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All the systems for 6.0 seem unappealing. Bioware you need to pay attention.


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Sounds just like Ossus. Which was also a tad expensive with the 1000 UCs price tag. Which begs the question, why reinvent the wheel on PTS just to come back to where we already are? Don't tell me they listened to feedback.... They had a Plan B just in case already lined up.


To save space...


Ol Buzzy. Good post. I share some of your concerns and agree that implementation is key. I would just like it known for the record, as I made repeatedly clear, there are still a host of issues that remain outstanding. One issue I think they resolved and made monumentally better -- gear dropping not related to your spec (they are even implementing a toggle to gear off-spec). The other issue, RNG, they made better. We can all subjectively evaluate it by how much.


I have little patience, though, for posters who engage in what I call conflation deflection. In this case, talking about set bonuses stinking and original ones being removed, or the number of tiers to go through in the exact same sentence about the issues I raised. I made it patently clear I was talking about only the first two issues (gear drops for spec and RNG), and even agreed with them on the other points. In fact, I added to them. But it is a tried and true debate tactic employed in life to deflect on point A by raising points B and C. With respect to those who tried that -- meesa not fallin' for dat.


As Rolo said, it is important to remain vigilant. Which brings me, Kodrac, to your point...


It does sound sort of like previous systems, though if we take Eric at his literal word, the new perma vendor will not sell left side gear, weapons, or amplifiers. My guess is that for left side gear they are waiting to see how the whole 'it's legacy-wide' plays out. On weapons, well, they (and every game I've played) have always been stingy on those for BiS. Amplifiers I don't know what they are doing with. I think they are just a credit sink. Renown crates are bugged right now (people getting squat) so impossible to evaluate. Oh, and crafting is a nightmare.


More broadly, I can't even begin to hypothesize why BW introduced such a colossally bad system for the first round of the PTS. My brain actually went to -- Keith, Charles, and Eric wanted to play a drinking game and read outraged forum posts.


Regardless, progress has been made on two (and only two) issues. I look forward to seeing the tech fragments / drop rate / cost for items plays out. I expect to join the throngs on the PTS forum saying it will start out as a fiasco.





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More broadly, I can't even begin to hypothesize why BW introduced such a colossally bad system for the first round of the PTS.


Maybe too many martinis? How do you defend the system, discard other people's gripes about 6.0 and the gearing system in particular yet write something like this?


People been critical as time has gone on, and as information makes it's way people comment further. The gearing system is still garbage even with their updates to it btw.

Edited by Lhancelot
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We understand exactly what he wrote....and we are giving our grievances on the core issues that will still exist. The only one that clearly thinks its something else is YOU.


Based on what eric wrote and your response, I don't think you do, and Jdast is right.


That, or you are tacitly admitting that you don't care what eric wrote or will write, unless it is 100% capitulation to what you personally want...

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To save space...


Ol Buzzy. Good post. I share some of your concerns and agree that implementation is key. I would just like it known for the record, as I made repeatedly clear, there are still a host of issues that remain outstanding. One issue I think they resolved and made monumentally better -- gear dropping not related to your spec (they are even implementing a toggle to gear off-spec). The other issue, RNG, they made better. We can all subjectively evaluate it by how much.


I have little patience, though, for posters who engage in what I call conflation deflection. In this case, talking about set bonuses stinking and original ones being removed, or the number of tiers to go through in the exact same sentence about the issues I raised. I made it patently clear I was talking about only the first two issues (gear drops for spec and RNG), and even agreed with them on the other points. In fact, I added to them. But it is a tried and true debate tactic employed in life to deflect on point A by raising points B and C. With respect to those who tried that -- meesa not fallin' for dat.


As Rolo said, it is important to remain vigilant. Which brings me, Kodrac, to your point...


It does sound sort of like previous systems, though if we take Eric at his literal word, the new perma vendor will not sell left side gear, weapons, or amplifiers. My guess is that for left side gear they are waiting to see how the whole 'it's legacy-wide' plays out. On weapons, well, they (and every game I've played) have always been stingy on those for BiS. Amplifiers I don't know what they are doing with. I think they are just a credit sink. Renown crates are bugged right now (people getting squat) so impossible to evaluate. Oh, and crafting is a nightmare.


More broadly, I can't even begin to hypothesize why BW introduced such a colossally bad system for the first round of the PTS. My brain actually went to -- Keith, Charles, and Eric wanted to play a drinking game and read outraged forum posts.


Regardless, progress has been made on two (and only two) issues. I look forward to seeing the tech fragments / drop rate / cost for items plays out. I expect to join the throngs on the PTS forum saying it will start out as a fiasco.






On the same page !!


We need to keep on … keeping on ! Full court press !!

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Based on what eric wrote and your response, I don't think you do, and Jdast is right.


That, or you are tacitly admitting that you don't care what eric wrote or will write, unless it is 100% capitulation to what you personally want...


Maybe you should re-read his post and then go back and look at the key problems players are having. His post about the upcoming changes do not fix the problem that everything is still 100% RNG. How cheap or expensive the tech fragments will be is completely meaningless is the damn vendor is still going to be RNG and we still have no true direct path of upgrades nor ways to avoid the RNG. The operations at the very least should have the final boss guarantee a specific item drop like they used to.


I have little patience, though, for posters who engage in what I call conflation deflection. In this case, talking about set bonuses stinking and original ones being removed, or the number of tiers to go through in the exact same sentence about the issues I raised. I made it patently clear I was talking about only the first two issues (gear drops for spec and RNG), and even agreed with them on the other points. In fact, I added to them. But it is a tried and true debate tactic employed in life to deflect on point A by raising points B and C. With respect to those who tried that -- meesa not fallin' for dat.


And I have even less patience for people like you going in circles rambling about things that have nothing to due with the core issues at hand. You're completely clueless.

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Maybe you should re-read his post and then go back and look at the key problems players are having. His post about the upcoming changes do not fix the problem that everything is still 100% RNG. How cheap or expensive the tech fragments will be is completely meaningless is the damn vendor is still going to be RNG and we still have no true direct path of upgrades nor ways to avoid the RNG. The operations at the very least should have the final boss guarantee a specific item drop like they used to.




And I have even less patience for people like you going in circles rambling about things that have nothing to due with the core issues at hand. You're completely clueless.

