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Season 13 and the Future of PvP


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We will be extending the Deserter queue lockout to Unranked matches.





So you force us to play maps in regs we hate? Broken huttball with operative rolls and sorcs pulls domination, broken dsync, poorly customized vandin etc. Are you trolling? Remove deserter from regs or provide us opportunity to cross out certain maps from queue option. Your deserter thing in regs will only make things worse

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Try this: queue 50 warzones today and enter as soon as you get the pop. Then write down just how many "<NAME> has left the warzone" messages you get. I bet it will be +100 people leaving. Remember to also notice how many leave during the match - especially when your side is losing.


With a deserter lockout you will get 3 responses:


a) People will insta-leave and can not re-queue which will prolong queue times.

b) People will sit out in a combination of protest or because they think it will be faster than lockout. Say hello to even more terrible matches than now.

c) Some people will play. Sure some will actually play a match or two, but after getting HB 3 times in a row they will just leave.


TL;DR: There is no upside to a deserter lockout. None. It will absolutely not create better games. It only makes sense in ranked.


This is all true.


Don't do it bioware. This is terrible.

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These are overall good changes, but as someone already pointed out, team ranked needs some more love....


No real point to play it currently, unlike s9 and 10. I am pretty confident you can find ways to revive team ranked again.


Devs have no idea how many players they losing because of team ranked being DEAD. They don't understand that there is a big fraction of Players dedicated or simply willing to play team ranked every day. Instead of playing team ranked, pay subscription and buy goodies from cartel market THEY ALL SIMPLY left the game since they can't team up and play team ranked. As result, after legit players left the game, wintraders are using situation with empty (dead) team ranked and shifted to team ranked, blatantly cheating for getting all ranked rewards. Devs have no choice but to return back to season 10 rewarding system or we will have season 11-12 team ranked conditions when only Wintraders got their hands on all ranked rewards in team ranked

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Lowbies on DM is littered with tryhards in 2-man groups that only play level +34 characters and only play to stomp others in arena.


That’s just sad :(


We don’t seem to have that problem with 2 man groups on Star Forge, but I can see how that would be a problem because I have seen 4 man premades in lowbies do the same over the years.


The problem is lowbies and Mids should be a place to learn and it’s much easier to group up to teach. I know my wife wouldn’t even be playing any pvp if I hadn’t been able to group with her and hold her hand.

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Do I understand correctly that the unranked PvP missions will go back to having to win?


If yes, I don't understand why BW is reversing their previous decision to change the system from having to win to participation. The reason for this was that queues were dead on most servers back then. I vividly remember how certain imperial guilds on The Progenitor went into regs all day long with their premades to roflstomp the poor pugs. That's what killed the PvP scene on TP back in the days.


It's not difficult to foresee where this decision will lead to: less people queueing again. We're going back in circles. Since Mr. Kanneg took over they reversed and continue to reverse decisions they made in order to rescue this game. I'm not sure what their plan is. I kinda understand what they hope to achieve, but why don't they have a look at their past metrics? They might tell a different story.


I'm out in such a scenario. I win maybe 1 out of 10 reg WZs, even less ranked. I already quit ranked. If I need to win regs for getting rewards, I quit that, too. The odds are too much against me.


I hate seeing this kind of attitude. "x" is to hard so therefore i'm just going to give up. Bioware is trying to do something to fix the state of regs where every game you get one team trying to play the objective and the other number farming, or half your team number farming and the other half trying to win. While I understand that regs are for more casual gameplay, that's no excuse not to try to win IMO. You don't go into Ops or FP's and go oh I hope if i'm not able to kill "x" boss that'll i'll still get loot for trying. Regs should be where you try to learn your class, how to play it more efficiently, what other classes do, all while still trying to win the game and this should be enjoyable for you cause if its not then PvP isn't for you.

