lot of people form progressing any further, or collecting needed gear, or rewards, until they ground out however many levels they had to have to proceed. SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE GRINDING. A lot of people left the game because of it. They fixed it and now there's no level requirements to do any mission in the game.  I'M NOT GOING TO GRIND FOR A WEEK JUST TO BE ABLE TO DO THE NEXT MISSION!, that's total bs. I'll probably be uninstalling as I am not going to grind for days just to be able to do the mission I have slotted as next, only to find out I have to do this over and over because the game punishes you for doing well and using boosts. I don't even really know why I am posting this here because nothing will change, oh well, had fun while it worked.

You contradict yourself in this and I'm not sure what the problem is.  You've been gearing up and using xp boosts so that you are most likely outleveling the content but you're complaining that you can't progress because you are too low?

Please explain with an example and maybe we can help you.

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36 minutes ago, Reldyeb said:

I've apparently progressed to fast, and am not allowed to progress any further in the story missions because I'm to low a level to access the mission I'm supposed to be doing. THIS IS TOTAL BS. If I make it to the mission by whatever legal non EULA violating means, I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO PROCEED.

I'm with @PianoMatt on this.  Please explain where you are and which mission is blocking you and how come you are too low of a level when you have been leveling up fast (using XP boosts).

And be aware that if you level up too *slowly*, you will eventually be blocked by one of two things:

  • On Quesh, to get from the orbital station to the planet's surface, you must have taken the <Planetary Arc> starter mission given by the doctor in the corridor leading to the shuttle.  To do *that*, you must be at least level 32, because if not, you will be so low level that you'll be affected by the second point.
  • The second point is that if you are far enough below the enemy's level in combat, you will be unable to damage the enemy, and progressing missions will be effectively impossible.

Oh, and bear in mind that after the starter world, the "neutral" point (where you are always at the intended level for class missions and planetary arc missions) is that you do the class missions and planetary arc missions on every planet.  (The starter world doesn't have a planetary arc mission.)

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Level syncing is atrocious and ruins the gaming experience. I was playing on Ilum today. I'm level 59 and I understand the lvl sync down to lvl 50 for the planet of Ilum. However, I feel that because of my armor and weapons, I am getting penalized more and made super weak. As I can't even fight regular mobs normally, without dying quickly. In the mission Crystal Ball, for example, which is a regular Ilum, NON-heroic mission, I had to bring in a level 80 player to help me. This is ridiculous. I understand the reason for level sync and fairness (e.g. world bosses). But shouldn't I be able to solo regular class and planet missions without help? I had no issues like this when I was on Voss (I was lower level, had lower quality weps and armor, and that was easier than my current situation. Makes zero sense). 

This penalization of higher level players has gone too far, and made the game far less enjoyable. Please fix. 

Edited by DaikosX
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11 hours ago, DaikosX said:

Level syncing is atrocious and ruins the gaming experience. I was playing on Ilum today. I'm level 59 and I understand the lvl sync down to lvl 50 for the planet of Ilum. However, I feel that because of my armor and weapons, I am getting penalized more and made super weak. As I can't even fight regular mobs normally, without dying quickly. In the mission Crystal Ball, for example, which is a regular Ilum, NON-heroic mission, I had to bring in a level 80 player to help me. This is ridiculous. I understand the reason for level sync and fairness (e.g. world bosses). But shouldn't I be able to solo regular class and planet missions without help? I had no issues like this when I was on Voss (I was lower level, had lower quality weps and armor, and that was easier than my current situation. Makes zero sense). 

This penalization of higher level players has gone too far, and made the game far less enjoyable. Please fix. 

None of that is on-topic for this thread, which is about ways to make the game more accessible for people with disabilities and similar.

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On 8/17/2023 at 4:18 PM, DaikosX said:

Level syncing is atrocious and ruins the gaming experience. I was playing on Ilum today. I'm level 59 and I understand the lvl sync down to lvl 50 for the planet of Ilum. However, I feel that because of my armor and weapons, I am getting penalized more and made super weak. As I can't even fight regular mobs normally, without dying quickly. In the mission Crystal Ball, for example, which is a regular Ilum, NON-heroic mission, I had to bring in a level 80 player to help me. This is ridiculous. I understand the reason for level sync and fairness (e.g. world bosses). But shouldn't I be able to solo regular class and planet missions without help? I had no issues like this when I was on Voss (I was lower level, had lower quality weps and armor, and that was easier than my current situation. Makes zero sense). 

This penalization of higher level players has gone too far, and made the game far less enjoyable. Please fix. 

I think that if we're gonna get level synced the least they could do is make the datacron decos drop on these planets. As I understand it they can only drop for you if you are not max level but I know that's kinda a niche desire. I just was very joyful in the past whenever one dropped and want to experience that again without having to grind a new toon. It would incentivize me to do heroics more too. I don't like day-in and a day-out repetitive content.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/29/2023 at 7:14 PM, Narasimha said:

I'm sure this has been posted before but I'd like to please request/ suggest an option to turn down/ turn off other players' animations.


