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Everything posted by Electricdawn

  1. To be perfectly honest, I'd like a body type that's inbetween scrawny 1 and super buff athletic 2. Don't see the need for an even more fatter char, but, hey, if people want it... *shrug* who am I to deny it to them?
  2. Says the guy with the pretty old looking avatar. More serious: Why do you care if I want to have an old looking character? I'm pretty old myself. So I DON'T want to look like a 18 year old. Who are you trying to tell me how I have to look? And yes, there's plenty of VERY old looking characters in the Star Wars movies and series.
  3. I can imagine people have been posting about this before. And this question is actually something that is not SW:TOR typical, it affects most games out there: Why can't we make old characters? Especially women? The most you can typically do is a man who looks maybe at most 50 years old, but with women they can't be more than 18 or so. In our modern times it should be possible to create an old character (ANY old character). Especially now, when a lot (almost the majority) of very affluent gamers are now in there 40's and 50's. I know this might not be on the radar of a developer of a game that has lost most of their workforce and where the game is winding down, but I still think this is very relevant question. Not everyone wants to play a kiddie character. Thank you for your time.
  4. Well... that's exactly what's putting me off. I was expecting that we could truly mix both classes into one. Now I just experienced that your character is completely only one class, but gets to play the story of another... What's the flippin' point? PS: And sorry, I don't know why I would want to play a "megadozen" $CLASS over and over again. Isn't that part of the fun to try out multiple classes (especially for their story)?
  5. Good Morning, All. And happy Sunday. I did a search through the forums and the EA help site, but couldn't find an answer to my question anywhere. What do the colors of the frame rate counter indicate? Is it GPU? CPU? Both? I assume green is for under-utilised, yellow for well-utilised, and red stands for maxed out, but is that true? Thank you for helping me out!
  6. Ok, I know this is not min-max related, but for chrissakes PLEASE: A lightsaber is not just a glow stick that you hold in one hand to illuminate a scene. I always hated that sorcs and counsellors really didn't do much with their lightsabers, but at least they were able to USE it! This is now completely gone. The lightsaber, most iconic weapon in the history of... ever... has now been reduced to an overqualified flashlight. That is right. A flashlight. Whiskey Tango Foxtrott. If you insist on going that route, please at least give us a main hand item, that is invisible and gives you the stats of what a lightsaber would've given you. That would at least give you the iconic look of channeling lightning or stones with TWO hands, instead of one while the other is bothered with a useless glow stick. Thank you for your consideration.
  7. Edit: Somehow the difficulty was set to "Veteran" instead of "Story". Chapter now works as intended. My apologies, BW. ---------------------------------------- Good evening, everybody. I just discovered that chapter 7 of KotET - Into the Void - is really unplayable once you passed Level 70. The mobs are way too strong and deal a lot of damage very quickly. Even with a healer companion (my char is an operative) I find it completely impossible to get past the first two elite Horizon Guards. Don't even mention the Horizon Guard captain that comes next. If you want me to, I can provide damage figures. I'd really appreciate it if this could be fixed. Right now, it's completely unplayable. Thank you very much.
  8. ©Jdast. I'd give you an uptick for this post, if I could. I'm by no means a good player. "Decent", maybe "Average" is more correct. I'm 58 years old and I'm lacking in the responsiveness department. That said, yes, there are mobs, elites and bosses that stun you. Yes, this sometimes can get annoying. Yes, Onslaught made the game harder. But I don't find it nearly as difficult as the OP does seem to think it is. Although I believe that he/she thinks that players should be able to just face roll through the game in order to get faster to the loot. Correct me if I'm wrong. This defeats the purpose, though. At least in my humble opinion.
  9. Thanks, @Lhancelot. Yours (and others) explanations have made this clear to me. I will avoid the vendors from now on.
  10. I wouldn't necessarily call 1,500 tech fragments and 1,000,000 credits a "discount".
  11. Seems to me like a lot of complaints come from people who are used to solo heroics. Well, these SHOULD not be solo-able. You can make it work with being a tank and a healer companion, but that shouldn't be the norm. At least that's my opinion.
  12. Thanks everybody for trying to explain this to me. So, I do know the good ole' D20, but wasn't aware of the abbreviation RNG. I'm not one of those players who's hot to just run one FP after the other to gear up. I'm very casual, and yes, I know you will ask me now: "Why even bother with Kai then?" Well, I just wanted to see what he has, and I'm not one of those guys with gazillions of credits, nor am I inclined to spend hours and hours on heroics and FPs. I do like to visit flashpoints and operations if they're new to me, so I learn the story. And, yes, I DO go through the story completely, I don't skip dialog, and I'm deliberately taking in the scenery. So, I'm not for the rush kiddies. Guess this is it, then. If I need 306 gear to see Dxun, then I'll probably going to see it never. Well, just like in WoW, where the most important stories are told in raids, which I never get to see, because you need insane gear to be "allowed" in a raid group. Oh well, guess I'll go back to preferred status then.
  13. Hm, I haven't encountered anything in the normal story chapters that could stun my class (most of them, except trooper) to death. Maybe you're just pulling too many mobs? I do try to be careful about this...