So, what part of supplementary vendors with direct sale of set bonus and tacticals did you miss?

That by definition, is not 100% RNG.


The system as that will still be incredibly grindy and heavy RNG overall. But not exactly 100% RNG.


Min/Max is another matter, there are heavy issues there on top of the RNG.

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For those confused by some posters. Here is what Eric wrote:


Hey folks,


Working Towards Specific Drops, Not Random

Although the underlying system of Spoils of War is there, it is clear that there needs to be a mechanism to work towards getting the exact item(s) you want. Our intention is that this type of system would need to be supplementary, but the current solutions we have in place are not enough.


Let’s talk about what is coming next. We are going to add vendors to the game that will sell all set items and tacticals for Tech Fragments. This is not meant to be a primary source of acquiring the gear but it will ensure you can get exactly what you want over time. Since this is meant to be supplementary, expect higher pricing on it.


Kai Zykken will remain in-game as a vendor with his current functionality. His purpose will now be to have a random selection of items that will be at a reduced price from what is on the standard vendors. This still gives you a compelling reason to check his wares every week as you might be able to get exactly what you want, but at a reduced rate from what you would normally pay.


Since these vendors were not available in the initial implementation of the vendors and Tech Fragments, expect when they are implemented in a future PTS patch there will likely be a shakeup in Tech Fragments acquisition / costs. Again, this is not in today’s patch.





Expensive? Yes. Will I check out Kai (not in that way you pervs) for sales? Yes.




I win (again),



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For those confused by some posters. Here is what Eric wrote:


But...... what if I just want to be enRAAAAAAAGED about something!!?


Watch out for those pitchforks and torches around here. The mob is vicious. :D


PS - props on spelling "colossally" correctly. I used to get the latin & greek root words mixed up - coliseum vs colossus. Is it 2 L's? Is it "i" or "o"? etc.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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But...... what if I just want to be enRAAAAAAAGED about something!!?


Watch out for those pitchforks and torches around here. The mob is vicious. :D


PS - props on spelling "colossally" correctly. I used to get the latin & greek root words mixed up - coliseum vs colossus. Is it 2 L's? Is it "i" or "o"? etc.


I wish I could get enraged over the game, still. :(


I used to get enraged but around 5.0 I took my longest SWTOR break and most of my passion drained during that absence.


Now, I am more sad and stick around for nostalgic purposes with no other games of interest available and admittedly there's a certain morbid curiosity I have with just how much worse the game can get. It's like the train wreck you can't take your eyes away from.


I will also admit there's this deep-seated idealistic part of me that thinks somehow, someway BW is going to suddenly do an about face and make grand changes that pick the game back up and make it fun again.

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Sadly at work I can no longer peruse the forums (I actually have work to do at my new job, it's crazy) and I occasionally feel left out of topics for the day.


So my main problem with what is currently on PTS (not announced for a future patch) is that all loot generation is currently RNG.


Drops from mobs

Drops from bosses

Two different RNG vendors...admittedly one is (almost) completely "favorable" RNG, but it's still RNG


Yes, there is the announcement that there "will" be a vendor that sells direct items, no RNG, but will be expensive.


Great...when it materializes I'll jump on PTS and test that out.

At that point we can all start bickering about the prices, and the rate of tech fragment acquisition.


That being said, that vendor wouldn't (even be scheduled to) exist had it not been for the flame up on the forums about the initial gear design of 100% RNG.


The devs completely ignored the lessons they've learned over the past 2+ years and for some unknown reason when with a 100% RNG intention.


I'm not going to apologize for getting irritated at that.


And while the announced vendor is a last minute 10th finger in a dam with 10 holes...that only makes the new gearing system (making a random number because BW loves RNG) 90% RNG.


Honestly, in what reality should anyone be happy about that?

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I win (again),




You know I <3 you, Dasty... but I don't think anyone is winning when Bioware can't seem to understand that this much RNG in a gearing system SUCKS. They spent an entire year fixing a system that was heavy RNG, and somehow then make a system that is even heavier in the very next go-around? WHAT are they smoking? Because I want some... I think the strain must be called "We do what we want because we're deaf and never learn" or something.


I wish more than anything they would just focus on making CONTENT and quit reworking systems that they finally get into an acceptable state with the player base.


Finally OK with Galactic Command? Good! Because it's going away and something you will hate is coming in it's place! You're welcome!


Finally happy with Conquest? Good! Because it's going to be reworked yet again and you will have even more points to earn again. You're welcome!


It's borderline ridiculous honestly, and I do not blame anybody who is raising a stink about it on these forums. I would be too if I still played this game. Instead I just now have more reasons to NOT come back. Good work, Bioware!



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Sadly at work I can no longer peruse the forums (I actually have work to do at my new job, it's crazy) and I occasionally feel left out of topics for the day.


So my main problem with what is currently on PTS (not announced for a future patch) is that all loot generation is currently RNG.


Drops from mobs

Drops from bosses

Two different RNG vendors...admittedly one is (almost) completely "favorable" RNG, but it's still RNG


Yes, there is the announcement that there "will" be a vendor that sells direct items, no RNG, but will be expensive.


Great...when it materializes I'll jump on PTS and test that out.

At that point we can all start bickering about the prices, and the rate of tech fragment acquisition.


That being said, that vendor wouldn't (even be scheduled to) exist had it not been for the flame up on the forums about the initial gear design of 100% RNG.


The devs completely ignored the lessons they've learned over the past 2+ years and for some unknown reason when with a 100% RNG intention.


I'm not going to apologize for getting irritated at that.


And while the announced vendor is a last minute 10th finger in a dam with 10 holes...that only makes the new gearing system (making a random number because BW loves RNG) 90% RNG.


Honestly, in what reality should anyone be happy about that?


Well put, Darev.



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You know I <3 you, Dasty... but I don't think anyone is winning when Bioware can't seem to understand that this much RNG in a gearing system SUCKS. They spent an entire year fixing a system that was heavy RNG, and somehow then make a system that is even heavier in the very next go-around? WHAT are they smoking? Because I want some... I think the strain must be called "We do what we want because we're deaf and never learn" or something.


I wish more than anything they would just focus on making CONTENT and quit reworking systems that they finally get into an acceptable state with the player base.


Finally OK with Galactic Command? Good! Because it's going away and something you will hate is coming in it's place! You're welcome!


