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About the Nautolan and over filled character slots


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I have not seen this touched on so I started my own thread. After the server merges I have surpassed my character slots by 8. I have talked to customer support and in order to make new Toons I must buy 8 character slot in order to be on track to make one new character. I have 57 on that server. No where's near my 100. In order to get to 100 you must buy the slots. I don't want to delete anyone or buy 8 more slots. I'm glad the merge happened but, I don't think I should be punished. I hope my slots will be cleared. I would not care to buy a new slot if I wanted another. I don't however want to buy 8 at once. I'm betting I will be SOL. Is anyone else in this boat?
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Eric mentioned there being plans to have character rename, transfers and IIIRC character slot sales in the lead up to or release of Onslaught, so stay up on that. Also, maybe try trimming down the number to keep it a tad more manageable. I know the alt-o-holic tendencies are strong but 57..? I've managed to get back down to 38 toons on my main server and I still don't use half as much as I once did, even for RP.
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I have not seen this touched on so I started my own thread. After the server merges I have surpassed my character slots by 8. I have talked to customer support and in order to make new Toons I must buy 8 character slot in order to be on track to make one new character. I have 57 on that server. No where's near my 100. In order to get to 100 you must buy the slots. I don't want to delete anyone or buy 8 more slots. I'm glad the merge happened but, I don't think I should be punished. I hope my slots will be cleared. I would not care to buy a new slot if I wanted another. I don't however want to buy 8 at once. I'm betting I will be SOL. Is anyone else in this boat?


I'm up to 75 chars, so I've probaly bought about 20 extra slots, or there about. Which was grand earlier on, as they were quite cheap, but the prices are getting fairly steep now, and i really don't want to waste cc's on extra slots. Although, eric has said they plan on having a sale soon, so that would reduce the cc's, but as well as that, it will (hopefully) reduce the credits costs for them from the gtn

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I'm in the same boat.


My hunch is the character slot count is the priority and our ability to play as a new Nautolan will not take precedence over too many characters.


They'll want you to make your character count "right" before making a new toon.




They'll grant everyone an extra slot regardless of character count status.

They touched on that in the stream today, but for a different reason, and weren't sure if they were going to do that yet.

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Just use an appearance mod terminal and turn an existing toon into a Nautolan.


If Bioware grants this as a "first time for free" sorta thing, as you will get the new species free as a sub. I would/will try it, but I am capped at the moment as well. I have been looking hard at characters to see if a few are delete-able, but it is like picking which cousins I like the least. We are all family, my characters are just an extension of my personalities.

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Thanks to the server merger, I have 93 characters on one server. That's like, what, 37 (or whatever) over the limit? I would have to purchase those over slots JUST to get up the new limit I am at to even make a new one. That's over 300 bucks just to make a new character on a server. My game has been doomed like this for a while. And before anyone suggests it, no, I am not deleting all those characters or transferring them off. Edited by xmarcusprimex
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i got 46 characters, but i haven't had additional character slots in some time because they have become expensive to get. all the slots are filled in and i'm reasonably happy with what i got. i'd like to get 4 more slots and hit 50 characters and leave it there, but 46 is close enough.


in any event, i wouldn't mind a free slot or two on launch of onslaught if Bioware are open to it.

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I'm guessing if they lower the transfer rate for a while I could transfer out enough to free me up. I really don't want to delete character's, From time to time I want to replay a story. So I seen they will lower the transfer rate maybe I will, its cheaper than buying new empty slots.
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Thanks to the server merger, I have 93 characters on one server. That's like, what, 37 (or whatever) over the limit? I would have to purchase those over slots JUST to get up the new limit I am at to even make a new one. That's over 300 bucks just to make a new character on a server. My game has been doomed like this for a while. And before anyone suggests it, no, I am not deleting all those characters or transferring them off.

But why?!?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:


That makes absolutely NO sense. You can NOT be that invested in 93 characters. Especially so that you can't delete some to make more. Or transfer them off. (Which would make more sense as you can still play them periodically if you felt so inclined.)


You can only play one at a time. Unless you hold no job/RL responsibilities, you can only play maybe a few hours each night. Never nearing those massive amount of toons.


In all aspects it's just a hoarder's mentality. Just it's over pixels...

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But why?!?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:


That makes absolutely NO sense. You can NOT be that invested in 93 characters. Especially so that you can't delete some to make more. Or transfer them off. (Which would make more sense as you can still play them periodically if you felt so inclined.)


You can only play one at a time. Unless you hold no job/RL responsibilities, you can only play maybe a few hours each night. Never nearing those massive amount of toons.