  14. And I know that how?... But thanks, now I know better. Not that it is any useful to me... Well, I tried the other vendor as well. Didn't look much better there… Sorry, BW, but this sucks. Don't put vendors on the fleet that charge you an arm and a leg and then don't make it immediately obvious it's the same crap you already have. Worse still, don't allow a refund.
  15. To be honest, I don't even know what RNG stands for. But if it means getting sucky equipment like this, then yeah. I don't like it.
  16. … and I think, sure thing. Let's have a look. Well, he told me to wait. Wait, I can do that. But the stalls opened immediately, so I asked him why he would send me away in the first place. He stammered in his usual fashion, that at first he didn't know who I was, yadda, yadda, but of course he would open his store right away for such an illustrive person, yadda, yadda… Yeah, didn't give much of a damn and pushed past him to check the wares. Hm. Some gloves. I liked me some new gloves, except… they didn't show stats. And they would set me back a hefty 1,500 tech pieces, PLUS one million credits! I asked Kai for a return guarantee. He just grinned. F... this. Let's just give it a try. Can't be worse then what I got right now, right? Well... I got severly disappointed. I have 270 augmented gloves, and the new ones were 272. They were worse. Did I really just paid ONE F...ING MILLION credits PLUS 1,500 tech pieces for this… piece of slightly better then junk? And I CANNOT return it with a full refund? Sorry, BioWare. Fool me once. Can't fool me twice. Should've known better to trust anything Kai Zykken is selling. BioWare, you just lost a lot of trust I had in you. This fiasco, plus the totally ruined crafting system is not really pushing me to resub again next month.
  17. People, we don't know if BioWare was even aware of the issue when it happened. Please stay cool. It seems Tulak Hord is back up again.
  18. Both Tulak Hord and Darth Malgus died. Darth Malgus is flagged as offline, Tulak Hord isn't but you can't log in anyway… PS: Overlapped with Eric's answer. Thanks, Eric, for taking care of this ASAP.
  19. Tulak Hord und Darth Malgus sind soeben abgestürzt. Darth Malgus wird als offline angezeigt, Tulak Hord nicht...
  20. Meine Charakter haben ein Itemlevel um die 270. Un' nu? Ich werde einen Teufel tun und zigdrölfmillionenmal Hammerstation abfarmen. Kann mir nichts langweiligeres vorstellen. Na, dann bin ich halt für die Progresskiddies nicht "interessant". Werde es überleben.
  21. Server just stopped responding and kicked everybody off. I was still on but couldn't do anything. Funny thing was, though, that the ping was still good unlike all the other times when it went through the roof. Well, I exited the game. Gotta work tomorrow. But this is still annoying as hell. I just finished one chapter in KotET, and was lucky to get out of the instance, right before the server started dying. Would've hated to replay the whole chapter again just because of these on and on and ongoing issues with Tulak Hord…
  22. Die "Erweiterungen" in TOR sind bestimmt gut gemacht. Gebiete sind toll, Stories sind in Ordnung, das Voice Acting (so man das Original spielt) wirklich professionell. Aber leider ist es, wie alle TOR-Erweiterungen, zu schnell durch, und fast durchgehend nur solo spielbar. Das ist halt dann sehr mager. Dafür sind sie wenigstens als Abonnent kostenlos... Na ja...
  23. Es ist völliger Schwachsinn zu behaupten, dass in WoW (was ich extensiv mit meiner Frau seit 2005 gespielt habe) der Storycontent solo instanziert wäre. Man kann ALLES zusammen spielen. Zwischen den Storyquests ist weitaus mehr "Meat" als in TOR. Das sind einfach Tatsachen, die man nicht widerlegen kann. Wer so etwas behauptet kann nie im Ernst WoW durch alle Erweiterungen durchgespielt haben (wie meine Frau und ich). PS: In TOR konnte man bis Level 50 (also das Ende des Originalspiels) ALLES zusammen spielen. Die Klassenquests galten dann natürlich nur für denjenigen, der die Klasse auch hatte, man konnte sie aber IMMER zusammen spielen und sie waren nicht der Hauptteil. Es gab noch genug Nebenquests, die man zusammen machen konnte. Insgesamt war damals TOR vielmehr auf Gruppen ausgerichtet als heute. Das Extrem im Solospiel waren die Zakuul-Erweiterungen, die wirklich REINES Solospiel waren. Das haben sie zumindest etwas geändert, das ein Minimum an Gruppenspiel in der Story möglich ist, aber es ist herzlich wenig. TOR ist in der Story ein reines Solospiel, und da gibt es kein Argument dagegen.
  24. Tja, Du kannst hier BioWare verteidigen so viel wie Du willst. Tatsache ist, dass ich bei keinem anderen Online-Spiel diese Probleme habe. Da interessiert es mich als (noch) zahlenden Kunden wenig, ob es jetzt hauptsächlich an BioWare liegen mag oder auch nicht. Und ganz ehrlich? Genau weiss es keiner von uns.
  25. Lösche mal die Datei "DiskCacheArena" im Ordner "Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor".
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