Finally happy with Conquest? Good! Because it's going to be reworked yet again and you will have even more points to earn again. You're welcome!


It's borderline ridiculous honestly, and I do not blame anybody who is raising a stink about it on these forums. I would be too if I still played this game. Instead I just now have more reasons to NOT come back. Good work, Bioware!




This pretty well encapsulates my opinions of all the changes coming up in 6.0. They're wasting a ton of development money and programming time effectively re-inventing the wheel. They're throwing out systems that started out awful and that they over time eventually changed and backtracked on and patched into an acceptable state in favor of an even worse garbage lootbox model than the infamous one we were given by Ben "RNG is EXCITING!!!!!" Irving.They're tossing out the old set bonuses people have in some cases spent years accumulating gear for in order to try to force people onto an even worse RNG treadmill than Galactic Command 1.0 was. Not only will green be the new purple, but the green will be nigh impossible to craft for anyone who doesn't treat this game like a second full-time job.


Speaking of Galactic Command 1.0, you'd think they'd have learned from that disaster and crash of sub income. You'd also think they'd have learned from the old Battlemaster bag system for PvP gearing, and the RNG class-attuned token drops from 1.0 PvE gearing. You'd think they'd have learned after Anthem (another EAWare game with an awful stingy entirely RNG-based loot system where you can spend weeks working towards gear only to get nothing you can use) bellyflopped so hard.


But they don't learn. They never learn. They think of all their players as exactly the same as the gambling-addicted lootbox buying "whales" that triple AAA games try to harpoon these days. They don't get that PvE and PvP players don't operate the same. Shiny pixels that are purely cosmetic don't compare with gear you actually need to complete the paltry amount of new content EAWare deigns to put out for SWTOR these days.


Gambling addicts will keep spending money to get what they want. PvE and PvP players will get fed up after spending weeks or even months putting groups together to grind the new content and wasting their time accumulating the new currency to buy gear--only to be given something they already have. They'll quit and go play a game they find more fun. A game that actually rewards you based on the amount of effort you put into it, not on a random roll of the virtual dice.


It happened with 1.0 gearing. It happened with Galactic Command. It'll happen here again. And it's sad.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Why not leave players advance class characters abilities and companions abilities alone. Why not leave the companions modify gear bonus alone. The system we have before between the year 2011 to 2014 is find with agreement when the product got sold. EricMusco is waste his of time on keep change the players class characters abilities and companions abilities. Working on add content would be better. EricMusco please resign.
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You know I <3 you, Dasty... but I don't think anyone is winning when Bioware can't seem to understand that this much RNG in a gearing system SUCKS.



Fair enough. Let's stipulate that we all want to make the game better (though there are a couple posters I have doubts about). The pursuit of that goal is not served by posters promulgating flat out false information. Since we share a mutual respect, I will go into detail. As I'm on the PTS now, I feel comfortable stating the following...


My reading of the PTS is that there were at least six good issues raised. Whether or not you called those "core issues" depends on how one subjectively rated them. But, as I've noted, I'm forward looking. We can do a post-mortem on the initial incarnation of the PTS but I don't know what good it will do. But, FWIW, I spent 15 years living in Manhattan and moved away a couple years ago, but I would love to ask Charles and Eric at the Cantina, "*** were you smoking with that initial release?" But let's get to what really matters...


Core Issue #1: Gear not dropping for your spec.

Status: I think it is fair to say this issue is resolved unless Eric is lying / misinformed. In fact, the toggle to gear up for off-spec makes it even better.


Core Issue #2: New Set Gear Bonuses are Crap and made worse by losing set bonuses at 75.


Status: Unresolved.


Core Issue #3: Crafting is Horribly Expensive and Hardly Worth the Effort


Status: Unresolved


Core Issue #4: Renown is too slow and bugged


Status: Eric acknowledged the bug part, the rate of Renown acquisition unresolved.


Core Issue #5: Too Many Tiers of Gear Forcing you to Wear Sub-Optimal Gear


Status: Not really resolved. Yes, you can guarantee an upgrade for a lower Ilvl slot, but it still doesn't stop the incentivizing of wearing gear that may suck but helps guarantee you an upgrade for a particular slot. That is highly annoying but largely from an inventory management point of view. Should make gearing up alts much, much faster since everything is legacy-wide.


Core Issue #6: RNG (here we go).


There are now 15 Gear slots plus Amplifiers, which we don't know much about. Eight of those slots, including the armor slots, and the tactical slot can now be purchased directly. Does Darev have a point that he wants to see that live? Sure. But if BW backtracks on that point, I will be the first in line to unsub. But armor shells and tacticals will be available for direct purchase. I think my grasp of the English language is on firm ground on that point. Quantitatively speaking, some posters are living in galaxy far, far away where 46.7 percent = 100%. I don't live in that galaxy.


That leaves...Ear, Implants, and Relics. Those are now currently, as I read it, 100% RNG. I'm assuming that BW wants to see how the "they are now all legacy" idea plays out. Ditto with weapons. As for Amplifiers, I'm going to steal a line from Kendra -- why? They don't matter for balance except for MM Ops, which I guess is fine. But either they matter or they don't. So I'll repeat myself -- I think they are most useful as a credit sink.


But now...Core Issue #7 (which I've added): Cost / Acqusition / Ratio of Tech Fragments (the new universal currency


Already people have discussed this issue in far better detail than I can (e.g., Zion). I'm trying to highlight my concern that having a vendor sell specific set items / tacticals doesn't do much good if they are grotesquely expensive. By way of example, how many people crafted 258 Ossus gear? If the GTN is any measure, not that many. But when Eric talks about adjusting the costs, I hope he relates my concern that I think they will take it too far (history is a good precedent in this regard).


So, I ask you … do I sound like a schill for BW or "completely clueless?" Am I "discarding" other PTS issues as one poster suggested? Or do I sound like someone who cares passionately about the game, will acknowledge BW's positive steps, yet hold their feet to the fire on the others?


I'll let forum readers decide for themselves. But, ultimately, I have an audience of one -- Keith.






P.S. To Rion, I had no choice but to learn how to spell "colossal" correctly. My ego has been called that many times, including in written correspondence. And, oh, how I loved correcting them when they misspelled it. :p

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Just a few points here!

