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Remove that stupid unlock button on quickbars


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While the UI is one of the bits of the game you nailed (not that its an achievement since you basically copied KOTOR and we wouldn't have it any other way) - It still mystifies me why there's an unlock button on quickbar 1.


Im a clicker. I use a mouse to play.

And I play dps classes that are too complex to key bind effectively while retaining combat efficiency, and avoiding too much of a learning curve.

I would imagine most players play with a mouse.


In more furious fights, it's so common to be scrambling across your buttons and click it accidentally, next thing you know you're dead because your DCD has been replaced with a saber throw on cooldown.


I think its time to be sensible.

Go into the code for the interface rolling out in September.

Extract and delete all the functionality of the unlock button. Icons, programming, reference variables.


And just run a simple if loop - that results in the quick bar automatically unlocking when the abilities window is open, and being locked permanently with no other way to unlock it at all other times.


That probably wouldn't take more than half an hour to do and you'd completely solve the biggest failing and annoying glitch in your user interface. Seems like a win win.

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While the UI is one of the bits of the game you nailed (not that its an achievement since you basically copied KOTOR and we wouldn't have it any other way) - It still mystifies me why there's an unlock button on quickbar 1.


Im a clicker. I use a mouse to play.

And I play dps classes that are too complex to key bind effectively while retaining combat efficiency, and avoiding too much of a learning curve.

I would imagine most players play with a mouse.


In more furious fights, it's so common to be scrambling across your buttons and click it accidentally, next thing you know you're dead because your DCD has been replaced with a saber throw on cooldown.


I think its time to be sensible.

Go into the code for the interface rolling out in September.

Extract and delete all the functionality of the unlock button. Icons, programming, reference variables.


And just run a simple if loop - that results in the quick bar automatically unlocking when the abilities window is open, and being locked permanently with no other way to unlock it at all other times.


That probably wouldn't take more than half an hour to do and you'd completely solve the biggest failing and annoying glitch in your user interface. Seems like a win win.


Actually .. a REALLY long time ago they did try to make a change. It didn't work out so hot. I'm glad that they changed it back to where it's at.


I use to do a lot of clicking .. then I used the numbers on the top (some I think try to use the 10 key pad ??? Don't quote me on that one).

Also.. the one thing I'm going to look for (if I can find one) .. It's made by Logitec.. It's a gaming key pad with I beleive like 12 numbers on it (???) I've only seen it once so don't quote me on that either (sorry.. I'm just horrible this AM.. ) but it works in addition to the key board and is a USB hook up.


Like anything else it takes a bit to learn... But if my dad at age 90 can learn how to use an i-Phone .. I'm sure we can figure it out !

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Actually .. a REALLY long time ago they did try to make a change. It didn't work out so hot. I'm glad that they changed it back to where it's at.


I use to do a lot of clicking .. then I used the numbers on the top (some I think try to use the 10 key pad ??? Don't quote me on that one).

Also.. the one thing I'm going to look for (if I can find one) .. It's made by Logitec.. It's a gaming key pad with I beleive like 12 numbers on it (???) I've only seen it once so don't quote me on that either (sorry.. I'm just horrible this AM.. ) but it works in addition to the key board and is a USB hook up.


Like anything else it takes a bit to learn... But if my dad at age 90 can learn how to use an i-Phone .. I'm sure we can figure it out !


I'm glad to hear they know it's an issue. You are entirely correct there are alternative ways to keybind. I think I would go for a gaming mouse with keys on it if I ever did make the swap but I don't honestly see myself using keybinds, it's just not something im used to. Personally I'm all ready maybe just a bit above "completely average" and im not down to have to deal with learning everything again.


The thing is... I know Bioware. They make great stuff but the way they code is just insanely bad, I've never seen a game handled worse but I don't frequent MMORPGs so maybe its not just isolated to here.

Either way I'd place a wager on nobody thought of simply sending an unlock command to the quickbar every time the abilities window opens, and a lock command when it shuts again.

The unlock button would be to all intents and purposes unchanged in function, but the element of human control over when to unlock and lock it would be gone.


This takes away the chance for that particular human error to repeat.

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I think you can work around it.

The unlock button is only present on quickbar one.

So disabling quickbar one and running from 2 upwards could work.


It still makes the existence of the button a total detriment to clicking players though.

Which is a shame because thats a large majority of players

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I think you can work around it.

The unlock button is only present on quickbar one.

So disabling quickbar one and running from 2 upwards could work.


It still makes the existence of the button a total detriment to clicking players though.

Which is a shame because thats a large majority of players


ofc keybinding is the best way - however as stated above, move QB1 to the side for all the non-combat things - like Quicktravel, repair droid, mail droid, speeder, jet boots and use the other 5 as your main 2,3 or 4.


