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Why should we care?


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hello, long time customer, spent alot of real life cash on this game.

but i come to a point where i feel like i cant care about the game anymore due to lack of interest from devs and such.

its just not fun anymore. Anyone else feels like this?

oh and you cant have my stuff :D

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hello, long time customer, spent alot of real life cash on this game.

but i come to a point where i feel like i cant care about the game anymore due to lack of interest from devs and such.

its just not fun anymore. Anyone else feels like this?

oh and you cant have my stuff :D


Fun factor has been on a declining scale since 5.0 and its only getting worse.

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I feel the same. I'm going to finish what I'm working on and leave. I can always watch to see if they add anything I'm interested in or fix anything that's important to me, but I don't have to pay for the privilege of hoping and waiting.
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hello, long time customer, spent alot of real life cash on this game.

but i come to a point where i feel like i cant care about the game anymore due to lack of interest from devs and such.

its just not fun anymore. Anyone else feels like this?

oh and you cant have my stuff :D


Yeah. Quit right before 5.10 dropped.


Read the notes on the incoming changes, knew then and there I lost my interest in playing the game. Unneeded gear grind, adding PVE as a requirement to gear up, grinding one MM Ops for gears, it was heading into a direction I was unwilling to go after 6+ years of playing.


Spent so much money on cartel items too, sort of feel foolish now but hey at the time it served a purpose of entertainment. I prepaid 6 months, still riding my time to post but I still have not logged in since quitting.


Nothing on the forums indicates I should come back, in fact even more things not explained in the 5.10 patch notes make the game less appealing like locked in mods.


Me personally I always enjoyed PVP, playing tons of alts, gearing tons of alts. Once they made all facets of the game unfriendly to alts that pretty much started to push me away. 5.10 was icing on the turd cake for me.


Nah. They can keep their endless-grind-no-content-game I won't bother spending money on it anymore, after being a loyal customer for 6+ years I have reached the point of they don't care what we the players want.


Oh. If some find it fun still good for them! I won't hate on what others enjoy, but like I said before some people like burnt toast too. Don't mean it's good.


The IP has been tarnished big time as far as a game and Star Wars goes imo, I just find it hard to believe how they could squander such a mega opportunity to make something that remained special for years. Instead, the game's most impressive dev work and content was created before launch with the original chapters.


The few improvements that were made later on SWTOR around 2.0-3.0 were all systematically gutted from the game up to this point making fun facets of the game no longer fun. Like gearing. Like alts in conquest. Like PVP metas. Even the according to most story-mode players, even the stories suffered after the original chapters!


If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was purposefully sabotaged because honestly some of the design changes are so awful they couldn't be done by accident. The design changes have done nothing but prune away the population over time. How could this be accidental? It's been 2-3 year process of depopulating the game from my viewpoint.


Anyone that says I am wrong about the changes pushing people off the game, just look at the original list of players on the game back when there were so many servers I couldn't count them to now.


Anyway, felt good to rant. Aint ranted about how disappointed I am with where this game ended up considering where it began and the immense expectations I had for it. It really had a chance to be the best MMO of all time.

Edited by Lhancelot
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hello, long time customer, spent alot of real life cash on this game.

but i come to a point where i feel like i cant care about the game anymore due to lack of interest from devs and such.

its just not fun anymore. Anyone else feels like this?

oh and you cant have my stuff :D

You shouldn't care. But that doesn't mean you can't still have fun. Find an active guild...my guild is 100% of the reason I still play this game. The folk I run with make it worth every moment I'm online. No amount of content could make up for the awesome people you can meet and do things with.

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hello, long time customer, spent alot of real life cash on this game.

but i come to a point where i feel like i cant care about the game anymore due to lack of interest from devs and such.

its just not fun anymore. Anyone else feels like this?

oh and you cant have my stuff :D


I feel very similar. There is just not enough interesting stuff to do. In my opinion, the few remaining devs have wasted too much time since 5.0 bringing us too much stuff not many people asked for. Particular all the work on those difficult operation modes and whatnot. It's only a very small minority which is playing this content and it feels to me like they should have spend their little resources on content for a majority of the playerbase. But that didn't happen. They tried to offer a little something for everyone, but eventually we all are losers in this scenario as nobody got something really exciting for 2+ years. That's a long time.


For me, right now, Ossus is close to being the final nail to my Swtor coffin. Before that, basically every content in the game was endgame content, thanks to the command crates. Even things like the Ziost weekly could be played again. Now the command system is completely useless. Endgame is just Ossus. And that was ok for 2 months. But now I cannot be bothered to go there again. I'm not interested in this new OP boss. So what is left to do for me at the moment? And where is a sign of a positive future for this game? Even a roadmap is out of the question right now.


Should we care? I think now is the perfect time to stop caring.

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Haven't played since I finished the story on 5.10, the grind was so boring I gave up.

My son still tinkers around which is why I keep my sub active, but for me im back full time in ESO and actually having fun again.


Be safe


Better to unsub to let BioWare have some hard data that you don’t like the path they are on for the game. They only seem to pay attention when more people unsub

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I've already let my sub go. If they're going to be going in a direction that is all about grouping and raiding, as it seems to be, I want no part of it. I won't even bring most of my toons through 5.10 because of all the issues with companions, and there's been nothing to do other than the mind-numbingly boring Ossus weekly for the 252. They're not giving me any reason to keep giving them my money.
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I'll keep my sub going until SW celebration at least. I've been subbed so long now it's kinda a no-brainer. But if they don't announce anything to peak my interest, I'll unsub and probably gone get PS+. They at least give you free games every month. I honestly haven't logged in to SWTOR for anything other than checking my GTN sales for nearly 2 months.
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My sub is set to renew around April or May. I haven't logged in since 5.10.1 because of the companion issues introduced with that patch and no information as to whether I will be affected or not.


If the devs release information that guarantees I won't be affected or they actually fix the problem, then my sub will renew as usual. Otherwise, I see no reason to pay for a game that I don't want to play without the army of Rank 50 comps that has cost me a fortune in time and resources.

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My sub is set to renew around April or May. I haven't logged in since 5.10.1 because of the companion issues introduced with that patch and no information as to whether I will be affected or not.


So you haven't logged in since...Tuesday? As in the day before yesterday?


During the week I rarely log in because I'm working. This weekend coming up is a long weekend so I'll log in much more.


I mean, I don't disagree with your larger point, it's just that if 5.10.1 was like a month ago than that would be a remarkable statement. But all you're saying now is "I haven't logged in for two days." Yes, that'll teach 'em to screw with players.

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