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We only have our own subjective perspective to measure from, but I personally see many. many people leave buttball and OPG every time it loads. I think it's an error of judgement to assume these people are suddenly going to play something they don't want, and personally I will just leave and either stop queuing regs completely or run a few FPs until I get bored and close the game. A deserter lockout without map selection is going to be a net loss for pvp.


Yes the rewards for ranked are fine, but with regs dying due to the deserter lockout ranked will suffer as well. It needs fresh blood and with fewer people player regs, even fewer will try ranked.


I think you are right in that it will make more people play less.


Yeah, if my choice is Lag Ball 47% of my pops and a 15 min lockout if I leave, then I’ll either AFK in the corner for Quesh and Vandin or I won’t queue. And considering I’m queuing less and less because I get sick of getting lag ball every other match, then add a 15 min deserter timer. The answer is simple for me, don’t queue and after a bit, don’t bother logging into swtor at all, which leads to permanently unsubscribing.


And the reality is there aren’t many people as it is, so your conclusions that it will kill pvp has definite higher percentage than in the past.


Will it kill it instantly over night? I don’t think so.

Will it add another nail to the coffin lid? Absolutely I think it will


Pvp has been dying in this game for years. Every bad decision puts another nail in the coffin. Will this change make it faster or slower?

I think it’s already in the stage where the dying become lucid near the end and may not even appear that sick, but could go on for ever slowly dying. Only the next day they’ve passed away.


I’ll be happy to be proven wrong. I just have zero faith anymore.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I think the lockout is neccesary BUT it should meet certain parameters. Leaving before a match starts should be allowed with no penalty. However if player leaves in the middle of the match going on then they should be a penalty. Usually the ones that leave in the middle of the match tend to be the most toxic players in the chat in unranked matches, so punishment for those is great, but not punish leaving before the action has begun.


However, has a casual pvp player that just likes the fun objective maps, having only be rewarded for winnning doesn’t really motivate me to play unranked, and would rather use my time on some other activity of the game. I don’t think making unranked feel like a “only tryhards” scenario would attrract new players to pvp in the long run.

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We will be extending the Deserter queue lockout to Unranked matches.

Have any of you ever done unranked warzones?

1.What were you all thinking? There was so much feedback against doing this in various threads here

2. Do you really think this is going to stop people leaving arena type wzs? I always leave these because it's always x1 group of dps vs the other premade group of ranked specialists with tank & healer. To go further, you really should have ventured into unranked yourselves on EVERY class in just to experience the lack of pvp class balance for yourselves before making this decision.

3. Pretty sure when people arrive at [/insert most hated WZ here] people won't care; they will desert anyway AND/OR

4. This will result in much more afk stealthing in all WZs AND/OR

5. This will result in more non-stealthers afk-hiding in los spots in Hutt ball AND/OR

6. This will result in many people just not bothering with warzones any more. This is a queue killer.


I'm a soloer however I enjoy[ed] the occasional unranked PvP for a change and for PvP achievements and conquest. This is basically telling me **** off back to doing exclusively solo content :mad:


EDITED to add quoted option 3:


1. Cancel it OR

2. Allow us to select which warzones we want to queue for, similar to flashpoints OR


I would probably have to propose that the simple compromise is:

- Allow people to leave a warzone up until it starts (i think 1-2min window). After the match started and you leave, you get the 15min deserter lockout. I think that is a more than fair compromise.


As for backfills, you could allow them to leave without penalty, because they are a replacement in the first place. But i could also see giving them a penalty because you cant have people backfilling non stop, as it does make the game unplayable for that team.

Edited by Sarova
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We will be extending the Deserter queue lockout to Unranked matches.





I plead with you Chris and the team not to implement these changes into unranked warzones. If you do, then things need to change. Allow us to decide what maps we want to play, just like flashpoints. Make it so that if we ignore a character do to they way the act, or how toxic they are we won't be grouped with them moving forward. I leave matches due to certain players. I shouldn't be punished due to them not wanting to contribute to the actual match and I know how they play. This has disaster written all over it if you put these new rules into effect for unranked PvP

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I do think that if these changes do go through, map selection should be implemented as to allow players that dont want be forced to stay in WZs they dislike (or fear deserter debuffs).