In all aspects it's just a hoarder's mentality. Just it's over pixels...


what right do you have to say what he has invested in those chars? It doesn't matter if he logs in to them once a month or even once a year, it's none of your damn buisness. You've no idea how long he's had the account, or what those chars mean to him, or if he keeps them as a memorial to the 'better' days, etc. As for transfers, are you kidding me, 1000cc for 1, if you think it's so simple, you must hve a lot more money to waste then us sensible people.

I would be a lot ruder, as you probably deserve it, but I can't as this forum is heavily monitored .....

Also, just pixels???? really, do you know how much some pixel stuff goes for!!!!

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But why?!?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:


That makes absolutely NO sense. You can NOT be that invested in 93 characters. Especially so that you can't delete some to make more. Or transfer them off. (Which would make more sense as you can still play them periodically if you felt so inclined.)


You can only play one at a time. Unless you hold no job/RL responsibilities, you can only play maybe a few hours each night. Never nearing those massive amount of toons.


In all aspects it's just a hoarder's mentality. Just it's over pixels...


Just because your play style leaves you no cognitive room to make sense of how many other characters someone else may have does not in anyway invalidate another person's play style which may indeed include so many toons


I have 155 toons (down from 164) across 5 accounts


On my main account, I have 92 toons. Of those:


I have 3 toons reserving names sitting on each server = 15

I have 3 tanks, 3 healers, 3 DPS, of different subclasses, in both my imp and pub guilds, supporting LBLOs = 18

I have 8 stealth toons imp side permanently stationed in PVP instances dedicated to commander runs = 8

We're up to 41.


A full ecology of crafters = 6 different toons, and I also have a dedicated slicer each set = 7 per set.

I have one set per guild. I run 4 guilds across 2 servers plus my own crafters in my private guilds = 36.

Of those, 12 are among my toons supporting LBLOs, so taking out duplication, 24 altogether.

We're up to 65.


I have 4 toons on PTS.

We're up to 69.


In my private guilds, which consist of just me, and there is at least one such private vanity guild of mine on every server, are the remaining toons.


That's one account.

I have 4 others.


You are correct in that there is not enough time in a day to play them all. Just logging all of my toons across all 5 accounts takes about 90 minutes.


But my play style is not your play style, meaning it is not yours to fathom why I do what I do, just as it's not my place to care how, why, or what you do with your toons.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I'd have to agree that hanging on to all those extra characters doesn't sound sensible. I "only" have 20 characters, but there's easily 3 or 4 of them I could delete if I had to - I simply don't have that much invested in them.

I find it hard to believe that the OP can't find 9 characters to delete. (8 to bring the number down to "level" and then 1 more to create an empty spot.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Just because your play style leaves you no cognitive room to make sense of how many other characters someone else may have does not in anyway invalidate another person's play style which may indeed include so many toons

I think that after all is said and done, everybody should play the way they want but if you have an extreme playstyle...and some of you do...then there are consequences. It's just not reasonable to expect to be accomodated as much as people are asking for.


I have no problem with people having 60 or 150 characters but at some point that will cost you. Yeah the server merges created an issue but I do think that BW have gone a long way to accomodate this and the reality simply was that the game needed server merges to stay viable from a cost-perspective.


So play as you wish but there comes a point that extremes will cost you. If the OP has to buy or earn (cause you can buy them from the GTN for credits) them then that is the consequence of that choice. Create a new account if you must but there are limits to everything.


Again I'm fine with people wanting to play the way they want to. I'm not fine with people crying because they don't want to pay for their exorbitant wishes. Call it what you want but you can't deny that these numbers are far above average and there just are some realities out there that people have to deal with. It's not all fair perhaps but I do feel some people want things for free that just aren't reasonable all things considered.

Edited by Tsillah
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Again I'm fine with people wanting to play the way they want to. I'm not fine with people crying because they don't want to pay for their exorbitant wishes.


I agree. You won't see me whining to be accommodated regarding my mode of play. If I want more characters, and if I needed to buy more slots to do so, I would do so. I understand an exchange must be made to accommodate what I want. When I went over my limit after the merge, I did some shuffling around across servers and nixed at least 15 toons. So I do not agree with the OP.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I agree. You won't see me whining to be accommodated regarding my mode of play. If I want more characters, and if I needed to buy more slots to do so, I would do so. I understand an exchange must be made to accommodate what I want. When I went over my limit after the merge, I did some shuffling around across servers and nixed at least 15 toons. So I do not agree with the OP.

Then I would say we are agreed on the topic :D

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I think that after all is said and done, everybody should play the way they want but if you have an extreme playstyle...and some of you do...then there are consequences. It's just not reasonable to expect to be accomodated as much as people are asking for.




