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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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Where do you draw the line?


You draw the line at content, not items. That is the main difference here. The bonus content was actual story, which you could play through, not just another item.


If it does get offered again do not make it another one-time offer. You have to allow for new players who join the game (yes, you still get brand new players) to earn the reward as well.


It's been mentioned before but I also think making it a permant reward for a long-time sub (6 months to a year would be fair) is the best way to go. That way if a new player joins up a couple of years from now they can still get the chapter if they sub long enough.

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It should be noted that those who stayed subbed during those original months also got 7 months of premium play out of it as well as all the other sub rewards(HK companion, HK-inspired armor and weapons, etc.) from each individual month.


Are you suggesting that a new offering of the chapter would not include retaining HK-55 as a companion?

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Are you suggesting that a new offering of the chapter would not include retaining HK-55 as a companion?


No, not at all. I just meant equating the cost of 7 months of subbing to the chapter itself is not logically sound, since players got much more than just the chapter when paying for those 7 months. I'm sure most realize that already, but I felt like throwing it out there anyway to show how unreasonable it would be to calculate the price that way in a new offer of the chapter and HK-55 companion.


It's important to remember that the bonus chapter and the HK-55 companion were separate sub rewards though. I would definitely like to see both made available again(I already have one of them), but that would need to be taken into account in whatever new offer arises. I assume they would bundle them together in the same offer.


The companion you get for completing the bonus chapter is actually called Z0-0M. To access the chapter, it appears you had to have already gotten HK-55 back, so yeah, it's safe to say both rewards go hand in hand with each other.

Edited by Drenovade
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No this chapter and companion should NOT be made available to everybody. It was a one-time subscription reward and if you missed ... sucks for you sorry. Otherwise it devalues the reward it was when it was originally released and I feel lied too back then and Bioware telling us it would be unlikely that they made it available. Though the game is backed by EA through Bioware, so I wouldn't be surprised.



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No this chapter and companion should NOT be made available to everybody. It was a one-time subscription reward and if you missed ... sucks for you sorry. Otherwise it devalues the reward it was when it was originally released and I feel lied too back then and Bioware telling us it would be unlikely that they made it available. Though the game is backed by EA through Bioware, so I wouldn't be surprised.



Without getting into a discussion of the hostility shown in the above, there's a shred of something in what's said. It's not so much that it devalues *this* one (i.e. Shroud of Memory) as that it devalues ahead of time the *next* one.


But equally I think that after three years (yes, it's been more than three years since the required sub period began), it's been there long enough that the effect noted is less impactful. Sure, when they make another offer on the same basis (of something else) we'll know that we can wait and get it anyway, but we'll also know that we'll have to wait more than three years to get it. (And when SoM version 2 attracts "Hey! I missed that and it sounds really cool, give it to me!" posts, we'll be able to cite precedent and say "Sure, just wait until it's been out three years and they'll rerun it.")


Now, Mr Musco, about that idea of selling an electronic-only version of the Collector's Edition so we can have access to the CE vendor... How about launching that with the eighth anniversary at the end of this year?

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


We got it first, good enough.

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.




I have seen several threads to this affect. As many folk who are asking for it, surely there should be some sort of solution. Even though I left for a period of time, I have been here as a sub from the outset of the game. I understand the concern for trying to handle this as kindly as possible. And I believe from what you have posted this is being reviewed as carefully as possible.


Should there be prerequisites ? Probably. The exact definition and expectation of those would be up to someone inside your team to decide.


IMO... If the powers that be decide that they want to open up the accessibility to HK-55 for those who have since began to sub ... I have no problem with that at all.

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I don't have access to the chapter and I wouldn't complain if it stayed exclusive. If it's made available, I'd suggest requiring a user be continuously subscribed for the same amount of time during a period where new content is not being released. Then the cost is the same as what was paid to obtain it as an exclusive.


Exclusive items should really remain exclusive if you want them to have the effect of getting people to subscribe or play the game. If the perk is early access to content then it should be labeled in that way in the future.

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Now, Mr Musco, about that idea of selling an electronic-only version of the Collector's Edition so we can have access to the CE vendor... How about launching that with the eighth anniversary at the end of this year?


uhh heck no , THAT ^ is where the line should def. be drawn! :(


The CE gear is literally the only rare thing players like me have left in this game. (Besides civility of course )

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Agreed, the only acceptable way is that if it were brought as a premium CM item or required the same amounts of subscription time to unlock it. One suggestion in such a topic was to make subscription rewards based on how many months you've subscribed as opposed to when, so if you've subscribed for 6 months you'd unlock Shroud of Memory, I'd be fine with such a system if it were implemented but something else would kill the entire point of subscription rewards.