1. To a point Dasty has some good points. ALL of which are hinged on the release of new updates from BW on PTS that indicate that everything has a chance of working out as it should.


2. A LARGE portion (though not all) of those who are posting are scratching their heads wondering what in the name of common sense just happened (OK.. maybe not those exact words … but you get the idea!) ;)


I know I stepped away for a while. I was gone for nearly 2 years (right after KotET was released … or was it before ?? ) At any rate.. I kept up my sub and kept the game updated. Heck I would even pop in and check out my SH stuff and mess around a bit.


( so what?? RIGHT? … just hang on and hear me out)


Ever since I came back ( a little over a year ago) I hated the GC system. For that matter I believe that at one point BW release a statement stating that they had messed up.


Enter the promise of 6.0 and an overhaul of the gear system. WOO HOO !! A LOT of folks were happy to hear about it !


Now that we have the test server thing going on ! UMMM ! What happened ?


Seriously.. can anyone tell me what in the name of common sense is going on with this ??


If there is any chance of getting to the "good stuff" in this test server now playing someone really needs to drag out the big guns and get the ball rolling.


I may be a crusty old man that most ignore … but let me tell you something ! THE NATIVES ARE GETTING RESTLESS !!


Hey … I'm not telling any one how to build this game ! But what I can tell you is there are very real reasons for concern.


Make the game too easy .. players will walk.


Make it too hard … same thing.. players will walk .


Turn the game into a part time job with only a few scattered showers of fun … REALLY. Do I really have to explain this ?? NOT GOOD !!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist ( and I do have two friends who literally are) to do the math and figure out where that will end up !


I ALSO think it's wrong to judge Dasty …


BTW... how many of you are actually testing the game... I am !!


I also think that unless you are giving this thing a good shot .. well maybe we could all use a little more help in that department!


Hey ! I 'm game. If I can do it …. SO CAN YOU !


As many of you who can .. hey jump in and give it a shot ! You will know first hand. I know that some would love to but just can't.


Let me challenge those of you who have never tried testing before … Go for it !! Get your feet wet. Jump in !!

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I've been on PTS each iteration so far this time around.

Not much point to logging in until they change some things

There's only so many times i can run Hammer Station and stay sane.

Random world loot drops are greatly diminished compared to live


Run CZ198 and 10 heroics on live.

Run exactly the same thing on PTS


You'll see what I'm talking about.


With the next PTS update I'll be back on it.

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I've been on PTS each iteration so far this time around.

Not much point to logging in until they change some things

There's only so many times i can run Hammer Station and stay sane.

Random world loot drops are greatly diminished compared to live


Run CZ198 and 10 heroics on live.

Run exactly the same thing on PTS


You'll see what I'm talking about.


With the next PTS update I'll be back on it.

For whatever it's worth... thanks !!

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I’ve been patiently reading the forums since the announcement of 6.0 and this thread has really caught my eye.


Trixxie, Jdast, Penny, Ascend, Olbuzz, Raansu, Lhance, Rion, Darev, Kodrac and many others, it’s apparent you all care about the state of the game even if you can’t all 100% agree if the changes are enough or correct.


Penny, Jdast, Ascend and Trixxie have been here through most of the game’s history and all have different points of views. But there is one thing you all seem to agree on. Bioware keep making the same mistakes over and over. They can’t seem to get out of their own way. Like Trixxie says, they keep shooting themselves in the foot.


Trixxie’s OP wasn’t only about RNG. There are other problems that need to be discussed more.


I read the PTS and this particular thread really breaks down the gear levels and grind.




PTS 2.0 Cycle has given the community a look at how to obtain gear and allowing us to provide feedback, here is my experience.


- Item Rating/IRating = IR

- Tech Fragments = TF


By now most have seen my such lovely picture of the 19 tiers of gear, however there is WAY more than just that.


- Crafted Gear starts at Premium Green 268

- Crafted Modifications starts at Premium Green 274

- Premium Green Tiers : 270 - 274

- Prototype Blue Tiers: 276 - 284

- Artifact Purple Tiers: 286 - 298

- Legendary Gold Tiers: 300 - 306


To "Climb" gear levels you have to start at the base of IR 270 you must have 14/14 270. Every IR Odd number you must have 6/14 gear slot that same IR level or higher. Every IR Even number you must have 12/14 gear slots that same IR level or higher. Every 6 or so IR levels you will need to have 14/14 gear slots to be at least the same level. Example if you are stuck at IR 284 and ur 13/14 284 but your 1/14 is 276 you will have to upgrade that 276 to a minimum 284 before you can move onto IR 286.


Non-Moddable Non-Set Bonus Gear Names:

- Arakyd Industries

- Baktoid

- BlasTech

- InterroTek

- Mantellian

- Mier-Lang

- SoroSuub

- Sund Tech

- Systech

- Onderonian


All the gear named above except for Onderonian has their Gear Stat determined by the Stat Name in the gear. Onderonian Gear Set is the base set for classes like Onderonian Targeters Bracers is a Agent Base Class set.


Gear Stat Name:

- Proficient - Shield

- Proficient - Critical

- Savant - Accuracy

- Efficient - Alacrity

- Lethal - Power

- Steadfast - Defense


There is one general moddable gear set that has no set bonus named: Sha'tek, this gear set can come in ALL TIERS OF GEAR WITH ALL THE MODIFICATIONS RANDOM. This gear set is the only set that also gives Moddable Weapons.


New Modifications: With all Modifications there is ADDITIONS to the existing modifications.


- Resistive + different versions

- Versatile + different versions


- Lethal Mod + 2 different versions

- Lethal Mod A + 2 different versions

- Lethal Mod B + 2 different versions

- Warding Mod + 2 different versions

- Warding Mod A + 2 different versions

- Warding Mod B + 2 different versions


- Adept + different versions

- Barrage + different versions

- Bastion + different versions

- Bulwark + different versions

- Discipline + different versions

- Efficient + different versions

- Immunity + different versions

- Initiative + different versions

- Nimble + different versions

- Proficient + different versions

- Savant + different versions

- Steadfast + different versions

- Studious + different versions

- Sturdiness + different versions

- Vigilant + different versions


I have not seen any new additions to Hilts or Barrels but would expect to see them also.

On Top of all this is Set Bonus Moddable Gear for a total of 60 Set Bonus Gear Sets**.** All Moddable gear can come with no Modifications.

