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Your overall opinions, why do u play, what would you Change etc?


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Hi Folks :)


I do not know how to approach such a question because it can be misunderstood. This isnt a Flame or Blame Thread about SWTOR, instead its a serious question to you all: Why to you play Star Wars The old Republic, whats you first Story and if you could change something, what would that?


Im here since the first Days and Play since Launche with some Major breaks from it. For my part, I enjoyed the Story first of all and played also active through Markeb and Revan. After that the lust to play further was slowly going down hill, and after that and no Interesting Content (In the Past i was expecting it would be an true MMO beside the Storys) i lost the Game. Even today i Play sometimes. Before a weak I played every Day but yesterday i lost it again. I have made all things through Knights of the Eternal Emire and Throne, I played the Story and Flashpoints and now Ossus.


[sad-Rant below:rolleyes:]


But it hasnt hold long now and I am seriously overthinking if I stay Loyel to the game even longer:confused: Over 7 years now i have the hope something is Changing. Sometimes SWTOR would become the Game beside WoW an TESO (Which EA,LA&BW has planned)


When I could Change something for SWTOR it would be the Manpower behinde the Project (I dont mean Bioware is making a bad Job with the things they have, but it could be so much better in every way: Tech. Engine. Content(SWTOR is still an MMO) Overall to make all the things the Team is dreaming of like Swoop Racing (They cant make because of the Engine). "Open" Space Battles with and against other players (Like Galactic Starfighter but better:D) Galactic white Eventy or Dynamic "Would Events" like in WoW Legion/BfA were one Fraction is attacking a Sector with NPCs and Player and the other Fraction fight against them/Makes special Quest so get Gear and all such stuff. Overall Content which is worthy to play Thousand times;) - All things so the Game get a big and stabel Playerbase:eek:


These would be my Change for SWTOR (I already made 2 Suggestions^^) Sorry I did it slightly wrong^^ But what would you make? Why do u play, and whats you Story? Lets hear :)

Edited by Kampflerk
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Well I started playing SWTOR around August of 2013, I gave the subscription a chance and ended up enjoying the game as without the restrictions I found it to be pretty fun. Despite being an MMO, which I had played before but never got too far as I lost interest mid-way, I was hooked in the game thanks to the immersive storytelling, the choices and the RP behind why I chose that and most importantly it sparked within me a huge interest in Star Wars lore thanks to all the Codex Entries explaining things, and hinting at other SW media.


Overall my opinion of the game is, despite its flaws, positive. It's one of my favorite overall games due to the RP versatility of the vanilla game, playing multiple SW archetypes is something wonderful. The lore of the game is also very interesting to me and as I previously said it sparked a huge interest in Star Wars lore. I might take long breaks from this game, but I always return.


If I could change something... right now I'd like to give Bioware Austin a proper budget and a fitting Development team for a triple A MMORPG. I do enjoy the content they've been putting out since Keith took over, but I do believe he could be doing much better if he had a proper budget.

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Think I was playing p99 the Everquest free emu server when SWTOR came out. I was bored of that at that time, and iirc WAR was dead, so decided to try a new MMO being the MMO addict I am.


I always enjoyed PVP, so this game having that drew me to it too. My first cap level toon was a sorc DPS named Daffy'duck. I even did 8v8 ranked on that toon.


Over the years, I have taken breaks from SWTOR for different reasons, well let's be honest they like to make awful game design changes that ruin my gaming experience so I am forced to take breaks from the game.


I come back because usually they end up tweaking the dumb changes they make, making the game bearable to play again, and until they do something else stupid I stick around.




Things I'd change on SWTOR:


1. Balance the classes in PVP, and change the meta every year at least once so things don't get stale.

2. Make gearing fun and enjoyable, especially for alts.

3. Make conquest fluid between alts, remove legacy restrictions from conquest!

4. Remove zone level sync, and make dungeons require trinity groups to function like at launch.

5. Make one new WZ once a year, and do it so that it's not a lag monster like all their new maps are.

6. Create new dungeons/FPs once a year with new stories attached to them.

7. Create new character companions with the new FPs with their individual personal stories.

8. Make the Cartel Slot Machines useful and fun to use again.

9. Create side stories on the planets where you can recruit and find new companions.

10. Create ways to end relationships with all companions so new companions can be befriended.

11. Overhaul GSF and make it part of some side stories where you could meet and befriend companions.

12. Make all companions open to same sex romances.

13. Make droids playable characters.

14. Make Wookies, Rodians, Nautolans, Devaronians, Ugnaughts, Ewoks, Gand, Bith, and Weequay all PCs.

15. Create 1 new class every 2 years.

16. Have a devoted SWTOR admin that answered and discussed things people put in the suggestion box section of the forums.