This could be a cool idea. Maybe SWTOR should start to implement a program like Warframe, etc. of login bonuses but for months subbed. Month 1 - Choice of silver or gold CM weapon. Month 2 - 10 pack Command XP boost. Month 3 - Random silver or gold character emote. Month 4 - Desirable character toy. Month 5 - Gold CM dye. Etc. Month 6 - HK chapter. Month 12 - Black/Black dye.


Rewards could be color crystals, bronze/silver armor sets, emotes (pets are pretty lackluster for most people unless a rarer one), toys, dyes, CXP boosts (or some boost relevant to gearing).


Each 6 month marker should be a more significant reward (something gold or desirable). 12 months, black/black dye. 18, some semi-popular gold armor set (i.e. fieldtech gunner vs. distinguished warrior). 24, Unique armor set only obtainable this way.


Unique, silver or gold quality armor sets are a great motivator. Not as detailed as Callous Conqueror or other high-salable CM offerings, but imagine if subbing were the only way to obtain something like Unrelenting Terror or Mandalorian Hunter.


Unique dyes or color crystals could also be desirable additions. Aquamarine and gold. Yellow and Yellow. Blue and Blue. Emerald green and neon green. Etc. (not something as sought after as Crimson/Crimson or Black/Gold.)


The strap attachment would've been a great one.


Classic SWTOR-themed flair.

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As much as I generally don't care for the chapter itself, the elevator scene is inspired and one of my favorite moments in all of the story content so far.

I'm all for people having a reason to log in more often and do more stuff than the same old thing. Why continuously find ways to make your players unhappy when they clearly want something (within reason, of course) and it's right there without too many additional hours to implement?

I'm also all for another DvL or similar event as a way for people to get the leveling armor again--that has been one of the most enduring and most used and most useful things I've ever received in this game as a reward--why not find a way to get people who missed it last time get a set for themselves?


Any exclusivity these things provided in the past--I just don't think we can afford to continue to deny easy ways to get people interested in subbing and participating more in the game.

When the game shutters due to lack of subs and participation, are you going to be sitting there clutching your pearls, going on about how you got that little reward 3 years before everyone else and now no one can have it or use it, including you? It doesn't MEAN anything in the grand scheme of things other than pettiness at that point.

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uhh heck no , THAT ^ is where the line should def. be drawn! :(


The CE gear is literally the only rare thing players like me have left in this game. (Besides civility of course )



might as well as make everything available via the CM if they cross that line...and that should include every limited mount, item, pet, etc that has ever been introduced and removed from the game. everything and be done with it all together.



why not make the chapter available for play, but no HK, Zoom, or deco. done and over with.

Edited by Qouivandes
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The way to resolve this situation is to give players plenty of advanced notice of when the clock starts ticking. For example, announce in August that starting with the release of date of Onslaught you will receive the quest 6 months after the release date if you stay subbed continuously.


That way is totally doable. But will require that everyone gets something to make it "fair" for those that already have it.


I like the way sharkfishman proposed it:

This could be a cool idea. Maybe SWTOR should start to implement a program like Warframe, etc. of login bonuses but for months subbed. Month 1 - Choice of silver or gold CM weapon. Month 2 - 10 pack Command XP boost. Month 3 - Random silver or gold character emote. Month 4 - Desirable character toy. Month 5 - Gold CM dye. Etc. Month 6 - HK chapter. Month 12 - Black/Black dye.

I like it because it is not date locked and because is a really good way for BW to apreciate the support of subs even in periods of low activity.


If that is not possible, i would insist that making them CM items is a good solution. Exclusivity for YEARS + free of (extra) charge for those who got them. The rest should pay. Nothing else to compensate.



In lots of games all so called exclusive content (even from pre orders) is just for a period of time. Those eventually get included for everyone as DLC or new packed version of the game and most certainly (because time passed) its way cheaper than original. At best the phiscal exclusives of "collectors" are not relaunched.

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IMHO HK-55 is a special case because he was a main story companion that everyone had for many chapters. He was NOT introduced as a "subscriber reward" like Nico or a game reward like Ranos. EVERYONE who had access to KOTFE had him as a main story companion and then had him taken away.


