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Season 13 and the Future of PvP


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I will do even worse - to end up the match iam forced by devs i will help the enemy team to win fast. I will take the ball and bring it to gates of my own team. Then i will pass it to enemy players so that enemies could score up 6/0 faster and i could end this garbage match faster in order to proceed to a normal map. Devs think they can force us to play stinky, glitched maps but they will soon feel all consequences of their dumb policy.


thats actually a pretty good idea.

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I will do even worse - to end up the match iam forced by devs i will help the enemy team to win fast. I will take the ball and bring it to gates of my own team. Then i will pass it to enemy players so that enemies could score up 6/0 faster and i could end this garbage match faster in order to proceed to a normal map. Devs think they can force us to play stinky, glitched maps but they will soon feel all consequences of their dumb policy.


I honestly had no idea that Huttballs ends if one team gets to 6 goals. Thank you!


I mean, I hope it never comes to it but if they add a Deserter penalty without allowing you to choose which type of PvP you are queueing for, this will come in handy.

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I will do even worse - to end up the match iam forced by devs i will help the enemy team to win fast. I will take the ball and bring it to gates of my own team. Then i will pass it to enemy players so that enemies could score up 6/0 faster and i could end this garbage match faster in order to proceed to a normal map. Devs think they can force us to play stinky, glitched maps but they will soon feel all consequences of their dumb policy.


Yes and by using Red on your own node in OPG or by saying you will guard the node and then let the other team free cap. Few things are sweeter than the tears of premaders on your own team.

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Yes and by using Red on your own node in OPG or by saying you will guard the node and then let the other team free cap. Few things are sweeter than the tears of premaders on your own team.


I mean when I was premading, I hardly relied on the pugs to win games for us. One of my guys was guarding, even if one of the pugs insisted on staying.

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I honestly had no idea that Huttballs ends if one team gets to 6 goals. Thank you!


I mean, I hope it never comes to it but if they add a Deserter penalty without allowing you to choose which type of PvP you are queueing for, this will come in handy.


Yes but only if it is 6/0. If it is 6/1 or more you will need around 12 to win lol. But in most cases if it is 6/1 the match ends because timer goes out (trash ball has a maximum amount of time it can last). So if enemy team scores at least 1 point before your team gets 6/0 prepare to stay in a stinky vandin full of green poo until timer expires.

Edited by omaan
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I will do even worse - to end up the match iam forced by devs i will help the enemy team to win fast. I will take the ball and bring it to gates of my own team. Then i will pass it to enemy players so that enemies could score up 6/0 faster and i could end this garbage match faster in order to proceed to a normal map. Devs think they can force us to play stinky, glitched maps but they will soon feel all consequences of their dumb policy.


And then everyone reports you and you get banned from the game. Sounds like a win win to me.

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And then everyone reports you and you get banned from the game. Sounds like a win win to me.


Ahahha... that is priceless. Getting banned for trying to end a terrible match lol. It will never happen in a million years. They would need a pattern of you deliberately queueing to harass the same group of players. Believe me I know, I have used these tactics on premades before.

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Ahahha... that is priceless. Getting banned for trying to end a terrible match lol. It will never happen in a million years. They would need a pattern of you deliberately queueing to harass the same group of players. Believe me I know, I have used these tactics on premades before.


And you wonder why people think pvp is toxic

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Ahahha... that is priceless. Getting banned for trying to end a terrible match lol. It will never happen in a million years. They would need a pattern of you deliberately queueing to harass the same group of players. Believe me I know, I have used these tactics on premades before.


If enough people report you? You can 100% get banned for something like that.

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I rarely leave any match, regs or ranked. Something has to be going very wrong in a match for me to even consider it. I don't expect to win every match but I always play to win. Heck, I don't even leave the annoying back fills into a lop sided match. Most of the time they are over quick and I just move on.


I have been watching this thread and understand some of the concerns about the debuff. It only 15 min folks, not the end of the world.


