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'Heralds of Victory' Game Update!


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So you're saying it's a question of semantics. EA is not allowed to use the word "update" for minor content updates.

Please let Eric Musco know what the precise term should be for each degree of content update so no one gets all upset that the wrong term is being thrown around for whatever amount of content being released at that time.

I think the point people are trying to make is that if all this update contains is some cosmetic thing for a guild logo, it's a little light. An addition like that is more like a footnote on patch notes, not the crowning addition.

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Wait !! You all have time to think and plan this new idea out but you can't fix the broken stuff from 5.10 ?!!!

For real are you all calling Johnny Monsarrat ( turbine dumbarse) for gaming advice ?

Fix the bugs then come up with new stuff. Your true supports will wait on expansion, new icon, better layouts just fix what is broken.

If there is 50 bugs in the game make a post of them.Let us know that you know and a time line on fixing then.We have problems in the game that effect our fun game play.Fix what is broken then move forward. If not then we will just move on to another stable game. As for me I have 60 days left before renew sub comes up, if 5.10 bugs are not fixed then well I'll drop my Sub and also drop the 30 & 60 games cards i buy to give away as contest prizes.

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There is a couple people to quote but I’m on moline which makes quoting a little difficult so...



I mean getting upset because they called it an update is a little ridiculous because it is still an update. Technically they patch they did to fix the update because they updated the game to fix the exploit.


As for as the announcement itself is something everyone is asking for. More dev communication. Use of the news sections. Even if it’s a small update on something that I may not be rooting for, I am still happy it’s getting announced because it still shows a direction forward and it shows communication which is something we wanted and we should get.


Constructive feed back is one thing but the negativity is another. All that’s going to do is seen the devs back in the corner and we are going to be back where we were getting no communication.


And some of you are right. Some of the these QoL improvements should have been there years ago, but at least a team took the time to make them. Because at the end of the day it’s better to have them then not have them.


Lastly, with the new gear tiers and the grind envolved how can one not expect several months with out new story? Have to make that grind have a purpose, whether you personally like it or not. Plus it gives them time in between the story updates to do QoL updates and to add features to the game. New features isn’t a bad thing.


*Sorry for mistakes. I’m on mobile*

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I think the point people are trying to make is that if all this update contains is some cosmetic thing for a guild logo, it's a little light. An addition like that is more like a footnote on patch notes, not the crowning addition.




I think we're also seeing collective frustration on:


1. the dearth of updates and lack of information on future updates to most types of content in general;

2. the bugs that aren't fixed yet from 5.10's roll-out that are making the game unpleasant (the companion issues, the erased influence, etc.)

3. the few bits of content that seem to be rolling out as well as the bent of the new gearing system appear to be catering to a specific type of group player (ie, the Ops boss, the crafting pieces only in one NiM Op, etc.)


I do appreciate the increased dev communication as it is something that many players have wanted for a long time.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Does it really, truly, in the end, matter? Get 10 people in the room and you'll get ten answers as to what takes "priority" for the right-this-second gotta have it gotta have it gotta have it NOW people.


Where's my PVP update?

Forget the PVP update, I want new skill trees!

Screw that, where's my new stronghold?

Forget strongholds, we need wrinkles and more skin colors for twi'leks and better eyes!

Forget eyes! We need new mounts!

No, we need new pets!

No, we need all these graphic bugs fixed first!

No, we need new conquest objectives!

No, we need....


You see? Argue till you're blue in the face for what you think should come next. There's a line forming behind you of people willing to disagree.


Just let EA roll out whatever they're gonna roll out and go with the flow, because at this point, hyperventilating about what's bundled with what when just means you're popping an artery over something that at the end of the day really affects a far smaller subset of players than what anyone else cares to scream about.


No one will ever agree as to what is priority.


Just let EA put out the content, update, however you want to characterize or twist what they're doing to fit your narrative on the state of the game, and don't worry about it.





It's reason then!

