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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Augments


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People don’t seem to get it that the augments being split across pve and pvp isn’t to make people play both parts. It’s so that the mats are traded on the GTN and Bioware will take 8% GTN tax on each trade,


Basically they are just another credit sink.


So the higher the cost on the GTN, the better the credit sink will work for Bioware. They don’t care that they will cost 100’s millions, they are counting on it.

The only problem I see with that, is that the higher the price, the lower the turn-over. If you can have 100 GTN sales at 100M or 1000 sales at 20M because many more people can afford this or are willing to spend this amount, then they will be better served with mats not being as high priced and rare because it's double the turn-over.


So by making something so rare that the prices are ridiculously high, they won't achieve their credit sink targets as easily. The numbers are fictional of course but the point is that the higher the price the fewer people will be able to afford those prices and it will get exponentially less as the prices go up.


You've got to figure also that you need 14 augments and so being able to afford one is not nearly enough.

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I hope the devs read this.


As a ranked player, once these new augments come out I'm not going to play ranked anymore. I'm not going to try to get the mats for these augs and knowing GTN it will be stupidly overpriced. I will be under-geared next to ranked players that do get them, thus I'm not playing ranked anymore.


Whoever came up with this stupid idea should be fired or at the least, given a job that's not important, like take out the trash or stare at the wall.


Oh one last thing, we're not friends. You continuously try to force us to do things we don't want to do and take away stuff that we liked. No friend of mine would do that.

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I hope the devs read this.


As a ranked player, once these new augments come out I'm not going to play ranked anymore. I'm not going to try to get the mats for these augs and knowing GTN it will be stupidly overpriced. I will be under-geared next to ranked players that do get them, thus I'm not playing ranked anymore.


Whoever came up with this stupid idea should be fired or at the least, given a job that's not important, like take out the trash or stare at the wall.


Oh one last thing, we're not friends. You continuously try to force us to do things we don't want to do and take away stuff that we liked. No friend of mine would do that.


Wasn't it chris that is bringing this in, the guy that's in charge of the pvp community....

Edited by DarkTergon
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I just learned about this today and it is the worst thing I've heard regarding SWTOR in a very long time. If you try to force game modes on players, like PvP, it ruins the experience. Also, relying on trade for people to acquire these materials is just admitting your idea is so bad it requires a work around upon launch.


Is it time for me to give up playing this game after supporting it for nearly 7 years? I hope not. I recently got a few friends to start playing but I can't encourage any long term commitment if these are the kinds of changes we are looking forward to.

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I just learned about this today and it is the worst thing I've heard regarding SWTOR in a very long time. If you try to force game modes on players, like PvP, it ruins the experience. Also, relying on trade for people to acquire these materials is just admitting your idea is so bad it requires a work around upon launch.


Is it time for me to give up playing this game after supporting it for nearly 7 years? I hope not. I recently got a few friends to start playing but I can't encourage any long term commitment if these are the kinds of changes we are looking forward to.


if you don't play pvp, the chances are it won't effect you. No one's really sure how it will effect the NiM community, I suppose it will depend on who's running the content, and whether they demand people have them or not.

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People don’t seem to get it that the augments being split across pve and pvp isn’t to make people play both parts. It’s so that the mats are traded on the GTN and Bioware will take 8% GTN tax on each trade,


Basically they are just another credit sink.


So the higher the cost on the GTN, the better the credit sink will work for Bioware. They don’t care that they will cost 100’s millions, they are counting on it.


Yes, it's GTN-driven, but not like that. They want us in the money laundering loop:


$ > CC > GTN > Creds > Max iR Augs


They want us paying cash for our endgame gear.

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With all respect, we don't want any other new augment, we want content storyline content and good content not a 15 minutes dialogue...i;m not a 1 day, 3 day, 1 week, 1 month subscriber, i am 8 year subscriber and this game desirves better, and noy another augments, fp's or ops, new gears, content.....or simply u are going this patch is understand why veteran players simple walk away from this great game, dont make aside veteran players and what make us play this game
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Are people even willing to pay for the current best augments. I still use 276's and they seem to do fine, even in unranked Warzones. Hell of a lot cheaper too.


Some will, and because they will, others will have to, or they'll lose their place in the top, etc. It will effect elo, and probably come down to unranked too.

