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6.0 gearing is the worst in swtor history


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Now after a few days of gearing up i can say that current gearing system is total garbage. "Play what you want" policy was a fake since with current system if you play only pvp or try to get full gear only with crafting it will takes years to gear up at least one character in full BiS gear. Stealth classes just spamming red reaper fp runs and getting full 306 gear in two days. Pvp gearing is much slower compared to mm fp. Crafting turned into credit owen since you require tonnes of mats to make best gear parts and credits to at least get to 700 crew skill lvl.


Since gearing in this game rapidly turning to wow's model i don't see any reason staying here. My sub runs in one week and if nothing is changed iam out.

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Now after a few days of gearing up i can say that current gearing system is total garbage. "Play what you want" policy was a fake since with current system if you play only pvp or try to get full gear only with crafting it will takes years to gear up at least one character in full BiS gear. Stealth classes just spamming red reaper fp runs and getting full 306 gear in two days. Pvp gearing is much slower compared to mm fp. Crafting turned into credit owen since you require tonnes of mats to make best gear parts and credits to at least get to 700 crew skill lvl.


Since gearing in this game rapidly turning to wow's model i don't see any reason staying here. My sub runs in one week and if nothing is changed iam out.


Same here mate, already cancelled my sub after less than a week. Mandatory groups + way too little story = no fun and no more money for Bioware until they give us something worth paying for.

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Got from 268 to 278 yesterday, just doing few Hammer Stations, The Hunt and some dailies, without even opening my packs (chapter \ renown \ daily \ weekly, keeping them until I can get something nice from them). So, vertical grind seems to be easy enough. Horizontal grind (set bonus \ tacticals) will probably be a pain.
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Vertical climb is easy. Sooo easy. Anything and everything is giving you gear. I hear FP grind is the fastest way to keep getting loot, but I've been doing mostly pvp with the occasional fp and definitely havent ran out of loot. Some guildies went on FP farming spree, got to max ilevel in two days, and now they have a the rest of the month to do anything they want. Doesn't seem like a terrible gearing system to me at all if you're in a megarush.
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Vertical climb is easy. Sooo easy. Anything and everything is giving you gear. I hear FP grind is the fastest way to keep getting loot, but I've been doing mostly pvp with the occasional fp and definitely havent ran out of loot. Some guildies went on FP farming spree, got to max ilevel in two days, and now they have a the rest of the month to do anything they want. Doesn't seem like a terrible gearing system to me at all if you're in a megarush.


Iam talking about getting BiS gear and getting it the way players want to play. Certainly vertical climb is fast but it doesn't provide much of BiS gear anyway only a small chance of droping the exact set gear you want. To mentioning the barriers we face when reaching certain ilvl of gearing which were mentioned in this thread https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=970210 and forcing us to either spend tech parts early or do Dxun operation in order to make next ilvl gear drops. Tech fragment gear parts are way too expensive and gearing up BiS gear only through pvp which i like will take ages

Edited by omaan
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Iam talking about getting BiS gear and getting it the way players want to play. Certainly vertical climb is fast but it doesn't provide much of BiS gear anyway only a small chance of droping the exact set gear you want. To mentioning the barriers we face when reaching certain ilvl of gearing which were mentioned in this thread https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=970210 and forcing us to either spend tech parts early or do Dxun operation in order to make next ilvl gear drops. Tech fragment gear parts are way too expensive and gearing up BiS gear only through pvp which i like will take ages

Wanting BIS gear fast while not doing the toughest or most efficient content and not spending on anything expensive is a bit high demand mate :rolleyes:

Edited by Kiesu
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Vertical climb is easy. Sooo easy. Anything and everything is giving you gear. I hear FP grind is the fastest way to keep getting loot, but I've been doing mostly pvp with the occasional fp and definitely havent ran out of loot. Some guildies went on FP farming spree, got to max ilevel in two days, and now they have a the rest of the month to do anything they want. Doesn't seem like a terrible gearing system to me at all if you're in a megarush.