Seriously great post, spot on

This actually a very important and great feature for guilds

Edited by commanderwar
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Does it really, truly, in the end, matter? Get 10 people in the room and you'll get ten answers as to what takes "priority" for the right-this-second gotta have it gotta have it gotta have it NOW people.


Where's my PVP update?

Forget the PVP update, I want new skill trees!

Screw that, where's my new stronghold?

Forget strongholds, we need wrinkles and more skin colors for twi'leks and better eyes!

Forget eyes! We need new mounts!

No, we need new pets!

No, we need all these graphic bugs fixed first!

No, we need new conquest objectives!

No, we need....


You see? Argue till you're blue in the face for what you think should come next. There's a line forming behind you of people willing to disagree.


Just let EA roll out whatever they're gonna roll out and go with the flow, because at this point, hyperventilating about what's bundled with what when just means you're popping an artery over something that at the end of the day really affects a far smaller subset of players than what anyone else cares to scream about.


No one will ever agree as to what is priority.


Just let EA put out the content, update, however you want to characterize or twist what they're doing to fit your narrative on the state of the game, and don't worry about it.





This is mostly how I feel anymore. They focus on one thing and the other 9 people threaten to unsub. Next time they focus on another thing and the other 9 people, including the one who got there's last time, threaten to unsub.

Or just throw out profanity and rage because "they're not listening" to that crowd at that particular moment.


Gold posts increase when people are super angry about lack of gold posts, and because they aren't personalized for that person/that person's group that myopically does one single thing in this game with lots of separate things to do, the communication is still worse than ever like nothing actually changed.


Is it not clear by now they can't "do all the things" "all at once" for "all of us"? Because it definitely seems like that flies over the head of a large portion of people around here every. single. time. something. happens.

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I'm super excited for this!! And for those complaining that "this is too small for an update.. well that's why its 5.10.2 and not 5.11 we have had a decent amount of content since December and the increased dev comms is awesome. As a 7 year player I don't see why all the negativity.. I'm happier in past 3 months than I've ever been in this game
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Thanks for the update, a shame that the Guild Heraldry wasn't able to come with 5.10 but looking forward to it being here on April. The preview window changes are also a great quality-of-life change, but as many others have said. I don't think that this is enough content, patch or content update whatever you want to call it by April it'll have been 5 months since 5.10 and 2 since Queen which is just one boss, a very cool one but still just one boss. I do realize developing things takes time, however I do hope that more is coming on April or at the very least you're holding back more content to be showcased in Star Wars Celebration.
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The Good:

Happy to see anything new added to SWTOR. Hope that the things they add don't break 10 other things, for the sake of those that are still trying to play and enjoy this game. Happy to see increased communication from developers, and even Eric is posting more often! I hope they will continue with the improved communication around here, it is more than a little overdue.


The Bad:

The reason so many people are complaining here about every little thing is that SWTOR has a fairly sizable community of dissatisfied players. Some of us who were here from launch, vocal on the forums, and community members became dissatisfied enough to leave SWTOR. So far, very little about the way SWTOR is being developed is encouraging people to come back.


Yes, the addition of guild heraldry is a nice little addition that I'm sure those who run guilds or participate in guilds will enjoy. But I have to agree that nearly 7 1/2 years into development to be adding these things for guilds seems like an almost afterthought. I'm sure the 30 guilds that are big enough to enjoy guild leveling and the guild perks are doing so, but the world of SWTOR has been designed to be their oyster. Not a big mega-guild? Then I'm sorry to say that here is just another "update" that will be a blip on the radar for you as you wait, and wait, and wait for something significant to be added that will take more than a half hour to complete before you're "out of new content" again. Adding 15 minutes of new content and story is great and all, but you have to do it more often than twice a year if you're going to do the "small batches of content" method and ask people to pay monthly for this game. This fall it will have been THREE YEARS since there was a sizable expansion. Sorry, but for most people in the gaming sphere, that's just too long. Especially when you are asking them to pay money every month for the privilege of waiting for something to do in your game.