The problem with this is, most people had mulitple toons over different servers, that were kept UNDER the level and we didn't need to buy any more slots. BUT someone else, not us, decided to merge the servers, and we were caught over the limit. So you can't blame US for what others have done, we didn't go over the limits, they pushed us over. So now that we've a new species coming out, our only option is to pay CC's for char slots, or hope that they become cheap on the gtn again. And depending on how far over you are, it could be expensive.

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At peak I had 61 toons spread across 7 servers. The majority were in Bastion and Harbinger, I only spread out to the other servers to take advantage of the 90 cc transfer sale to remove some excess chars. When the merge happened, I was pref, and I had bought several server slots, but I still had to delete 31 chars. Yeah, feel my pain. All of them were at 50, which was the max at the time for me. So their class stories were at least complete.


But why?!?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:


That makes absolutely NO sense. You can NOT be that invested in 93 characters. Especially so that you can't delete some to make more. Or transfer them off. (Which would make more sense as you can still play them periodically if you felt so inclined.)


You can only play one at a time. Unless you hold no job/RL responsibilities, you can only play maybe a few hours each night. Never nearing those massive amount of toons.


In all aspects it's just a hoarder's mentality. Just it's over pixels...


I bolded the relevant aspect of your post as the source of your misunderstanding. I didn't have a main. I only have one [well, a couple] now because I've taken them through end-game stuff. Before that, I just made chars, finished their stories, got them to max level, and moved on to the next one. I didn't go back and play them unless they were crafters. Presumably many of the players in this thread are the same way. So it's not playing each char for an hour a night or something, no. It's taking a different char through the stories, making different decisions, different personalities....and moving on.


One of my main credit sinks atm is buying outlander token slots to recreate chars I lost. I won't be making all 31 [that would be way too expensive] but I've made about five since the merger. Server character slots are cheaper, but I don't want to start from scratch. I already finished their class stories, I just like having them around.


93 does sound like a lot to me, but I've heard bigger numbers, like xordeveraux above. Like him, I also play around with different setups. My castoffs are all in SF, and they have only a few SHs and crafters and, in general, a lot less of everything. I also have a private guild and my own SH and GS on my main server. And if i'd been around since launch, I might have made as many chars as OP. I have more responsibilities and different interests irl now than when I made the bulk of those chars - I think I've made perhaps three brand new chars since the merge - but I see no problem with the basic premise of being attached to a large number of chars without playing them constantly.


As for wanting more slots? Buy them. There's a sale coming. After the merger I started subbing for the first time [the stick actually worked for once!], and bought a bunch of server slots. As a sub, I have 28 free slots in my main server, 45 free slots on my secondary server [where all the cast-offs went], and as a pref I think it's about ten less for each. So I've still got room. and like xordeveraux, don't sympathize with OP to that extent.

Edited by Ardrossan
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As for wanting more slots? Buy them. There's a sale coming. After the merger I started subbing for the first time [the stick actually worked for once!], and bought a bunch of server slots. As a sub, I have 28 free slots in my main server, 45 free slots on my secondary server [where all the cast-offs went], and as a pref I think it's about ten less for each. So I've still got room. and like xordeveraux, don't sympathize with OP to that extent.


The point is, he's already over the limit by 8 toons, to get the new spieces, he'd have to buy 9 slots, and at present, they are about 30 million each on the gtn (last time I looked), or 600 cc's. Either way that's a bit much.

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But why?!?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:


That makes absolutely NO sense. You can NOT be that invested in 93 characters. Especially so that you can't delete some to make more. Or transfer them off. (Which would make more sense as you can still play them periodically if you felt so inclined.)


You can only play one at a time. Unless you hold no job/RL responsibilities, you can only play maybe a few hours each night. Never nearing those massive amount of toons.


In all aspects it's just a hoarder's mentality. Just it's over pixels...

As someone who has quite a lot of characters (though certainly not 93) I think it's less about being able to play each one on a regular basis and more about not wanting to delete something that you created and put time into. In addition to the character creator design of your character, if you're into Space Barbie, you may have a lot of outfits you stamped that were creative mix-and-match of your own design. Not to mention any sentimental value if you put a lot of thought into the character's backstory and picked their choices carefully throughout playing the story.


I'd hardly call it hoarding any more than, say, a hobbyist who builds model cars or something.


Furthermore, keep in mind that people who make lots of alts are the same people who probably have a high chance of creating at least one Nautolan character. Those who don't care as much, may not bother at all. So if anything, altoholics are the market here, for the new species (though not necessarily the highest number end of the curve). And while it is being granted with the expansion to those who are subbed during a certain period, there are probably some who will return, who have many alts, who may just go for getting it from the CM, to make one. So BW has reason to consider those people.


