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Jumping for datachrons is to hard!


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Why did you make the jumping for datachrons so hard??


This is starting to become a game stopper for me!

And please please don´t say: "Well it´s suppose to be hard beacuse of the reward"!

Granted that i´m not the greatest jumper in hte game but i´m fairly good.

But after like 50 tries it´s getting to be really anoying to say the least!

I mean i get that you shoul have thing in the game that you have to work hard for but this is crazy! AND it sucks the fun out of the game as a whole!


I realize you can´t rebuild the maps but could you make jumoing easier please?

I mean sometimes whei i think i´m perfectly aligned for ajump i don´t jump of at all

and sometimes i overjump!


There should be a way to buy those datacrons for a high amount adjusted to the level you are in!


(Yes i tried without speed, and force speed, and with those also. And i´ve gotten all datachrons for Corousant and Taris and one from Nar shaddaa)


No offence intended to you personally, but your posts are the type that kills quality games. There are already enough easy mode titles. Very rarely do we see a hard title be develop because developers believe consumers want easy mode, since it seems to be the main thing people cry for.


Swtor isn't difficult, nor are the jumping "puzzles" for the datacrons. Learn the game mechanics and it's very easy to get them all. Or if you can't still, ask a friend to pull you to them. Shadow, vanguards, and sages can all pull people to the datacrons.


That line is messed up, why would you support pay to win.

Edited by Brimmer
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on tatooine there are 2 datacrons on a sand crawler.

option 1 - wait an hour for a balloon, fly on it for another hour and try to jump down.


option 2 - get some character with push power... duel... jump and get pushed up the crawler... pull or get charged up by the other player.



I watched the Youtube video where people do that. Looks fun. The only problems with this "solution" are the following:


1. We don't all have friends with push or pull power.


2. The time it takes to round up a crew of people to do the kind of stuff they do in the youtube videos, may just as well be spent waiting for the balloon.


I was fortunate enough to do the Coruscant Endurance datacron with a Jedi Shadow. It was a breeze. She had Force Pull. I had Force Leap. Between the two of us, I doubt any datacron would be a problem.

Edited by Rafaelis
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If I wanted to play mario bros., I'd play that. I was pretty sure I was signing up to play Star Wars the Old Republic, NOT Mario Brothers the Old Republic.


Guess what, these jumping puzzles ARE a part of swtor. Deal with it, or dont do them. It's Not like it's a huge deal.


2. The time it takes to round up a crew of people to do the kind of stuff they do in the youtube videos, may just as well be spent waiting for the balloon.


So DO that! Pick! My god forbid that something take a little effort or more than a half hour to do.


Guess what? Not everyone is going to have all the datacrons! Not everyone is going to have every single thing in the game! Holy cow, it's almost like it was an MMOG that way.

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? So... adjusting my jumps is an exploit of a flawed jumping mechanic? LOL!


Nah man... it's like any game, platformer or no. You play, get the mechanics down and then you get good. There is no magic jumping mechanic. You don't like this one? Cool. I don't like Mario Bros double jump... potato,tomato. But, really... the jumping mechanics for this game are fine for what it is an MMO and not a platformer.

Never said anything about exploit, just that the jumping mechanic is crap, even for an MMO. If you are fine with crappy game mechanics, that is your thing, but don't tell me or others that we should be happy with how it i, because some of us prefer good games. BioWare once said the don't going to implement swiming/diving if they can't get it right, I would have preferred if they would have done the same for jumping, but no, they are telling us they want us to use their sad attempt of a jumping physics to get to the datacrons which have stat boosts on them.


Those little things might be okay for you, but I am pretty sure it is part of why so many left the game. BioWare just gets nothing right, and they are just listens to idiots who say the problems are not that big of an issue, which makes BioWare ignore such features. And in the end people get frustrated and leave. So, if you want that the game actually gets better, don't tell me or BioWare that it is not an issue, when it clearly is, just look on how many complaining here, and that is just the tip of the iceberg, because many just leave and never take the time to write here on the forums what they don't like.

