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'Heralds of Victory' Game Update!


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I have to ask again: Is a logo designer for guild masters considered content? (Honest question.)


Was all that time spent on PVP content? How about all that time spent on an OP? None of that added any content for me, or the many other players like me, who doesn't PVP or do OPs. The answer, of course, is yes that was content, and so is this. It may not be for you, or the broader player audience, but it is still content. With all the people who play space Barbie, spending so much time on their character design or their stronghold, do you think this won't be a welcome addition to some? Honest question.


Is this a minor update? Well yeah, the x.x.x updates have generally been minor. Should it have a name? Most other x.x.x updates has received a name. Let's look at some of the other x.x.x updates. 5.10.1: The Wretched Hive's main focus was the Geonosian Queen. 5.9.2: Galactic Legend added the Rishi stronghold and a PVP arena. 5.9.3: Fame and Fortune added Vandin Huttball. 5.9.1 didn't get a name probably because it's main feature was turning on Nar Shadda Nightlife. 5.6.1 also didn't get a name even though it added the Yavin warzone. 5.5.1: United Forces, the server merge, arguably a pretty major thing, was just an x.x.x update. But every one of those also included other features, bug fixes, and content. Out of those, the minor x.x.x updates going back over a year, only 5.9.2 and 5.5.1 had any great impact on me. The server merge was a big deal for everyone and Rishi because I play space Barbie. None of the OP or PVP crap was content for me.


Someone pointed out that BW is devoting time creating content for the minority rather than the majority of the community, and I don't disagree with that. Most of the community doesn't PVP or run OPs, but they are part of the playing community. So are us space Barbie players, and those of us who want more LI content (and want them to stop killing off our LI), and those of us still waiting on companions to return (Consular's and Knight's are still waiting for the second half of our crew to come back [5 of my characters, including my main, are affected by this]), and those of us who wouldn't mind more strongholds so we can continue building up our real estate empire in Star Wars: The SIMS Edition. If they focused on just the content I wanted it would leave the PVP and OPs communities out in the cold. I might like all that content but it's not something I want for those communities. So I accept that this studio, that is plodding along at a tortoise pace, isn't always going to release content that is aimed at me. I recognize that I am not the center of their development universe.


Maybe for those who have done it all ten times over, then ten times again, for whom this trickle of a content stream just doesn't do it, who want a Niagara that will never come need to step back and evaluate what they get out of their time playing this game. We can ask for more content all we want but it isn't going to come any faster. We can ask for specific content but they're never going to please everyone.

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Hello everyone!


It is my pleasure to announce Game Update 5.10.2 ‘Heralds of Victory’. It will be on PTS later this month and it will go live in April. The main feature of this update is the addition of a a new guild system called Guild Heraldry, which will allow guilds to create their own personal emblems. Additionally, the Preview Window has gotten completely revamped. For more specifics, the announcement article can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20190312


Next week, there will be an article going more in-depth about the changes to the Preview Window and another back-end update accompanying it.


this it really only thing your planning????


thats just an bad joke how about a new warzone, and no not an reskin off civil war or huttball or another arena map an new warzone or heh maybe make another one boss ops maybe few flashpoints guess thats to much to ask this what your now planning should be an extra to an actuel update that brings something worthwhile.

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Since Mr. Kanneg took over, every update or patch contained exactly what they had announced before. Or less. There was not one update that included a surprise or something they added on top in last minute. So, if you can be sure about one thing, it's that what they state they are working on is what they are working on. One thing at a time, just like Mr. Kanneg announced 2 years ago, when we was still posting on this board.


I think that it is delusional to still keep thinking that they are working on secret things in the background. It takes them that long to make an update like this. That's the truth. They don't lie about it. If they would have something more to present, they would present it. Why would they keep cool stuff a secret, especially if they know how people react here? It makes no sense. The answer is that what they state is what they have. Nothing more, nothing less. The answer is that what they state is what they have. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, maybe less.

6.0 is not a secret, the details of a major expansion are, as it has always been for this game and any other MMO I’ve ever played.


You can play armchair developer all you want, but Occam’s Razor tells me to just take things at face value instead of imagining I know more about the internal processes of a business than the people who actually work for it.

Edited by Karameck
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Let’s face it, Anthem has been shamozle of a launch.


Wow. I had to look this word up! It's an expression/word used in Australia that means "an event that turns out unsuccessful."



