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Got a look I like for my toon, why doesnt this game allow me to keep it?


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Yes, Im talking appearance tab, or costume slots, like a number of MMOs...F2P MMOs, like lotro, have.


Slotted gear is fine, for later, but is limiting. Why does the game put limits on my appearance when most other MMOs don't? Why am I forced to wear something that is less appealing to me? Why cant I have a stat set of gear and an appearance set of gear. If people only want to see true gear then they can disable the appearance option.


I like this look, but I cant keep it. Why?




I have found this is a recurring theme in this game. The above is a picture of a lowbie jedi knight, guardian-to-be...but my 36 sage is in the Taris bonus gear, slotted, and has been for 10+ levels. Nothing else is appealing to me. People like what they like. Some of the gear looks awesome. It is a testament to the devs/art team that there is an outfit that I want to keep, this early in the game. But much of the gear is hideous. You cant go wrong when you let people choose their appearance, and then let people choose to show appearance gear or true gear, according to what matters to them.

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Yes, Im talking appearance tab, or costume slots, like a number of MMOs...F2P MMOs, like lotro, have.


Slotted gear is fine, for later, but is limiting. Why does the game put limits on my appearance when most other MMOs don't? Why am I forced to wear something that is less appealing to me? Why cant I have a stat set of gear and an appearance set of gear. If people only want to see true gear then they can disable the appearance option.


I like this look, but I cant keep it. Why?




I have found this is a recurring theme in this game. The above is a picture of a lowbie jedi knight, guardian-to-be...but my 36 sage is in the Taris bonus gear, slotted, and has been for 10+ levels. Nothing else is appealing to me. People like what they like. Some of the gear looks awesome. It is a testament to the devs/art team that there is an outfit that I want to keep, this early in the game. But much of the gear is hideous. You cant go wrong when you let people choose their appearance, and then let people choose to show appearance gear or true gear, according to what matters to them.


I agree, this is one of the reasons why I liked RIFT but don't get me wrong I like SWTOR better. I would love to see color dyes and Costume slots for characters.

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Because in the grand scheme of the game, an appearance tab is somewhere around number 92838923791231298361923612936129361293612983612983612936 in the important things that need to be done list.


Hmm, except there are few things more important to many players than being able to identify with and like their toon. MMOs are long term relationships. THe more players feel they have what they like, and can appear as they like, the more they are tied into the game. At least a portion of the playerbase...


Also, given all the time, money, and art assets, they have poured into gear, I would say gear sets and the appearance of them are somewhat higher than the number you threw out.


Now they just have to mesh their variety of gear sets, with the variety in taste amongst their users. Im sure there is something for everyone, but having a system in place where everyone can have that "something" is where this game falls down, atm.

Edited by MirrimFaranth
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Yes, Im talking appearance tab, or costume slots, like a number of MMOs...F2P MMOs, like lotro, have.


I like how you say this.. "like a number of MMO's.. F2P MMO's" as if it's acceptable to have your MMO go F2P.


They're F2P because they couldn't get the numbers and keep them, yet their features are still begged for.


I agree, something would be nice. But at the same time, it's a waste of development time when you have so many other things needing fixed/added. For now, anyway.

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I like how you say this.. "like a number of MMO's.. F2P MMO's" as if it's acceptable to have your MMO go F2P.


They're F2P because they couldn't get the numbers and keep them, yet their features are still begged for.


I agree, something would be nice. But at the same time, it's a waste of development time when you have so many other things needing fixed/added. For now, anyway.


Many F2P MMOs are very successful...lotro is one of them. Many arent. But appearance systems are fairly rampant.


As for the rest of your post, Ill repost this comment, as it also applies...


Also, given all the time, money, and art assets, they have poured into gear, I would say gear sets and the appearance of them are somewhat higher than the number you threw out.


Now they just have to mesh their variety of gear sets, with the variety in taste amongst their users. Im sure there is something for everyone, but having a system in place where everyone can have that "something" is where this game falls down, atm.

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Yes, Im talking appearance tab, or costume slots, like a number of MMOs...F2P MMOs, like lotro, have.


Slotted gear is fine, for later, but is limiting. Why does the game put limits on my appearance when most other MMOs don't? Why am I forced to wear something that is less appealing to me? Why cant I have a stat set of gear and an appearance set of gear. If people only want to see true gear then they can disable the appearance option.


I like this look, but I cant keep it. Why?




I have found this is a recurring theme in this game. The above is a picture of a lowbie jedi knight, guardian-to-be...but my 36 sage is in the Taris bonus gear, slotted, and has been for 10+ levels. Nothing else is appealing to me. People like what they like. Some of the gear looks awesome. It is a testament to the devs/art team that there is an outfit that I want to keep, this early in the game. But much of the gear is hideous. You cant go wrong when you let people choose their appearance, and then let people choose to show appearance gear or true gear, according to what matters to them.