No one telling people here to "calm down" can deny that this game's content release rate is abysmal. I'm sorry, but compared to just about every other subscription based game out there, IT IS CONTENT STARVED. And not just one type of content... ALL TYPES. Nothing that they are doing (yet) is alleviating that feeling for people that still play, attracting old players to return, or keeping long-time players here and playing. That is the reason nothing is good enough for a lot of people, and the reason the game continues to shrink and decline. And don't even get me started on the fact that much of what gets added to the game here is a change to an existing system, not something truly new. That doesn't help either. Add to this that things like new gear grinds without enough new content to grind on results in burn-out city, and you have where we are right now. Ossus is great, I'm told. But it isn't enough to support the very lengthy gear grind they have laid out to busy people until "the elusive 6.0" (as Musco himself called it) arrives. Too much grind, too little new stuff. This is a balance they used to get right back in the days of 2.0, and 3.0 in particular, but have forgotten how to manage.


So while it seems a little "nit-picky" to bash this update and argue over whether or not it is "enough to be considered an update", I totally get why the nits are being picked. The bottom line is that very little in the development cycle of this game for the last few years has been even satisfactory for any group of SWTOR players... such that when they proudly trot out a little teeny bit of quality of life that, while nice, probably should have been added years ago and pat themselves on the back for it... most people feel like: "Is this all?"


We've been asking "Is this all?" for too long. It's time for a change, Developers. More frequent "updates" of this size (small) - like every other month frequency at least! Or, roll up your sleeves and put out an actual expansion. Quit taking so much time to add little bits and pieces. More speed or more substance are required from you now. Just as more communication on the forums are required from you now. Too many years have passed without the bare minimum for too many people. In fact, the last time I was "excited" about upcoming SWTOR content was when discussion of returning to the old model of open world planet based daily areas (Iokath, at the time) was happening. In a live-stream from the developers. That used to take place frequently! Back when the last real surge of subscription-paying players happened.


Do something to change the trajectory of player retention, and something that will entice long-time supporters to come back and play your game again. There won't be anybody more loudly singing your praises if you do, I can promise you that.


Until then, nice job on the Guild Heraldry system. I think a lot of us would be happier about it if we hadn't spent the last few years watching the guilds we built fade into nothingness as guild members left SWTOR for other games due to lack of significant content updates.



Edited by PennyAnn
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I'm super excited for this!! And for those complaining that "this is too small for an update.. well that's why its 5.10.2 and not 5.11 we have had a decent amount of content since December and the increased dev comms is awesome. As a 7 year player I don't see why all the negativity.. I'm happier in past 3 months than I've ever been in this game

you forgot the "sarkasm On" - "sarkasm off" mark,or?

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The Good:

Happy to see anything new added to SWTOR. Hope that the things they add don't break 10 other things, for the sake of those that are still trying to play and enjoy this game. Happy to see increased communication from developers, and even Eric is posting more often! I hope they will continue with the improved communication around here, it is more than a little overdue.


The Bad:

The reason so many people are complaining here about every little thing is that SWTOR has a fairly sizable community of dissatisfied players. Some of us who were here from launch, vocal on the forums, and community members became dissatisfied enough to leave SWTOR. So far, very little about the way SWTOR is being developed is encouraging people to come back.


Yes, the addition of guild heraldry is a nice little addition that I'm sure those who run guilds or participate in guilds will enjoy. But I have to agree that nearly 7 1/2 years into development to be adding these things for guilds seems like an almost afterthought. I'm sure the 30 guilds that are big enough to enjoy guild leveling and the guild perks are doing so, but the world of SWTOR has been designed to be their oyster. Not a big mega-guild? Then I'm sorry to say that here is just another "update" that will be a blip on the radar for you as you wait, and wait, and wait for something significant to be added that will take more than a half hour to complete before you're "out of new content" again. Adding 15 minutes of new content and story is great and all, but you have to do it more often than twice a year if you're going to do the "small batches of content" method and ask people to pay monthly for this game. This fall it will have been THREE YEARS since there was a sizable expansion. Sorry, but for most people in the gaming sphere, that's just too long. Especially when you are asking them to pay money every month for the privilege of waiting for something to do in your game.