How do you say it, SHAH-MOZE-UL? Sha-mozzel? SHAM-oz-lee?

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Soooo...no story or anything of substance for solo players again. Got it.


Dude, have patience. They pretty much confirmed we are getting an expansion. So, like the rest of us, you will just have to wait.


The more time they take to work on the new story stuff, the better. Means its not being rushed and its gonna be good.

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Was all that time spent on PVP content? How about all that time spent on an OP? None of that added any content for me, or the many other players like me, who doesn't PVP or do OPs. The answer, of course, is yes that was content, and so is this. It may not be for you, or the broader player audience, but it is still content. With all the people who play space Barbie, spending so much time on their character design or their stronghold, do you think this won't be a welcome addition to some? Honest question.

As was said above, this "content" is for a few ... ie guild leaders.


How many people that do play space Barbie are going to hate this because they disagree with the "content" their guild leaders create and they don't really want to display it?

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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The more time they take to work on the new story stuff, the better. Means its not being rushed and its gonna be good.


That is a lovely, optimistic view considering how long it's taken to get small amounts of second rate story the past few years.

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That is a lovely, optimistic view considering how long it's taken to get small amounts of second rate story the past few years.
Everyone I talk to outside of the forums, and some people here, were thrilled with the Ossus story.


It’s obviously a subjective interpretation, but I was very impressed with the story and characters. I think this community in general is filled with a lot of people who have conflicting tastes, and it seems like often people’s personal dislike gets conflated with the idea that the story is “bad”.

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Hello everyone!


It is my pleasure to announce Game Update 5.10.2 ‘Heralds of Victory’. It will be on PTS later this month and it will go live in April. The main feature of this update is the addition of a a new guild system called Guild Heraldry, which will allow guilds to create their own personal emblems. Additionally, the Preview Window has gotten completely revamped. For more specifics, the announcement article can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20190312


Next week, there will be an article going more in-depth about the changes to the Preview Window and another back-end update accompanying it.


We know at least some Guild Heraldry is going to be tied to Guild Level (because that is what they said when they originally announced Guild Leveling and mentioned heraldry). Naturally, this announcement skipped right past that. Doesn't even mention it. Cynic that I am, I imagine the answer is because they know their plan to implement it won't be universally popular.


Here's my question: Will the only interesting or meaningful display options be available solely for guilds at 64+? It seems likely. Why else the hype around the guilds that made it to 64 in the minimum amount of time, and the step to increase the Guild XP ratio?


To be fair, guild levels seem to be intended as another alternative form of advancement. It makes sense they would place an incentive for those guilds to keep working toward. However, as the head of a small guild that has managed to wrestle exactly four guild levels out of Conquest over the same amount of time (and that's with a ton of work on the weeks where it's even theoretically possible given our member numbers and interests), I have to say I'll be disappointed if this is the case. The claim in the article is that guilds have 'flourished' - but that's mostly true only for some (e.g., very large) guilds, to whom the system already clearly caters. Lord knows the Conquest system revamp didn't do my guild any favors.


Please note: I'm not saying there shouldn't be rewards for those larger guilds, or that those rewards shouldn't be great. I am only asking that they not be the exclusive beneficiaries of all the nice ones. All that will do is further cement the feeling that BioWare only cares about the large guilds. They keep saying it's not true... but they are already straining my credulity big time.

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Everyone I talk to outside of the forums, and some people here, were thrilled with the Ossus story.


It’s obviously a subjective interpretation, but I was very impressed with the story and characters. I think this community in general is filled with a lot of people who have conflicting tastes, and it seems like often people’s personal dislike gets conflated with the idea that the story is “bad”.


The people I have talked while they like the story, they said it was too short. Took all of about 5-10 minutes to do and that for them and for a lot of people that like to do story is way to short.

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As was said above, this "content" is for a few ... ie guild leaders.


How many people that do play space Barbie are going to hate this because they disagree with the "content" their guild leaders create and they don't really want to display it?


And even some of guild leaders don't think it is content. It is something just for a few people and as someone mentioned what guild level is this going to be tied to or what hoops do you have to do to access it.

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The people I have talked while they like the story, they said it was too short. Took all of about 5-10 minutes to do and that for them and for a lot of people that like to do story is way to short.
I agree it was short, but from my understanding it’s meant to be a prelude to the real content coming down the pipes like 6.0. As long as the next expansion is good I’m fine with the current berevity. It’s something that I’m really withholding judgement on until I have a broader context. But what we did get, I found immensely enjoyable.