The WZ map selector should probably be broken down into:

1. Huttballs + Odessen Proving Grounds

2. Arena 4v4s

3. The rest of the objective warzones.

**however, using this type of selection would likely require the removal of the fair balancing with the tank and healer per team etc. As you may be the only healer queued for option 2 (arenas) and never get a queue. Which in that instance i think it better to get an unbalance team queue than no queue at all.


**or just have options 1&3 and you only get arenas when the queues arent large enough to form 8v8s and then you can still try and keep the tank, healer, dps balance there.

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The best answer to queue problems with swtor is to allow ranked choice voting when entering the queue. Players put the maps in order they want to play. Game assigns a value to each map and does a roll to select a map based on the values of all player votes in queue. Still possible to get low scored maps, just much less often.


Since this would probably take more coding than bioware can commit, it should still be possible to let players choose using the same system as FPs, with the caveat that the queue will force you into other warzones if not enough players have chosen the same selections.

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We will be extending the Deserter queue lockout to Unranked matches.





just returned back from wow after many months of break, re-subbed, came to forum and found out that you continue to make pvp WORSE in this game kek. Extending deserter to unranked? You reallly think that forcing players to play broken by dsync, rolls and pulls huttball (trashball as iit called now by players) is a good idea? OR even better - do you REALLY THINK that forcing players who queue unranked without premade (single players) to fight FULL VOICE-COMMED PREMADES with tanks, strongest (fotm) dps specs and healers is ALSO a good idea? Or you expect a player who got a pop into a match which is already fully lost because of previous players who screwed up and left to play this lost match? You literally locking players into fights they literally can't play without puke. Be ready for more players quitting the game or stopping playing regs.


P.S. your small carrot throwing into team ranked won't be enough to save it from wintraders and bot users because few mats for only winning some matches isn't enough to attract and engage enough legit players into team ranked. You will continue to see wintraders getting their hands on best ranked rewards while legit players won't have enough pops (or won't have any pops at all) to get enough rating/wins.


I guess some things never change, heh :rak_03:

Edited by omaan
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just returned back from wow after many months of break, re-subbed, came to forum and found out that you continue to make pvp WORSE in this game kek. Extending deserter to unranked? You reallly think that forcing players to play broken by dsync, rolls and pulls huttball (trashball as iit called now by players) is a good idea? OR even better - do you REALLY THINK that forcing players who queue unranked without premade (single players) to fight FULL VOICE-COMMED PREMADES with tanks, strongest (fotm) dps specs and healers is ALSO a good idea? Or you expect a player who got a pop into a match which is already fully lost because of previous players who screwed up and left to play this lost match? You literally locking players into fights they literally can't play without puke. Be ready for more players quitting the game or stopping playing regs.


P.S. your small carrot throwing into team ranked won't be enough to save it from wintraders and bot users because few mats for only winning some matches isn't enough to attract and engage enough legit players into team ranked. You will continue to see wintraders getting their hands on best ranked rewards while legit players won't have enough pops (or won't have any pops at all) to get enough rating/wins.


I guess some things never change, heh :rak_03:


But, you missed SWTOR didn't you! Here you are, back on SWTOR!


P.S. What class are you going to play now that PTs and Ops are both top of the heap?

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Try this: queue 50 warzones today and enter as soon as you get the pop. Then write down just how many "<NAME> has left the warzone" messages you get. I bet it will be +100 people leaving. Remember to also notice how many leave during the match - especially when your side is losing.


With a deserter lockout you will get 3 responses:


a) People will insta-leave and can not re-queue which will prolong queue times.

b) People will sit out in a combination of protest or because they think it will be faster than lockout. Say hello to even more terrible matches than now.

c) Some people will play. Sure some will actually play a match or two, but after getting HB 3 times in a row they will just leave.