No one telling people here to "calm down" can deny that this game's content release rate is abysmal. I'm sorry, but compared to just about every other subscription based game out there, IT IS CONTENT STARVED. And not just one type of content... ALL TYPES. Nothing that they are doing (yet) is alleviating that feeling for people that still play, attracting old players to return, or keeping long-time players here and playing. That is the reason nothing is good enough for a lot of people, and the reason the game continues to shrink and decline. And don't even get me started on the fact that much of what gets added to the game here is a change to an existing system, not something truly new. That doesn't help either. Add to this that things like new gear grinds without enough new content to grind on results in burn-out city, and you have where we are right now. Ossus is great, I'm told. But it isn't enough to support the very lengthy gear grind they have laid out to busy people until "the elusive 6.0" (as Musco himself called it) arrives. Too much grind, too little new stuff. This is a balance they used to get right back in the days of 2.0, and 3.0 in particular, but have forgotten how to manage.


So while it seems a little "nit-picky" to bash this update and argue over whether or not it is "enough to be considered an update", I totally get why the nits are being picked. The bottom line is that very little in the development cycle of this game for the last few years has been even satisfactory for any group of SWTOR players... such that when they proudly trot out a little teeny bit of quality of life that, while nice, probably should have been added years ago and pat themselves on the back for it... most people feel like: "Is this all?"


We've been asking "Is this all?" for too long. It's time for a change, Developers. More frequent "updates" of this size (small) - like every other month frequency at least! Or, roll up your sleeves and put out an actual expansion. Quit taking so much time to add little bits and pieces. More speed or more substance are required from you now. Just as more communication on the forums are required from you now. Too many years have passed without the bare minimum for too many people. In fact, the last time I was "excited" about upcoming SWTOR content was when discussion of returning to the old model of open world planet based daily areas (Iokath, at the time) was happening. In a live-stream from the developers. That used to take place frequently! Back when the last real surge of subscription-paying players happened.


Do something to change the trajectory of player retention, and something that will entice long-time supporters to come back and play your game again. There won't be anybody more loudly singing your praises if you do, I can promise you that.


Until then, nice job on the Guild Heraldry system. I think a lot of us would be happier about it if we hadn't spent the last few years watching the guilds we built fade into nothingness as guild members left SWTOR for other games due to lack of significant content updates.




This. As it stands our guild has stopped playing and we been here since launch and went through 2 mergers. While this may have been nice before, now it is a little late. We keep hoping they will do something that would be fun again but they haven't and the sad thing is I used to be very supportive of BW, to the point my boyfriend always told me I would find a silver lining in most everything and now I just don't not with all they have done the last few years.

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Does it really, truly, in the end, matter? Get 10 people in the room and you'll get ten answers as to what takes "priority" for the right-this-second gotta have it gotta have it gotta have it NOW people.


Where's my PVP update?

Forget the PVP update, I want new skill trees!

Screw that, where's my new stronghold?

Forget strongholds, we need wrinkles and more skin colors for twi'leks and better eyes!

Forget eyes! We need new mounts!

No, we need new pets!

No, we need all these graphic bugs fixed first!

No, we need new conquest objectives!

No, we need....


You see? Argue till you're blue in the face for what you think should come next. There's a line forming behind you of people willing to disagree.


Just let EA roll out whatever they're gonna roll out and go with the flow, because at this point, hyperventilating about what's bundled with what when just means you're popping an artery over something that at the end of the day really affects a far smaller subset of players than what anyone else cares to scream about.


No one will ever agree as to what is priority.


Just let EA put out the content, update, however you want to characterize or twist what they're doing to fit your narrative on the state of the game, and don't worry about it.





