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I just can't get over it


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I feel like this game would actually be 1000% more fun for me if not literally every 5-10 mobs had some kind of hard unavoidable, no diminishing return CC. I was told to stop being hyperbolic in the last thread I made about this but I am not kidding.


I am someone who hates how often people overuse the word "literally" when really they mean figuratively. But in this case I am not joking or exaggerating. Ever since starting Fallen Empire anywhere as often as every 3 mobs up to as few as 10 mobs - at least one of them will have some hard CC that you either cannot escape or avoid or they have several and using your breakaway ability is pointless.


From time to time you will even encounter mobs that (using literally properly here) literaly have 2-4 seperate HARD CC's that either have extremely low cooldown, or actually no cooldown, and the mobs have no problem chaining together back to back.


I am fortunate enough (and maybe skilled? but this games not super hard) that I have only died maybe 1-2 times from 1-70 on my most recent toon. The very first time I ever died on my newest character was because the mob I was fighting stunlocked me *AND* my companion fully to death. Admittedly this mob was a champion, and I did eventually kill him later, but the fact that any mob that is designed to be soloable can stunlock you from full life to completely dead is just overwhelmingly lazy game design.


The worst part is that CC from PVE has no diminishing returns whatsoever, so any mob with a stun can potentially double or triple the time it takes to kill any group of mobs.

What makes this worst part even more bad is that 99.999% of the time this isn't even remotely dangerous or close to fatal, just extremely annoying. A stun that is not any danger or threat and serves only to annoy. Just trash.


I remember now why I don't stick with this game for long. I come back every couple years and play catch up.

It's so extremely sad to see such amazing storytelling have to be conjoined twins with the malformed abomination of nature that is the game's mechanics.


It's pretty much the opposite of what world of warcraft is. Pretty good game mechanics with a completely void and hollow story that has infinite plot holes.

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CC spamming mobs are easily my biggest issue with combat in this game. Especially in heroics that were made easy enough for 1 player, where the mobs were clearly designed to use CC in a way that would make things difficult for a group of players (possibly a whole tank, healer, and DPS, if not 2 DPS). But with 1 player you're just eating everything that a tank would normally eat, throwing off your rotation and increasing encounter time pointlessly.


The only way I found it tolerable in heroics was to memorize how each group tended to use CC and then send in my companion first on the most annoying mobs.


I don't understand why they've never done anything about it. It doesn't make solo combat more difficult most of the time... just more annoying.


Outside of heroics, "for house inrokini!" is probably the worst soloable area in the entire game, as far as CC spam goes.


Edit: Also, to expound more on why it's so annoying. I like to get into something of a state of flow. It's near impossible to get into a state of flow if I literally lose control of my character on a regular basis, while I wait for a hard stun to wear off or for a knockback animation to play. I completely understand that being a thing in PvP and expect it, but in solo PvE? It's garbage. If you want challenge, just have mobs put down some bad you shouldn't stand in. I don't understand where any designers get the idea that shutting down control of your character in the middle of a fight at random times, in an unavoidable way, as caused by a computer program, is somehow fun or interesting or challenging. It just makes me want to play something else.

Edited by Rolodome
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I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that in the vanilla game weak and standard enemies do not have stuns, knockbacks or pulls. It's only strong (silver) and up, and there aren't even a whole lot of silvers with those abilities.


I *think* it was KotFE where that went out the window, and you can see it again on Onderon and Mek-sha. The quest that sticks out is that Republic criminal daily in Iziz where the Thugs (iirc) are standards with an annoying melee-range stun.


I can't recall ever being stun-locked in either chapters or planetary missions, but there's no doubt it's annoying to be stunned by an enemy who would otherwise go down in 2 hits.

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I'm sure that thanks to your complaint they will make pure damage sponges that shoot as accurately as storm troopers and stand there drooling. Cause that is a lot of fun apparently and way more worthwile than learning wich tools your class has to deal with things. What you want to do is to not focus, drop your head on the keyboard and wake up with everything dead. But, is that really fun for everyone else?


Sorry, but your story sounds highly dubious. A lot of generalization and unprepared pulling.


Maybe you give us concrete cases and we can recommend something. Otherwise, this is just dull and accomplishes nothing.


