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This Game Is Too Hard Now


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I only tend to run the original companions, which is what I'd assume a new player would also do if doing class stories while levelling, along with the side quests like Heroics etc.


I think the issue isn't companions not healing, the issue is BioWare changed how often the companions can use the "big heal" they have available.


Personally I think they should just revert companions to pre 4.0 while keeping the new levels to 50. So they can only be either DPS or Heal or Tank, without all the generic abilities that pretty much suck as they are right now. I'd run HK-51 with the assassinate ability over any generic healer companion most of the time, purely because it was more fun and more challenging than what we were given and players got used to.

I agree wholeheartedly that companions should go back to being unique, it gives them more flavor.

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I agree wholeheartedly that companions should go back to being unique, it gives them more flavor.


I like being able to take any companion I want anywhere I want and use them however I want -- dps, heal, or tank, without having to use the same comp over and over if I want a tank, etc.

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well that's a good way to make a "godmode," actually.


Just add an option on the companion just like how we can choose role selection, they could add "godmode" and then buff the companion to 10 times their normal performance levels.


With a DPS comp you'd be able to mow down entire armies of Heroic Mobs, and with a healing comp you'd be able to live through world boss damage, and with a godmode tank you'd have a tank that could take any damage thrown at them as well as having immense aggro pull.

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I agree wholeheartedly that companions should go back to being unique, it gives them more flavor.


Agree with this fully!



All companions should be Unique, no role-switching, skilled in their certain role.


Different crew-skill boni on different companions, Mako could have + to slicing, Loken could have +biochem etc

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yes its too hard for us casuals and solo players.boring.

Casual players are the ones who can solo vet mode Meridian and do at least a couple of HM Operations per week.

Players that pretend they cant do heroic mission on DK are just trolls that want to ruin the game.

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I have played this game pretty much since launch so the problem is not being new and clueless. Although, I should probably point out that I have been playing as a lethality operative that usually uses HK-51. And in my experience operatives and scoundrels are the weakest classes.
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I like being able to take any companion I want anywhere I want and use them however I want -- dps, heal, or tank, without having to use the same comp over and over if I want a tank, etc.


Agreed. I definitely do not want to be stuck with a companion I don't like because they are dps or heals and there are some companions I have killed or sent away (Kayilo/Scorpio and a few others)

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I ... I just ... what ...


... okay, as a preface, I came back to the game recently, after dropping it for a while when Fallen Empire launched.


Compared to 2012 and up to the companion changes? The game, as it stands now, is PISS EASY


I'm leveling a fresh toon, and they took out a HILARIOUS number of quests, and nerfed Heroics into the ground. Just for comparison, I went back to my main as well and did a few Fortresses - they're as easy as they ever were.


I'm honestly just leveling with a friend now, for the sheer nostalgia value. Because any and all challenge is gone. Has been since the companion rework and FE.

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I wonder how many people responding have actually done the heroics since 6.0 rolled out, and how many are just talking out their asses?


You should be able to complete most of the DK heroics without any issue. <Friends of Old> however is a royal pain now and that's the one I assume that you are dying on? It's still solo-able with a full heroics bar and a level 50 companion, so you shouldn't be having an issue if you have both of those things. Without them, you'd probably need to group up with someone. I think it used to be a Heroic 4+ so they probably need to relist it as that again after the nerfs.


Whatever the case, Friends of Old is entirely too hard for a typical player just starting out with a low level companion, few if any legacy benefits, etc. That one's a legit complaint. The heroics on Coruscant are way easier and nothing even touches Friends of Old in difficulty for a starter planet. This does need to be addressed without just dumping on the player for not using their cool downs... how many defensive cool downs does a level 10ish player have again, or even a level 20 for that matter? Yeah, you guys forgot that not everyone has all the abilities like you do.


That's astounding. Everything you said above is entirely and absolutely wrong.


It's hilariously easier than it used to be, even before FE. If you can't do Friends of Old, you're just bad.

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I usually don't spend time doing heroics, since there are far better ways to make credits in this game. However with that being said I did Friends of Old since it was mentioned as being specifically to difficult.


My results, My HP's never dropped below 90-95% of full (yes I have a level 50 comp), and the silver mobs were dead in 3 abilities, and the golds died in 6-7. So no this was not a difficult heroic. So if your having problems with the "Friends of Old" heroic you should really try and spend some time looking at your class abilities and look for a class guide to help you some.


Edit: I didn't even bother to self buff before testing this heroic. I was Unaugmented, and no stim on so didn't even have the 110% accuracy.

Edited by Toraak
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Anyone that thinks this game is too hard on starter planets would melt from the stress and effort old games used to present when it came to PVE mobs. Yes, it's apples to oranges, but imo this just goes to show how not only games have changed, but the gamers have changed.

Well actually this game used to be a lot harder and things like heroics and star fortresses were a lot tougher when they first came out.


People like the OP have been coddled by BW the last two expansions and now they came back from it just a little a bunch of people started freaking out. This game isn't hard except for the tougher HM and NiM Ops and some of the FPs in HM can be tough as well. For solo content I guess EC and some of the chapters can apply in the harder modes but then that stuff is supposed to be harder.


I don't get why people rather whine than learn but that seems to be a trend in recent years. If people just learned some stuff like in which order to kill mobs and to step outside of damage circles or cones...

It's hlarious even with the last boss in Hammer Station that does that conal attack...people just standing in it and dying instead of just stepping out if it...I dunno, it's kinda sad at the same time.

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Anyone that thinks this game is too hard on starter planets would melt from the stress and effort old games used to present when it came to PVE mobs. Yes, it's apples to oranges, but imo this just goes to show how not only games have changed, but the gamers have changed.


