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6.0 Crafting is Ludicrously a complete and total piece of Junk


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Allow me to add my voice to the cacophony of others. It is not remotely fun to finally craft seven level 73 critical augments, only to discover that's not enough of them to get the next schematic. Its not remotely fun to craft 13 more in the hopes to gain a schematic. Its even less fun to risk the final 4 critical successes, and finally get "lucky" enough to get that desired schematic. Keep in mind those 24 augments were worth ~700k credits each on the SS GTN. I cannot imagine how anyone would think this is fun.


Me cussing about failed reverse engineering RNG crap, for eight minutes. *Warning: Adult language in video, lots of it.*




I’ve stopped at blue quality for both crafting and buying on the GTN. The prices on the GTN are too much for purple under this “credit sink” meta. I’m not saying the GTN prices aren’t justified. In most cases they are. But many people just don’t have the credits to first buy the augment kits and then the purple grade augments.


Plus the only content the purple might be relevant is in the only high lvl 75 operation or ranked pvp. In every other content they are wasted because of lvl sync.

What’s sad is my grade 10 purple augments actually give me better secondary stats than those blue grade 11 augments. Which is all you need when your master, power and endurance is capped at lvl 70 for 99.99% of content.

What’s even sadder is those gold grade 10 augments that we all spend millions of credits buying and crafting are now completely useless. My grade 9 purple augments are better in secondary stats.


As someone who only plays reg pvp and no operations, just flash points and story, I’ve decided I will buy the blue ones and craft them because they will be more useful in pvp than my grade 10 augments, not because I need them for any pve content.


The cost + risk + rewards isn’t there to go any higher than blue ones. IMO, you are better off selling many blue ones and not risking a bad RE. Plus even if you get the RE, how many of those will you actually be able to sell? You’ll probably make more credits with a regular supply of blue ones than the purple ones,

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Just a word about whales... many of them are crafters who have maxed out the number of alts / storage bins / and every other nook and cranny that they can conjure up with TONS of matts in each one of the slots that are in each of those holds.


A few days ago I decided to start watching the market a bit. ( As a former purchasing director who also was responsible for answering to marketing in RL … I do that some times) … I saw this one "dude" (note … name was masculine in nature) … posted THREE pages of this one particular matt. There were 100 pieces per line … eight lines per page. EACH page had the equivalent of 1 BILLION … retail ! Before the next AM … ALL THREE pages were sold !! 3 BILLION !!!


That's THREE BILLION in one evening. This is just one example.


And before some of you decide to fry this old man .. let me remind you of just how BAD burnt buzzard really does smell !!


Hey I'm not on any ones case ! I know how to play the market... Been there and done that !! The old man now has a little change in his pockets these days.. NOT THAT rich mind you … Let's just say the old man knows the game. I did that sort of a thing and made a reasonable living at it !! Now I'm retired. Soooo I like to play the GAME !! … not my 6AM to 6PM job all over again !! Can you dig it ! ??


All I'm saying is that a part of this mess goes back to people who figured out how to play the crafting / Mega Guild / GTN game as aggressive as any PvP player has ever played any game any where in any MMO.


There is no easy fix.


Stop blaming the development team for the entire matter.


Can something be done ? To be perfectly honest without taking a bigger risk of really screwing up the entire game .. I don't have an answer. But I can honestly tell you that there are some players out there that can make huge quantities of just about any mat you want to name disappear in seconds … PAGES of it … poof !! Gone !!


BTW... perhaps what we need is to feed the sharks !! and run slim down a few whales !! (If you catch my drift )




NOTE: … yeah I know … I just upset a few hundred folks .. But what the heck I haven't done that around here in a good month or so. I'm due !


Edited by OlBuzzard
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Just a word about whales... many of them are crafters who have maxed out the number of alts / storage bins / and every other nook and cranny that they can conjure up with TONS of matts in each one of the slots that are in each of those holds.


A few days ago I decided to start watching the market a bit. ( As a former purchasing director who also was responsible for answering to marketing in RL … I do that some times) … I saw this one "dude" (note … name was masculine in nature) … posted THREE pages of this one particular matt. There were 100 pieces per line … eight lines per page. EACH page had the equivalent of 1 BILLION … retail ! Before the next AM … ALL THREE pages were sold !! 3 BILLION !!!