Also, if this is all it takes i doubt you stick with any game for long. What WoW?! Hahaha! Yes, please go back to that terrible storytelling and 3 button classes. It sounds just right for you.

Edited by Nemmar
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I'm sure that thanks to your complaint they will make pure damage sponges that shoot as accurately as storm troopers and stand there drooling. Cause that is a lot of fun apparently and way more worthwile than learning wich tools your class has to deal with things. What you want to do is to not focus, drop your head on the keyboard and wake up with everything dead. But, is that really fun for everyone else?


Sorry, but your story sounds highly dubious. A lot of generalization and unprepared pulling.


Maybe you give us concrete cases and we can recommend something. Otherwise, this is just dull and accomplishes nothing.


Also, if this is all it takes i doubt you stick with any game for long. What WoW?! Hahaha! Yes, please go back to that terrible storytelling and 3 button classes. It sounds just right for you.

Anyone who has played the game thoroughly should be familiar with the CC spam, much of it unavoidable (e.g. there is nothing to recommend and no tools to counter it with). Not sure how you get the idea that it's dubious to bring up.

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I'm sure that thanks to your complaint they will make pure damage sponges that shoot as accurately as storm troopers and stand there drooling. Cause that is a lot of fun apparently and way more worthwile than learning wich tools your class has to deal with things. What you want to do is to not focus, drop your head on the keyboard and wake up with everything dead. But, is that really fun for everyone else?


Sorry, but your story sounds highly dubious. A lot of generalization and unprepared pulling.


Maybe you give us concrete cases and we can recommend something. Otherwise, this is just dull and accomplishes nothing.


Also, if this is all it takes i doubt you stick with any game for long. What WoW?! Hahaha! Yes, please go back to that terrible storytelling and 3 button classes. It sounds just right for you.


To clarify, I am talking about content from Knights of the Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne, so the what, 60-70 content, right? Before that, this CC spam issue was never a thing, as well as the trash mobs that see stealth from infinite distance and instantly without you have any chance to land an opener.


Plenty mobs had stuns/blinds/etc from class story, makeb, yavin but it wasn't every 5th mob with a hard 5-6 second stun that you can only shrug off every 60 seconds, that gets super old super fast. I get strong and elite mobs not being pushovers, but when you fight 8-10 groups of mobs in a row and each has at least one strong+ and they ALL have stuns, it basically is stealing your playtime because you just gotta sit there and do all of nothing.


I am not pulling 3+ groups of mobs, and like I said before these mobs that annoy me so much next to never kill me. I think I have died maybe 2-3 times total on my most recent character and none of those times were from the stunfest mobs in kotfe/et.


I cannot be more specific because it's quite literally as I said before, nearly every group if not every other group of mobs. From start to finish.


Also if you had actually read what I originally said I have already admitted to playing and quitting this game several times, which is likely what I will continue to do until this game shuts down forever. I will come and catch up, experience the story, then quit for a couple years. It's what I have done so far and I don't really see that changing so not sure why you feel you've caught me with my pants down like it seems you think you have.


Regarding wow, I insulted it, but since I mentioned it that's all you saw and your gut reaction was "wow" HAHAH so... yeah.


I really just came to rant about this really poorly designed piece of content, which from the responses appears to be known.

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To clarify, I am talking about content from Knights of the Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne, so the what, 60-70 content, right? Before that, this CC spam issue was never a thing, as well as the trash mobs that see stealth from infinite distance and instantly without you have any chance to land an opener.


Plenty mobs had stuns/blinds/etc from class story, makeb, yavin but it wasn't every 5th mob with a hard 5-6 second stun that you can only shrug off every 60 seconds, that gets super old super fast. I get strong and elite mobs not being pushovers, but when you fight 8-10 groups of mobs in a row and each has at least one strong+ and they ALL have stuns, it basically is stealing your playtime because you just gotta sit there and do all of nothing.


I am not pulling 3+ groups of mobs, and like I said before these mobs that annoy me so much next to never kill me. I think I have died maybe 2-3 times total on my most recent character and none of those times were from the stunfest mobs in kotfe/et.


I cannot be more specific because it's quite literally as I said before, nearly every group if not every other group of mobs. From start to finish.