He is the only main story companion (as opposed to a temporary one like Marr or Acina) involuntarily taken away that cannot be recovered via the terminal. If I can recover Elara Dorne from the terminal when my character exchanged three lines with her on Iokath, or can retrieve almost every companion I've killed off or lost (like Torian and SCORPIO) it makes no sense to me that HK-55 is somehow off limits.


I don't need ZO-0M, I don't need another deco, but it would be nice if HK-55 could be returned to us like the other 50 companions in the game. Perhaps the compromise would be just that; let everyone play those chapters but only restore HK-55 as opposed to the other perks.

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.



Eric, as subs, we also had the bonus of playing the game while we waited for the HK reward...so there's no "equivalent" unless it's just a simple reward for being a sub for 4-6 months.


As someone who loves my uniqueness as much as anyone...don't worry about it so much. Nothing you do will please everyone. Let players experience it...it was a very fun chapter and it was unique for many things. Make a few $'s off of it or give it away for being a sub. We've had years of uniqueness...time to let others get a chance to play that chapter.

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He is the only main story companion (as opposed to a temporary one like Marr or Acina) involuntarily taken away that cannot be recovered via the terminal.


What? Taken away? All my characters have him still.

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What? Taken away? All my characters have him still.


Really? Because after he dies in Chapter 8, he's no longer summonable as a companion and is not recoverable from the terminal on any toon. Unless they have access to the extra chapter to recover him, he's gone and you don't get him back.


And the loophole of replaying an early KOTFE chapter and ESCing to keep him has now been closed.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Really? Because after he dies in Chapter 8, he's no longer summonable as a companion and is not recoverable from the terminal on any toon unless they have access to the extra chapter to recover him.


And the loophole of replaying an early KOTFE chapter and ESCing to keep him has now been closed.


Oh you're talking about that. I thought you meant he had been taken away for you sometime after his companion alert, which was another sub reward. I guess I just assumed you had done that since we're talking about his chapter.

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might as well as make everything available via the CM if they cross that line...and that should include every limited mount, item, pet, etc that has ever been introduced and removed from the game. everything and be done with it all together.



why not make the chapter available for play, but no HK, Zoom, or deco. done and over with.

For what it's worth:

* I was trolling a little bit with that - the reaction was more or less what I expected.

* I omitted to say that I was thinking of it being in the "Store" part of the website, like the Digital Upgrade is, rather than on the CM, so it would have to be bought with actual money.

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As someone who has this chapter, I think it should be made into a permanent promotion reward for buying a 6 month sub. If that does enough to make 6 month subs more popular, maybe BioWare will consider making more one off chapters like this that are only available to those who buy 6 month subs. It could be cool to get a chapter where we play as one of the many companions and relive part of their story during our time encased in carbonite. Dark Jaesa losing her master, or Gault meeting Vette and their first adventure together. Torian rejoining the clans, and waging their early failing war against Zakuul. One off side story chapters could also be a nice way to help fill that overly large and extensive gaps between story content dropping.
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And the loophole of replaying an early KOTFE chapter and ESCing to keep him has now been closed.

Apparently it *was* a loophole, but since it's a popular loophole and it doesn't do any harm, they are looking into reopening it for KotFE/ET temporaries (HK, Marr, Acina) without also reopening the thing they didn't want open (probably they didn't want people running around specifically with Anri and Tau, and HK, Marr and Acina were collateral damage).

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.





I feel that a 3 month sub would be sufficient for those that want access to HK-55 and the relevant Chapter. Not only for those that had been unable to be subbed during the original time, but for those that are newer to the game. I don't feel that new people playing SWTOR should be, in some ways, punished for not playing the game back then.


For instance, one of my children was too young to play back then, IMO, but now he's allowed to sub with his own money. Now both my boys are old enough and will most likely purchase the 3 month sub when school is out for the summer.

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Really? Because after he dies in Chapter 8, he's no longer summonable as a companion and is not recoverable from the terminal on any toon unless they have access to the extra chapter to recover him.


And the loophole of replaying an early KOTFE chapter and ESCing to keep him has now been closed.


So this seems to be a common point of confusion for a lot of people. Getting HK-55 back as a companion was separate from being rewarded the HK-55 bonus chapter. The companion, HK-55, was a reward for being a subscriber during the month of January in 2016, while to get the bonus chapter, you had to continuously sub from January all the way to August. Completing the bonus chapter then rewards a different companion named Z0-0M.


I can only assume they would bring back both rewards simultaneously, especially because to even access the bonus chapter, I believe you had to do the mission where you get back HK-55 first.

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