That's THREE BILLION in one evening. This is just one example.


And before some of you decide to fry this old man .. let me remind you of just how BAD burnt buzzard really does smell !!


Hey I'm not on any ones case ! I know how to play the market... Been there and done that !! The old man now has a little change in his pockets these days.. NOT THAT rich mind you … Let's just say the old man knows the game. I did that sort of a thing and made a reasonable living at it !! Now I'm retired. Soooo I like to play the GAME !! … not my 6AM to 6PM job all over again !! Can you dig it ! ??


All I'm saying is that a part of this mess goes back to people who figured out how to play the crafting / Mega Guild / GTN game as aggressive as any PvP player has ever played any game any where in any MMO.


There is no easy fix.


Stop blaming the development team for the entire matter.


Can something be done ? To be perfectly honest without taking a bigger risk of really screwing up the entire game .. I don't have an answer. But I can honestly tell you that there are some players out there that can make huge quantities of just about any mat you want to name disappear in seconds … PAGES of it … poof !! Gone !!


BTW... perhaps what we need is to feed the sharks !! and run slim down a few whales !! (If you catch my drift )




NOTE: … yeah I know … I just upset a few hundred folks .. But what the heck I haven't done that around here is a good month or so. I'm due !



doesn't really surprise me, I was making close to 50m-100m in a day or two of just selling Legendary Embers, with a couple of my slicers and mat collectors I could double it. but currently working on my crafting instead of flooding the market with mats, I have bigger fish to fry.... ;)

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I know it's intended but i have to say this.


SWTOR crafting used to be the best crafting in an mmo for me. I generally hate crafting. I have yet to see crafting that isn't boring. But swtor made it easy and would let me delegate it to companions so i could continue to do something fun.


Now, crafting is a chore, even in swtor. I will be waiting for the mmo that has the courage to admit that crafting is detrimental to how fun it is.

Edited by Nemmar
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I think that one thing that would make crafting better is that crafted gear should have two versions. So take for example augments. There should be two versions: One that is sellable/tradeable like we have now and one that is legacy bound. The second one being significantly cheaper to craft.


This way crafting becomes interesting to do because it allows you the choice between paying a high price on the GTN or be self-sufficient by investing in crafting yourself at a cheaper rate.


I feel the emphasis is too much on the marketability of crafting and how many credits you can make with it. I think there should be a bigger focus on crafting as a method of making you self-sufficient as well without being gated by the same cost involved in the "business version" of it.

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Just a word about whales... many of them are crafters who have maxed out the number of alts / storage bins / and every other nook and cranny that they can conjure up with TONS of matts in each one of the slots that are in each of those holds.


A few days ago I decided to start watching the market a bit. ( As a former purchasing director who also was responsible for answering to marketing in RL … I do that some times) … I saw this one "dude" (note … name was masculine in nature) … posted THREE pages of this one particular matt. There were 100 pieces per line … eight lines per page. EACH page had the equivalent of 1 BILLION … retail ! Before the next AM … ALL THREE pages were sold !! 3 BILLION !!!


That's THREE BILLION in one evening. This is just one example.


And before some of you decide to fry this old man .. let me remind you of just how BAD burnt buzzard really does smell !!


Hey I'm not on any ones case ! I know how to play the market... Been there and done that !! The old man now has a little change in his pockets these days.. NOT THAT rich mind you … Let's just say the old man knows the game. I did that sort of a thing and made a reasonable living at it !! Now I'm retired. Soooo I like to play the GAME !! … not my 6AM to 6PM job all over again !! Can you dig it ! ??


All I'm saying is that a part of this mess goes back to people who figured out how to play the crafting / Mega Guild / GTN game as aggressive as any PvP player has ever played any game any where in any MMO.


There is no easy fix.


Stop blaming the development team for the entire matter.


Can something be done ? To be perfectly honest without taking a bigger risk of really screwing up the entire game .. I don't have an answer. But I can honestly tell you that there are some players out there that can make huge quantities of just about any mat you want to name disappear in seconds … PAGES of it … poof !! Gone !!


BTW... perhaps what we need is to feed the sharks !! and run slim down a few whales !! (If you catch my drift )




NOTE: … yeah I know … I just upset a few hundred folks .. But what the heck I haven't done that around here is a good month or so. I'm due !