Also if you had actually read what I originally said I have already admitted to playing and quitting this game several times, which is likely what I will continue to do until this game shuts down forever. I will come and catch up, experience the story, then quit for a couple years. It's what I have done so far and I don't really see that changing so not sure why you feel you've caught me with my pants down like it seems you think you have.


Regarding wow, I insulted it, but since I mentioned it that's all you saw and your gut reaction was "wow" HAHAH so... yeah.


I really just came to rant about this really poorly designed piece of content, which from the responses appears to be known.


Well said, and enjoyable read.

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OP, there are many of these mobs in the IMP heroic Settling Debts on Balmorra. It's easy enough to get through, but getting two of these npc's in most of the groups of mobs slows it down considerably.


It's not so bad with Engineering Sniper, you can slow their walk speed down and then kill them before they reach you...but practically every other class...you get CC'd and have to wait it out.


Getting hit like that in normal story content...all the time....has to be super annoying.

Edited by Darev
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I never liked stuns in games such as this which include our own characters having stuns. Even more so when the boss cannot be affected by them but you have no such luck. So OP I agree but I also personally don't think it's going to go away.


I also agree with the poster above, I don't remember KotFE/ET been as bad as you say OP, In-fact places like Oricon with each mod having a character with Force Choke, or cannot remember which Corella heroic where each mob had poison Blade. . Still as said personally I don't see them being removed. Even if I would be happy to see them gone.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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The push backs and stuns are too much now. It’s completely over balanced now because it seem every silver grade and gold mob has this mechanic, even old mobs from the vanilla part of the game often have this mechanic now, especially in heroics and flash points.


I wouldn’t mind it so much if it wasn’t so prevalent or over done. It’s too common and too over the top, it needs to be dialled back a bit so you don’t know which group or what types of particular mobs will have it. Having newlry every group of mobs have it is just lazy development.


If I had to guess, I would say they made one sweeping change to make all the mobs do this, regardless of where they are in the game because it’s easier and faster than checking when and which mobs should do it throughout the game. And that is what I call lazy development or better yet, cheap and nasty development because they don’t have the resources or possibly the skills to do it properly.

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The push backs and stuns are too much now. It’s completely over balanced now because it seem every silver grade and gold mob has this mechanic, even old mobs from the vanilla part of the game often have this mechanic now, especially in heroics and flash points.


I wouldn’t mind it so much if it wasn’t so prevalent or over done. It’s too common and too over the top, it needs to be dialled back a bit so you don’t know which group or what types of particular mobs will have it. Having newlry every group of mobs have it is just lazy development.


If I had to guess, I would say they made one sweeping change to make all the mobs do this, regardless of where they are in the game because it’s easier and faster than checking when and which mobs should do it throughout the game. And that is what I call lazy development or better yet, cheap and nasty development because they don’t have the resources or possibly the skills to do it properly.

I havent had it be every mob. Only some. Even the silver and gold ones. Only some do.

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I haven't had any basic "problem" with stuns or knock-backs. It's just a matter of learning which stuns actually need to be interrupted or countered (many are really brief and only last about one skill refresh cycle) and/or learning proper positioning to make sure a potential knock-back doesn't toss you over an edge, and just knocks you up against a wall or some other barrier. (And, of course, for ranged characters to stay out of range of the knock-backs.)

I hate say it, (because I'm not leet), but this may be just an L2P issue. (Learn 2 Play)

Edited by JediQuaker
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I haven't had any basic "problem" with stuns or knock-backs. It's just a matter of learning which stuns actually need to be interrupted or countered (many are really brief and only last about one skill refresh cycle) and/or learning proper positioning to make sure a potential knock-back doesn't toss you over an edge, and just knocks you up against a wall or some other barrier. (And, of course, for ranged characters to stay out of range of the knock-backs.)

I hate say it, (because I'm not leet), but this may be just an L2P issue. (Learn 2 Play)


Have you done a play through since 6.0 launched?

I think that's what people are saying, that things have changed.


I haven't, so I can't say for sure.


I can say, however, that in my example, the "stuns" are instant cast. No chance to interrupt them, and there are two mobs doing it back to back.


Yes, You can use some of the various skills to counter it. BH / Sniper for sure have them, but then you have to wait for the CD to finish before going to the next batch. It's faster to just take the hits.


Is it game breaking...no.

Is it crazy annoying...yes

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