- General Set Bonus - 12 Sets

- Warrior Set Bonus - 10 Sets

- Inquisitor Set Bonus - 14 Sets

- Agent Set Bonus - 12 Sets

- Hunter Set Bonus - 12 Sets

And now the 15th slot Tacticals which is new with 124 different tacticals.

- General Tacticals - 9 Tacticals

- Warrior Tacticals - 32 Tacticals

- Inquisitor Tacticals - 31 Tacticals

- Agent Tacticals - 26 Tacticals

- Hunter Tacticals - 26 Tacticals


Now I can talk about my experiences with all this.

Conquest: A VERY BIG MUST on hitting your PERSONAL Conquest Goal Which has been increased to 50,000 Points, it gives you free gear.

Guild Conquest Goals:

- Large Yield 5mil Conquest Points - 1 Renowned Rank

- Medium Yield 2mil Conquest Points - Just under 1 Renowned Rank

- Small Yield 500,000 Conquest Points - Just a little more than Half a Renowned Rank


Raids: I have ran the new operation Duxn up to Kephy power rangers twice on my sniper, both times receiving about 10 renown crates. So far the best possible way to farm Renown Crates at the moment is to farm the "2nd" boss of Duxn as you are constantly under attack.


PvP: I have qued over 20 matches on my Juggernaut and Sniper. I remembered to pick up the daily only once but got several BIG upgrades from the boxes. I got at least 2 blue 276 while I was IR 274. It takes 3 matches win or lose to gain one Renown Rank.


Flashpoints: I have done Hammer Station Veteran mode both Solo and 2-manned. I have received all types of gear from this including Set Bonus and Tacticals.


Leveling 70 - 75: I leveled a Juggernaut up not using the booster. I did 5 Hammer Stations and received 4 tacticals and 1 Set Bonus Shell that was empty. All the tacticals were for other classes.


LOL the RNG Gear Vendor: When I learned about the TF "Exploit" I started to be able to role and get gear. FYI if its on the PTS its NOT an Exploit its a bug that we can help fix. The RNG of this Vendor is SOOOOOOOO BAD. You can be Max rating of 306 and still be able to obtain Green 270 gear.

I wanted to test how bad it would be to get a relic so I had a 302 Legendary relic on and wanted to get a 304 Legendary Focused Retribution relic it took me over 1 million tech fragments to FINALLY obtain the relic I wanted. In that time which it took about 3 hours to do I got all different types of Relics ranging all the way from 270 - 304.


MODDABLE GEAR: Moddable Gear was a tad hard to obtain in the lower levels of gear , but it did not get any better the higher I went in gear. Once I got into Legendary Tier I started to see more Set Bonus Items popping up but never could get a full set. The most I got was 4/7 of one General Set Bonus gear set.

Weapons: Players tend to use Moddable weapons alot of times these weapons tend to be Cartel Market Weapons. Outside of crafting mods, getting lucky on personal loot drops, or obtaining a Sha'tek Moddable Weapon. YOU MUST USE THE NON-MODDABLE WEAPONS TO UPGRADE YOUR GEAR.


Crafting: Didn't touch it. It requires WAY to many materials and some materials seem to be out of reach for the time being.


What do I think about all this ?

I hate this system 100%. They stated that you can play what you want and still be able to gear up. From what I've seen you basically HAVE TO PLAY all types of content. If I was a Regstar PvP player that logs in and only does Regular PvP matches this system would not be viable for me almost no way of obtaining set bonuses or tacticals without an RNG aspect tied to it. As a Ranked PvP player you will want to get your Set Bonus and Tacticals to be viable in solo/ team ranked as fast as you can. As a Progression Raider your forced to use gear that your not really wanting to wear, your stats go haywire. Not all DPS with have 110% accuracy which you need for PvE content to not miss attacks. Everyones GCD is going to become longer which will make clearable fights become enraged fights.


Some Classes REALLY need set bonuses Like Sniper. The moment a Sniper hits Level 75 they will lose their Target Acquired resource management, and the Laze Target Critical Damage, until they get one of their Set Bonuses and basically FORCED to still wear that set bonus and only get to reap the benefits of Tacticals and Amplifiers unlike most classes that can have more flexibility with their set bonuses.


My Solution or attempt to make this better would be make all gear moddable which then gives all player bases the flexibility to actually change their stats and play styles. Give more Tech Fragments out and remove the 3k cap. if you have a 3k cap and want something off the special vendor then u can only buy a max of two items. I would also recommend if you dont increase tech fragments then reduce the cost of items on the vendor to 750 - 1k tech fragments the credit cost is an ok amount. THE RNG VENDOR either needs to be 100% deleted from the game or give use options of getting upgraded gear based on the class and spec you currently are.


For more of my comments or view points please see my Reddit post here As I have commented to those within the community about their questions and concerns.




And another on the mods break down http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=968129


Here we have a crafting threads that you should be included in this discussion.





In order to answer the questions posed, I need to call attention to some frightening math first because the math here is completely incomprehensibly out of whack. All of my answers to the five questions Eric posed are given in the context of this math issue.


The base unit of all crafting is components (bonded attachments, cell grafts, etc). As it currently stands on the PTS, crafting one single unit of a Grade 11 component costs:

  • 5 TIMES as many mats as any of the lower grades. (Grades 1 - 10 all cost exactly the same quantity of mats, just each in their different grades.)
  • 28,000 credits per ONE component. This is factoring solely the cost of the 'white' crew skills mats ('Supplements' in the new categorization system).


Even if we assume that a modest increase in credits cost (tied to the 'white' supplement items) is acceptable when applied to a higher tier, it makes no sense at all to increase the actual amount of mats required. At no other increase in Grades has this ever happened, and more importantly components are the foundation for more than just gear - they're the foundation for war supplies as well, among other things.