A couple of observations.


I'm assuming you are talking about SRMs as nothing else I'm aware of currently sells for 1.25 million each (100 items per line * 8 lines / 1 billion credits).


The most likely source of the SRMs you observed are from a player buying cheaper from other players (directly / GTN) and relisting (at 6 SRM per character in a large yield guild, amounts observed would require 400 characters conquest capped).


Anyways, nothing can or will stop players from buying up and resetting markets higher absent the types of changes that would cause more issues than solve (like lots of GTN restrictions such as limits, price controls, etc).


Bioware could make it less attractive / more risky to attempt corner markets like SRMs by lowering demand (reduce need for them in crafting) while increasing supply (add more sources, increase rewards).


Right now supply is highly constrained and heavily weighted towards Tuesday when the weekly guild conquest rewards are paid out, which makes manipulating this market rather easy (buy on Tues when everyone wants to unload their weekly earnings for credits, sell back through GTN over the week when supply reduces to a trickle).


Bioware could also do something like make SRMs bind to legacy - so they could not be traded and players would have to earn their own SRMs or forgo crafting much of anything - not a great solution but one that would prevent players with credits from buying them all up and resetting the market higher.


Anyways, I don't see a problem with someone willing to risk billions buying up SRMs to resell.


What I see as a problem is an imbalance in supply and demand caused by Bioware - SRMs should NOT be required for ANYTHING but conquest related items OR they should have other mostly deterministic sources that keep supply stable throughout the week (such as from weekly missions, drops in content, renown boxes, other reward boxes, jawa / tech fragment vendors, etc).


Also the issue with inflation is due to excessive credits, mostly due to incompetence on the part of Bioware over the years (massive exploits, heroic payouts, slicing / TH lockboxes).


The billions in sales you observed resulted in 8% disappearing through GTN tax - so in some cases those sales are a good thing for the longer term health of the economy.


IMO they should re-balance SRM supply and demand - remove it's requirement from anything sub 306 as well as increase the supply throughout the week by providing alternative means of acquisition (such as rewards from other weekly missions, drops in content, included in other reward boxes, jawa vendors, tech fragments, etc).


They should also work to find sinks to reduce the excessive credits in ways that affect those with the most credits the most, rather than the nickle and dime sinks they have added that make it difficult for players without a lot of pre-existing credits to compete, but which don't do much of anything to remove credits from those with billions.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I think that one thing that would make crafting better is that crafted gear should have two versions. So take for example augments. There should be two versions: One that is sellable/tradeable like we have now and one that is legacy bound. The second one being significantly cheaper to craft.


This way crafting becomes interesting to do because it allows you the choice between paying a high price on the GTN or be self-sufficient by investing in crafting yourself at a cheaper rate.


I feel the emphasis is too much on the marketability of crafting and how many credits you can make with it. I think there should be a bigger focus on crafting as a method of making you self-sufficient as well without being gated by the same cost involved in the "business version" of it.


That is an awesome idea and one of the better ones I’ve heard for a while. I hope someone at Bioware reads it.

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Some of the crafting and gear changes seem imported from Anthem, so apparently they were happy enough with it in that game (despite complaints there) that they decided to give it to us too. Examples are embers for crafting, and the random inscriptions/amplifiers.


Working as designed.


Anthem crafting was atrocious. The RNG on the gearing in Anthem was equally atrocious.


Considering Anthem crashed and burned hard, I'm surprised BioWare would even think to copy anything over from that game would be a good idea (it isn't), the only thing it has going for it is the ability to fly. Considering that was the best feature of the game, you would also think they wouldn't have limited it so much :rolleyes:


Bioware could make it less attractive / more risky to attempt corner markets like SRMs by lowering demand (reduce need for them in crafting) while increasing supply (add more sources, increase rewards).


BioWare could also simply introduce price controls and only allow items to be sold within a specific range of values. For every single item in the game.


BioWare can control the market completely if they choose to do so. Essentially nullifying a majority of the players who try to corner specific parts of the market. It's possible for them to do this. I mean why not piss off the remaining players who only play the GTN game? They've managed to do it to every other type of player.

Edited by Transcendent
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A couple of observations.