17. Have open and free flowing communication with not only Eric but other people from SWTOR like a dev team representative, a story rep, a PVP rep who all interacted with players via the forums.




That's all I can think of atm as far as some of the things I would have liked SWTOR to have done over the years.

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Think I was playing p99 the Everquest free emu server when SWTOR came out. I was bored of that at that time, and iirc WAR was dead, so decided to try a new MMO being the MMO addict I am.


I always enjoyed PVP, so this game having that drew me to it too. My first cap level toon was a sorc DPS named Daffy'duck. I even did 8v8 ranked on that toon.


Over the years, I have taken breaks from SWTOR for different reasons, well let's be honest they like to make awful game design changes that ruin my gaming experience so I am forced to take breaks from the game.


I come back because usually they end up tweaking the dumb changes they make, making the game bearable to play again, and until they do something else stupid I stick around.




Things I'd change on SWTOR:


1. Balance the classes in PVP, and change the meta every year at least once so things don't get stale.

2. Make gearing fun and enjoyable, especially for alts.

3. Make conquest fluid between alts, remove legacy restrictions from conquest!

4. Remove zone level sync, and make dungeons require trinity groups to function like at launch.

5. Make one new WZ once a year, and do it so that it's not a lag monster like all their new maps are.

6. Create new dungeons/FPs once a year with new stories attached to them.

7. Create new character companions with the new FPs with their individual personal stories.

8. Make the Cartel Slot Machines useful and fun to use again.

9. Create side stories on the planets where you can recruit and find new companions.

10. Create ways to end relationships with all companions so new companions can be befriended.

11. Overhaul GSF and make it part of some side stories where you could meet and befriend companions.

12. Make all companions open to same sex romances.

13. Make droids playable characters.

14. Make Wookies, Rodians, Nautolans, Devaronians, Ugnaughts, Ewoks, Gand, Bith, and Weequay all PCs.

15. Create 1 new class every 2 years.

16. Have a devoted SWTOR admin that answered and discussed things people put in the suggestion box section of the forums.

17. Have open and free flowing communication with not only Eric but other people from SWTOR like a dev team representative, a story rep, a PVP rep who all interacted with players via the forums.





That's all I can think of atm as far as some of the things I would have liked SWTOR to have done over the years.


All of this plus


1. Make lowbies and mid pvp viable again with real incentives

2. Make the game Alt friendly again (especially for pvp and conquest)

3. Remove the excessively slow and boring gear grind

4. Overhaul the pvp medal system to reflect each individual type of map (ie people who contribute the most to winning should get more medals than people death matching and not trying to win).

5. Pvp medals should be linked to extra rewards even if you are on the losing team you have the potential to earn more than a winning team player who didn’t contribute as much. (Incentive to stay in a match even if you are losing)

6. Fix the bugs before doing anything new

7. Expand the cargo hold tabs to be the same size as the guild tabs.

8. Remove RNG for pvp gearing. Have seperate gear for pvp.

9. Bolster should always be slightly below max lvl gear so there is no gear gap (bit like lowbie and mid pvp).

10. Bring back individual and dedicated class stories

11. Add joystick option to GSF

12. Split pvp maps into type to allow choice. (Hutt Ball, capture the flag, arena)

14. Always have all the CM items in the catalog listed on the market. Reduce prices and make the most expensive items no more than $10.

15. Bring in paid expansions (that have quality and quantity of content)

16. Bring back paid weekly passes for preferred players to access specific content.

17. Introduce a third faction

18. Allow real traitors to switch sides and basically become the opposite faction. (Dark Jedi can turn Sith).

19. Give us an APAC server

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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BW - Do everything that Lhance and my Trixxie just said dammit, please.


I have some ideas myself, but there is no chance I won't get banned for 90% of them. I'd like to at least get a full weeks worth in first.




A lot of good ideas being posted here from the posters. Nice work guys.:cool:

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Yea bugfixing should be a Main Part with the nex Expack :s I see so many little bugs, I stuck, Glitch etc. Even in FPs. A friend jumped as Tank to an Enemy Group and get Stuck in a "Force Pull" Animation and cant make anything beside looks funny:confused::D
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I'm pretty sure I was drunk the first time I played this game. It was early 2013, I had played k1 and k2 countless times and I just got a nostalgia sense to play this game since it had just come out on F2P. I made a trooper with a very stupid name, and I did so badly that first night during the intro class missions on Ord Mantell, that the next day I saw that my armor was in the red zone of hopelessly broken.


