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Everything posted by LordDarrack

  1. There have been gold sellers advertising in game since day one, even giving their web address and yet BW are completely useless at sorting it out. Trading company's are advertising free in this game and the programmers have no idea how to stop it, let that level of incompetence just sink in for a second. Shocking Be Safe
  2. Seriously? Its just a game, over 15000 people died of gun shot wounds in the US last year, want to ban guns from the game? Be Safe
  3. As with most things im gonna guess at running flashpoints. Be safe
  4. It will never happen, too many idiots in the player base who will abuse the system to harass people. Be Safe
  5. Without doubt one of the best posts ive ever read. This is exactly how me and my bunch of mates who used to play this game 24/7 feel. I haven't played since the disaster that was Ossus, it was boring, badly designed and not worth my time. Although I'm still a loyal customer (fool more like) I am still a sub in the hope the game changes in 6.0, I check the boards and occasionally log in but my time is spent in ESO where gearing is an absolute blast not a grind. If all this stuff goes live in 6.0 then that will be the final nail for me, if its a grind and not fun then why should I bother? Shame its not a UK company, would love to put in a freedom of info request to see how badly the last patches hit their subs, looks like they are not learning. Be safe
  6. Easy answer is mate 'Never'. They don't care, bots and credit selling scammers have been rife since launch, they have no idea how to stop it, not a Scooby. Its pretty obvious they lack the skill as a company to deal with it otherwise they would have removed the ability for them to spam mail/chat as other games have successfully done. Be safe
  7. Soooo ive kept my sub going to give them a chance to make the game fun and playable again. Came back tonight after a few months away to give the new patch (it aint an expansion) a try... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry but if you didn't laugh you would cry. Back to ESO Be safe
  8. Is this some sort of joke? More crap we don't need and game breaking stuff that needs sorting? Words fail me
  9. It should actually be renamed "last chance casino" If nothing substantial comes from this quote and I mean content and game fixes for the 'very near' future then April will be the last month this game will take any more of my cash and my days in ESO will become permanent. Hell I'm even considering buying a plane ticket for that 9 hour flight from Blighty just to give them a piece of my mind face to face. Be safe
  10. The whole of Europe is forgotten when it comes to US companies, trust me I used t work for one of the biggest. And to be fair what is there to celebrate about the game at the moment anyway? Be safe
  11. Influencers is a joke in itself, why people need someone else to tell hem how to play a game is beyond me. Why would I want to waste my time listening to some self obsessed muppet waffling on with the party line? Be safe
  12. BW Customer Services: Field Marshal Eric has formulated a brilliant new tactical plan to ensure final victory in the excuses war. SW Palyerbase: Ah. Would this brilliant plan involve feeding us a vision for the future based on a drunken workshop in the local pub where ideas were scribbled down on the back of an old cigerete packet? And putting at the end of the post “this time we really mean we are going to do it”? BW Customer services: How could you possibly know that? It's classified information! SW Playerbase: It's the same plan that you used last time and the seventeen times before that. BW Customer Services: Exactly! And that is what is so brilliant about it! It will catch the players totally off guard! Doing precisely what we've done eighteen times before is exactly the last thing they'll expect us to do this time! There is, however, one small problem. SW Playerbase: That everyone always sees through it and leaves to play other games? BW Customer Services: That's right. And Field Marshal Eric is worried this may be depressing both PVE and PVPer’s a tad. So he's looking for a way to cheer them up. SW Playerbase: Well, his resignation and suicide seems the obvious choice. BW Customer Services: Hmm, interesting thought. We’ll Make a note of it. (Thanks Blackadder) Be Safe
  13. I feel your pain and sorry that you (like many of us) now find the game boring and just an endless grindfest for no real reason, I agree with all you say except I would guess its the casual players who make up the vast majority of the player base left in the game who are keeping this alive, its not the content played by any person that is relevant its cash coming in. Many like me have limited time to play but lots of spare cash (I work hard and run my own business), what does my son want for prezzys? a skate board? X box games? nope he wants in game items for the platforms he plays and that is what keeps the fringe games like this going. Easy really, put limited resources on a stable platform = low cost, refresh the shop window (CM) and keep a steady flow of folding coming in for little to no effort. in the immortal words of Metallica - Sad but true. Be safe
  14. I don't think they really have a clue, comps are so screwed up its beyond belief and there seems to be no set pattern to it all. Be safe
  15. Haven't played since I finished the story on 5.10, the grind was so boring I gave up. My son still tinkers around which is why I keep my sub active, but for me im back full time in ESO and actually having fun again. Be safe
  16. My main has been an Imp Agent from the start and I would never change. If you solo a lot never underestimate the value of stealth to speed up your life or get through a pvp area during events. Be safe
  17. Troll? Or can you actually explain what you mean/ give an example - so we can actually help. Be safe
  18. But not working on this one obviously. So what's the point of the post? options when this game goes **** up? Cheers
  19. Not sure if folks have seen this amazing story which shows the good side of the community. The link is to the BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/disability-47064773 Be safe.
  20. I started on Vazaelle (US) before the Euro servers were released (im based in England), did all the SSRA stuff and flagging for the planes and Time, now that was grinding! But at least there was a reason for it. I was a Pally plow Tank but later switched to my Necro which I still play now (the pull of the Dark side). Be safe
  21. Now you know how Charlie Bucket felt! Be safe
  22. I started playing just after launch. I'm a veteran EQ player (from launch on US servers) and never contemplated playing a sci fi game but the draw of Star Wars brought me here. Loved every minute and levelled every class at least twice (pretty much did light side / dark side on every class of both alliances). I got bored with the lack of content and went to ESO on launch (my medieval fantasy roots are still strong) but continued playing here at least also. The last update did it for me so I have stopped playing, only keeping my sub going as my little one sill plays his toon. What would I change? Whoever is head of their development team and replace them with someone who: A) has an interest In the game B) can fight for resources to keep it going C) can communicate to the player base what the future holds (or not). D) and most important of all, employ some folks who can actually come up with content worth playing. Be safe
  23. The fact that folks have to justify this appalling gearing up system by saying they had 40K bla bla bla stored and are running daily's on 8+ toons a week just proves how ****ed up it is. Are they now aiming their entire game at the unemployed? Be safe
  24. Dear Devs Can you please hurry up with 6.0 and give us the option to skip the current rubbish? Be safe
  25. 11 days! **** me, if I ran my business like that I would have no customers left.......... oh wait. Be safe
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