I see indications of a lot of good things, dynamic weather, increased (and higher quality) decos and outfits, new and well-developed characters, several recent companion returns, and increased communication in the forums. Time will tell if the destination matches the trajectory, but I feel comfortable with the current path.

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Dude, have patience. They pretty much confirmed we are getting an expansion. So, like the rest of us, you will just have to wait.


The more time they take to work on the new story stuff, the better. Means its not being rushed and its gonna be good.


Just have to wait he says... That's what we all do. All that's left that is.

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We know at least some Guild Heraldry is going to be tied to Guild Level (because that is what they said when they originally announced Guild Leveling and mentioned heraldry). Naturally, this announcement skipped right past that. Doesn't even mention it. Cynic that I am, I imagine the answer is because they know their plan to implement it won't be universally popular.


Here's my question: Will the only interesting or meaningful display options be available solely for guilds at 64+? It seems likely. Why else the hype around the guilds that made it to 64 in the minimum amount of time, and the step to increase the Guild XP ratio?


To be fair, guild levels seem to be intended as another alternative form of advancement. It makes sense they would place an incentive for those guilds to keep working toward. However, as the head of a small guild that has managed to wrestle exactly four guild levels out of Conquest over the same amount of time (and that's with a ton of work on the weeks where it's even theoretically possible given our member numbers and interests), I have to say I'll be disappointed if this is the case. The claim in the article is that guilds have 'flourished' - but that's mostly true only for some (e.g., very large) guilds, to whom the system already clearly caters. Lord knows the Conquest system revamp didn't do my guild any favors.


Please note: I'm not saying there shouldn't be rewards for those larger guilds, or that those rewards shouldn't be great. I am only asking that they not be the exclusive beneficiaries of all the nice ones. All that will do is further cement the feeling that BioWare only cares about the large guilds. They keep saying it's not true... but they are already straining my credulity big time.


I can add some clarity to your concerns. The icons and backgrounds that make up Guild Heraldry will not have a Guild level restriction at launch. They’ll all be available from the get-go to Guilds of any size! Since this was just an announcement article, I am planning to go more in-depth on the finer details like this in the blog about Guild Heraldry coming before launch.

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I can add some clarity to your concerns. The icons and backgrounds that make up Guild Heraldry will not have a Guild level restriction at launch. They’ll all be available from the get-go to Guilds of any size! Since this was just an announcement article, I am planning to go more in-depth on the finer details like this in the blog about Guild Heraldry coming before launch.


Daniel, I couldn't send this as a private message to you so I'm sending it here:


You're doing a good thing by communicating with the players.


Please don't feel put off or unappreciated for doing so because of the debate and vitriol surrounding the announcement of the guild heraldry.


There's people who appreciate your efforts regardless what you're announcing :)

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Daniel, I couldn't send this as a private message to you so I'm sending it here:


You're doing a good thing by communicating with the players.


Please don't feel put off or unappreciated for doing so because of the debate and vitriol surrounding the announcement of the guild heraldry.


There's people who appreciate your efforts regardless what you're announcing :)


Agreed. Thanks for keeping the communication Dan!.

Edited by FlameYOL
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Daniel, I couldn't send this as a private message to you so I'm sending it here:


You're doing a good thing by communicating with the players.


Please don't feel put off or unappreciated for doing so because of the debate and vitriol surrounding the announcement of the guild heraldry.


There's people who appreciate your efforts regardless what you're announcing :)


Ha! He's already blocked you :p

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The people I have talked while they like the story, they said it was too short. Took all of about 5-10 minutes to do and that for them and for a lot of people that like to do story is way to short.


People don't realize that there are two different stories of course the story going to be shorter. Also what you are saying is impossible You had to of skip the cutscene to do it in 5 or 10 minutes since the cutscene for each side is 30 minutes each, you can go to youtube to check what I am saying. Here's a link to empire story cutscenes https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D0qXJ4E9bXfg&ved=2ahUKEwjGw_zixILhAhVNrZ4KHZWrAjkQwqsBMAB6BAgGEAU&usg=AOvVaw0eHDbOOSm9Mw-vnP-RhD2G

Edited by commanderwar
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I can add some clarity to your concerns. The icons and backgrounds that make up Guild Heraldry will not have a Guild level restriction at launch. They’ll all be available from the get-go to Guilds of any size! Since this was just an announcement article, I am planning to go more in-depth on the finer details like this in the blog about Guild Heraldry coming before launch.


