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10 Good
  1. I'm really tired of blocking someone who is trolling, only to get them to swap to another toon and continue the harassment. It NEEDS to be a legacy, not an induvidual toon thing too.
  2. I know this is absolutely going to seem kind of whiny, but I would LOVE for legacy-wide ignore. Today, I dusted off my tank for the first time in a long time to do the last boss of Dread Fortress. I know the mechanics the most as a healer, as I am a healer main personally. I figured it couldn't be TOO hard. Taunt a hand, stick with it, tunnel it, and keep it going. Well, long story short, the team killed my hand first,died to the other one pretty quick, and then told me to uninstall. This is after telling me my tanking is crap, but not giving me any points on what I was actually doing wrong. I'm getting really tired of people telling me to uninstall because I'm a bad player. I KNOW I'm a bad player. Thanks for rubbing it in. That's not helpful criticism. That's just wearing down what little energy I had left. I don't want to accidentally add this person on an alt to a raid I'm running only to have a repeat of what happened. I would like to propose that we add "Ignore Legacy" under the right-click menu. Then at least they wouldn't have to deal with my crap-tanking or crap-healing any more, and I don't have to listen to them be rude to me.
  3. Yeah! I missed it by 4 days because loss of job! This would be great!
  4. Only 2 mil? Gotta be at LEAST 5 mil an hour or it ain't worth Torian's time!
  5. I love it! XD And they tried feeding the hamsters and replacing them.
  6. It's about to be a nap. I can smell food coming from thje kitchen, which means my room mate is awake. Definitely time to be asleep.
  7. I'm torn. I've been awake 22 hours now. Do I nap for a few and hope that the servers aren't just back up, but there will be enough people awake to get some more conquest done? Or do I stay up and keep waiting? Decisions decisions... -left eyeball spasms repeatedly-
  8. customizable weapons still have slots the others are so the armstech can make a complete weapon without relying on an artificer to make him a crystal
  9. did you get all the other rewards in the mail? (nico companion, duster, etc) the free lvl 60 replaces the create a new character button the char creation screen
  10. you think there is group content coming? hahahahahahahahahahha the new way ops work are a joke, you just walk through them with anyone over level 50 and flashpoints are still solable, in fact they made them easier to solo by letting you pick them as solo mode and give you a droid companion that does the formerlly "group" content for you while you watch
  11. Or you could stick with your class storyline and not do all that other stuff till you finish act 3? The biggest change is that they made optional level paths (such as pvp) to be actually viable to level up now instead of 12x (being storyline only) You can essentially level up any way you want to, but you are complaining about having the options? For most people the storylines just that: storyline, you can do it when you want to at any level. You are the big bad *** hero who walks in and just wins at everything. If you are doing anything else it's (hopefully) because you were having fun. Nothings forcing you to pvp or do side missions other than you deciding if you enjoy them or not.
  12. You can reaquire him from the terminal that brings back old companions on the class that could normally get him You only need to do the pvp mission if you wish to recruit him as an alliance member, which is an option that you are not required to ever do I don't see any point in changing this, he is not required and he can be retained on the normal class that gets him without doing the pvp missions Also note: pierce on the imp side works the same way as 4x (pub side) as in: pvp required to get him as an alliance member but retrievable from the terminal on the class that normally gets him
  13. I was thinking the same thing. I already have 6 crafters (one of each) and was pleasantly surprised my new (free) lvl 60 came with synthweaving (I wanted a second one); but the only reason I'd consider buying 5 more lvl 60s is to get a second of every other crew skill. As it is I may still buy one more to get another armormech instantly but they missed out on 4 more sales from me. I'll just level those the old fashion way. I already have 20 characters but aside from my 6 crafters they were all designed around slicing + 2 gathering/mission skills to provide mats for my main crafters. Under the new double-crafting system (where you need components crafted and then assembly) I kinda want 12 crafters but don't want to lose my supply base of crew skills.
  14. you have a choice with the instant 60, play through the old story or start with the new one. starting with the new one you do not get free achievements, you need to earn those by actually playing through the content with a character
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