I will say that the only way I would have an issue with it is if the debuff is tied to a vote kick. I could see that becoming a serious issue if that happens - in both regs and ranked.

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I am just given back to premaders. Think of it what you will.

*gasps in utter disbelief* How dare players group and play together with their friends. Ughh and they're actually all good too, the audacity!! This cannot stand BioWare. Please make it so that nobody can queue together, unless of course I am better than them, then it is ok. But, If I by chance get put into one of these games where the other team is grouped and better than me I will not try to win because it is so unfair I will just try to ruin it for everyone else because if life isn't fair for me it shouldn't be fair for anyone. In fact from now on every game ever made should not allow players to play together, Especially if they are good!!! Screw it I think that is how America should be too, everything fair, easy, and equal.

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*gasps in utter disbelief* How dare players group and play together with their friends. Ughh and they're actually all good too, the audacity!! This cannot stand BioWare. Please make it so that nobody can queue together, unless of course I am better than them, then it is ok. But, If I by chance get put into one of these games where the other team is grouped and better than me I will not try to win because it is so unfair I will just try to ruin it for everyone else because if life isn't fair for me it shouldn't be fair for anyone. In fact from now on every game ever made should not allow players to play together, Especially if they are good!!! Screw it I think that is how America should be too, everything fair, easy, and equal.


I sense deep sarcasm with this one! :D

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how about addressing the skank tank imbalance its a ^%$^%$ joke. whats the point playing a DPS glass cannon spec when I can hope on an I WIN skank tank.


I agree to some extent. But instead of taking a nerf bat to Skanks....why not look at the dps jugg/guardian spec instead. The real issue for the dps class in ranked is it lacks with escapes. Easy for other classes to lock it up and burn it down.


A simple fix could be to amend the blade blitz immunity talent, in talent tree, that would allow for a second, immediate, blade blitz or, even better, one that reduces the CD to say 15 seconds. Similar to two cloaks tactical for assassins. All we need is a little more time to make Grit more effective and the dps jugg/knight is back! Also, undying set would become primo because we would be able to get the 20% dmg reduction more frequently.


Problem solved. This my opinion though and would help because I use blade blitz all the time as an escape. :)

Edited by Nickodemous
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We all know that. But being overtly toxic to your own team only contributes to the decline of pvp in this game. Therefore I can’t condone that sort of behaviour, even if premades do ruin some games,


define toxic


me telling you which way they coming from is not toxic, that just comms. me advising you on better builds is also not toxic. that's optimization


problem is biofail caused pvp skill to drop across the board when they got rid of the pvp gear, it was a good guarded door that prevented anyone who wasn't cut out or had/has 0 intention of winning or getting better. sure pvp pops way more now, but avg player now is a complete idiot.


premades ruin any fun that pvp has now by being tryhards. they should simply be matched with other premades its not that hard to mm.

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define toxic


I can’t believe you are actually asking that. You only need to look at the poster you replied to and one other supporting them to purposely sabotage their own team.


That by definition is bad behaviour and trollish, therefore I would classify that toxic.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I'm going to invent a word to describe you. You're basically the incel version of a pvper, you're a insolo, an involuntary solo player who hates that people actually group up together because no one will play with you.


Youre being kinda hard on him, no? Anyway, I also share his opinion. I have no friends and no one to play with. Not due to me being antisocial or so, but due to my RL, my play times are very variable and my friends cant adapt to that.


The problem with premades and groups of players is not that we do not want people to play with friends, but the problem is the inbalance it brings when you have a group of 4 against and 4 randoms against a group of 8 randoms. There should be a divided que for premades and solo quers, thats all I would ask. It would be interesting to see how the "premade que" would go.


This is literally Stain replying to himself. Bladech is his alt account, so he made a post, then logged into another account so he could reply to it. This is the type of person agreeing with you.


I think most people here know Stains accounts.

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I can’t believe you are actually asking that. You only need to look at the poster you replied to to and one other supporting them to purposely sabotage their own team.


