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Everything posted by MirrimFaranth

  1. FULLY AGREE. Classy move, taking my tactical, poofing it, and leaving me nothing for it, except a broken class. The class was COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on that tactical, which was crap design, but now they even pulled that out form under us. Dick move. Also, rage/focus management and working a reasonable rotation is now friggin impossible. Morons. Math is a thing.
  2. Sorry, that post was idiotic. Yes, most of those things should have been fixed before you released this god awful mess. Bugs aren't the major problem. THE PROBLEM is you are taking the game backwards. The gear treadmill is the prime example. Increasing the level cap while "pruning" abilities is RIDICULOUS. Everytime I load in and see all the missing skills with empty slots, I curse your collective stupidity. Toons have to level more for LESS. LESS. My toons have less skills. For example at sentinel level 68, I have to choose between Guarded by the force, blade blitz, or Force stasis (choke). ALL ARE ESSENTIAL OR ICONIC. I get one. WHY? Before, every build HAD ALL OF THEM. WHY DO I ONLY GET ONE NOW. WHY??? WHY??? Stupid jerks. EVERY SINGLE time I load in I SEE THOSE MISSING SKILLS in the form of EMPTY SLOTS. WHY??? You talk about some grand plans for the future. WHO CARES. YOU HAVE SHOWN YOUR VISION SUX with your amateurish UI. A drop down with no scroll bar or any other obvious clue there are more choices, hidden (vehicles). Perfect, PERFECT example of the crap quality of this whole mess. THAT IS A MIDDLE SCHOOL UI design mistake. Why don't you put up a RIGHT track/WRONG track poll on your forums for your playerbase and get some instant , honest feedback on how optimistic or what buy in you have from them on YOUR REMAINING paying customers on your grand craptastic vision. STOP TAKING THE GAME BACKWARDS and MAKING us suffer through bad design choices we thought we were rid off...
  3. No fun...crappy grind, stupid idiotic grind with ZERO new content. Unsubbed.
  4. So people have to PvP to get purple...got it. Or NiM. Don't you get the joke?
  5. The developers are repeating the mistakes of the past, ones I had thought this game had moved past... First problem is separate gear tracks for PvP and PvE...game used to do this, and it was ridiculous. Multiple gear treadmills for an alt heavy game are never a good idea. Second problem is multiple gear treadmills on just the PvE side....incredibly stupid. Players are going to try to optimize, which means, in effect, one path is going to be followed, regardless of idiotic developer "plans". These new paths are not really intuitive, and you basically have use a third party chart to figure this crap out... Third problem is really a doozy. To get the top two tiers of gear, and the only purple gear, you have to do NiM raiding. This is obscene. It is one playstyle that does not appeal to a lot of players. In fact, along with some ranked pvp, it is the most RESTRICTIVE play style. Pure foolishness. If my playstyle is not worthy of the best gear, why in the hell do I want to get on the gear treadmill AT ALL???? Fourth problem....practically ZERO NEW CONTENT to suffer through these gear treadmills with... Fifth problem....by removing mods, you screw crafters, screw ability to customize gear, and screw weapon appearance, which you claim to have fix for, but have been unable to deliver it. Finally, number SIX...THIS SYSTEM IS INFERIOR to the last one, and offers NOTHING really worthwhile, or that could masquerade as an improvement worth any of this hassle or horrid grind. Oh yeah, as a personal FU, you took my sentinel's tactical away...literally made it poof, and gave me nothing for it. Thx.
  6. Removing/pruning abilities, some iconic and essential, will increasing level cap (more levels, less to show for it), while slapping down a new gear treadmill WITH ZERO NEW CONTENT to have to trudge through... IS HORRID. Simply unprofessional and ridiculous planning. Then on top of it, you inexplicably ruin the UI. Combat switching had promise, but the limitations you put on it makes it next to worthless. It is why we have alts. Some of the choices also BREAK THE STORY, which is the only thing this game really has going for it. Please stop abusing the Star Wars IP. I know, you are not the first to do it. But you are really over achieving at screwing fans. If this game wasn't star wars based, it would have died, deservedly, years ago.
  7. and killed my UI. It also now has more bugs in it than my first apartment... People lost billions, across alts, and crafting toons, on amplifiers...billions. I know gaming experience is supposed to change over time, but this is a real bite in the arse. What was the tradeoff? What did we get? Then you pruned abilities, resulting in ridiculous choices that, no matter what you decide, you get left missing something integral to your experience. My def guardian, perhaps the most iconic star wars archetype, has to choose between saber reflect...kind of iconic...or Awe, important...or blade blitz...also very important and something that was IN EVERY SINGLE BUILD before this nerf fest. Got that? ALL THREE of those abilities were in EVERY SINGLE BUILD. Now I get one. Genius. That isn't choice, that is unlawful carnal knowledge. Aren't you supposed to leave abusive relationships? Asking for a friend...
  8. They're are few things more important than customer engagement...if you want to keep your customers...especially when your business model involves LONG TERM relationships with your customers, not one-off transactions.
  9. I, too, would really like to see this...If I pay for the item, and pay for the account unlock, why shouldn't it be legacy? For everyone that is an alt-aholic in this game, this would be a big plus...this just makes sense.
  10. Yeah, and that isn't armour, it's more like Lingerie...for certain tastes...lol
  11. I very much would like to hear their answer to the visual/feel/animations question...thanks for putting it in...as you say, they have been a sore point since before launch...