Thank you, Daniel. I very much appreciate the reply.


However, the design elements are a separate issue from their display options. My concern wasn't the former, but the latter. What good is it to a small guild to create a kick *** design if it's never going to be possible to display it well?


Now that you have mentioned it, though, I see that there is room for expansion in the design elements in the future for guilds based on level - and I think that's super fair, as long as iconic elements are not restricted in that manner.


I look forward to reading the blog when it comes out!

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I had a thought regarding the pts.. on live servers only guild leaders and officers should be able to edit the appearance of the heraldry I'm assuming... that would make sense.. but my request.. for the pts... can you make it so anyone can experiment with the design interface? That would greatly improve the number of interested testers and therefore the quantity of the feedback. Just a thought.. will probably @one of you on Twitter about this as well. Besides that I'm beyond excited for this update.
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Dude, have patience. They pretty much confirmed we are getting an expansion. So, like the rest of us, you will just have to wait.


The more time they take to work on the new story stuff, the better. Means its not being rushed and its gonna be good.


LOL, I'm not a dude. And as someone else said, the fact that it takes forever to get it out doesn't mean it's going to be any good.

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Everyone I talk to outside of the forums, and some people here, were thrilled with the Ossus story.


It’s obviously a subjective interpretation, but I was very impressed with the story and characters. I think this community in general is filled with a lot of people who have conflicting tastes, and it seems like often people’s personal dislike gets conflated with the idea that the story is “bad”.


Does that include those who wanted to switch factions? Because across social media, Reddit, etc. I think I've seen precisely one or two people who liked being saboteurs or being pressed back into service in factions they don't want to be in, especially after that possibility of truly being able to defect was dangled in front of players with switching sides for Iokath.

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Does that include those who wanted to switch factions? Because across social media, Reddit, etc. I think I've seen precisely one or two people who liked being saboteurs or being pressed back into service in factions they don't want to be in, especially after that possibility of truly being able to defect was dangled in front of players with switching sides for Iokath.


I liked most of the story, except I felt my character was diminished at the end. It started out good, but I would have preferred it if the story was more along the lines of a semi to permanent alliance that gave me equal power or close to it with the side I chose.

ie, I should be the same rank or second only to Acina if I choose Imperial. I should not have to answer to Malgus or Malora. If anything, they should be bowing and scrapping to me. There is no deference from them, I may as well be one of their underlyings.

The rest of the story (besides that) was fine. I just don’t like going from being the commander of a whole alliance to being a pleb again.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I liked most of the story, except I felt my character was diminished at the end. It started out good, but I would have preferred it if the story was more along the lines of a semi to permanent alliance that gave me equal power or close to it with the side I chose.

ie, I should be the same rank or second only to Acina if I choose Imperial. I should not have to answer to Malgus or Malora. If anything, they should be bowing and scrapping to me. There is no deference from them, I may as well be one of their underlyings.

The rest of the story (besides that) was fine. I just don’t like going from being the commander of a whole alliance to being a pleb again.


I liked Anri and Tau and the scenery but I definitely felt as though my characters had been knocked back down to the status they might have had as apprentices and I was not fond of that. They were lackeys.


I also intensely disliked not being able to switch sides full out. Based on the characters' actions it made little sense sometimes. My Jedi is DS V, is married to a Sith woman, has been undermining the Jedi since the class story, killed Republic people whenever she could during KOTFE and sided with the Empire during Iokath. She would never have been convincing as a saboteur because the Republic should fully be aware that she hates them by this point.

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Does that include those who wanted to switch factions? Because across social media, Reddit, etc. I think I've seen precisely one or two people who liked being saboteurs or being pressed back into service in factions they don't want to be in, especially after that possibility of truly being able to defect was dangled in front of players with switching sides for Iokath.
The general perception among the people I talk to is

1) It's fine, Imp vs Pub is really what Star Wars is all about at it's core

2) It's too early to know what it will look like, but based on the story so far it's fine


I mean, we know based on what's popping up when we complete certain actions that we are "pleasing Balkus" or "hurting Republic Morale". It's pretty clear there will be more to the double agent story that we haven't seen yet.

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