OR there might be a way of putting something over the little padlock icon, that you can't click ( such as the fringe of the mini map) or maybe drag QB 1 to the far left of the screen so the icon disappears off the edge of the display.


OR maybe leave QB1 slot 1 empty ( or something you can't click in combat - like a speeder) That way if you insist on clicking you're less likely to overshoot and hit the padlock.


The only kicker is that a class like sniper and gunslinger has a quickbar 1 that changes when one is in cover. - IIRC that has to se QB1.

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I don't want it removed, but maybe just make it so takes a double click or something. Or move it to a different location; I'm not sure what would be a better location though.


I click and keybind, and don't think I've ever hit the unlock icon by accident. The only problems I've had are when I've forgetten to lock it again after changing specs.


I change specs a lot, it only takes about 30s because I have my quickbars set up so I don't need to open up the ability window. Not having that unlock icon on the main screen would be a pita.

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ofc keybinding is the best way - however as stated above, move QB1 to the side for all the non-combat things - like Quicktravel, repair droid, mail droid, speeder, jet boots and use the other 5 as your main 2,3 or 4.


OR there might be a way of putting something over the little padlock icon, that you can't click ( such as the fringe of the mini map) or maybe drag QB 1 to the far left of the screen so the icon disappears off the edge of the display.


OR maybe leave QB1 slot 1 empty ( or something you can't click in combat - like a speeder) That way if you insist on clicking you're less likely to overshoot and hit the padlock.


The only kicker is that a class like sniper and gunslinger has a quickbar 1 that changes when one is in cover. - IIRC that has to se QB1.


Yeah. solid point about rdps classes. I forgot about hunkering down changing the rotation on bar 1.


Realistically. then. The best idea would be simply to make an extra menu option for quickbar one within the interface editor, that allows you to both hide and unhide the button at will. Changing spec would only take you a couple of seconds longer, although I'm not sure the former idea was terrible because its not even a big deal to open the abilities bar, I think its just a case of hit "P" / move window to one side / proceed as normal, the drawback being that's not very smooth or aestetic for players to use.


Still, the likelihood is you wouldn't be intentionally unlocking your bars in most cases unless you needed that window open - so it does kind of make sense.

Edited by sdom
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I don't want it removed, but maybe just make it so takes a double click or something. Or move it to a different location; I'm not sure what would be a better location though.


I click and keybind, and don't think I've ever hit the unlock icon by accident. The only problems I've had are when I've forgetten to lock it again after changing specs.


I change specs a lot, it only takes about 30s because I have my quickbars set up so I don't need to open up the ability window. Not having that unlock icon on the main screen would be a pita.


Maybe make it an option in the interface editor, an extra line in the menu of quickbar 1's panel that allows you to hide it from view and makes it impossible to click.


You must play very calmly lol. For me, im constantly in PvP against live opponents so in that kind of scenario, its just sadly something that happens to me all the time and I've seen happen to others,

If you've never scrambled your bars mid fight you are the luckiest player ever. Id be looking for Czerka Crates with a fortune like that!

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I think removing the lock would be a bad idea as it provides a visual cue that one's bars are locked/unlocked. I've also never accidentally unlocked my bars. That said, that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. Another game I play uses a hotkey to toggle the lock state of hotbars. Another option would be to add a toggle option to the Interfaces pop-up menu; perhaps under Open Interface Editor.
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While the UI is one of the bits of the game you nailed (not that its an achievement since you basically copied KOTOR and we wouldn't have it any other way) - It still mystifies me why there's an unlock button on quickbar 1.


Im a clicker. I use a mouse to play.

And I play dps classes that are too complex to key bind effectively while retaining combat efficiency, and avoiding too much of a learning curve.

I would imagine most players play with a mouse.


In more furious fights, it's so common to be scrambling across your buttons and click it accidentally, next thing you know you're dead because your DCD has been replaced with a saber throw on cooldown.


I think its time to be sensible.

Go into the code for the interface rolling out in September.

Extract and delete all the functionality of the unlock button. Icons, programming, reference variables.


And just run a simple if loop - that results in the quick bar automatically unlocking when the abilities window is open, and being locked permanently with no other way to unlock it at all other times.


That probably wouldn't take more than half an hour to do and you'd completely solve the biggest failing and annoying glitch in your user interface. Seems like a win win.



I use a combination of clicking and keybinds., and yeah, that's annoying as all hell and it happens enough of the time to make you want to punch your hard drive sometimes.


I once had to get a whole new computer because of it.


While that's probably avoidable for someone with even a modest amount of self-control, for a person with little to no self-control, it can be a problem.


Move that shizzle please BW. I can't afford a new computer right now.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I also click, and yeah, that padlock's location is a pain. I place abilities I never use in the spaces closest to the lock so I won't accidentally hit it. Effective, but means there are several wasted spaces.


