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One account down


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I'm linking this to twitter...just an FYI for those who want to post responses.


I checked the expiration dates of my accounts tonight.

My main account, this one, has over 100 days left.

My secondary account had 9 days left before it auto billed for a 6 month block of time.


I canceled that account.


Here's the reason why, as I filled it out in their exit survey.


The changes to some key systems in the game that are being implemented with 6.0 are too drastic for my type of playstyle.

1. Changes to crafting with 6.0 are insane - resource requirement have been increased far too much for crafting to be useful.

2. Conquest changes - the personal goal increase to 50k points, the guild level changes to 500k / 2 million / 5 million points makes it out of reach for all but the very large conquest driven guilds.

3. Far too much RNG with climbing the gearing ladder. The removal of the gear slot token system. If I wanted to gamble I'd play online poker.


PTS, as it is right now, is not fun for me and there's no way YOU will make the changes before this subscription runs out.



Now, obviously these are reasons I have and others may not share them.

Bioware can certainly change the game however they want, but when it becomes "not fun" for me anymore, I'm going to stop giving them subscription money. it's really that simple.


What's that saying? Vote with your wallet?


Well, I just did.


well...50% of me anyway. Since unsubbing my main account won't actually take effect until Jan, there's no need to do it quite yet.

Edited by Darev
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Like most others here I'll look at what 6.0 proves to be; I *really do want to be Excited about this after all. Revisiting Onderon, Dxun and Mek-Sha really looks good, just the kind of place my smuggler would like, that is my 1st and main so all my decisions are influenced by that. Malgus *May turn out to be good for my Inquisitor and other character. It's the new system change I keep thinking of, trying to be excited but that's always dragged down by the system talk. If it actually does turn out to be just not anything I Like then I already know what I'm going to write down as to Reasons. To be Honest, I don't have to *Pay$$$ to play this game, it just adds a lil bit of fluff compared to Preferred, nobody has to.
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This is something I wanted to ask for a long time (in general, solely out of curiosity):


What is the point of having two accounts for this (or any) game?


A family member is playing, too. That's a reason I understand. Aside from that, what's the benefit?

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People come and go all the time. I ended 4 of my accounts when the servers merged. Not re-subbed to any of them. Sure take advantage of referral links but sub, not again for multiple accounts. Do you really think anyone cares? It's not good when players leave but players leave for so many different reasons. 6.0 is just one out of so many in a long line of reasons. Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Can I have your stuff?


Ohh, Ohh, No, Me. Can I have your stuff. :D


Honestly, I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to stick with it myself. I've avoided some of the new stuff/grind. I've been content with the flash points and the occasional visit to the lower level worlds. Sometimes it's relaxing to shoot fish in a barrel.... :p:D


Maybe the new stuff may motivate me to try it out.

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Most who post goodbye topics announcing they are leaving end up only to return weeks - days - hours later.


Not to worry however as many have already left unannounced due to EA's subscribe-to-grind-to-subscribe end game monetization schemes. That and shutting down the West Coast USA-APAC server "Harbinger".

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Never could do the every six months even if cheaper. I like the drop this in a month pay by month. If 6.0 stays the way it is and with crafting broken why would I need to stay subbed if I am not crafting? I have money in the bank, but with how there are a dozen different credit sinks now I will be broke in no time.


Vote with your wallet is getting tempting even for me a diehard fan since 1977.


Bioware and EA at this point of the development is all hug yourself and crunch the expansion to finish. What I would really want to hear is the programmers finally growing a pair and walking out together leaving EA's buildings silent.

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I voted with my wallet years ago, within the first year if I remember correctly. Initially I bought the six month package and realized there wasn't much to do at end game. After that, went month to month and that's never changed. I come and go in this game all the time and doubt that will change. Since the launch of this game there's been one debacle after another.


I find it funny how both Star Wars mmo's managed to kill themselves off with what's arguably the most popular franchise in the history of entertainment. SWG with Smedley and the crew and now this one, a slow painful drawn out demise. It's unfortunate a company like Blizzard couldn't have started this up, I can only imagine how great this game could have been.


I'll wait until the actual release and decide what's in my best interest.