It also goes to show just how much they dumbed the game down over the years because they wanted to attract a different demographic of players.

Which they’ve now realised (too late) that it didn’t work with so many other people leaving the game because there was no challenge anymore and it was just. An interactive book you could read on you computer (May as well made it an iPad app it got so easy).

As soon as the “book” was read, people wanted more and they couldn’t keep providing it. So even the “reader” or story players started to leave too.

The game lost part of its replayable appeal during the last 3+ years. Now Bioware think the only way to keep the current players paying for a sub is to add huge grind, and make the game harder to play to slow players down with their “story”.

The problem is the game isn’t actually much harder than before 6.0. It’s just more of a grind because the mobs take longer to kill. That’s not really harder, it’s just slower.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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to har...


What ever your smoking I WANT SOME cuz that got to be some brain kicking stuff.


Imma seriously casual player compared to most of a habutee's of these forums and even I can manage to solo a few of the FP's on other then "story" mode where they give ya the bad *** combat droid that does all the work for ya (I kinda sleep through those)


And it helps a great deal if you remember to put armor and gear on your character.. though i do know a few folks with max level toons that have all the datacrons collected who run heroics nekkid other then weapon and off hand just for the challenge...


(yep they're boored and waiting for the next content to blow through...)

Edited by TL_Roff
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to har...


What ever your smoking I WANT SOME cuz that got to be some brain kicking stuff.


Imma seriously casual player compared to most of a habutee's of these forums and even I can manage to solo a few of the FP's on other then "story" mode where they give ya the bad *** combat droid that does all the work for ya (I kinda sleep through those)


And it helps a great deal if you remember to put armor and gear on your character.. though i do know a few folks with max level toons that have all the datacrons collected who run heroics nekkid other then weapon and off hand just for the challenge...


(yep they're boored and waiting for the next content to blow through...)


This was a good read. 10/10


P.S. Are you smoking and if so what is it? :D

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You don't think it's logical that well geared level 75s have an easier time doing heroics than lower level characters?


I guess I have a different way of applying logic then.


You misunderstand. It is not logical for content created for level 15's not to be clearable by level 15's. But, i doubt it's the case in this situation. It wasnt a comment of how it's not logical that max levels have an easier time or i wouldn't have said to level up/gear up.

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You misunderstand. It is not logical for content created for level 15's not to be clearable by level 15's. But, i doubt it's the case in this situation. It wasnt a comment of how it's not logical that max levels have an easier time or i wouldn't have said to level up/gear up.

Well, I think people seem to misunderstand what Heroic 2+ actually means. I don't blame them entirely cause it's BW's fault that people now believe it to be regular solo content but it's not.


You can clear heroics at level 15 by the way. Is it harder than regular quests? of course, that's why they're called Heroic quests. It is possible and more so when you do it together with someone else. That's the concept behind it. So that logic is intact.


What was not logical was BW making it so easy that anyone could roflstomp it with their comp healer without having to think about what they're doing. That's where it went wrong.

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Well, I think people seem to misunderstand what Heroic 2+ actually means. I don't blame them entirely cause it's BW's fault that people now believe it to be regular solo content but it's not.


You can clear heroics at level 15 by the way. Is it harder than regular quests? of course, that's why they're called Heroic quests. It is possible and more so when you do it together with someone else. That's the concept behind it. So that logic is intact.


What was not logical was BW making it so easy that anyone could roflstomp it with their comp healer without having to think about what they're doing. That's where it went wrong.


I agree.

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I'd not call it "too hard", well except in certain areas like the walker segments that i already didn't like before and are now a true nightmare to me as these stupid things are slow and feel trully weak.

But i'd call it long, tedious and boring for sure.


Playing the same Heroics as before 6.0 takes me longer (and like at least 15 min longer per character for something like 20-22 H), and that is on stealth characters who don't even need to kill the trash. I guess i'd be at least 30 min longer for non stealth characters...

Oh and the mobs can spot you easier than they did before, even when stealthed and even sometimes through solid objects which mean they should never be able to spot you lie this, which clearly add to the annoying factor.



That is something i'd actually like, as i only play solo / story and Heroics (and H only to farm credits), and i'm clearly not here for the challenge or to spent 10 min killing trash.


You are right - it takes now longer, but without better rewards and that is boring.


SWTOR after 6.0 is a greater time and credit sink as ever before. This would be ok, when there were more also a better level of content, but 6.0 was to small with not enough a story/single player content.


The last idiotic ideas was to implement the H4 on Mek Sha - pure ressource wasting.

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You are right - it takes now longer, but without better rewards and that is boring.


SWTOR after 6.0 is a greater time and credit sink as ever before. This would be ok, when there were more also a better level of content, but 6.0 was to small with not enough a story/single player content.


The last idiotic ideas was to implement the H4 on Mek Sha - pure ressource wasting.


SWTOR has had this issue for a while now that the balance between effort and reward is whack. It's not new but the the credit cost increase of regular playing is a rough one if you don't have a lot of credits.


Mind you, I'm ok with things not being as easy and taking a bit longer but the credit sinks are insane by comparison. But then there is very little in this game anymore that is actually rewarding in that sense.


The new H4 is a big credit sink just like the one on Dantooine where you can blow 100 million on getting a gold shine. This seems to be the same type of thing. Of course in good BW style they didn't tell anybody it was another big credit sink and they just sold it as new content. Well that's not right when it's this big of a credit sink.


I have the credits but haven't done the H4 just out of principle. I don't even know what that street cred thing does.

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