TL;DR: There is no upside to a deserter lockout. None. It will absolutely not create better games. It only makes sense in ranked.


For the luls I did exactly that.


Yavin 4 - Win - No leavers

AHG - Win - No leavers

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Queshball - Loss - No leavers

Arena - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Loss - 2 leavers before match started (same person rejoined and left again, so really 1 leaver)

Voidstar - Loss - No leavers

OG Huttball - Win - No leavers

OPG - Win - No leavers

ACW - Loss - No leavers

Arena - Win - No leavers

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Queshball - Loss - No leavers

Vandin - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Loss - 1 leaver

AHG - Loss - No leavers

Yavin 4 - Loss - No leavers

Novare Coast - Win - No leavers

ACW - Win - No leavers

AHG - Win - No leavers

ACW - Loss - 1 leaver

Novare Coast - Loss - No leavers

AHG - Win - 1 leaver (no one guarded the point so we lost it in the first round and somoene left when that happened. Backfilled quickly and we still won)

Arena - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Win - 1 leaver before the match started

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Queshball - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Loss - 1 leaver

OPG - Loss - 1 leaver

OG Huittball - Win - No leavers

Novare Coast - Win - No leavers

Arena - Win - No leavers

Queshball - Loss - No leavers

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Voidstar - Loss - No leavers

Yavin 4 - Win - No leavers

Novare Coast - Win - No leavers

Novare Coast - Loss - No leavers

Queshball - Loss - No leavers

Arena - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Loss - 2 leavers

ACW - Win - No leavers

AHG - Loss - No leavers

OG Huttball - Win - No leavers

OG Huttball - Win - No leavers

ACW - Loss - No leavers

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Win- No leavers

Yavin 4 - Loss - No leavers

ACW - Win - No leavers


So like 8 out of my 50 games had people quit....Really not that big of a deal. No surprise that most of them were from Vandin. Pretty much every time I got vandin someone always quit either before the match or right after it started because the enemy team scored fast.


Also. I had a pretty good day. About 60% win percentage. Normally it feels like I lose more than I win, but this was a pretty good eye opener that shows its probably pretty even most of the time when I yolo into regs where my wins and losses are probably pretty even.

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I'm sorry but this isn't going to stop me from leaving maps I don't like. It is however more likely to make me stop playing entirely if I get back to back maps I really don't want to play.


I have reasons for and against...And this is one of the reasons I am against change like this. It is more likely to keep me in a match, but I ain't doing quesh...15 minutes? Ugh.

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Also. I had a pretty good day. About 60% win percentage. Normally it feels like I lose more than I win, but this was a pretty good eye opener that shows its probably pretty even most of the time when I yolo into regs where my wins and losses are probably pretty even.


You win a bunch more than I do. Maybe my mileage will improve. I win about 40%. Wanna trade win percentages? Please? :p

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The patch notes are up and there is no mention of the 15 minute lock out timers for either ranked or unranked pvp.




Does that mean they’ve been listening and decided against it for both or they just didn’t put it in the patch notes?


I also know this wasn’t mentioned in the OP, but there is no mention of the vote kick function being removed or fixed. So what happens if it’s abused and you are vote kicked with a 15 min lock out?


Can we get some confirmation on wether the 15 min lockout is going ahead or not and what’s happening with the vote kick feature?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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For the luls I did exactly that.