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Maybe you should go to the WoW forums where this is expected, appreciated, and is reality. I think what you fail to see here is....we are a small group...and although we may have our disagreements....nobody quits.....


Except you.....


Agree with this. Best way to do what you are trying to do op is stay in game, post to the feeds and streams and on the cc boards. Quitting just shows them you have no more to input.

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I'm linking this to twitter...just an FYI for those who want to post responses.


I checked the expiration dates of my accounts tonight.

My main account, this one, has over 100 days left.

My secondary account had 9 days left before it auto billed for a 6 month block of time.


I canceled that account.


Here's the reason why, as I filled it out in their exit survey.


The changes to some key systems in the game that are being implemented with 6.0 are too drastic for my type of playstyle.

1. Changes to crafting with 6.0 are insane - resource requirement have been increased far too much for crafting to be useful.

2. Conquest changes - the personal goal increase to 50k points, the guild level changes to 500k / 2 million / 5 million points makes it out of reach for all but the very large conquest driven guilds.

3. Far too much RNG with climbing the gearing ladder. The removal of the gear slot token system. If I wanted to gamble I'd play online poker.


PTS, as it is right now, is not fun for me and there's no way YOU will make the changes before this subscription runs out.



Now, obviously these are reasons I have and others may not share them.

Bioware can certainly change the game however they want, but when it becomes "not fun" for me anymore, I'm going to stop giving them subscription money. it's really that simple.


What's that saying? Vote with your wallet?


Well, I just did.


well...50% of me anyway. Since unsubbing my main account won't actually take effect until Jan, there's no need to do it quite yet.


Please hold the door open sir, there maybe others.

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Maybe you should go to the WoW forums where this is expected, appreciated, and is reality. I think what you fail to see here is....we are a small group...and although we may have our disagreements....nobody quits.....


Except you.....


Agree with this. Best way to do what you are trying to do op is stay in game, post to the feeds and streams and on the cc boards. Quitting just shows them you have no more to input.


When you guys have put as much time into testing and providing detailed analysis on the pts, then you can make comments like this ^^


He has put many, many, many hours into the pts. He hasn’t quite and his feed back has helped with some of the changes.

But Bioware absolutely refuse to listen to some of the absolute basic feed back that 99.99% of the testers are giving.


So you can’t blame him for feeling like the only way to get them to notice is to vote with your wallet. It’s not like they are listening to some of the more important feed back testers are giving, they aren’t even listening to their own “influencers”.


He won’t be the first or the last person to unsub when this goes live.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Most who post goodbye topics announcing they are leaving end up only to return weeks - days - hours later.


The reason for that being that these people love or enjoy the game enough to want to see it do better. To completely leave the game would require blatant dislike and disinterest, and therefore they would have never even bothered making such a topic to begin with.


I myself "quit" this game on numerous occasions, and yes, my interest in it is currently at an all-time low, but past experiences would leave me to believe that it still won't be for good the next time round. Even now I am dwelling on the game enough to post on the forums, and I've already admitted elsewhere that even if I drop my sub, I'll still play the game. And trust me, I do want to continue my subscription, but I will not for I cannot if there is no real reason to.

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He won’t be the first or the last person to unsub when this goes live.


I think it's a safe assumption that players will leave and join this game for any reason they see fit. I've been afk for a portion of 5.0 like my entire guild, I've yet to decide if I'll return longer than the 3 months I subbed for (I probably will not). Mine isn't for reasons of the game changing and evolving.


This game has changed and evolved over the years, some have been great QoL changes, other changes have been detrimental to the game overall in terms of population. One thing I'm absolutely certain of though, is no amount of feedback will make BioWare deviate too far from the path they have chosen to go down. The changes are likely to stay, irrespective of the damage it will cause to the community. Any changes being made now on PTS are simply damage limitation exercises to lessen the overall damage.


I'm a cynical bugger, but equally I respect that the developers design choices might not mirror my own choices I would make for the game. The changes to some of the systems look like an overall "put all the players on a paid gear treadmill". It didn't really work for me with CXP even with the tweaks made (I only got 3 characters to 300 and stopped playing "endgame" content, haven't touched the new operation), it definitely will not work going into 6.0.