I'm assuming you are talking about SRMs as nothing else I'm aware of currently sells for 1.25 million each (100 items per line * 8 lines / 1 billion credits).


The most likely source of the SRMs you observed are from a player buying cheaper from other players (directly / GTN) and relisting (at 6 SRM per character in a large yield guild, amounts observed would require 400 characters conquest capped).


Anyways, nothing can or will stop players from buying up and resetting markets higher absent the types of changes that would cause more issues than solve (like lots of GTN restrictions such as limits, price controls, etc).


Bioware could make it less attractive / more risky to attempt corner markets like SRMs by lowering demand (reduce need for them in crafting) while increasing supply (add more sources, increase rewards).


Right now supply is highly constrained and heavily weighted towards Tuesday when the weekly guild conquest rewards are paid out, which makes manipulating this market rather easy (buy on Tues when everyone wants to unload their weekly earnings for credits, sell back through GTN over the week when supply reduces to a trickle).


Bioware could also do something like make SRMs bind to legacy - so they could not be traded and players would have to earn their own SRMs or forgo crafting much of anything - not a great solution but one that would prevent players with credits from buying them all up and resetting the market higher.


Anyways, I don't see a problem with someone willing to risk billions buying up SRMs to resell.


What I see as a problem is an imbalance in supply and demand caused by Bioware - SRMs should NOT be required for ANYTHING but conquest related items OR they should have other mostly deterministic sources that keep supply stable throughout the week (such as from weekly missions, drops in content, renown boxes, other reward boxes, jawa / tech fragment vendors, etc).


Also the issue with inflation is due to excessive credits, mostly due to incompetence on the part of Bioware over the years (massive exploits, heroic payouts, slicing / TH lockboxes).


The billions in sales you observed resulted in 8% disappearing through GTN tax - so in some cases those sales are a good thing for the longer term health of the economy.


IMO they should re-balance SRM supply and demand - remove it's requirement from anything sub 306 as well as increase the supply throughout the week by providing alternative means of acquisition (such as rewards from other weekly missions, drops in content, included in other reward boxes, jawa vendors, tech fragments, etc).


They should also work to find sinks to reduce the excessive credits in ways that affect those with the most credits the most, rather than the nickle and dime sinks they have added that make it difficult for players without a lot of pre-existing credits to compete, but which don't do much of anything to remove credits from those with billions.


I disagree…


I wasn't attempting to point this at crafters .. in the individual sense of the word.


Heck .. for that matter the person I that made all of those credits in one evening .. most of us wish we could do the same thing !! There is a GOOD possibility that the person behind that does very little actual crafting. BUT... they also know what items bring the most credits. Soooo they also know the best method to get those mats. Let's face it. Someone … A LOT of someones … a LARGE number of players have figured it out.


That said … some would consider that a possible exploit ??


NO … I don't think that's it at all.


Credit sinks ?? Some of the new ones are nuts! There's no question about all of the RNG credit sinks in order to "fix" the situation. That only takes credits away from the community at large.


Price fixing doesn't work either !! I would NEVER support that for one moment.


I'm not sure I have the RIGHT answer. I'll admit it !! I DON'T !!


BUT... I do believe that discussion is good. We just need to remember that there are players out there (lots of them) … that look for unconventional means of doing things ! That is just about as much as a part of the game as any. As to which ones are "fair" and which ones are not .. AGAIN .. I'm sorry. I just don't have that answer either.


Understanding and "playing the market" is a real part of MMO's. Heck … I learned HOW to do that playing WOW over a decade ago ! Good grief .. that's what I use to do for a living !


BUT I do support a good solid discussion on the subject.


I agree that some things for crafters need to be made available on a level playing field. IMO... that would cure a few problems. The size of guilds that are also credit factories .. as well as major finished goods and crafting mats storage facilities .. I don't know. There again. Most of them are just playing the game.


Hey.. just keep discussing things.

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I think that one thing that would make crafting better is that crafted gear should have two versions. So take for example augments. There should be two versions: One that is sellable/tradeable like we have now and one that is legacy bound. The second one being significantly cheaper to craft.


This way crafting becomes interesting to do because it allows you the choice between paying a high price on the GTN or be self-sufficient by investing in crafting yourself at a cheaper rate.