  12. You are not alone. I would pay real money for this on two accounts. I honestly don't understand why this has not already been done. There have been hundreds, maybe thousands of post asking for changes to these animations. I personally despise them. Loathe them. I understand people that are used to them and like them, but many want change and I, for one, am willing to pay for it...like now. There has been a similar discussion going on in the consular and sage forums, in threads asking for changes to these animations....I am copying this here, which was posted by the OP of this thread, because I completely agree with it....and was yelling "YES, YES" at my monitor when I read it...lol. QFE Oh, yeah, did I mention that I have green eyes on my Twi sage, and green arc'ing EJ lightning would match them perfectly....lol. It would be like the ultimate accessory...
  13. I picked the class specifically because it was the jedi force using class...and have been extremely disappointed in the rocks and junk and pebbles. They are not what I wanted or expected...they make me think of sith and vader in particular. They are a disincentive to play the class or use the skills, which I try to avoid. Even as a Shadow, junk and pebbles are inescapable. So you like them, I don't. Seems like the good approach is the OPs, where we both get what we want.
  14. Actually you are wrong, it is not "I don't like this"...it is BW messed up, made a mistake, and based a jedi class on abilities used by sith. It doesn't look right or feel right in relation to the IP. You have admitted as much and you know the truth of the matter. It doesn't bother you, but the fact that it bothers others is legitimate, and not just a matter of personal preference. Expecting jedi to look and play in consistency with what people know and expect is not an unreasonable or strange position. It is what BW should strive for and should deliver. The fact that there are lore consistent options already in the game, available, is just icing on the cake. Yep, and as the OP pointed out, there are two Force Bursts in the game already, which look like versions of force push. Icing on the cake. Already done. Already in the game. I didn't know about both of them, but the OP did the homework, provided the screenies, etc. Take my money please.
  15. If you expect people to take your positions seriously, reasonableness and logic matter. The OP's dislike is not merely emotional, but appears to be based on solid reasons from lore, canon, the movies, whatever. They are logical. They make sense. All you have to offer is "I don't like it and I don't want anyone else to have it." Personally, when I see junk tossed, I think Vader, and I don't like it. Sure, that is a dislike, but it is rooted in solid fact...baddies threw junk at people, not jedi so much...it isn't a jedi move. Reasonable people who read this thread will discount your position as unreasonable and treat it as such.
  16. You just don't sound like a reasonable person. I like this idea and have waited for something other than junk and pebbles since I first started playing sage. Let's see, I could leave my guild and my friends, and play in a faction I really don't like, or I could give BW money to provide players with some choice. Yeah, your idea is great. Except it isn't. This thread's idea, however, is very well thought out and presented. I hope it happens.
  17. I would really like to see this happen. Would be great if this forum had a hint of interactivity to it.
  18. Then why do they continusously f up pve with pvp based changes????
  19. Please make this happen and take my money. Now. I have always hated the Project and Telekinetic Throw animations. They make me want to play Imp. Heck, I would even re-roll, just so I could have a Shadow and a Sage that never had to throw from the junk pile...lol.
  20. lol, that makes me chuckle, because abilities have been labeled light and dark since the dawn of star wars games. You dont have to get to intent, because frequently actions speak for themselves. And skills like choking, rend and specifically lightning are patently darkside. As has been pointed out, Sith throw things more than they usechoke or lightning. So its stands to reason, since they are used by the angry Sith that they are similar in alignment and intent...typically the intent of the sith is going to be in line with their code, just like the intent of jedi will be aligned with their code. Not always, but typically. Makes sense, right?
  21. Telekinesis is a huge umbrella. It contains dark and neutral skills. It contains choke and rend. Very dark. It is not just about neutral skills. Where junk throwing falls along that line is the question. It could well be dark as night, and probably is, given the sith proclivity for it. It is not just moving an object, it is throwing an object at a person. It is a very specific application of telekinesis. Don't forget that.
  22. Junk throwing says sith to me as much as a red lightsaber or lightning...as it would to anyone else that has played the old jedi games and has watched the movies.
  23. The movies are the ultimate canon. Everyone accepts that, and if they do not, then they are mistaken. The ultimate canon, however, is not the same as the end all be all. Sure there is more lore in the EU. But the movies are the basis. They are the "tie breaker". More people have seen them, Lucas spent more time on them, and more money on them, than some book spit out in the EU. In the movies, the sith throw junk more than anything else. That is a fact. Jedi rarely throw junk. That is a fact. We do know what skills jedi and sith used 4000 years before the movies...since we have the kotors. There are no rocks, pebbles or junk involved. Another fact.
  24. Seems like people are getting telekinesis...which includes everything form force choke, to force throw, to saber throw, to simply moving objects, with force throw or "debris" throwing as this game labels it. Throwing debris at people is a very specific application of telekinesis. It is vastly different than Yoda lifting an Xwing, or any other type of basic levitation - those are not combat skills. In games I have seen it, debris throwing as an attack has been a darkside power. I don't think I have ever seen it labeled a lightside power - - and it definitely wasn't in the kotor's. Jedi ranged skills in those games were based off of force push, and some variations of it, afaik. I wish they would have done that in this game. I cannot stand the project and throw animations. Faster is better, but they still are kind of like jokes.
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