Would you mind not putting words in my mouth? I said the tweaks were good but I was disappointed that that's all we were getting. I wasn't "hyperventilating" or "popping an artery" or threatening to unsub or anything remotely resembling that. Honestly, you're the one getting all super worked up over a mild expression of disappointment. You might want to take your own advice and chill. :D

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I think the point people are trying to make is that if all this update contains is some cosmetic thing for a guild logo, it's a little light. An addition like that is more like a footnote on patch notes, not the crowning addition.


Especially with 5 months to work on it?


I would say light is an understatement. I really hope there is more meat to this “update” than they are telling us or what should we expect as an expansion in another 6-9 months?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Especially with 5 months to work on it?


I would say light is an understatement. I really hope there is more meat to this “update” than they are telling us or what should we expect as an expansion in another 6-9 months?

Except we don't know the actual time spent on this, or what else was being worked on in the same time frame.


This coming out does not mean it was their sole time investment since the last update, nor is it a reasonable assumption that nothing else was being worked on. They managed to finish something, and are now pushing it out. That's all we know, anything else is speculation.

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Except we don't know the actual time spent on this, or what else was being worked on in the same time frame.


This coming out does not mean it was their sole time investment since the last update, nor is it a reasonable assumption that nothing else was being worked on. They managed to finish something, and are now pushing it out. That's all we know, anything else is speculation.


While what you say is true, I would just point out that all anyone CAN do is speculate, because Bioware are silent on the future of the game. They mention an "elusive 6.0" expansion, but then say nothing else about anything else that's coming up if it isn't in the very next patch. No road map. No idea of when anything will come other than the in-game "events" that have been happening every other week for years. I would suggest to them that if they'd even HINT about what else was being worked on, it would make it seem a lot less like nothing much is.


The increased communication is great. Absolutely. Just pair that with some real information + some actual reaction to the feedback from us that they keep asking for, and it might be a lot less cringey and whiney around here among the disgruntled (barring the few that will never be happy no matter what).



Edited by PennyAnn
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Except we don't know the actual time spent on this, or what else was being worked on in the same time frame.


This coming out does not mean it was their sole time investment since the last update, nor is it a reasonable assumption that nothing else was being worked on. They managed to finish something, and are now pushing it out. That's all we know, anything else is speculation.


Player perception is everything here and the perception includes what we aren’t told. If we had a road map already and some transparency, then people might not jump to the conclusion that this is all they’ve been doing for 5 months.

I’m not saying you are wrong, they probably are doing other things, but are they swtor related things or Anthem relegated things? If they are swtor related things, why can’t we know about them in a road map?

Of course everything discussed here is speculation because we can only go on what limited amount of info they dribble out to us.


I will also point you to this reddit post regarding Anthem where it stats the Bioware Austin team will be looking after the live services moving forward. There is of course speculation on what that means too. The theory going around is Bioware Austin will be looking after cash shops (CM), patch deployment, social media and server up keep for Anthem. Which begs the question, is that where all their time is going? Are they learning/training up on the Anthem systems to provide these services. Will some of the Bioware Austin team be working to support both games from now on?


Anyone else see the irony in this below statement?

Bioware Austin is going to be responsible for taking the live service further, so I’m very comfortable about that, I’m very happy about that. I know they have the experience to listen to the feedback and change the plans according to that feedback. So according to what the players want to see in the game, we may have different stuff."


Let’s face it, Anthem has been shamozle of a launch. Everything they’ve done wrong is nearly the same mistakes they’ve made with swtor over the years. Too much grind, too little rewards, silly bugs, disjointed story (swtor did do this better most of the time), etc, etc... from all the reviews I’ve watched, most of them include some of the same issues that swtor has had.

So either the same people are working on Anthem or all the blame goes to Ben “RNG is exciting” Irving because he is running the Anthem team and we know he doesn’t listen to player feed back.


Ive said it in a couple of threads now. Perception is everything and Bioware have perception problems with what players think is happening.

It’s why there is so much speculation and so many “tin foil” hats being mass manufacturered at the moment.