I can say I agree with this vertical climbing is really easy, and I am just doing flashpoint and dailies so far. can't comment on horizontal yet, but so far not bad, already got one class setbonus from doing conqest, which was also not that long to finish either.

Edited by commanderwar
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Worst or best, I don't know because that will invoke much objective analysis to form a reasonable verdict. But from a feeling perspective, which is entirely subjective, I enjoy this expansion much more than the previous one.


I play game to enjoy and not to judge whether it is best or worst. If it is worst and I get to enjoy, it is good. If it is best (like in the case of WoW), and I don't enjoy it, it is bad. WoW from an objective perspective is a much better executed MMO than SWTOR, but I don't enjoy WoW but come to play SWTOR.


6.0 gearing is one that I enjoy much more than the previous gearing given its variety and versatility and wide possibility of play. Good job, BW. If only this concept can be expanded to other aspect of the game like the companion system or class abilities system, that would be great.

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Though I do feel like after all of that UI overhauling we still cannot delete multiple items in our inventory not just pick a single piece of cm armor that we’ve unlocked. The cm armor thing is personal preference but that multi-item delete or select is wayyyyyy overdue.
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Now after a few days of gearing up i can say that current gearing system is total garbage. "Play what you want" policy was a fake since with current system if you play only pvp or try to get full gear only with crafting it will takes years to gear up at least one character in full BiS gear. Stealth classes just spamming red reaper fp runs and getting full 306 gear in two days. Pvp gearing is much slower compared to mm fp. Crafting turned into credit owen since you require tonnes of mats to make best gear parts and credits to at least get to 700 crew skill lvl.


Since gearing in this game rapidly turning to wow's model i don't see any reason staying here. My sub runs in one week and if nothing is changed iam out.


Most ranked players on your server are already full 306 and are going for their set bonuses now. Expack came out 3 days ago. So explain how is this gearing hard ?

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It does appear that they have taken the worse aspects of the Galactic Command System and added extra range. Then to make it as much fun, have the gear drops off your entire level so you can look forward to gear drops that are the same as what you are wearing cause something else is bring your level down.


Which could be fixed by tech fragments, though disintegration seems to reward such a small number you have to get a lot of useless junk to go trade them in for some random gear.


None of which would be stand out bad, except this massive grind is brought in with so very little content. Its re-run flashpoints, with an added twist of the level syncing making them harder than before you started on this new gear grind.


Maybe it does appeal to some people, maybe if you love grinding it appeals, maybe if luck is on your side or some other way you have the gear you want already, that is great. But on the whole the future of the game appears to be repeating old flashpoints and operations, doing the one new daily zone to gear up. Which will likely all be pointless as despite talk of horizontal progression, the item level is increased with the next smallest addition to have people grind that out.

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Though I do feel like after all of that UI overhauling we still cannot delete multiple items in our inventory not just pick a single piece of cm armor that we’ve unlocked. The cm armor thing is personal preference but that multi-item delete or select is wayyyyyy overdue.


Multiple items delete carries risk. If it is for those cm armor, a better approach is to treat and implement those as "junk item" so that we can use the sell junk button to clear them from our inventory in a single click.

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Personally, I think it's a welcomed change. Anything is better than that crap Ossus grind. Even the Ossus crystals weren't Legacy bound, which was a huge mistake. I chuckled yesterday when someone started a thread regarding how Tech Fragments were Legacy bound. I laughed, a response wasn't even needed. Other than the story from Ossus, that whole experience was a joke.


If the devs want to stick with the current system, I'm fine with it, just make up their minds and stick with something and quit changing for the sake of changing or because they're short handed and can't create content fast enough.

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In what other MMO is it even *possible* to get (near) BiS armor w/in a few days/weeks of a major expansion?


From my perspective, it looks like a lot of people are so infected with the need for instant gratification, that having to actually play the game for a few weeks or months (or days for the crazy focused) now induces rage.


Take a step back man. It used to take *months* to get BiS gear *AND* require running NiM ops.

Do you really think that system was better?


Playing exactly what I wanted to over the past two days, I picked up 278 gear and my first tactical (the one I most wanted).