I think it's a good point that the lock provides visual verification if the toolbar is open or closed, but I wish they'd make it harder to inadvertently unlock. Perhaps if they required a double click or made it a CTRL + key command, or gave us the option to add that extra layer of protection in our preferences.

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I also click, and yeah, that padlock's location is a pain. I place abilities I never use in the spaces closest to the lock so I won't accidentally hit it. Effective, but means there are several wasted spaces.


I think it's a good point that the lock provides visual verification if the toolbar is open or closed, but I wish they'd make it harder to inadvertently unlock. Perhaps if they required a double click or made it a CTRL + key command, or gave us the option to add that extra layer of protection in our preferences.


Yeah, I'd settle for even just that. I have literally lost fights in PVP over it. You accidentally move entire attacks off the bar and than your screwed until you can get out of combat.


I have a lot of stuff keybound, but I don't like full keybind play because it sorely effects full control over precise movement at times and for my playstyle, that's key.


I always wondered how this effected other players.

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  • 4 years later...

This really does need to be removed. I have been clicking buttons at the opposite end of the bar and they randomly start lifting up and replacing abilities over and over.  I am not sure if their is a hidden unlock feature or what but it is annoying and only affecting clicker players.

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The unlock button doesn't need to be removed. There are many times I move where abilities are based on the fights, and if I can't move them around that would annoy me far more.


If your having issues with accidently moving abilities during fights, simply keep it locked and you won't have that issue. In truth it should be difficult to accidently unlock your ability bar, that is a far smaller icon the if you were to actually click on an ability (If your a clicker).


I'd also suggest if you are a clicker, to try and learn to do hotkeys, you'll be able to hit your abilities far faster with hotkeys then by clicking.

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14 hours ago, rashad_steelwolf said:

This really does need to be removed.

Absolutely not.  The default keybinds for QB1 boxes 1 to 3 are right above the default keybind for moving forward, so there is less than no reason to click that end of QB1.

At the very least, it should not be *removed*, but moved somewhere else.  (Otherwise, how in the names of all the hells are you supposed to set your quickbar the way you want it?)

14 hours ago, rashad_steelwolf said:

I have been clicking buttons at the opposite end of the bar and they randomly start lifting up and replacing abilities over and over.  I am not sure if their is a hidden unlock feature or what but it is annoying and only affecting clicker players.

Learn to be at least a semi-clicker, where you click what's on the right and keybind what's on the left.

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15 hours ago, rashad_steelwolf said:

This really does need to be removed.

Most likely if they did remove it the same folks demanding that it be removed would be the same ones complaining about actions being dragged from their quick bars in "furious fights".

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Hell no. I constantly need to adjust things, specially because changing one option in the tree place the new selection not where i want it...... every ...single...time 😡

(and i don't want a new loadout for every combination of tree choices, because then keeping gear up to date is a pita).


So, why remove it?(or place in a different, not convenient, place) Just make sure it is locked then you won't have problems clicking. We have a lot of bars, Just leave the one with the button on the side empty or with non combar stuff and problem solved, no accidental unlocks during fights.


And, just a recomendation to those that strugle with keybinds. If you have problems with it, particular because is hard to adjust to the wide of a keyboard, try a keypad or an MMO mouse. Mouse side buttons are slower than keys, but with games with relative high global cooldowns it works nice. Once you stop clicking your core abilities, you are free to use mouse movement, witch is.....fantastic.

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There needs to be an option to lock the bar completely while in combat.  When in combat those buttons should be disabled; the ability bar lock and the UI dropdown too. People saying he should just lock it don't seem to understand how it works. I'm sure he does lock it. The issue is in the middle of a fight he is unintentionally unlocking it which then leads to all these abilities getting messed up mid fight. Another issue I've found is hitting the dropdown for UI settings. I click, but I use a controller for movement and targeting. 

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4 minutes ago, Dayshadow said:

There needs to be an option to lock the bar completely while in combat.  When in combat those buttons should be disabled; the ability bar lock and the UI dropdown too. People saying he should just lock it don't seem to understand how it works. I'm sure he does lock it. The issue is in the middle of a fight he is unintentionally unlocking it which then leads to all these abilities getting messed up mid fight. Another issue I've found is hitting the dropdown for UI settings. I click, but I use a controller for movement and targeting. 

I'd add that it should automatically lock in combat. That way it would also protect those who forgot to lock it. Having your bars scrambled in the middle of the fight - whether because you accidentally unlocked it (more common) or forgot to lock it (less so but still common) - is a pain.

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Make the lock along with the profile selector and the up / down arrows for cycling bars an element (or elements) that can be resized, repositioned or toggled on / off in the UI editor.

Other elements also need to be separated and have individual options to toggle on / off - like the stupid portrait frame that takes up way too much real estate and serves no purpose, other than to ensure I can't resize the god-awful narrow frame bars to a reasonable size with easy to read the values without the portrait taking up half the screen.

Edited by DawnAskham
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