So now let's look at war supplies in light of this increase in cost to create Grade 11 components. Each profession can craft two types of war supplies. (Biochem can only craft one, but there are two separate schematics.) One of the two schematics for each profession requires Grade 11 components, and the other does not. Every profession aside from Biochem MUST use both. When factoring in the cost for Grade 11 components, the cost to craft war supplies now looks like this (using Starship Weapons and Armored Vehicles as the examples):


Starship Weapons schematic does not use Grade 11 components. This is what it costs to craft 1 unit of Starship Weapons war supplies:

  • 52,800 credits (all in 'white' crew skills mats)
  • 624 green jawa scrap (according to the new mats prices on the jawa vendors in 6.0)


Armored Vehicles schematic DOES include Grade 11 components. This is what it costs to craft 1 unit of Armored Vehicles war supplies:

  • 314,800 credits
  • 32,504 green jawa scrap (according to the new mats prices on the jawa vendors in 6.0)


So Armored Vehicles cost 6 TIMES more to make than Starship Weapons in credits, and a staggering 52 TIMES as much to make in jawa scrap, entirely because of the out-of-scale increase in quantity requirements for Grade 11 components.


If you extrapolate that out into what it now costs to make an Invasion Force in 6.0, just in credits alone it looks like this (assuming Biochem is using only the less expensive version of their war supplies):

  • Invasion Force credits cost prior to 6.0: 264,000 credits
  • Invasion Force credits cost in 6.0: 788,000 credits


That is a 3x increase in cost to make Invasion Force in 6.0.


Quite aside from the impact on guilds, consider the impact on other uses for Invasion Force, such as buying decos. One deco off the conquest vendor can cost as much as 5 Invasion Force. Previously that meant it had a price tag of 1.3 million credits, but now that cost is increased to nearly 4 million. WTH?


On the other hand, if it were to cost the same quantity of mats to make Grade 11 components as it costs for every other grade (rather than the current incomprehensible quintupling of cost), even accounting for an increase in the price of white Supplements for Grade 11 that would put the cost of a 6.0 Invasion Force at 284,000 credits, which is only an incremental increase and completely sane and reasonable.


So TLDR: Devs, please make Grade 11 components require the same quantity of mats as every other component grade: 4x units of green mats (2 each of 2 mats) and 2x units of white Supplements. The increase in cost to the crafter already exists in the increase in cost to acquire the mats, it is therefore needless insane punishment to compound that built-in increase in cost by quintupling the quantity required.


If this is some backhanded means of trying to rein in crafting guilds for conquest, you do far more harm than good by it, because you are killing a whole subset to the game (crafting and people who enjoy crafting) for the sake of 'punishing' conquest crafters, whose crime at the end of the day is just being willing to put in the same amount of effort and cost that anyone else could choose to put in if they placed equal importance on the goal. Sure it's annoying when you're not in a crafting guild, but ultimately the opportunity is there for everyone. If this needs to be curtailed for game balance then the solution is reducing what crafting rewards in terms of conquest points, NOT in making crafting harder for everyone across the board.


So... with all of that math out of the way, I can now answer the questions...




If the quantity required to craft Grade 11 components remains as it currently is on the PTS, then the answer is a resounding NO.


It is true that nodes might drop up to 6 different types of mats at once (across the three rarity tiers now added), and my observations from PTS Ossus were that they might drop between 2-5 of each of those 6. If one looks at this only on the surface then the implied median is that a node drops about 18 units of mats, and on that surface level that harvest seems generous. BUT.


But when you think about this more carefully the reality is that it does not matter if it is giving you those extra 12 units of blue and purple rarity, because all actual crafting still begins with the base unit: components. Specifically, green value components, which you must start with in order to then later craft all the higher level stuff. With Grade 11 green value components currently costing 5x as many mats, and nodes still dropping a median of 6 units of green mats (1/3rd of that 18 being dropped across 3 rarities), that means that for the purposes of crafting your base unit the drop rate from nodes is functionally unchanged from pre-6.0. It does not matter if nodes also drop blue and purple, because it will still take 5x times as long to gather what you need in order to take the FIRST STEP in crafting before you ever even get to needing the blues and purples.


However, if the quantity required to craft Grade 11 components were reduced to be in line with every Grade before it, then the answer to this question would be YES.


In that case, time invested in harvesting would be just as valuable as it has been in every iteration prior to 6.0. It would also have the added benefit that you would be banking blue and purple rarity against your future needs, so that when you have done the work to learn your higher level schematics you are now ready to go with your mats rather than having to go back to square one and start your gathering odyssey anew.


I would add here a BUG TO REPORT: When your companion harvests a node, you do not get a pop-up indicating what items were received, nor does a record of them appear in the system feedback text of your chat window. They just disappear into your Materials Inventory without you ever knowing what you got. The pop-up window only appears if your character harvests the node (though it still doesn't appear in the chat log). Since the default action is for the companion to gather, this absolutely needs to be fixed.


No. Again, the increase in time is not in keeping with the incremental increases you can see between every Grade prior. Times for Grade 11 missions need to be reduced. Look at the increments in the increases between all the previous tiers and make it consistent, don't arbitrarily triple or quintuple things. (When you multiply this by the quintupling of quantity required the issue balloons to frightening proportions.)


Consider that one of the benefits of shorter mission times is that crafters are incentivized to stay logged in while the missions run, in order to be on hand to queue a new mission every few minutes. While they are logged on they will want to occupy their time with other game activities. The more game activities they do, the more investment they have in the game. By making mission times too long you are tempting an unfortunate scenario wherein crafters will see less benefit to staying logged in because they'll net less return (in crafting mats) for their time, and they might just choose to queue one and log off.


NO. I spent the night on PTS tonight doing multiple runs of Veteran and Master mode Hammer Station. In that time I got a bunch of loot drops, and a few Renown crates. I saw a lot of 'entry level' 6.0 green loot, and a variety of higher level set bonus items. I walked away from five FP runs with almost 30 new pieces of gear. Maybe only 1/3rd of that is actually usable for the spec I was on (not optimized but usable), but that's ultimately still 10 pieces of usable gear plus 20 I get to ship off to alts. That is a delicious haul for one evening of play.


Now consider that to craft ONE piece of entry level green gear it requires 10 WEEKS worth of Conquest reward mats. 10 WEEKS of time waiting before I can craft one piece of gear, assuming maybe 4 hours of dedicated conquest grinding time to make personal goal each week, means 40 HOURS of effort to get 1/30th of what I got in one evening of FPs.


No one in their right mind will be crafting gear at that cost.


It doesn't matter that what you craft can be reverse-engineered for a chance at learning better gear schematics. In fact, that makes the whole thing WORSE. Because that means I need 40 hours of effort in order for a 5-20% chance at a schematic... meaning there's an extremely high chance that I just flushed 40 hours down the drain. You are asking people to throw away a full-time work week on a single roll of the dice. This is madness.