Yavin 4 - Win - No leavers

AHG - Win - No leavers

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Queshball - Loss - No leavers

Arena - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Loss - 2 leavers before match started (same person rejoined and left again, so really 1 leaver)

Voidstar - Loss - No leavers

OG Huttball - Win - No leavers

OPG - Win - No leavers

ACW - Loss - No leavers

Arena - Win - No leavers

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Queshball - Loss - No leavers

Vandin - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Loss - 1 leaver

AHG - Loss - No leavers

Yavin 4 - Loss - No leavers

Novare Coast - Win - No leavers

ACW - Win - No leavers

AHG - Win - No leavers

ACW - Loss - 1 leaver

Novare Coast - Loss - No leavers

AHG - Win - 1 leaver (no one guarded the point so we lost it in the first round and somoene left when that happened. Backfilled quickly and we still won)

Arena - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Win - 1 leaver before the match started

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Queshball - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Loss - 1 leaver

OPG - Loss - 1 leaver

OG Huittball - Win - No leavers

Novare Coast - Win - No leavers

Arena - Win - No leavers

Queshball - Loss - No leavers

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Voidstar - Loss - No leavers

Yavin 4 - Win - No leavers

Novare Coast - Win - No leavers

Novare Coast - Loss - No leavers

Queshball - Loss - No leavers

Arena - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Loss - 2 leavers

ACW - Win - No leavers

AHG - Loss - No leavers

OG Huttball - Win - No leavers

OG Huttball - Win - No leavers

ACW - Loss - No leavers

Voidstar - Win - No leavers

Vandin - Win- No leavers

Yavin 4 - Loss - No leavers

ACW - Win - No leavers


So like 8 out of my 50 games had people quit....Really not that big of a deal. No surprise that most of them were from Vandin. Pretty much every time I got vandin someone always quit either before the match or right after it started because the enemy team scored fast.


Also. I had a pretty good day. About 60% win percentage. Normally it feels like I lose more than I win, but this was a pretty good eye opener that shows its probably pretty even most of the time when I yolo into regs where my wins and losses are probably pretty even.


Interesting experiment, but it’s a faulty premise because you can’t see how many people left before you joined the match at the start.

I know I’ve popped HB matches and been the first there and seen 8 people come and go before the match starts, but everyone who pops in didn’t see those leave.

You also can’t rejoin a match you’ve left and haven’t been able to for a long time. So the one where the guy joined the same match again is a bug or it was a similar name and not the same guy.

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You win a bunch more than I do. Maybe my mileage will improve. I win about 40%. Wanna trade win percentages? Please? :p


I'd have to notate it probably several more times to make it actually accurate, but its safe to guess that for most people its probably around 50% win/loss most days. Everyone has a bad string of games though.


The patch notes are up and there is no mention of the 15 minute lock out timers for either ranked or unranked pvp.




Does that mean they’ve been listening and decided against it for both or they just didn’t put it in the patch notes?


I also know this wasn’t mentioned in the OP, but there is no mention of the vote kick function being removed or fixed. So what happens if it’s abused and you are vote kicked with a 15 min lock out?


Can we get some confirmation on wether the 15 min lockout is going ahead or not and what’s happening with the vote kick feature?


Only way to really know is to try it out lol. The other changes are a good start though for regs. Not great, but I'll take it and hope for more improvements as we go.


Interesting experiment, but it’s a faulty premise because you can’t see how many people left before you joined the match at the start.

I know I’ve popped HB matches and been the first there and seen 8 people come and go before the match starts, but everyone who pops in didn’t see those leave.

You also can’t rejoin a match you’ve left and haven’t been able to for a long time. So the one where the guy joined the same match again is a bug or it was a similar name and not the same guy.


No, but you'll see them on the scoreboard as 0's across the board. I did my best to keep a lookout for those, but never really noticed any additional players outside of the ones that left when I was there. Generally when I accept a pop I'm usually the first one in the map. M.2 NVME SSD and fiber network tends to help load into things pretty fast lol.


And you definitely can rejoin a match you've left. The few times I've backed out of matches I've had on numurous occasions got thrown immediately back into the same match.

Edited by Raansu
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Try this: queue 50 warzones today and enter as soon as you get the pop. Then write down just how many "<NAME> has left the warzone" messages you get. I bet it will be +100 people leaving. Remember to also notice how many leave during the match - especially when your side is losing.


