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Dantooine Surveyor's Notes (The Event Currency)


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Are you kidding? Is this a joke?


The Dantooine event currency is bound to every single character. The rewards for doing all of these insufferably daily quests are bound to each character not each legacy.

In the stream just a week ago you said you had "learned from your mistakes" and were going to make everything bound to legacy. And then just two days later you make the currency bind to each character. Unlike every other event currency, Completed Bounty Contracts (from the Bounty Trackers event which does not bind at all and we can sell on the GTN), Gree Helix Components (from the Gree event which binds to legacy), Golden Certificates (form the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife which bind to legacy), Snow Covered Parcels, Rackghoul DNA Canisters.....


Unlike every other event currency, you decide to make the Dantooine event currency bind to every character even when you know that community HATES IT. Why?

Edited by septru
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Are you kidding? Is this a joke?


The Dantooine event currency is bound to every single character. The rewards for doing all of these insufferably daily quests are bound to each character not each legacy.

In the stream just a week ago you said you had "learned from your mistakes" and were going to make everything bound to legacy. And then just two days later you make the currency bind to each character. Unlike every other event currency, Completed Bounty Contracts (from the Bounty Trackers event which does not bind at all and we can sell on the GTN), Gree Helix Components (from the Gree event which binds to legacy), Golden Certificates (form the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife which bind to legacy), Snow Covered Parcels, Rackghoul DNA Canisters.....


Unlike every other event currency, you decide to make the Dantooine event currency bind to every character even when you know that community HATES IT. Why?


I agree with your point, but keep in mind you can earn approximately 7 currency each day, just by doing the three heroics and daily mission (the one for doing 6 dailies).


Pretty sure the most expensive item on vendor is 50 currency, ATM. So in 8 days, you'll have your companion! (which you need legendary standing to buy, so you need to run alts anyway, lol.)


TL;DR - I agree. Should have been bound. However, at the moment, not really a problem.

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Normal dailies should give more than just 1 piece of currency for daily combo. Current system gives only 1 currency per day for those who prefer playing solo and not pug for heroics (if not enough friends logged in/playing anymore).


1 currency per day is so little i am not going to even bother trying to get any vendor items. And since mobs don't drop any interesting loot this planet will be not be any use after running character through it once. Whole system is built on assumption everyone wants to do group content. :(

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Whole system is built on assumption everyone wants to do group content. :(


Not Everyone Does..... Some of us like to Solo or can't stand PUG's because of the jerks that join them.

Edited by denavin
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Nevermind all the other event currencies being legacy bound. It really puzzles me as to why they made it character-bound.


Agree: BOP currency for less than mediocre vendor items. What?


The designers must be exclusively working on $CM$ items for the expansion.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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TL;DR - I agree. Should have been bound. However, at the moment, not really a problem.


Stand by convictions and don't let them off the hook. It is bad, it's a stupid policy for this event to not have legacy bound currency.


You can't just accept it, because it's "not really a problem" although 99% of the playerbase hates this currency being non-legacy.


As long as they keep doing these dumb **** things, they are not making any progress and the game is only going to suffer. Stop with all the GD restrictions in the game, ffs.


It's just retarded how everything is so locked and gated behind different activities making you have to play a million alts which then get rewarded with a very rigid and chore-like process of only playing lots of alts because it's the only way to build rep or, or the only way to get lots of currencies (that are locked behind specific events and are not transferable via legacy in this newest case.)


If people just accept this type of change, BW continue to adopt it into future events and other gearing systems. That's why I hate giving them passes for doing dumb **** things.

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So I went back to look at my inventory.




You can't see it well but the Smuggler's Casino Chips are listed under the category "Event Currency."


Now Smuggler's Casino Chips are a unique. They are bought with currency not earned through missions. Which is probably why they are bound to character not legacy like all other event currencies. BUT EVEN IF we were to assume that the Dantooine Surveyor Notes should bind to each character... wouldn't they be under the Event Currency tab?


Let's be honest. Bioware had no idea what they were going to do. They did no planning when they created the currency. And they had no inter-developer meetings.They made a mistake.



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Indeed. This is the single most annoying thing about the new event, which I generally like. The only reasoning I can come up with is that they intend to artificially stretch out the amount of time needed to get the higher priced reputation rewards for specific characters in your legacy. Which will make many players turn away from the event and in turn really defeats the claim that they learned their lesson.
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This is an event I will pass. I already spent way too much time (years) grinding Gree for rep and heroic tokens along with re-grinding Rakghoul for companion purposes. At least the Rakghoul rewards multiple tokens whereas Gree rewards 1 per Heroic.


The grind for Dantooine (see also Umbara, Ossus) currency says everything about the current state of EA-Bioware.


Making everyone slow-grind non-legacy currency tokens for questionable looking legacy gear will burn players out quickly. The legacy gear itself is questionable in appearance - specifically the bald helmet and the flashing face-mask. Legacy recolors of the Rishi pirate gear would have been more preferable.



The currency for the umbara mission is also char bound, would like to see that legacy bound, and would also like to see the currency available in the other mission in that arc


I have long advocated the legacy-fication of the Umbara currency. Futhermore a Umbara stronghold kiosk should be placed alongside other kiosks on the fleet in addition to having a master stronghold kiosk in each stronghold to promote traffic to other public strongholds.


The current Umbara system is a ghost town. Grinding the flashpoint dozens of times just for the stronghold dulls any attempt to play again the flashpoint or visit the stronghold for a long time if at all - much less grind for more tokens to purchase the other stuff.

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tl;dr /signed


I wish they would make up their blasted minds and follow through: do they want to reward time & energy spent playing the game or not? It's so easy to create and run several alts, it's one of the strengths of the game - so why do they make ways to punish multiple alts (or at least dis-reward them)? All those 'event currencies' and such should absolutely be legacy-bound - and in the Umbara case, it's crazy. Once you unlock the train stronghold, all your toons (i.e., your entire LEGACY) can access it freely, so it makes no sense.

It was one of the shiniest moments in the latest stream when they said stuff was going to be legacy-bound. Here's hoping it really happens the way it should.

Edited by Lord_Thorne
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