I feel the emphasis is too much on the marketability of crafting and how many credits you can make with it. I think there should be a bigger focus on crafting as a method of making you self-sufficient as well without being gated by the same cost involved in the "business version" of it.


Not altogether a bad idea !


Hmmm.. The more I think about this .. the better I like it ! Just one thing though ! How about those who are not crafters. They are still at the mercy of the GTN.


I did stop to figure out what it would take to do up a single character with augments !! NOT BIS mind you … but MK11 stuff !!


YIKES !!! :eek::eek::eek:


Ummm.. I can't even afford to select one from each of the 3 LS characters I have and gear them up !!


And (IMO) .. that is pretty much the way the average player sees this !! Come up with a way where we can get stuff we "need" … without bankrupting our credit reserves and we might have a winning idea !

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I know it's intended but i have to say this.


SWTOR crafting used to be the best crafting in an mmo for me. I generally hate crafting. I have yet to see crafting that isn't boring. But swtor made it easy and would let me delegate it to companions so i could continue to do something fun.


Now, crafting is a chore, even in swtor. I will be waiting for the mmo that has the courage to admit that crafting is detrimental to how fun it is.


I use to be one of the best crafters in WoW … I LOVED IT ! You use to make stuff that meant something. BUT the people responsible for that game screwed that up too !!


I don't know what the deal is with games here lately.


Crafting should be fun … and be able to make stuff that is useful and meaningful again !! Not just about the credits or meaningless grinds that go no where !!

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I just don't understand why entry level greens require isotopes.


Please, make it make sense.


End game schematics should require special materials, but now virtually everything does and it makes no sense at all. I'm someone who has made most of their credits by crafting and selling things and right now I can't do very much of that. The system as it is right now is functionally useless.


At least I can still sell old dyes modules.


End game gear drops like confetti. - So why try to craft it? TFs are easy to come by. Even Solid matrixes and Embers aren't difficult to accumulte. - So yeah, end game crafting requires more mats, but by harvesting nodes you get lots every time you stop by and gather.


Yes the fluxes, veda cloth, recombinators and such don't drop much each mision, so you have to spin around your crafters every time you log on to keep up, but the crafting times aren't too horrific.


green component to make blue to make purple components is needlessly tedious tho'.


But the best thing is that old stuff built with minimal old mats still sells well if you're in it purely for the priofit.


TBH I've never got what people get out of crafting other than simply making credits. - Unless they were gearing alts in a less expensive way then doing content. - Which is now obsolete at level 75 since everything is legacy bound anyways, making 2-3 sets of gear all you'll ever need for 98% of the game.


There are lots of higher priority things to fix. But since they're unliekly to do anything to fix even the most the horrible bugs, then fixing crafting is probably never gonna make it to the front of the queue. SMH.

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I did stop to figure out what it would take to do up a single character with augments !! NOT BIS mind you … but MK11 stuff !!


YIKES !!! :eek::eek::eek:


Ummm.. I can't even afford to select one from each of the 3 LS characters I have and gear them up !!


And (IMO) .. that is pretty much the way the average player sees this !! Come up with a way where we can get stuff we "need" … without bankrupting our credit reserves and we might have a winning idea !


  • Do the new content to level up to 75 - prob quickets way. Use an XP boost if you can.
  • Do dailies and weeklies, FPs, PVE, GSF and PVP which yields lots of TFs for more gear.
  • Make sure you do 50K+ conquest points a week. On several chars if you can. ( group up for high yeild points rewards)
  • If you can be in a top-10 guld, make sure you can make the conquest target.
  • Scour the GTN for grade 11 missions.
  • Spend any spare time gathering grade 11 mats. Mek Sha is stuffed with nodes. PVP instance is less populated. Also gather off peak times.
  • Sell surplus gathered mats.
  • Use CCs to buy CM market stuff that is in demand for millions. Spend some of this on boosting Companions to rank 50 ( of you haven't already got them.
  • Send comps out constantly for fluxes, veda cloth and recombinators etc.
  • Craft lower level gear for steady credits. Fashion never goes ot of fashion, so concentrate on dyes, and in-demand cosmetic stuff. - But bear in mind people still levelling want good gear every 10 levels or so.
  • Any conquest and mission mats you have spare, sell. - Especially as Solid Matrixes go for a million each and you can accumulate 10-20 every week with a few hours work on conquest in a top guild.
  • GL.