The starting level schematics for Grade 11 should only cost base green mats to make. No blues, no purples, no conquest. At every increase in quality/tier for gear (as you successfully reverse-engineer it) then at that point you can include blues and purples, and only start to include Conquest and end game group content mats (Isotopes) at the highest levels. That's how it works for every Grade prior to 11.


This is great. Even if you were to reduce the quantity cost for Grade 11 to be in keeping with the previous grades, you still shouldn't change this. Disintegration in no way offsets the increase, it's not even close. It's not even close because disintegration is RNG, and you may never get the mats you actually NEED. It doesn't matter that it might give you jawa scrap, because Grade 11 mats cost a staggering 200 SCRAP per unit. What you might get from disintegration is statistically irrelevant in that context.


The disintegration is great, keep it no matter what, because it's important to remember that crafting has been too irrelevant for a long time. What you should be trying to achieve with 6.0 is making it more relevant. Disintegration would help with that, but you offset that entirely if you are on the other hand increasing what's required to actually craft.


I answered this as part of my response to the prior question. In short: No. The answer here would be Yes if the cost on the vendor were not an insane 200. There are a couple important things to note here:


Pre 6.0, all Grades prior to the most recent Grade were purchasable on the vendor at a rate of 1 Scrap to 1 Unit. The most recent Grade cost 10 Scrap for 1 Unit. This was a steep increase (especially when you multiplied it by needed volumes), but not unreasonable to access end game relevant materials.


Currently on PTS, the vendors have changed how they sell. In 6.0 the cost in Scrap is equivalent to the Grade of the mat. So Grade 1 mats cost 1 Scrap per Unit, Grade 5 cost 5 Scraps per Unit, Grade 10 cost 10 Scraps per Unit, and etc. This increase not only makes sense, but it works in context with scrap now being available through disintegration; new ways to access scrap offset the increase in cost.


However, in no galaxy does it make sense to make the next step in this sequence be to go from 10 Scrap for Grade 10 to 200 for Grade 11. If you are not willing to make Grade 11 cost 11 Scrap, then maybe take the 11 Scrap cost the sequence says it should be and multiple that by 2 or 3 (22 or 33 Scrap), but for pity's sake don't multiply it by 20.


Consider that to make 1 SINGLE GRADE 11 COMPONENT, for which you would need 20 green mats, it would cost you 4,000 Scrap. To make one single Invasion Force's worth of war supplies using green mats purchased from the vendor would cost you 72,000 Scrap. I have Legend rank in every single CM faction, and that's not counting CM purchases in the years since factions stopped, plus 300 (and excess) command rank on 7 of 8 classes, and I only have about 10,000 green Scrap banked (remembering that mats only stack up to 9,999). How does this in any way make sense?


This is such a wonderful addition, thank you so much. I think once the bugs are ironed out it will be marvelous. I will be so happy to have Legacy Cargo Hold space cleared, and very happy to have an easy, categorized, filter-searchable place to find mats. That said, here are a couple bugs to report and a couple suggestions:



  • If you had the Materials Inventory open and then close it out, the game currently 'remembers' it being open, locked to that assumption, so that hitting space bar keeps opening the Materials Inventory window. When this happens you can see that the diamond icon for the Materials Inventory is stuck being highlighted. You can clear it by setting your cursor in the chat box and hitting enter there, but obviously that's just a work around to a bug that needs fixing.
  • Currently Cell Grafts are being sorted under the Scavenging header. That's obviously a bug. I only checked this on my Biochem so I'm not certain if it's the case for other profession's components, but that should probably be checked for components across the board.



  • Currently when you open the Materials Inventory all categories start in their expanded state. This means that you have to take the extra steps of closing them while scrolling down to find the category you're looking for. This ought to function like your normal Crafting menu does, with categories default collapsed until you + open them.
  • Items in the Materials Inventory currently do show a graphics icon but the icons lack the color border to indicate their rarity/quality. Since almost no one is going to have the names of hundreds of mats memorized this is a bad choice. Yes you can see the rarity if you hover, but this is a step back from how it currently stands if you are reviewing items in your cargo hold where you can instantly see and locate rarity by the color outline.



Crafting, RNG, All Grind, Gearing and Conquest are all being heavily impacted by 6.0 and not all for the better. For every good change there are more bad changes. The game design and systems are going backwards and not forwards. All of them point to increased grind for gear, decos, conquest, crafting and more RNG than now. Everything that turns players away and diminish the fun.


One thing that really sticks out for me is 6.0 is supposed to be one big credit sink and time sink. I have grave concerns this is to mask a lack of substantial playable content and of these new changes will make more people quit.

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Sadly at work I can no longer peruse the forums (I actually have work to do at my new job, it's crazy) and I occasionally feel left out of topics for the day.


So my main problem with what is currently on PTS (not announced for a future patch) is that all loot generation is currently RNG.


Drops from mobs

Drops from bosses

Two different RNG vendors...admittedly one is (almost) completely "favorable" RNG, but it's still RNG


Yes, there is the announcement that there "will" be a vendor that sells direct items, no RNG, but will be expensive.


Great...when it materializes I'll jump on PTS and test that out.

At that point we can all start bickering about the prices, and the rate of tech fragment acquisition.


That being said, that vendor wouldn't (even be scheduled to) exist had it not been for the flame up on the forums about the initial gear design of 100% RNG.


The devs completely ignored the lessons they've learned over the past 2+ years and for some unknown reason when with a 100% RNG intention.


I'm not going to apologize for getting irritated at that.


And while the announced vendor is a last minute 10th finger in a dam with 10 holes...that only makes the new gearing system (making a random number because BW loves RNG) 90% RNG.


Honestly, in what reality should anyone be happy about that?


^ This.


Bioware ran with 100% RNG, knew we'd be upset and there'd be negative feedback, then dropped in a band aid fix to a severed limb problem. And some people are buying that as them listening to us and making improvement.


If they had actually listened to us they'd have started at 15% RNG, and then rolled it back to 10% after the complaints.


All The Best

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Sadly at work I can no longer peruse the forums (I actually have work to do at my new job, it's crazy) and I occasionally feel left out of topics for the day.


So my main problem with what is currently on PTS (not announced for a future patch) is that all loot generation is currently RNG.