With a deserter lockout you will get 3 responses:


a) People will insta-leave and can not re-queue which will prolong queue times.

b) People will sit out in a combination of protest or because they think it will be faster than lockout. Say hello to even more terrible matches than now.

c) Some people will play. Sure some will actually play a match or two, but after getting HB 3 times in a row they will just leave.


TL;DR: There is no upside to a deserter lockout. None. It will absolutely not create better games. It only makes sense in ranked.


My fix for this issue is very simple.


I will never que unranked ever again, except early morning arenas .


During prime time , I will play only solo ranked.


Solo ranked is the best PVP experience this game has to offer. I don't care whether your class is trash, or about how you get globalled 24/7, in solo ranked people are trying to win. Period.


During this pre season I stopped playing regs, and I enjoy solo ranked very much. Everytime I que regs, I realize how totally pointless it is. Idiots farming epen numbers , a playerbase that is still incapable of playing OPG after 5 years since it's got launched, people not guarding objectives and leaving them after capping. Multi tank heal premades farming random noobs .


Unranked in this games is a total joke as there is absolutely NO REASON to try and win the game. You get NOTHING.


With this being said, as former ranked hater, I have come to the conclusion that ranked offers everything that regs doesn't : Competition. People want to win their games , and yes, sometimes there are trolls, throwers, trarders, but compared to the utter joke regs is, it's totally bearable.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Solo ranked is the best PVP experience this game has to offer.




Solo ranked is an absolute joke and has no merit on skill or elo ratings because most classes cant compete. Group ranked is great, though arenas still suck overall.

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No, but you'll see them on the scoreboard as 0's across the board. I did my best to keep a lookout for those, but never really noticed any additional players outside of the ones that left when I was there. Generally when I accept a pop I'm usually the first one in the map. M.2 NVME SSD and fiber network tends to help load into things pretty fast lol.


And you definitely can rejoin a match you've left. The few times I've backed out of matches I've had on numurous occasions got thrown immediately back into the same match.


Actually you don’t see them on the scoreboard anymore if they leave before the match starts.


Edit: unless it’s arena which does show people who’ve left before the start


If you are rejoining matches you’ve left then something has changed since the last patch because I know for a fact this wasn’t happening before the last patch. I know this because I tested it with my wife being in matches and me leaving and requeuing during low population times and the matches wouldn’t get a back fill and I would be left In the queue.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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My fix for this issue is very simple.


I will never que unranked ever again, except early morning arenas .


During prime time , I will play only solo ranked.


Solo ranked is the best PVP experience this game has to offer. I don't care whether your class is trash, or about how you get globalled 24/7, in solo ranked people are trying to win. Period.


During this pre season I stopped playing regs, and I enjoy solo ranked very much. Everytime I que regs, I realize how totally pointless it is. Idiots farming epen numbers , a playerbase that is still incapable of playing OPG after 5 years since it's got launched, people not guarding objectives and leaving them after capping. Multi tank heal premades farming random noobs .


Unranked in this games is a total joke as there is absolutely NO REASON to try and win the game. You get NOTHING.


With this being said, as former ranked hater, I have come to the conclusion that ranked offers everything that regs doesn't : Competition. People want to win their games , and yes, sometimes there are trolls, throwers, trarders, but compared to the utter joke regs is, it's totally bearable.


Such a shame they won’t give us 8v8 ranked that is setup like the solo ranked queue. Then I would only ever queue that.

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Solo ranked is an absolute joke and has no merit on skill or elo ratings because most classes cant compete. Group ranked is great, though arenas still suck overall.


I dont' care about ELO dude.. I wrote a post, but you totally missed it's point.


You play ranked for the experience, not for the ELO. The elo will come in time. Like it or not, ranked is one of the most thrilling PVP experience this game will give to you. Why ? Because no matter how bad some classes are, people are trying to win. What part of " people are trying to win" you fail to understand ?


As for skill, there are plenty of matches where your skill or lack of will impact the outcome. If you deny this, it means you haven't played a lot of competitive pvp in this game.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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