50K conquest is a couple of hours for the first few characters. Mission mats cost prob 50-100K per day.

10 embers and 10 solid matrixes sel for 10-12 million. - Can easily accumulate this every week.

Augment gear that works for all chracters, either fixed stat, or champions 306 pieces.

Put mk-10s in legacy gear while you make mk-11 stuff.


So reallistically with an hour or 2 a day, and a few weeks effort, you should be well geared up across all your level 75s, even if you share Lft side and are a few set-pieces or I ratings short on right side. you'll be okay for most content.


ofc this can scale up for 10-hour a day grinders, or reduce for 2 hour a week casual playstyles.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Not altogether a bad idea !


Hmmm.. The more I think about this .. the better I like it ! Just one thing though ! How about those who are not crafters. They are still at the mercy of the GTN.


I did stop to figure out what it would take to do up a single character with augments !! NOT BIS mind you … but MK11 stuff !!


YIKES !!! :eek::eek::eek:


Ummm.. I can't even afford to select one from each of the 3 LS characters I have and gear them up !!


And (IMO) .. that is pretty much the way the average player sees this !! Come up with a way where we can get stuff we "need" … without bankrupting our credit reserves and we might have a winning idea !


Yup thanks I am not sure what to do about Hijacked ideas but Clearly it was, ;)



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yeah such a great idea it got no traction in the suggestion forums already page 3




Probably cause no one ever looks in that section anymore. I know I never do unless someone links something. The only way you seem get a discussion happening these days or get Bioware to pay attention is in the general section.

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I think that one thing that would make crafting better is that crafted gear should have two versions. So take for example augments. There should be two versions: One that is sellable/tradeable like we have now and one that is legacy bound. The second one being significantly cheaper to craft.


This way crafting becomes interesting to do because it allows you the choice between paying a high price on the GTN or be self-sufficient by investing in crafting yourself at a cheaper rate.


I feel the emphasis is too much on the marketability of crafting and how many credits you can make with it. I think there should be a bigger focus on crafting as a method of making you self-sufficient as well without being gated by the same cost involved in the "business version" of it.


I am not sure whether you read my original thread and decided to just nearly copy and paste what I suggested, or that you subliminally read it waited 5 days thinking I don't read the forums and think OH I have a great idea?


Normally I wouldn't care, but it kind of pisses me off when one of my ideas gets no traction because its in the Suggestion forum and someone makes it their own here.


Before anyone tells me to calm down though, how would you feel if this happened to you?


Maybe ill give him the benefit of the doubt and say Genius minds think alike? or that my thoughts are so powerful I am a true Jedi Master and it travels through the mega Verse and other people think of it too like a supreme Jedi Mind trick!!


Hahaha :D in all honesty though I do think someone at BW/EA does consider the suggestion. it was sort of good idea I suppose LOL!

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  • Do the new content to level up to 75 - prob quickets way. Use an XP boost if you can.
  • Do dailies and weeklies, FPs, PVE, GSF and PVP which yields lots of TFs for more gear.
  • Make sure you do 50K+ conquest points a week. On several chars if you can. ( group up for high yeild points rewards)
  • If you can be in a top-10 guld, make sure you can make the conquest target.
  • Scour the GTN for grade 11 missions.
  • Spend any spare time gathering grade 11 mats. Mek Sha is stuffed with nodes. PVP instance is less populated. Also gather off peak times.
  • Sell surplus gathered mats.
  • Use CCs to buy CM market stuff that is in demand for millions. Spend some of this on boosting Companions to rank 50 ( of you haven't already got them.
  • Send comps out constantly for fluxes, veda cloth and recombinators etc.
  • Craft lower level gear for steady credits. Fashion never goes ot of fashion, so concentrate on dyes, and in-demand cosmetic stuff. - But bear in mind people still levelling want good gear every 10 levels or so.
  • Any conquest and mission mats you have spare, sell. - Especially as Solid Matrixes go for a million each and you can accumulate 10-20 every week with a few hours work on conquest in a top guild.
  • GL.


50K conquest is a couple of hours for the first few characters. Mission mats cost prob 50-100K per day.

10 embers and 10 solid matrixes sel for 10-12 million. - Can easily accumulate this every week.