The added communication is good, but it’s going to take more than a few weeks of random yellow posts before players perception starts to change back to positive.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Those are all fair points, and I wouldn't deny anyone their right to be frustrated at various decisions that have been made in the past.


I would simply say that personally, I don't find any benefit in getting outraged over speculation. Until I have something tangible in front of me I have no inclination to assume the worst. What benefit is there to being upset over something that may not even be happening?


I choose to take what the Dev/Reps say at face value for 2 reasons:

1) It dramatically improves my experience, and mental health, to not stress over things that may not even be real

2) I would have no way of proving otherwise even if they weren't giving us the full story


I choose to be optimistic not because I'm some white knight for the developers, but because it is beneficial to me to do so.

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I should chime in and say that I appreciate the head's up, and the improved communication.


OK, positive stuff over. Now for reality.


This announcement is pretty far from anything that I would describe as the "best year ever."


I think guilds, while good for a game's health, are on their way out in MMOs in general. People are tired of the drama. People are tired of the scheduling. This is my personal opinion of course, and I don't have access to game stats. I feel that some interest in guilds and guild-only end game activities in healthy, but the near-constant emphasis of the last six months feels like a mistake.


Do you guys understand that forcing people to do things they don't doesn't make them suddenly like it?


Do you understand the data you see about ranked PVP participation and Master Mode ops participation? Is this game now going to be Guild Wars The Old Republic? Where's the content for everyone else? Is there any? Will there be any at all before October?

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We have had a decent amount of content since December...


Have we? What has that been exactly? Honest question, since I just got back from a 3 year break.


All I've seen in 3 years (besides the cool but quickly tiresome Kotfe and Kotet story arc) is like 2 FPs and 1 OP and a couple of wz's.


It seems a little light to me, but I may have missed some important stuff.


And no, making it so people run the same stuff over and over for a longer time to get the same rewards doesn't count as "content" to me.


Skyforge pulled that same joke by "reworking" progression, which only meant stripping everyone of their progress and forcing them to go through it all again for stats that had different names only. Is that what you mean by lots of content?

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This might be my longest post on this board ever. I don't know if anyone will fully read it, but here we go:


Just let EA put out the content, update, however you want to characterize or twist what they're doing to fit your narrative on the state of the game, and don't worry about it.


I would love to get new content for this game. Any kind of content. But this next update has no content. Or are you considering a logo designer playable content? I don't. And even if I would, the question is: How many players will actually be able to play this logo designing game? This is a tool for guild masters only. How many guild masters does this game have?


BW's priority should be to add something for as many players as possible. However, they have spend all the time since the conquest update one year ago on focussing on minorities. It's great for those, I fully agree, but when you have a situation like this game faces, then minorities should not be prioritised. BW knows how few players are actually raiding. That NiM GoTM... well, check the threads about it. That development time should have been spend on broader content.


That said, this logo designer was supposed to be included in December, but they were not able to get it quite ready. And now it took them 4 more months to get it ready. What is the message here? If a tool like that takes them that long, how can anyone expect an "elusive 6.0" (Musco) in 2019?


EA announced a very exciting Swtor year. Was it "the most exciting" year? I don't remember the actual quote. People's expectations have been low, but they are apparently still too high.


Communication increase is great and much appreciated and none of the criticism here is meant at the messengers. But one cannot deny the underlying problems.


People are always talking about 6.0, because it was announced in this one livestream. But nobody remembers, that they actually stated that before a possible 6.0, there will be many small updates first. They joked about going up to 5.23 or something. I already said back then that this is exactly what is on their internal roadmap. And this is now exactly what we get. Mr. Kanneg has also stated in one of his very few posts on this board, maybe 2 years ago or so, that the way they have delivered updates (small ones, focussing on one thing) since his takeover is how they will continue to do things.