I was drunk quite often after I started playing in earnest. In fact, for quite awhile this game was my go-to place for getting drunk and screwing around online, which was problematic in more ways than one - when I played through Hoth on a smuggler for the first time, I remember landing on the planet, and then I blacked out. The next day I saw I'd played through the class story there but had no idea what happened, it was just a blur.


I also remember being frustrated at the many entitled idiots on this forum who were continually outraged over the existence of F2Pers [it's somewhat less awful nowadays]. I couldn't tell them off because I wasn't a sub, but I once attempted to pay a sub 200k [the max limit] to post my angry rant on the forum. He didn't take me up on it, and I didn't know about the reddit page at that time. Also I wasn't exactly thinking clearly at the time, because I was pure F2P back then and I couldn't securetrade anyway. I was frequently a very angry drunk in-game.


I had many misadventures that I don't care to remember [but regrettably do], and when I stopped drinking, I was concerned that continuing to play this game would make me relapse. But it was a baseless fear. I suppose this game is addictive enough on its own.

Edited by Ardrossan
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All of this plus


1. Make lowbies and mid pvp viable again with real incentives

2. Make the game Alt friendly again (especially for pvp and conquest)

3. Remove the excessively slow and boring gear grind

4. Overhaul the pvp medal system to reflect each individual type of map (ie people who contribute the most to winning should get more medals than people death matching and not trying to win).

5. Pvp medals should be linked to extra rewards even if you are on the losing team you have the potential to earn more than a winning team player who didn’t contribute as much. (Incentive to stay in a match even if you are losing)

6. Fix the bugs before doing anything new

7. Expand the cargo hold tabs to be the same size as the guild tabs.

8. Remove RNG for pvp gearing. Have seperate gear for pvp.

9. Bolster should always be slightly below max lvl gear so there is no gear gap (bit like lowbie and mid pvp).

10. Bring back individual and dedicated class stories

11. Add joystick option to GSF

12. Split pvp maps into type to allow choice. (Hutt Ball, capture the flag, arena)

14. Always have all the CM items in the catalog listed on the market. Reduce prices and make the most expensive items no more than $10.

15. Bring in paid expansions (that have quality and quantity of content)

16. Bring back paid weekly passes for preferred players to access specific content.

17. Introduce a third faction

18. Allow real traitors to switch sides and basically become the opposite faction. (Dark Jedi can turn Sith).


You forgot one thing on your list Trixxie.

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I would change SWTOR into a single player game set within a multiplayer world like many of its genre.


Now before I am hung, drawn and quartered this idea would ONLY happen if AE/BioWare decided that the game was no longer profitable as a MMORPG and had the choice of closing servers and extinguishing the game for good, or reworking it as a solo player game.


The benefits to a solo game would be no more need for class or equipment or boss mob balancing, companions wouldn't be bricked because of someone else's gameplay choices etc and content would be easier to churn out.

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I'm pretty sure I was drunk the first time I played this game. It was early 2013, I had played k1 and k2 countless times and I just got a nostalgia sense to play this game since it had just come out on F2P. I made a trooper with a very stupid name, and I did so badly that first night during the intro class missions on Ord Mantell, that the next day I saw that my armor was in the red zone of hopelessly broken.


I was drunk quite often after I started playing in earnest. In fact, for quite awhile this game was my go-to place for getting drunk and screwing around online, which was problematic in more ways than one - when I played through Hoth on a smuggler for the first time, I remember landing on the planet, and then I blacked out. The next day I saw I'd played through the class story there but had no idea what happened, it was just a blur.


I also remember being frustrated at the many entitled idiots on this forum who were continually outraged over the existence of F2Pers [it's somewhat less awful nowadays]. I couldn't tell them off because I wasn't a sub, but I once attempted to pay a sub 200k [the max limit] to post my angry rant on the forum. He didn't take me up on it, and I didn't know about the reddit page at that time. Also I wasn't exactly thinking clearly at the time, because I was pure F2P back then and I couldn't securetrade anyway. I was frequently a very angry drunk in-game.


I had many misadventures that I don't care to remember [but regrettably do], and when I stopped drinking, I was concerned that continuing to play this game would make me relapse. But it was a baseless fear. I suppose this game is addictive enough on its own.


Hey, at least you went through this alcohol binge in a virtual world, man if all drunks did that we'd be pretty safe from lots of lunatic behavior!


Heck, even I have had times I wish I was in SWTOR instead of IRL like that New Years Party where I drank so much I don't remember that last 2 hours of that morning and was told I.... Never mind what I did. Point is I remember bits and pieces of that event and I wish I couldn't remember any of it tbh. Had I just been putzing around drunk on Tatooine in SWTOR that night instead of binging it up I would have a much clearer conscience, that's for sure.

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I would change SWTOR into a single player game set within a multiplayer world like many of its genre.