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Screw you i hate playing pvp


I HATE PLAYING P V P ANYTHING. I hate it with every fiber of my being as a player. So putting this on me, a "PAYING PLAYER" I find this ludicrous on every level. I am not alone in this thought either and you may find yourself losing players because of this. Just like Blizzard did with WoW.


How dare you, how dare you.

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I HATE PLAYING P V P ANYTHING. I hate it with every fiber of my being as a player. So putting this on me, a "PAYING PLAYER" I find this ludicrous on every level. I am not alone in this thought either and you may find yourself losing players because of this. Just like Blizzard did with WoW.


How dare you, how dare you.


Wow, do people really hate Warzones/GSF around here that much? I think those are two of the best draws of this game.

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Wow, do people really hate Warzones/GSF around here that much? I think those are two of the best draws of this game.


Some do, some don't. I hate GSF b/c the controls are awful. I'm looking forward to Squadrons, which releases in 4 days. In other words, I'm fine with space battles, I just think the implementation here is weak. Will be interesting to see the differences b/t PC and Consoles. I'm skeptical about PC controls, but we'll know soon enough.


As for Warzones -- meh. I just don't think MMORPGs do a good job of balancing PvP and never will. I dabble, but that's it now, despite being an avid PvPer at the start (started on Jung Ma) and did a ton of PvP in other MMORPGS. Trying to balance PvP, while at the same time balancing PvE is a recipe for, well, disaster.


More broadly, and with specific reference to this thread, I think it is a fool's errand to try to incentivize people to play activities they don't like. It leads to a whole variety of unintended, almost universally, negative consequences.





Edited by Jdast
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Some do, some don't. I hate GSF b/c the controls are awful. I'm looking forward to Squadrons, which releases in 4 days. In other words, I'm fine with space battles, I just think the implementation here is weak. Will be interesting to see the differences b/t PC and Consoles. I'm skeptical about PC controls, but we'll know soon enough.


As for Warzones -- meh. I just don't think MMORPGs do a good job of balancing PvP and never will. I dabble, but that's it now, despite being an avid PvPer at the start (started on Jung Ma) and did a ton of PvP in other MMORPGS. Trying to balance PvP, while at the same time balancing PvE is a recipe for, well, disaster.


More broadly, and with specific reference to this thread, I think it is a fool's errand to try to incentivize people to play activities they don't like. It leads to a whole variety of unintended, almost universally, negative consequences.






Imagine if all the materials are BoP. Even if you had billions of credits to burn on them, you wouldn't be able to just buy them, you'd "have" to do the required activities to get them.

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Imagine if all the materials are BoP. Even if you had billions of credits to burn on them, you wouldn't be able to just buy them, you'd "have" to do the required activities to get them.


I'm not putting myself through the digestive system of a Sarlacc Pit for 300 Crit.



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I'm not putting myself through the digestive system of a Sarlacc Pit for 300 Crit.




Do the augments even make that big of a difference in PvP/Operations? I'd think because of bolster, the difference between 276 augments and 288 augments is almost unnoticeable, certainly not justification for the difference in cost.

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here is what you should do! No more lvl sinc on planets, no more crazy list of mats to get one augment, dunno mess with conquest value (right now is balanced and help a lot small guilds to growth), and for the last time more content! please help us obi wan kenobi you are our only hope!
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Do the augments even make that big of a difference in PvP/Operations? I'd think because of bolster, the difference between 276 augments and 288 augments is almost unnoticeable, certainly not justification for the difference in cost.

I think it will make more of a difference in PvP than in Ops actually. Bolster isn't that great in the end and ranked will have a requirement of 306 gear anyway. In unranked the difference between having no augments and these new augments will be even bigger than before.


What you should understand is that a lot of people in unranked do not even have augments. And when people form teams to basically grief unranked for sport then this gap is just even bigger.


In ranked itself there will be calls for unfairness and the blame, right or wrong, will go to these new augments. It makes no sense to make augments that so easily will be the target of blame for people's ranked misfortunes. In any case it will cause the elite to become more elite and more of the non-elite players to end up quitting PvP.


Forcing people to do specific types of content always needs to be done so cautiously, but now they have gotten even more specific with NiM Ops and group ranked as content that you need to do to get these materials. And they will be pricey on the GTN because of it.