Drops from mobs

Drops from bosses

Two different RNG vendors...admittedly one is (almost) completely "favorable" RNG, but it's still RNG


Yes, there is the announcement that there "will" be a vendor that sells direct items, no RNG, but will be expensive.


Great...when it materializes I'll jump on PTS and test that out.

At that point we can all start bickering about the prices, and the rate of tech fragment acquisition.


That being said, that vendor wouldn't (even be scheduled to) exist had it not been for the flame up on the forums about the initial gear design of 100% RNG.


The devs completely ignored the lessons they've learned over the past 2+ years and for some unknown reason when with a 100% RNG intention.


I'm not going to apologize for getting irritated at that.


And while the announced vendor is a last minute 10th finger in a dam with 10 holes...that only makes the new gearing system (making a random number because BW loves RNG) 90% RNG.


Honestly, in what reality should anyone be happy about that?


Do you really feel this way? What makes you think the current iteration of the PTS is set in stone? I get the feeling that the devs are still creating the system, thus our continued feedback on the PTS forum is invaluable.


So let's play pretend for a moment (aka empathy), and imagine we are a BW dev. Imagine you are creating a new gearing system heavily influenced by another game (:trollface:) because either you like it, or your EA overlords have told you to copy it. You need to test gear levels and such. Where do you start? To me, it seems each aspect of the gear system is in its simplest form in order to find a baseline. I don't know yet what sort of progression system will pull all these different facets together. What's simpler than RNG gearing?


I think much of the current iteration will be very different in a month and a half, so it's pointless to get emotionally bent out of shape. Let's take a snapshot at what the gearing system was at the start of PTS 2.0, then let's compare it to what it is in early October.


Lastly, if 6.0 flops hard, this game is done. So try to have some optimism, or at least be patient. I'm going to trust Keith's team for now, because what other choice is there?

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Core Issue #1: Gear not dropping for your spec.

Status: I think it is fair to say this issue is resolved unless Eric is lying / misinformed. In fact, the toggle to gear up for off-spec makes it even better.


One small piece of RNG removed from a system that is still carrying unreasonable amounts of RNG. This change will have small impact because the rest of the system is RNG. Nothing really resolved here, imo.




Core Issue #2: New Set Gear Bonuses are Crap and made worse by losing set bonuses at 75.

Status: Unresolved.





Core Issue #3: Crafting is Horribly Expensive and Hardly Worth the Effort

Status: Unresolved





Core Issue #4: Renown is too slow and bugged

Status: Eric acknowledged the bug part, the rate of Renown acquisition unresolved.




Core Issue #5: Too Many Tiers of Gear Forcing you to Wear Sub-Optimal Gear

Status: Not really resolved.



Core Issue #6: RNG (here we go).


There's no amount of defending or explaining how the totality of RNG in their gearing system even in it's "unresolved" state as it stands now is reasonable or sensible. I think we can both agree this situation is also unresolved.





So, I ask you. Do I sound like a schill for BW or "completely clueless?" Am I "discarding" other PTS issues as one poster suggested? Or do I sound like someone who cares passionately about the game, will acknowledge BW's positive steps, yet hold their feet to the fire on the others?


You are not holding their feet to the fire by supporting their RNG based gearing system and giving them a pass when essentially nothing has been resolved, even according to you. Just admit in it's present state, the gearing system is awful (or offal?) :p

Edited by Lhancelot
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One small piece of RNG removed from a system that is still carrying unreasonable amounts of RNG. This change will have small impact because the rest of the system is RNG. Nothing really resolved here, imo.



There's no amount of defending or explaining how the totality of RNG in their gearing system even in it's "unresolved" state as it stands now is reasonable or sensible. I think we can both agree this situation is also unresolved.





You are not holding their feet to the fire by supporting their RNG based gearing system and giving them a pass when essentially nothing has been resolved, even according to you. Just admit in it's present state, the gearing system is awful (or offal?) :p




Hey bud ! Look at it like this:


It's highly unlikely that Dasty would have taken the time to make that long list of items THEN pointed out that all of them were UNRESLOVED if there wasn't a point to be made … namely that those problems are still … well... UNRESLOVED.


That said I believe that several of us are doing exactly what we need to be doing... KEEP up the full court press !


Each of us are presenting this as best we can .. the best way we know how. We are all from different walks of life.. We see things a bit differently. Consequently we are approaching it slightly differently as well. BUT... IMO we are pretty much on the same page.


From what I see personally .. while the GC stuff may be going out the door … the new system (?? REALLY ??) just exactly what is different? OH .. just a little more RNG .. here and there. OK ..maybe a lot more ?


When the new changes come in for PTS there really needs to be some more positive impact on gear acquisitioning as well as crafting / issues and costs to get the mats.


Which brings up another question: Can anyone confirm if all of the mats are available .. if so ? How accessible are they ?


Still a lot of unanswered questions !

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I’ve been patiently reading the forums since the announcement of 6.0 and this thread has really caught my eye.


Trixxie, Jdast, Penny, Ascend, Olbuzz, Raansu, Lhance, Rion, Darev, Kodrac and many others, it’s apparent you all care about the state of the game even if you can’t all 100% agree if the changes are enough or correct.


Penny, Jdast, Ascend and Trixxie have been here through most of the game’s history and all have different points of views. But there is one thing you all seem to agree on. Bioware keep making the same mistakes over and over. They can’t seem to get out of their own way. Like Trixxie says, they keep shooting themselves in the foot.


Trixxie’s OP wasn’t only about RNG. There are other problems that need to be discussed more.


I read the PTS and this particular thread really breaks down the gear levels and grind.








And another on the mods break down http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=968129


Here we have a crafting threads that you should be included in this discussion.








Crafting, RNG, All Grind, Gearing and Conquest are all being heavily impacted by 6.0 and not all for the better. For every good change there are more bad changes. The game design and systems are going backwards and not forwards. All of them point to increased grind for gear, decos, conquest, crafting and more RNG than now. Everything that turns players away and diminish the fun.


One thing that really sticks out for me is 6.0 is supposed to be one big credit sink and time sink. I have grave concerns this is to mask a lack of substantial playable content and of these new changes will make more people quit.


Everyone should take the time to read this post... especially the spoiler inserts !!


This is very well done !


On a side note: someone is very good at testing as well !!

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