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I wish SWTOR had more to "explore" so I like the idea of datacrons and unlocks. But:


1. the controls and behaviour (clipping, collision detection) of the game are not favoring precise jumps

2. Datacrons should be legacy unlocks. Its fine doing all of them once, maybe twice, but 12 or more times?

3. I hate that one Taris-Datacron (Imperial), omg....


4. I would also feel better if every class had something to help with datacrons, or help others with datacrons (jump / pull abilities). If I play my Sorcerer I can help a friend by pulling him over obstacles. As a Juggernaut I can jump to a friend. As an operative... well bad luck....

Edited by Coplann
forgot to add
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What kind of video games did you guys grow up on? If its the call of duty generation, you're too young to even care about jump. Go get some "retro" games, that's "swag" these days right? Bite the over the top juicy fruit commercial 80's and Koodo ads and play things that "old" people used to play.


The jumping isn't hard, your timing sucks, your depth perception and reaction speeds are way off. That's no fault of the games, especially if others can do it no problem.


The actual datacron issue spots were on corellia, where you had to use the grappling device but the spot you're supposed to go, just resets you to the spot you start at. So you can't actually get the datacron. Mind you, it's been ages since I was there and spamming the button trying to get across in frustration. But that was due to it being bugged, nothing else.


So in short, suck it up princess and get better or you're never going to beat the second boss of EV.


I remember getting that datacron. I don't remember what I did. I think I jumped off the building and clicked on the target halfway through? I heard you could also mount, then dismount and immediately click the target or something.


Meh, I'm sure its been fixed by now so I guess it doesn't really matter.

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My primary issue with the datacrons is that especially many of the later ones are so ridiculously hard to find. I love the ones that you see while doing quests and then spend the following week figuring out how to get there. On the city planets you can find most of the crons if you just look around. But in wide open areas you can spend hours combing through the area without finding anything, and the worst thing is that you don't even know if you're in the right area.


I'm not letting this ruin the game for me though. Ultimately the stat bonus isn't that large, and at the stage I am it's way easier to improve my stats by acquiring better equipment (I have mostly Columi, with a few Rakata and Black Hole pieces).

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Have you considered like, you know, cheating. There are several good guides and multiple times that crappy guides for Datacrons for both sides.


It's of course fun when you start looking yourself, wait, where is that tipped of structure or pipe going, but seriously. First I go planet through myself, then with a guide :D:eek:

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I have all datacrons on my main character, with my alts I mostly ignoore them. But I have to say I like the idea, but just not the jumping physics in SWTOR. When I compare it to GW2, where I also have all Vistas and the jumping puzzles are more challenging, but still fun because the jumping physics works there at least. In SWTOR it feels not like it is the chanllenge to beat the game, it's the challenge to beat the stupid game engine. BioWare should really rework that, it's horrible how it is.


I have all datacrons on two characters and 80% exploration on my GW2 character.


If anyone needs to work on their engine, jumping and physics it's ArenaNet, not BioWare. It's impossible to land a SWTOR jump 5 meters off a surface and avoid faceplanting. For GW2, this is a common occurence. Jumping, not to mention character movement, in GW2 is clumsy and the camera isn't helping at all. Not even after the update. Beating the game engine, the camera and jumping mechanics is a chore in GW2, but it's a breeze in SWTOR.


When I jump in SWOTR, I know where I'm jumping to, I know the camera won't decide to zoom into my character's head, I know I'll hit the ground if I miss my landing. Those certainties are non-existant in GW2. I've been left levitating and floating in mid-air in GW2 on many an occassion. Add the Quasimodo-like movements and running animations of the characters, SWTOR wins over GW2 (in that regard) without any doubt.

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The actual datacron issue spots were on corellia, where you had to use the grappling device but the spot you're supposed to go, just resets you to the spot you start at. So you can't actually get the datacron. Mind you, it's been ages since I was there and spamming the button trying to get across in frustration. But that was due to it being bugged, nothing else.