That by definition is bad behaviour and trollish, therefore I would classify that toxic.


bad behaviour, trollish, toxic


These are term I would describe experience premaders that only queue together to stomp others. I would also include egocentric and insecure.


It has nothing to do with playing with friends for fun as they are inclined to say, but rather a desire to not be group with random Joe Newplayer with 3% PvP experience. These are the type of players that are in fact legit good and experienced players, and due to this fact they feel they deserve to play with like-minded players. This type of mindset is also prevalent in solo ranked.


And I get it. Of course I get it, but it creates some incredibly one-sided matches, as no one is realistically going to form a counter premade to challenge them. This is the second faux augument i.e. "form you own premade" but should such a thing happen, and they began to lose, they would stop playing. I know, I have seen this happen on several occasions when our pug team randomly had enough experience to win.


It should never be allowed to pitch premaders against pugs in the first place. It should solely be about equal teams and those who are legit better wins.


So of course I become annoyed. And some times I will play for the other team, but mostly I just become disillusioned and leave the match.

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bad behaviour, trollish, toxic


These are term I would describe experience premaders that only queue together to stomp others. I would also include egocentric and insecure.


It has nothing to do with playing with friends for fun as they are inclined to say, but rather a desire to not be group with random Joe Newplayer with 3% PvP experience. These are the type of players that are in fact legit good and experienced players, and due to this fact they feel they deserve to play with like-minded players. This type of mindset is also prevalent in solo ranked.


And I get it. Of course I get it, but it creates some incredibly one-sided matches, as no one is realistically going to form a counter premade to challenge them. This is the second faux augument i.e. "form you own premade" but should such a thing happen, and they began to lose, they would stop playing. I know, I have seen this happen on several occasions when our pug team randomly had enough experience to win.


It should never be allowed to pitch premaders against pugs in the first place. It should solely be about equal teams and those who are legit better wins.


So of course I become annoyed. And some times I will play for the other team, but mostly I just become disillusioned and leave the match.


You do realise two wrongs don’t make a right?


You are basically defending your own bad behaviour by implying “it’s ok because they were behaving badly first”.


That doesn’t give you a free pass.


That being said, I don’t “totally” disagree with what you are saying about premades and I think my posting history over the last 6 months regarding premades supports that.


The queue balance system based on some secret “skill lvl” they implemented in 5.0 has never worked and I was one of the first to highlight this back then with numerous threads and posts. All were ignored by Bioware and I was derided by many here who said it worked fine.

The only thing they needed to to do was balance out how many healers/tanks per team and make it so only premades played premades when possible (which was never implemented).


Jump to 6.x and 2020 and we have far fewer players and much less balance in reg pvp because the system doesn’t work.

Skill LvLs are much worse than the 4.x era of pvp and hardly any one tries to win using tactics or strategy. They instead run in a gank group to farm numbers as if winning doesn’t matter and only how “big” your epeen is.

It’s those sorts of matches that I leave if my team is doing that. And sadly, it’s usually the premades doing it the most. So I do understand your dislike for premades, even if the reasons are different.


The point is, you don’t need to become like those people because then you also become part of the problem. You will perpetuate premades more because people won’t trust solo players with your attitude and you’ll have more premades.

Plus you aren’t just hurting the premade on your team. You are hurting the 3 other solo players, who, with no fault of their own, got put with you and the premade,


Now, if you want to have a more constructive discussion on what Bioware should consider doing, I’ll happily participate and support a position that premades are causing issues, but I won’t condone the sort of behaviour you think is fine because they ruined you’re fun first.

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You do realise two wrongs don’t make a right?


You are basically defending your own bad behaviour by implying “it’s ok because they were behaving badly first”.


That doesn’t give you a free pass.


Oh I know. I am not the hero here, but I am human and I can get annoyed and primitive just like anyone.


As I said, I mostly just leave as I don't care to be on either side of a premade and I haven't played 75 regs for years.

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