We have all the answers. What is happening is that the people still remaining positive are the ones speculating (example: they haven't stated that they will announce 6.0 in April; people just interpreted it that way, because they want it to be about 6.0). Not the other way round. I'm not a big complainer. Browse through my post history during the last 10 years (I think I joined this board in 2009). I'm fairly realistic. At the end of last year, when we discussed possible roadmaps for this game, I made up a fake roadmap as a joke. It was to lower expectations. Unfortunately, even my lousy roadmap included MUCH MORE than we got and are apparently about to get. I was foreshadowing three more updates like Ossus around March, June and September, before 6.0 hits in December. Well, what an optimistic fool I was.


I have to agree with xordevoreaux. They are adding new content and changing existing systems thus it's an update.


I have to ask again: Is a logo designer for guild masters considered content? (Honest question.)


PS - Hurry the **** up with 6.0 already, BWA.


This basically sums up why people are complaining in this thread. I'm pretty sure that no one has anything against adding a logo designer to the game. The issue is that this logo designer won't keep players busy for a longer period of time. And most players won't ever even be able to touch it, because they don't run a guild.


This actually a very important and great feature for guilds


How important is it in your opinion? Guilds managed just fine without it since 2011. Great - yes. Important - obviously not.


I'm super excited for this!! And for those complaining that "this is too small for an update.. well that's why its 5.10.2 and not 5.11 we have had a decent amount of content since December and the increased dev comms is awesome. As a 7 year player I don't see why all the negativity.. I'm happier in past 3 months than I've ever been in this game


I'm happy for you. As someone being here since beta, might I ask: What is the reason that you have been happier than ever before during the last 3 months? I myself have never played less than during the last 3 months. Maybe I'm overseeing something?


I was GM of one of the biggest guilds on The Progenitor 7 years ago. For a long time, I've been the only one left in the guild. I tried resurrecting it a couple of times. Didn't work out. I will surely make a logo for me and my lonely guild. I wished this thought could exite me as much as it excites you. What would surely excite me more is if those few remaining guildies still in the roster would come back. This logo designer will definitely not be a reason for them.


The Good:



The Bad:



+1 to everything PennyAnn wrote in their long post.


Except we don't know the actual time spent on this, or what else was being worked on in the same time frame.


This coming out does not mean it was their sole time investment since the last update, nor is it a reasonable assumption that nothing else was being worked on. They managed to finish something, and are now pushing it out. That's all we know, anything else is speculation.


Since Mr. Kanneg took over, every update or patch contained exactly what they had announced before. Or less. There was not one update that included a surprise or something they added on top in last minute. So, if you can be sure about one thing, it's that what they state they are working on is what they are working on. One thing at a time, just like Mr. Kanneg announced 2 years ago, when we was still posting on this board.


I think that it is delusional to still keep thinking that they are working on secret things in the background. It takes them that long to make an update like this. That's the truth. They don't lie about it. If they would have something more to present, they would present it. Why would they keep cool stuff a secret, especially if they know how people react here? It makes no sense. The answer is that what they state is what they have. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, maybe less. :p


Player perception is everything here and the perception includes what we aren’t told. If we had a road map already and some transparency, then people might not jump to the conclusion that this is all they’ve been doing for 5 months.


Ockham's razor, people. Ockham's razor. People speculate why there is no roadmap. But they actually answered why. We have all the answers we need. But people refuse to accept them. BW has been openly communicating about all their updates ever since Mr. Kanneg took over. Who's fault is it that some players still believe that there is more? There isn't! Not once since 5.0 has there been more. No secret stuff in the background. Just adding one thing at a time / improving one thing at a time. And that's exactly what Mr. Kanneg promised two years ago. He delivers what he said he would do. Back then nobody believed it, because it sounded so little and lightweight. But hey, that's what we got and I sometimes have the feeling that I am the only one who understands Mr. Kanneg's doings. You might call me pessimistic. But I am just realistic and my realism is based on actually taking Mr. Kanneg, Musco and Charles by their yellow posts and their words during their few livestreams. Stop reading between the lines. There is nothing in between. The Swtor-truth is out there. Right in front of us. Believe it or not.

Edited by JattaGin
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