Guess it depends on what reason people play the game for as to whether they stay.

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This is something I wanted to ask for a long time (in general, solely out of curiosity):


What is the point of having two accounts for this (or any) game?


A family member is playing, too. That's a reason I understand. Aside from that, what's the benefit?


originally i had two accoints because you could only have a limited amount of chars, and i have severe altism...lol

But since the amount we can have has gone up so uch, the 2nd one is usually just used to help create guilds, or even help with completing CQ on some of the small vanity guilds

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When you guys have put as much time into testing and providing detailed analysis on the pts, then you can make comments like this ^^


He has put many, many, many hours into the pts. He hasn’t quite and his feed back has helped with some of the changes.

But Bioware absolutely refuse to listen to some of the absolute basic feed back that 99.99% of the testers are giving.


So you can’t blame him for feeling like the only way to get them to notice is to vote with your wallet. It’s not like they are listening to some of the more important feed back testers are giving, they aren’t even listening to their own “influencers”.


He won’t be the first or the last person to unsub when this goes live.


OK Trixxie, OK. But when you go, are you going to be as melodramatic about it as OP?

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OK Trixxie, OK. But when you go, are you going to be as melodramatic about it as OP?

No, you can be sure that Trixxie will be here on the 23rd complaining about Onslaught. 😄

Then maybe, after a few months he'll "quit" again.


(Just teasing, Trixx. 👍 )

Edited by JediQuaker
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OK Trixxie, OK. But when you go, are you going to be as melodramatic about it as OP?

I think Darev has earned the right to be as "melodramatic"(*) as he wants to. I know we had a large share of rage quit people that only posted to say "goodbye" but this is not the case. Darev invested hours and hours for months of PTS testing since PTS 1.0, and has provided really good feedback on all that testing. So, its not the same.

Some people constantly attack those that provide feedback only because we are critics of how BW is doing things, saying we only want things easy. Well, if we wanted things easy, why do we invest hours, days, weeks or even months testing things?


(*)Some people might see this post as melodramatic, i see it as someone that invested a lot of time to help this game starting to give up and loosing hope. He is not the first one, won't be the last.

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For me, it is a question of: What am I, as a sub, going to get out of subbing post 6.0? RNG Vendors?


Yes sure, a new story, the usual sub benefits, that I don't really have to have in order to play. Other than sub benefits, there no real reason for me to continue subbing after 6.0 drops. New story, high chance of me ignoring it - New Gearing, high chance of me avoiding it. So really, what other reasons do I have to sub?


In actuality, I probably could tolerate the RNG drops from all content (depending on the rate), but RNG Vendors is my limit.


Of course, I will be fair-minded and wait until 6.0 drops before making my decision, and even then I'll let my sub renew for one month, before opting out of this headache.


Edit: Disclaimer. I'm not quitting the game, just potentially un-subbing after 6.0.

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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(*)Some people might see this post as melodramatic, i see it as someone that invested a lot of time to help this game starting to give up and loosing hope. He is not the first one, won't be the last.

For me, the biggest problem is the attitude of some people. It's fine to point out what you don't like and make suggestions, but it's another whole level when you basically suggest that only "your" way is any good; and if things don't go "your" way, you're going to quit; the devs are stupid and/or want to destroy the game; etc. That definitely veers into melodrama territory. :)

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For me, it is a question of: What am I, as a sub, going to get out of subbing post 6.0? RNG Vendors? Yes sure, a new story, the usual sub benefits...


Well, to their defense some people will sub just for this alone, quality story with sub benefits.


That being said, I think it's just about expectations tbh. Some of us have high expectations and when paying we have a certain right to be demanding and yes, even melodramatic. There's no way to determine if something is "melodramatic" or not btw, it's purely subjective what one may think is being melodramatic and what is not.


Our money is going into this product, and we want the product to be as good as possible. So excuse those people who are being "melodramatic" over the 6.0 potential changes. :rolleyes:




In actuality, I probably could tolerate the RNG drops from all content (depending on the rate), but RNG Vendors is my limit.