On 7/17/2023 at 11:26 PM, sagittarii_sky said:

I'd personally greatly appreciate an option like FFXIV has to "Turn off" other peoples gfx for group content. Or at the very least tone it down. It sucks when running an op any larger than 8 man, and you go from 200+ fps to like 15.


Yes please.

Fps dropping isn't the only issue. Some animations and effects are also visually very draining, plasma probe being the worst offender.  Having to quit a group because it triggers your migraine is not fun. 


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I would like to see the option to be able to zoom in and out of the mini map again. I don't remember when or why it was removed but since the last time I played Swtor.  Not having the greatest eyesight, I need to load the area map and use the magnifier to see the objectives and other icons on the map. 

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17 hours ago, Solarlupus said:

I would like to see the option to be able to zoom in and out of the mini map again. I don't remember when or why it was removed but since the last time I played Swtor.  Not having the greatest eyesight, I need to load the area map and use the magnifier to see the objectives and other icons on the map. 


If you press M, it is now next to Cursor and Player as you can see in my screenshot as I missed it and then eventually found it. :) 


Edited by JadisUK
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That is what I have been using. What I mean is when the gam first came out and up to the first expansion the mini map was in a circle that looked like this. 

New mini-map player icons... OP! : r/swtor (reddit.com)

I want this back. It was a lot easier for me to find what I was looking for without having to open up the main map. Yes, it took a few seconds to zoom in and adjust the location of the map to what I was looking for but at least I didn't have to stop every few minutes and make sure I am still going the right way. Is the larger mini map nice yes but it takes up so much screen space. The way it is now I have to have it a certain size or I can't see a thing clearly and the size of the mini map obstructs field of view. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

@JackieKo, Hello!
Have you thought about removing dialogue in flashpoints on Veteran difficulty? Or break down flashpoints by character level. For example, you can get to Flashpoint Esseles from levels 1 to 15, to Hammer station from 15 to 20, and so on. It is very annoying to go to Esseles 14 times in a row, listening to all the dialogues hundreds of times. Without the ability to skip them or ban time-wasting flashpoints. Well, or make a breakdown, flashpoints up to level 50, you can only get from character level 1-50, and everything else is above level 50. In my opinion, World of Warcraft has some kind of dungeon system. It would be very nice.
Oh, and by the way, replace all the kolto heals ih flashpoint with automatic ones when you approach them. As you did this in the latest flashpoints.

Edited by pandoricashy
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I'm not sure if this is possible, or if its already a function or if its already been suggested I apologize , but I think there should be an option to have the mouse be freely moving the camera without having to hold down right-click, or perhaps an inverse of the current setting, to instead be able to right click to keep the camera still while its otherwise moving wherever the cursor goes.

I think this might make the game more accessible to new players who don't understand the camera/movement controls as they are now, and that it might provide more options and potentially playability for current players who might want this option. Thanks : )

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  • 4 weeks later...


A suggestion that I think has already been made, but would it be possible to remove class restrictions from certain armors?

Here are several points in this direction:

- With combat styles these restrictions make much less sense.

- These armors are made unusable as cosmetics for any other class, while some allow you to bring back old appearances that have now disappeared from the game...

- Old armor sets are no longer used in PvE, although it would be interesting if this unlocked the appearance even if the bonus remains linked to the class.

- There is no longer an armor set for classes in 7.3, keeping this old mechanic and depriving players of certain appearances seems to reduce the possibilities of the game.

I think this restriction no longer makes much sense in SWTOR, other than limiting what is accessible. I recently bought a set of armor (without it being specified whether it was dedicated to a certain class) and found myself with unusables objects, both in terms of cosmetics and equipment, which is very frustrating as you can imagine...

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Because ever since 7.0 SWTOR has had nothing that it calls a "class".

Perhaps yes, in all cases my point is simply to say that armor "reserved for certain classes" no longer has any reason to exist.

The "set" mechanic no longer exists and the only ones remaining belong to old patches, which makes certain appearances inaccessible for the outfit modifier without any real justification.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The ability to permanently remove furniture items via in game support.

Probably sounds like a strange request, but I've been wanting to remove the "Rishii Idol" item from my account for years.

It was the original reason I stopped playing when I became a Christian. (Idols are one of the highest levels of insult to God.)

I know it's a pretty niche situation, but surely there's the odd person who wants to delete something off their account for some reason?

Idunno, seems like a lot to ask. But it would mean a lot to me and anybody else who finds themselves in a similar situation for Religious reasons.

Even if you made it an in game thing, similar to having to type "Delete" when deleting a Character.

And then made it possible to have it restored within a certain time frame through support.

Idunno, cheers, God Bless you and yours in Jesus name 🤍✝️🕊

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really profoundly disappointing that the total revamp of the GTN did not include a GTN section in the Interface Editor, or in fact ANY accessibility or customization options at all. No text size or color controls. No dark-on-light option. Absolutely nothing.

As a disabled player who's been asking for accessibility options for the GTN for years and years, this feels like a slap in the face. All that work to change how it works, but none at all to make it more readable or less of an eyesore. (I mean that literally. Looking at tiny light text on black hurts my eyes.)

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