Augment gear that works for all chracters, either fixed stat, or champions 306 pieces.

Put mk-10s in legacy gear while you make mk-11 stuff.


So reallistically with an hour or 2 a day, and a few weeks effort, you should be well geared up across all your level 75s, even if you share Lft side and are a few set-pieces or I ratings short on right side. you'll be okay for most content.


ofc this can scale up for 10-hour a day grinders, or reduce for 2 hour a week casual playstyles.


You make it sound easy, but it’s anything but easy for the majority of players who are casual.


That’s is a lot of work and excessive amount of time when you just want to play a game for fun (it shouldn’t feel like a job). Let’s not forget that not everyone likes being in the biggest guilds or are allowed if they aren’t getting enough Alts to 50k.

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Probably cause no one ever looks in that section anymore. I know I never do unless someone links something. The only way you seem get a discussion happening these days or get Bioware to pay attention is in the general section.


Probably but he could of at least copied my link on the original thread instead of try and make it his own...

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Probably cause no one ever looks in that section anymore. I know I never do unless someone links something. The only way you seem get a discussion happening these days or get Bioware to pay attention is in the general section.


Kind of makes the suggestion forum useless just because they are lazy?


Edit: oops sorry for double postish

Edited by CKNORTH
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I am not sure whether you read my original thread and decided to just nearly copy and paste what I suggested, or that you subliminally read it waited 5 days thinking I don't read the forums and think OH I have a great idea?


Normally I wouldn't care, but it kind of pisses me off when one of my ideas gets no traction because its in the Suggestion forum and someone makes it their own here.


Before anyone tells me to calm down though, how would you feel if this happened to you?


Maybe ill give him the benefit of the doubt and say Genius minds think alike? or that my thoughts are so powerful I am a true Jedi Master and it travels through the mega Verse and other people think of it too like a supreme Jedi Mind trick!!


Hahaha :D in all honesty though I do think someone at BW/EA does consider the suggestion. it was sort of good idea I suppose LOL!

I do not remember reading such a post by you but I can put your mind at ease and tell you this is not a recent idea to begin with and even though I voiced such thoughts years ago already, I'm pretty sure it was because I saw this somewhere else and not because I came up with it myself. So I would hold off on claiming copyrights for it. ;)

I never claimed to have a brand new idea that nobody ever came up with and I was just expressing some of the thoughts I have on the matter. I find it somewhat hilarious that you seem to think you just invented the wheel or something. Again this is not a new idea and I'm sure I'm not the originator of it myself either.


Regardless, it's something that I would like to see because one of the main issues with crafting is that there isn't much incentive to do it unless you're one of these crafters that uses crafting as a tool for making credits. I find that too shallow.


Another idea I voiced is to make amplifiers a part of crafting so that we can re schems from mods and create amplifiers. Again, to give crafting value for people to do. I honestly don't give a rat's behind whether the server crafters make 5 or 2 billion credits in agive period and I see it as a positive if more people did crafting themselves. But it's too thin of a proposition right now and I find that a shame. There should be more of a reason to craft besides making credits.


It's too cost prohibitive also for most people and with very little to show for it. Please note that making lots of credits with crafting is only really possible when not that many people do it but when they craft more for themselves rather than the market then I think there still would be a market for those who really don't want to craft themselves and want to buy them.


And to be honest... you only need them in the hardest content and if you're in a guild that does that, you normally have guild crafters or simply guildies that will do it for you and you just have to supply the mats or they will give you a good price for example. That is if you don't craft yourself.


For most people the augments are superfluous and I don't think it's problematic that people have to pay a price for that if they are not willing to do it themselves...however, it should be more interesting for people in general to do crafting and be able to be more self-sufficient and that's where the heart of my argument lies.


I'm not sure what goals BW have for crafting but currently it's rather one-dimensional and that's a real shame.

Edited by Tsillah
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I think that one thing that would make crafting better is that crafted gear should have two versions. So take for example augments. There should be two versions: One that is sellable/tradeable like we have now and one that is legacy bound. The second one being significantly cheaper to craft. [...]

Allow me to outline why this is a horrible idea through basic cause and effect....