Aspiring Knight's Vest

Aspiring's Knights Leggings.


Both are orange modifiables crafted by a synthweaver with those models. I know because I made two for guildmembers yesterday.

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I hate having to pick between pretty bad but not terrible orange gear that I can keep or great piece of non-orange gear that might be replaced by terrible crap in 2-3 levels and almost certainly wont match.




Say you have an orange piece of gear that isn't that great, but you love the look.


10 levels later, the stats are obviously not that great. Go to your current planet's comm vendor and get the mods there, stick them in the orange gear.. and it's instantly as good as anything you can get at that level.


The system isn't hard to understand. Mods give you the ability to continually upgrading without sacrificing your "look" and also make it so you don't have to replace your gear every few levels for that "next best thing."

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eh by time your level 20 have so many modable armor parts its silly, but big issue right now isn't an appearance tab rather that end game at level 50 cant even USE modding system to mod your old gear in any way BECAUSE all of epic lvl 50 armoring/barrels/crystal slots are locked and cant pull mods out...


while an appearance tab might sound nice already have really nice mod system in kind of takes that place. Issue is that have voided it at 50...

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Aspiring Knight's Vest

Aspiring's Knights Leggings.


Both are orange modifiables crafted by a synthweaver with those models. I know because I made two for guildmembers yesterday.


Thx. Are they hvy armour?


And how many hoops do I have to jump throw to get them, when I already HAVE them? Or get them again, I should say...

Edited by MirrimFaranth
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I live for the day when companies stop pretending we are not playing 3D games and do not care about how we look (TBC I am looking at you.) Appearance is everything. We do not grind or raid or do, well, anything to look worse than we did before. This is why MMOs are gear grinds and this is why they will continue to be. If how we appeared did not matter we would still be playing MUDs (and some of us might.)


What is with the preview window being so damn ugly and low res, besides not showing weapons? We need something. Looking like someone who ate too many skittles threw up on us is getting old. Regardless of the MMO.

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Aspiring Knight's Vest

Aspiring's Knights Leggings.


Both are orange modifiables crafted by a synthweaver with those models. I know because I made two for guildmembers yesterday.




Let the schematics get out and circulate a bit and most things should be pretty available as moddable.

Edited by Matte_Black
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Aspiring Knight's Vest

Aspiring's Knights Leggings.


Both are orange modifiables crafted by a synthweaver with those models. I know because I made two for guildmembers yesterday.


While the above is their "answer" for appearance customization, the above is completely random. Customization is choice, random is not choice, thus the cross-your-fingers and hope for the right schematic drop from Underworld Trading system is not a customization system.

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While the above is their "answer" for appearance customization, the above is completely random. Customization is choice, random is not choice, thus the cross-your-fingers and hope for the right schematic drop from Underworld Trading system is not a customization system.


Exactly...having to play roulette to get what I already have is pretty unsatisfying. It is much easier to have an appearance set, and a stat set. Combining both as this game does is not optimal. I want what I have, but I cant use it, so I have to get another version of the same thing? Really?


Those are also medium armour schems, not really optimal for a guardian/tank. Appearance fixes all those issues.

Edited by MirrimFaranth
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Thx. Are they hvy armour?


And how many hoops do I have to jump throw to get them, when I already HAVE them? Or get them again, I should say...


Nope medium, but that can be negligible with the right mods and proper assistance which you're going to need regardless.


Also if you feel that the medium completely discredits it then you can try to have the crafter crit it for the augment slot as well to advance it further.

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While the above is their "answer" for appearance customization, the above is completely random. Customization is choice, random is not choice, thus the cross-your-fingers and hope for the right schematic drop from Underworld Trading system is not a customization system.


Fun bit, could care less. They said they wanted the look, so I told them how to get it.



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I think the best thing they should have done, was made "ALL" gear mod gear. By "ALL" gear, I don't mean like they have right now. An orange version of said gear. I mean all gear that drops etc is already orange. Do away with any gear in the game that isn't a mod piece.


That way you pick what you wanted to look like as you lvled and just modded it.

Hell, at lvl cap and raiding time, you would just raid for the mods (or gear if you like how it looks.)


Simple fix right there.

Edited by IHIavok
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Nope medium, but that can be negligible with the right mods and proper assistance which you're going to need regardless.


Also if you feel that the medium completely discredits it then you can try to have the crafter crit it for the augment slot as well to advance it further.


So again, a considerable amt of hoop jumping to get an appearance I already have...what if I want it in white? Or grey?

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So again, a considerable amt of hoop jumping to get an appearance I already have...what if I want it in white? Or grey?


Who knows, maybe there's a schematic or a modifiable drop of it in white or grey.


As far as hoops go, there's only one hoop to jump through. Finding a synthweaver with the recipe.


Hell make a character on Lord Adraas and I'll make a set right now, I'm just trying to pass out some information.



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