Gearing has never been faster or easier.

If you don't enjoy playing the game, getting gear faster isn't going to help w/ rage or an empty life.

And if you do enjoy playing the game, then just play the game.


Admittedly, picking up the set bonuses I want is going to take a while. So what? I love playing this game, so I'll get them sooner or later. But if I don't *need* them for NiM Dxun, which my raid team will be starting next week, then what's the problem? It's not like the gear is a preventing anyone from playing what they want. Heaven forbid there's actually cool things that take a while to get. Sheesh.

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Wanting BIS gear fast while not doing the toughest or most efficient content and not spending on anything expensive is a bit high demand mate :rolleyes:


You're missing his point. "Play it your way" is a bunch of malarkey because pvpers are yet again forced to pve to gear up because BW refuses to bring back pvp gear.


In what other MMO is it even *possible* to get (near) BiS armor w/in a few days/weeks of a major expansion?


Its not the time it takes, its the method. In FFXIV say when a fresh expansion comes out for an example. I can run primal fights that drop gear, but I also earn currency from them so I'm effectively working towards gear within that content and directly buy what I want from that vendor. SWTOR does not have that anymore. Its just run 8 year old content over and over and pray you get what you need because lawl rng.....oh and the vendor is rng too, have fun.

Edited by Raansu
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My response to 6.0:


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You're missing his point. "Play it your way" is a bunch of malarkey because pvpers are yet again forced to pve to gear up because BW refuses to bring back pvp gear..

No I really didnt. He said quite blatantly, he wants gear fast, he doesnt want to pay for it because "expensive" and he doesnt want to do the efficient things. Hence, his gearing will not be fast, if he refuses to do all of those things.

He will get gear at the same phase as anyone else who is playing whatever they want.

There is no fast without sacrifice.

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No I really didnt. He said quite blatantly, he wants gear fast, he doesnt want to pay for it because "expensive" and he doesnt want to do the efficient things. Hence, his gearing will not be fast, if he refuses to do all of those things.

He will get gear at the same phase as anyone else who is playing whatever they want.

There is no fast without sacrifice.


Which again completely defeats the point of play your way. So yes, you're still missing his point. He wants to pvp, but he's being forced to pve to get gear.

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My response to 6.0:


This email confirms that you have cancelled your billing agreement with SWTOR.com Star Wars. No further payments will be made from your PayPal account to this merchant. If you have any further questions about the agreement, or wish to reinstate it, please contact SWTOR.com Star Wars directly.






LOL so many edgelords :rolleyes:

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In what other MMO is it even *possible* to get (near) BiS armor w/in a few days/weeks of a major expansion?


From my perspective, it looks like a lot of people are so infected with the need for instant gratification, that having to actually play the game for a few weeks or months (or days for the crazy focused) now induces rage.


Take a step back man. It used to take *months* to get BiS gear *AND* require running NiM ops.

Do you really think that system was better?


Playing exactly what I wanted to over the past two days, I picked up 278 gear and my first tactical (the one I most wanted).


Gearing has never been faster or easier.

If you don't enjoy playing the game, getting gear faster isn't going to help w/ rage or an empty life.

And if you do enjoy playing the game, then just play the game.


Admittedly, picking up the set bonuses I want is going to take a while. So what? I love playing this game, so I'll get them sooner or later. But if I don't *need* them for NiM Dxun, which my raid team will be starting next week, then what's the problem? It's not like the gear is a preventing anyone from playing what they want. Heaven forbid there's actually cool things that take a while to get. Sheesh.


Personally, I prefer a gear progression system that awards gear based on progression through new and more challenging content over this system.


This system consists of a transparently empty and throw away grind, and exists for no other reason than to add a time sink between leveling to 75 (which takes no time at all) and starting the process of building set bonus gear, optimizing stats, and working on the new gearing related elements added (tacticals and that other bonus thing).


Coupled with their decimation of crafting and the knowledge that this current system can be completed by spending 12-18 hours grinding old FPs really turns me off from what should have been a positive return.

Edited by DawnAskham
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