First effect will be to dry up sales of crafted items, because almost no one will pay the new premium to get someone else to craft it... this will cause the price to initially bottom out as current stocks are sold at fire sale prices, then skyrocket when almost no one is left bothering with it. The people who most want/need to buy it will be ones with only a few characters, which are also the people with the least ability to buy. The people who have the most resources won't want or need to and that will further dry up and skew the market away from selling crafted goods. This will leave us with a few vastly overpriced examples of crafted goods, and the only volume sales being mats, and CM resellers.


A More Reasonable Approach

Instead of diverting the flow of crafted goods, they need to be a key point in the needs chain of players, with literally no other way to get them.... drops should be more focused on mats, and plentiful enough that purchasing them for crafting allows for wide competition from a multitude of crafters. placing crafting as a key requirement in the supply chain ensures volume, and balancing materials rate ensures reasonable pricing. The more volume, the more GTN can act as a credit sink.


Now, this can go wrong, but it's it's easy to make it go right. For an example of how it can go wrong, you only need to look at the Old "Masterwork" schematics (materials too rare = prices to high to support volume) and the current exclusive crafted sets (materials cost too high = prices too high to support volume).... So how do you make it go right? Using the previous examples, you increase either availability, or drop rate, and the market reacts by lowering prices which increases volume of sales. I can be overdone, if availability and drop rate completely floods the market, but it's actually a lot harder to hit that point than it seems and we are certainly no where near it with current values.



Much better to make crafting a required step in the commodity chain, with drop economy focused on materials (which increases the economic flow) then to divert it to solo crafting (which will stagnate and stratify the economy)

Edited by Void_Singer
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There's no way to fix crafting at this point, and it can't be fixed until a new gear 'reset' happens.

Why bother spending any credits buying anything crafted(especially millions upon millions of credits for items that people have spent tens if not hundreds of millions to learn) when you can just run hammer station a few times for better gear?


Ironically, with crafting in such a state they essentially made it impossible for newer/poorer players to become as rich as people who got rich from crafting. The only real way to make money now is to buy things off the cartel market and sell them, really makes you wonder if this was all intended

Edited by Caalem
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You make it sound easy, but it’s anything but easy for the majority of players who are casual.


That’s is a lot of work and excessive amount of time when you just want to play a game for fun (it shouldn’t feel like a job). Let’s not forget that not everyone likes being in the biggest guilds or are allowed if they aren’t getting enough Alts to 50k.


Yeah .. pretty much this. I've made some extra spending credits lately. But not everyone understands the market .. and how to make it work for them.


Sooo … a lot of folks can feel left out a bit. That was my point.


And just for the record … this point has been made by several who post here.


Probably but he could of at least copied my link on the original thread instead of try and make it his own...


My apologies if I made it sound like MY idea. It's not. It's been around for a while now. In fact to a degree it's been around since BEFORE 6.0


IMO.. certain aspects of 6.0 has just made this matter a bit more clear as to the size of the issue and how different folks feel about the wider impact / scope of the matter.


I don't think it's entirely fair to blame the situation on just the development team … or on crafting in general. I do know that somewhere in one of these threads the development team DID mention their concern for the amount of reserves that were available to long time crafters... TONS of it. (Please note: credit sinks do not offset those reserves.. and will often hurt everyone … and not just hit a "targeted" area of the game. Some credit sinks "might" … but that's a big "might" … And I'd have to say that this idea needs to be reconsidered by the development team as to which ones are the most effective.


Somewhere in there the gap between new players (as well as those who are returning) … and those who have been around for 8 years and amassing huge profits as well as VERY WELL developed crafting skills has created this. How to close that gap is probably the one area that should be looked at closer.


On one hand I can't fault someone who has learned how to play the game. That goes for excellence in PvE / PvP OR EVEN when that same degree of excellence applies to crafting or working the market. These are ALL aspects of the game to be played.

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You make it sound easy, but it’s anything but easy for the majority of players who are casual.


That’s is a lot of work and excessive amount of time when you just want to play a game for fun (it shouldn’t feel like a job). Let’s not forget that not everyone likes being in the biggest guilds or are allowed if they aren’t getting enough Alts to 50k.


spent 8hrs today gathering, crafting, etc. to get to the level below the last level of biochem's 306 purple stim and for all that work i didn't get the schematic. 5% is a JOKE and a slap in the face to the players.

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