I don't know how technically advisable it is for them to continue expanding slots, but they kind of shot themselves in the foot with the steady consolidation of the number of servers (which is pretty much their fault for mismanaging the game, resulting in sharp declines in pop justifying the closing of servers).


Some people had characters more spread out prior to merges, which are now more consolidated on one server. It shouldn't be those players' responsibility to spend CC to distribute things if they are so inclined. That's just absurd. Plus, depending on locale, it might make very little sense to put characters on certain servers, assuming you ever plan on doing any kind of group content with them. There's also just the issue of legacies and how (IIRC) your highest level legacy will basically "take over" the existing one, but... only up to the point at which the character transferred had. You're still looking at making gains in multiple different legacies for new things that you might care about.


In cases like the guy you're replying to, I think what BW needs to consider doing, is find a way to provide a free allotment of transfers specifically for people who have characters way over the cap and have space on other servers. At least give them the option, without charging them, when it was BW's fault in the first place.

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Why should any player have to buy character slots AGAIN? It's fine for new players who have not already invested in extra slots but some of us had already brought extra character slots. When the servers merged I lost 60 character slots over the UK servers, 130 on the 5 that merged into Star Force . 80 on the other US server and over 100 character slots on both the French and German servers. I am sure if the OP has 93 he also lost a lot of empty character slots. Not only that unless we remain subs we also lose characters we have made which before the merge would not have as they were over several servers. So I fully support the OP. He's already paid and should not have to again. Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I am of the mind that they should simply raise the character limit to 100 per server. Even if people believe having 100 characters is excessive, that's each players responsibility. As far as BioWare is concerned, that's just more people paying to have more characters. The amount of extra data space required really isn't all that much and when you consider they've cut their costs substantially with the numerous merging and removal of servers, dozens of them, then I would have to argue that previously established limitations on characters should be removed to compensate the players. Especially when you plan on adding more races.


Arguing over why someone needs so many is, frankly, pointless. Some people want just five, some people want 50. Some just need one, others want many to use as pack mules and storage. Especially if they're buying and opening cartel packs and are loaded down with scores of useless items. Some do it to try and possess every armor in the game and cartel market, and having many characters means a lot more space and slots for playing dress up.


Really the reasoning itself doesn't matter, because everyone will have their own reasons. And so long as players have a reason, game companies can make money off it. I would also say that transferring characters from one server to another shouldn't have a cost for Subscribers. At least 1 character move a month free, anyway. As it stands, there isn't much of a reason for people to remain subbed. The "Roadmap" way of doing updates simply isn't viable. I'd wager the majority of subs only pay for a month when the new content is released, play that, and then unsub until the following year, since there's literally nothing else to do once you've done the new story bit. Which literally only takes a few hours at best. Leaving many people unsatisfied.

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The problem with this is, most people had mulitple toons over different servers, that were kept UNDER the level and we didn't need to buy any more slots. BUT someone else, not us, decided to merge the servers, and we were caught over the limit. So you can't blame US for what others have done, we didn't go over the limits, they pushed us over. So now that we've a new species coming out, our only option is to pay CC's for char slots, or hope that they become cheap on the gtn again. And depending on how far over you are, it could be expensive.


Not even going to say how many toons I accumulated via the server merges. I don't need to delete any to get a nautolan character (which I'm not particularly hot on anyway). I just have to pay to re-spec a current level 1 toon to nautolan in appearance designer. 792 cc's I believe. little more than a new slot, less than a transfer, and I still keep umpteenzillion toons/slots on one server. Or I just use one of the other servers of which I have plenty of empty slots. No biggie.


Maybe the devs will give a discount on the AD re-spec for slot-filled alt-collectors still playing the game? :D

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Why should any player have to buy character slots AGAIN? It's fine for new players who have not already invested in extra slots but some of us had already brought extra character slots. When the servers merged I lost 60 character slots over the UK servers, 130 on the 5 that merged into Star Force . 80 on the other US server and over 100 character slots on both the French and German servers. I am sure if the OP has 93 he also lost a lot of empty character slots. Not only that unless we remain subs we also lose characters we have made which before the merge would not have as they were over several servers. So I fully support the OP. He's already paid and should not have to again.


I opted to create as many toons as I could before the server merge; kept a whole lotta slots that way. :rolleyes:

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The point is, he's already over the limit by 8 toons, to get the new spieces, he'd have to buy 9 slots, and at present, they are about 30 million each on the gtn (last time I looked), or 600 cc's. Either way that's a bit much.


You heard me say I deleted 31 toons, right?


Also, the merger happened quite awhile ago. So it would have been possible to grind out that cash if he'd been around back then, but he wasn't. If I'd subbed at that time, I wouldn't have had to delete so many, but I didn't, and that's on me. People make choices.

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