My question to BW is, in the context of 6.0 gearing, how come that you thought that this was a good idea? I bet they are looking at numbers like credit sinks etc. instead of thinking whether or not it's a fun idea for players to do. I feel these number crunchers have no idea what it's like to play this game and consequently come up with some of the worst ideas or implement them entirely the wrong way.


What if you made these augments available to more people? How would that be a bad thing? If they want to reward ranked and NiM ops play then give them each their specific rewards. You know like augments that have bonuses that work in specific content only. Like in raids where an additional bonus is only active when in raids and for PvP the same where that additional bonus only works in warzones.


The problem is and remains their one-size-doesn't-fit-all approach. Throwing everyone in the same corner. The worst idea they ever had was go down this path where PvP and PvE had the same gear entirely.

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Yes, it's GTN-driven, but not like that. They want us in the money laundering loop:


$ > CC > GTN > Creds > Max iR Augs


They want us paying cash for our endgame gear.


IMO ... that's not where this is headed.


if you don't play pvp, the chances are it won't effect you. No one's really sure how it will effect the NiM community, I suppose it will depend on who's running the content, and whether they demand people have them or not.



Perhaps .. perhaps not ( not for now at least)


Are people even willing to pay for the current best augments. I still use 276's and they seem to do fine, even in unranked Warzones. Hell of a lot cheaper too.


This is pretty much what I have done .. and (so far) they work just fine. But what if that changed?


What options would be available? What change would I have to make (particularly if someone did a lot of this "solo" ?


Some do, some don't. I hate GSF b/c the controls are awful. I'm looking forward to Squadrons, which releases in 4 days. In other words, I'm fine with space battles, I just think the implementation here is weak. Will be interesting to see the differences b/t PC and Consoles. I'm skeptical about PC controls, but we'll know soon enough.


As for Warzones -- meh. I just don't think MMORPGs do a good job of balancing PvP and never will. I dabble, but that's it now, despite being an avid PvPer at the start (started on Jung Ma) and did a ton of PvP in other MMORPGS. Trying to balance PvP, while at the same time balancing PvE is a recipe for, well, disaster.


More broadly, and with specific reference to this thread, I think it is a fool's errand to try to incentivize people to play activities they don't like. It leads to a whole variety of unintended, almost universally, negative consequences.






IMO ... this is not specifically about War Zones or PvP ... or JUST PvE.



Imagine if all the materials are BoP. Even if you had billions of credits to burn on them, you wouldn't be able to just buy them, you'd "have" to do the required activities to get them.


Good observation.

The procedure will continue. The eradication of individuality will proceed. Assimilation will continue as planned.


Resistance is futile

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What if you made these augments available to more people? How would that be a bad thing?


They don't want them available; they want the masses pushed to the CM/GTN, where they'll convert cash into credits, and buy their endgame gear.


I expect to see a massive influx of credit sellers spamming chat.

Edited by FlatTax
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Do the augments even make that big of a difference in PvP/Operations? I'd think because of bolster, the difference between 276 augments and 288 augments is almost unnoticeable, certainly not justification for the difference in cost.


From what I can see and from what I have heard.... blue augments are just fine up to nim ops. I cant speak for nim raiding but the couple of hm ops we ran, my blues did just fine.


Personally, i plan on crafting the purples eventually for my main but wont even bother with blues for my alts unless im forced to switch mains for our raid group.



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They don't want them available; they want the masses pushed to the CM/GTN, where they'll convert cash into credits, and buy their endgame gear.


I expect to see a massive influx of credit sellers spamming chat.

I don't think that will happen though. In the end the cost will be prohibitive and the augments aren't needed at all, except perhaps in PvP because they exist and other players will have them. Some NiM raiders might get them, but I don't see how many people will get these augments unless the prices for the mats are a lot lower. I mean, already now a lot of people don't even have augments at all.

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Hi friends,




To be clear, these augments will require BOTH the PvE material (only available in Master Mode Operations) AND the PvP material (only available in Ranked) to craft. We acknowledge that many players prefer one mode over the other, however we have a robust trading economy that rewards those who make these scarce materials available either via the Galactic Trade Network or simply trade chat.


These will be available in the upcoming PTS to try out, so don’t hesitate to pop in and let us know what you think!




This is the first time i am posting. BUT I HATE THIS. I DON'T LIKE RANKED PVP AND I DON'T DO PVE.

Edited by fraitl
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