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Skins top tier PVP Gear. LETS SAY THE TRUTH


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The Heavy Jedi Knight gear looks amazing at 40 (Trooper like armor with robe and hood). Why does the 50 gear look like complete unrelated garbage? They really need to reconsider some designs because I don't want to level to 50 and look terrible.
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I 100% agree. Plz let whoever designed ALL the level 40 PVP armor design the end game armor. Whoever did the level 40 stuff must've actually watched Star Wars


Why does my Sith Jug look exactly like a sith marauder in endgame armor? Why does my Sith warrior's PvE armor look like a Decepticon? Does Optimus Prime work for the republic now?



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Yeah, I'm still laughing at my friend who is going to fall into the PvP Consular's gear. Terrible doesn't even begin to describe it.


Atleast the Trooper's PvE gear looks decent, bar the helmet which I hate. The PvP chest looks more like a BH piece than Trooper (jetpack, missile pack on shoulder, *** bioware???)


I'd rather get the armor and break it open for the mods, forget the set bonus. My Level 40 PvP gear looks so much better.

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Why does my Sith warrior's PvE armor look like a Decepticon? Does Optimus Prime work for the republic now



ahahaha funny :p


yhea m the pvp armor designer after give his desings just went to the WC ... was needed.


Bioware , do something , unlock the pvp mods , DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT , IM NOT GONNA STAY WITH A LVL 50 CRAP ARMOR and paying 14 € per month just to look like a




Check this out: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=928365#post928365

Edited by Zaerion_H
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If they lack the manpower or skillz to come up with something decent, why not make a community contest for all the sets? Put a few requirements that'd make sense (Jedi have to wear robe, etc) and then let us do all the hard work. Once we're done design and meshes all they have to do is clean them up, animate and implement. Something like that would be great, not only for feeling that we're listened to, but also since we're being let "in" in a way other MMOs do not. Contest (if done right) would also be great free +rep both for BW and winners.


I am sure I am not the only one who got a clue about armor design and modeling, and to be quite honest a drunk chimp could come up with something that looks better than the PvP crap we have now.

Edited by Senefera
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So , Dear bioware , there is a big problem here , you let us customize our character from lvl 1 to 49 , but at 50 you force us to use the PVP gear wich is the SAME fo all clases avoiding the adv spec.


Whats the point of orange items if you force us to wear THE MOST UGLY SKIN IN THE HOLE GAME at lvl 50? when you are suposed to enjoy your gear and your character but... NO!! you have to look like a RETARD , the PVP top GEAR IS UGLY , very ungly , look at this , i have a sentinel lvl 40 and are you telling me that i have to wear this FOREVER?












WHERE? WHERE? .... i just want to help you , cos if you dont see it , you need someone to tell you that YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THOSE ARMORS or your GAME WILL FAIL.

IF in 30 Days you dont change or add a new way to customize TOP TIER PVP ARMORS me and alot of people more will be canceling our subscription , thats all.

PD:reader , if you feel like me , just bump this threat and say your opinion , they need to hear us , they need to add some way of customization at top tier PVP armors.


EDIT: CHECK THIS OUT:http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=928365#post928365



Sorry for my english , is not my native language.


ciao.. oh can i have your stuff..

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Adding my agreement. I love the orange set I collected. Not only do I think it looks good, but there's a sentimental value to it since several of the pieces are from early in my career. The headpiece is from Nar Shaddaa and I have yet to see anything I would prefer as a replacement. The pvp gear looks awful, though. It's really bad for my Smuggler since the cowboy hat design (like many hats) doesn't even try to handle lekku well.


I think what we're seeing is largely the result of the EA execs release for the holidays. This is one of those things that was thrown in at some point and the devs didn't have time to go back and revisit it.

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It really doesn't make a lot of sense to create this great system of modding for items then not allow anyone in the bulk of the game (end game) to use that great system of cosmetic customization they created and is already in place.


I was pretty excited when I started leveling and saw I could determine how I looked by modding any gear I had. Now....not so much.


Really dissapointed. It would have been one more notch above WoW if you did this instead of doing transmog like WoW did.

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So I read on a Q/A session by Stephen Reid, some of the contributing factors to whether or not something gets looked at are thread size/view count... I am adding both because those armors are absolutely atrocious. I think I will take my time to 50.
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This is really the only pvp forum thread I can get behind.


Most of those outfits are laughable. I thought my powertech would look good after watching that progression video. Instead it looks like he's pregnant with another samurai style helmet.


I don't know why any class has to have the giant house sized backpack on their chest armours. I don't pvp as the communications officer.

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- PvP mods need to be crafted/ripped out for custom use


- Give us Primary/Secondary color choices for armor. Worked beautiful in Galaxies and it felt amazing to look how I wanted to look every time I logged in.


- Get rid of this 1 pvp armor set per class nonsense. Give us more Orange complete sets to craft and the Mods to go with it.


Customization will suck players in. Please use it and exploit it as much as possible. Only good came come from it, and I know it's being looked into but I just want to make sure it's at the top half of the priority list.

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