Have that on my main character, I think I either jumped or clicked the the device again in the moment the grappling hook connected, don't know which actually did the job in the end, but I know I died also at least once experimenting there.


I have all datacrons on two characters and 80% exploration on my GW2 character.


If anyone needs to work on their engine, jumping and physics it's ArenaNet, not BioWare. It's impossible to land a SWTOR jump 5 meters off a surface and avoid faceplanting. For GW2, this is a common occurence. Jumping, not to mention character movement, in GW2 is clumsy and the camera isn't helping at all. Not even after the update. Beating the game engine, the camera and jumping mechanics is a chore in GW2, but it's a breeze in SWTOR.


When I jump in SWOTR, I know where I'm jumping to, I know the camera won't decide to zoom into my character's head, I know I'll hit the ground if I miss my landing. Those certainties are non-existant in GW2. I've been left levitating and floating in mid-air in GW2 on many an occassion. Add the Quasimodo-like movements and running animations of the characters, SWTOR wins over GW2 (in that regard) without any doubt.

Sure, the camera in GW2 is not without issues, but cannot remember to got stuck or lost or other such things in GW2 (but I know some people say that those things happened to them, maybe I was just lucky there and never suffered from any issues there). Still, the jumping physics in SWTOR annoys me more than the camara issue in GW2, and in SWTOR I got countless times stuck (more than I ever got in any other MMO, and I do lots of exploration in MMOs).

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It's a video game, it's supposed to be a challenge.


Go play Silver Surfer for NES, then come back and tell me getting datacrons is hard.

It is a video game, it is supposed to be FUN.


I hate platform games, I haven't even attempted a single jump and have no intention of doing so. Platforming is not fun, that is why I play an MMO!

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I got all 67 datacrons on my main. Some were super easy, others were quite challenging to the point of being frustrating. Overall I liked the idea of the system. What I don't like is the idea that I can't share the bonus across alts. While I got all 67 for my main, I doubt I will ever go through the process to do them all on any other toon because of the time and effort required. If I were to start raiding with another toon I would probably go get main stat, endurance, and matrix shards, but even that sounds like a big hassle. I'd much rather see a legacy unlock to share datacrons across all your alts. I'd pay $20 irl money for this unlock.
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OMG another idiot whos purpose is to make this game sooo easy it becomes stupid as hell. The same people did the same thing to wow.. and now this game. I really hope you do quit, please do us all a favor so we can enjoy a game with an actual challenge.
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The datacrons don't give that much of a bonus, that they are a must have in the endgame, so I think if it's not fun for you trying to get them, don't do it.

Maybe that is true for PvE, I don't know, don't run any operations. But I can say, many PvP players want every advantage they can get, so even just a single point stat difference is something that drives some PvP players crazy (it certainly made me frustrated not to have all the datacrons with stat bonuses that were for my class, and it is the main reason why I just keep playing my main in PvP and not think about using any alt for that, which I mostly just played to get the other class buffs at the end of chapter 2).

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I just finished collecting the datacrons, minus the +10 one on Fleet and the Green Matrix Cube from Belsavis. Yeah. There are some that can be a pain. But for the most part, it was pretty simple. Especially using the online guides to get the grid coordinates for the start points. Took me about 3 days to do it.


All in all. I think the difficulty is just fine. And to the person who said that the stats they give are insignificant? Maybe if you only get one or two it is. But after collecting them all except for two, the stat gain is tremendous. It adds up a lot. If you don't have at least your main character collecting them all, then you are doing it wrong.

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This will only make you a better jumper. and you said it yourself '"Well it´s suppose to be hard beacuse of the reward"!


Id guess you would rather spend real money and buy the datacrons and not work for them in the game? Its not hard, just takes some time. Use youtube for walkthroughs.


Why did you make the jumping for datachrons so hard??


This is starting to become a game stopper for me!

And please please don´t say: "Well it´s suppose to be hard beacuse of the reward"!

Granted that i´m not the greatest jumper in hte game but i´m fairly good.

But after like 50 tries it´s getting to be really anoying to say the least!