Yeah this is going to throw a lot of people off. It seems with the amount of mods available and tacticals it seems that the amount of RNG sprinkled, err, dumped into the gearing system will make it take an exorbitant amount of time to get your gears where you want them to be, even when fully in the highest rated gears. It's going to take tons of time just to calibrate and adjust the gears properly for BiS performance if stats will matter at all in 6.0 and the RNG could potentially make this process take not just weeks, but months of attention on behalf of the player to gear one toon in BiS gears with proper stats.



Of course, I will be fair-minded and wait until 6.0 drops before making my decision, and even then I'll let my sub renew for one month, before opting out of this headache.


This is my take, too. I won't proclaim I am quitting etc., I mean if anything BW has proven they are quite capable of surprising us. Usually, this is not a good thing, lol. But the way I look at it is if they are capable of making bad suprises, they surely are capable of making good surprises, too.


I think the devs are easily competent, I just question game design choices BW make regarding what they retain and what they remove/gut from the game, and what they add to the game.




"Melodramatic" and why this is irrelevant!


As for Darev and his expression of frustration, regardless if he put 100 hours into the PTS or not, his opinion whether deemed "melodramatic" or whatever other insulting word people want to use to describe it shouldn't even be the topic here.


The topic ought to be WHY he is upset and concerned about the direction 6.0 seems to be taking the game. It's a really sad affair for us on the forums to not appreciate what a poster writes only because we don't like how they present it to the forums or BW.


I just marvel at how close-minded and ignorant some players behave towards others on these forums but that's just a reflection of how society has evolved with it's communications via the internet. Attack the messenger and don't pay attention to the message.


That's being "melodramatic" imo, whining about people that supposedly are "whining," and not having the capacity to consider the message of what someone writes just because of some personal grudge against them.


Try to open your eyes and see the big picture, people. We all on the same side. Being critical of the game isn't being "mean" or "bad."



Critical feedback is important, even NEGATIVE feedback!


Without the critical response people have expressed over the years, this game would probably be in the toilet by now honestly speaking. I'd say if anything, the devs and this game ought to thank the critical thinkers and people who have been honest in their negative assessment of past changes to the game.


I'd go even further and say if they listened more to the players, the game would be in a far better place than it is now. That's the sad truth.



Why communication is important, and how failing at this creates dysfunction and resentment...


Unfortunately one of the biggest gripes I have IS the awful and non-transparent communication we have had with this gaming studio. I don't really know who to blame for that, whether it's a matter of the community management of this game is failing, or the higher ups simply ignore what is being relayed to them by the community management team.


This failure of competent and clear communication really is one of the biggest factors that sows so much resentment and frustration. Darev and others have spent their personal time on PTS, only to have some of the critical feedback acknowledged while some of it blatantly ignored.



Crafting 6.0 questions?


Questions have been leveled at Eric to explain what the point of the crafting changes are and much of the critical feedback about crafting has been just blatantly ignored as if the hundreds of pages written with detailed feedback on the topic of 6.0 crafting changes doesn't even exist.


Why? Why is this major facet of the game being changed so drastically, and why can this studio not acknowledge these detailed concerns of the players regarding the crafting changes? Is it being passed up the chain to the devs? If so what is being said on the matter of the impossibly high mat costs for crafting in 6.0?


Can this very basic question be answered, will the mat costs be dropped and if not, what niche is crafting supposedly filling then if it isn't a viable way for players to gear up or sell their wares via crafting? What's the point of crafting then?

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For me, the biggest problem is the attitude of some people. It's fine to point out what you don't like and make suggestions, but it's another whole level when you basically suggest that only "your" way is any good; and if things don't go "your" way, you're going to quit; the devs are stupid and/or want to destroy the game; etc. That definitely veers into melodrama territory. :)

Some people express in more melodramatic ways, i give you that. But being melodramatic does not mean being wrong.

People lose patience. There are a lot feedback (hard numbers, not feelings) that shows how wrong the new crafting system is. Its not an opinion; not only the amount of mats for simple things is inase, it literally breaks the color/rarity of mats that worked fine for several years. Explanations? None.


And what is wrong about leaving if you don't like something? Should you stay and spend money in something you don't enjoy?

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