I mean i get that you shoul have thing in the game that you have to work hard for but this is crazy! AND it sucks the fun out of the game as a whole!


I realize you can´t rebuild the maps but could you make jumoing easier please?

I mean sometimes whei i think i´m perfectly aligned for ajump i don´t jump of at all

and sometimes i overjump!


There should be a way to buy those datacrons for a high amount adjusted to the level you are in!


(Yes i tried without speed, and force speed, and with those also. And i´ve gotten all datachrons for Corousant and Taris and one from Nar shaddaa)

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My $.02.


I'd prefer the datacrons be a bit more tricky to find or require solving complex puzzles or defeating challenging bosses.


Fighting the crappy jumping mechanic and bad terrain / collision mapping in this game can be frustrating.


And all the comments about 'go practice playing Mario on NES' won't help as knowing how or where to jump in those games won't help you learn SWTOR's idiosyncrasies.


And for the millionth plus time, frustrating crappy mechanics are not the same as difficult mechanics, they are just frustrating and crappy.


As for the original OP, I'd be happy with improvements in the jumping physics of this game along with improved terrain / collision mapping while leaving the jumping in, but baring that, would again rather see the datacrons require solving complex puzzles or defeating challenging bosses (bonus points if the boss scaled to the player with no way to just out-level the boss)

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Never said anything about exploit, just that the jumping mechanic is crap, even for an MMO. If you are fine with crappy game mechanics, that is your thing, but don't tell me or others that we should be happy with how it i, because some of us prefer good games. BioWare once said the don't going to implement swiming/diving if they can't get it right, I would have preferred if they would have done the same for jumping, but no, they are telling us they want us to use their sad attempt of a jumping physics to get to the datacrons which have stat boosts on them.


Those little things might be okay for you, but I am pretty sure it is part of why so many left the game. BioWare just gets nothing right, and they are just listens to idiots who say the problems are not that big of an issue, which makes BioWare ignore such features. And in the end people get frustrated and leave. So, if you want that the game actually gets better, don't tell me or BioWare that it is not an issue, when it clearly is, just look on how many complaining here, and that is just the tip of the iceberg, because many just leave and never take the time to write here on the forums what they don't like.


Whoa.... you mad at me? Lol!


Look, I clearly stated that IF you don't like the jumping mechanic, it's cool. Then I gave you my opinion which is that its fine for what it is worth. All your other assertions and generalizations with regard to the state of the game are crap. BW doesn't listen to me. Lol! And... btw, I never said you should be happy with anything.


If your foibles with the jumping "mechanic" are a reason to leave, by all means.

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Since launch, the jumping mechanic has improved. Jumps are divided into 2 categories: the longer one and the shorter one.


I think there's a ton of frustration due to imagined extra complications such as the need to get a running start, force speed, speeder, etc. These shouldn't be needed, however. I have gotten all of the games datacrons using only the basic 2 jumps, except in cases where additional vendor tools were needed.


To long-jump: Press space, and then Up Arrow immediately after.

To short jump: Press space and then Up arrow after a short pause (about a third of a second).


Basically, it's either an immediate 1-2 punch or jump-then-forward. You use the long jump to cross gaps and the short one to get up on ledges.


All of the attempting to run and jump and so on actually leads to the frustrations where you seem to hit jump in time, but end up glitching right off the edge.


*Additional note on long-jumping*

You don't have to be riiiight on the edge of something to long-jump--often you don't want to be. make sure you're firmly on a surface, and then just 1-2 jump. If you glitch off the edge, take a step back next time. But no running and jumping is needed.


(In my experience, this timing was much less clear at launch, and simultaneous pressing was needed--which led to much running and jumping and...falling :( )

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Find a copy of Donkey Kong for MAME and you can get in some practice at jumping. ;)


It's not that simple. It has to do with the physics of the engine. It is far to easy (even with trial an error) to "over jump". I don't remember there being an option to adjust keyboard and mouse sensativity. Something for the "Soon!!(™)" bucket. :p

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