Now before I am hung, drawn and quartered this idea would ONLY happen if AE/BioWare decided that the game was no longer profitable as a MMORPG and had the choice of closing servers and extinguishing the game for good, or reworking it as a solo player game.


The benefits to a solo game would be no more need for class or equipment or boss mob balancing, companions wouldn't be bricked because of someone else's gameplay choices etc and content would be easier to churn out.


Yea an Mass Effect Style with Multiplayer (bigger then the Normal Horde MP^^) would also awesome :D But i hope if EA/BW is closing SWTOR they make learn of SWTOR and make a better MMO in this Timeline:o

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I started playing some time in 2017, played bits of the jedi knight story but ultimately stopped cuz my computer kept crashing the game. But I was interested and impressed by the design of it. Then on march 2018 (aka last year) I finally was able to run the game on a new computer full power and went on to finish the jedi knight story, and ran all the expansion stories and got super invested by the end of it all. I cme to the game in search of atory, in the ways of mass effect, dragon age but with Star Wars and I got just that, and then some. Compared to those games, I feel this one really gives more player freedom in letting you really decide what is your character like, what side they are on, their personality, etc. It really gave me a way to create my own Star Wars characters. Im enjoying now the mmo aspect of it too but I’m really more invested in the story.
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I started playing just after launch.

I'm a veteran EQ player (from launch on US servers) and never contemplated playing a sci fi game but the draw of Star Wars brought me here.

Loved every minute and levelled every class at least twice (pretty much did light side / dark side on every class of both alliances).

I got bored with the lack of content and went to ESO on launch (my medieval fantasy roots are still strong) but continued playing here at least also.

The last update did it for me so I have stopped playing, only keeping my sub going as my little one sill plays his toon.


What would I change? Whoever is head of their development team and replace them with someone who:

A) has an interest In the game

B) can fight for resources to keep it going

C) can communicate to the player base what the future holds (or not).

D) and most important of all, employ some folks who can actually come up with content worth playing.


Be safe

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What would I change? Whoever is head of their development team and replace them with someone who:


A) has an interest In the game

B) can fight for resources to keep it going

C) can communicate to the player base what the future holds (or not).

D) and most important of all, employ some folks who can actually come up with content worth playing.


Be safe



All good points I agree with you. ^


Hey we share an EQ1 history too. I played RZ server, then when SZ came out I went there (3 factions ftw!) THEN when they combined/merged servers etc. I went to Zek for a short time.

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Nice thread with some cool opinions.


I've played since launch with a couple of breaks.


I still play for the immersion in the Old Republic world and the variety of characters I can have all with different flavours. I particularly love being able to play the story as you'd expect (light side Jedi) and then again the opposite (now play it dark side.) I get attached to my different characters and like to switch often.


My dream SWTOR is mainly based on resourcing the game better - more content more frequently, bug fixes, continuining individual class stories and more classes.


The 3 things I would love to change:


1. Revert to PVP only expertise gearing for PVP. Allow players to progress and gear to play PVP by only PvP-ing. Don't allow players who pvE well to have a gear advantage in PvP. Reward me with better gear in a warzone for doing well in a warzone. Reward me for doing well in an Operation with better gear for an Operation. I love PvP and just don't want to have to do pvE dailies or operations or whatever to max my gear. Raiders would complain if they had to do repeated warzones to gear for a raid.


2. Do something (I don't know what) so that level 70 warzones are actually more fun than lowbies/midbies, and incentivise lowbies/midbies again to increase pops. Seriously level 70 pvp is sometimes fine, but too often have I watched a match where ppl stand in a circle firiing off their rotations while healers keep everyone up and it's just a boring stalemate. Literally someone caps a node and then the whole game is 15 minutes of no one dying. Never happens in lowbies. Seems daft that people avoid endgame pvp because lower tiers are better.


3. Lastly, gearing seems just so bizarre and complicated. CXP, reputation, crate tiers, crystals. My head hurts, please may I be excused?! I took my Sorc through the whole story up to Ossus last week, and just thought "nah, can't be bothered." Collect x of these things plus y points of that to hand in a thing to trade it up for another thing with this or that rep or whatever. Argh. Going back to my point 1. Just have 2 kinds of points - PVE Points and PvP Points (with more elegant names than that.). You do easy content, you get few points. You do hard content, you get lotsa points. No RNG. Simples. Alt friiendly.

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3. Lastly, gearing seems just so bizarre and complicated. CXP, reputation, crate tiers, crystals. My head hurts, please may I be excused?! I took my Sorc through the whole story up to Ossus last week, and just thought "nah, can't be bothered." Collect x of these things plus y points of that to hand in a thing to trade it up for another thing with this or that rep or whatever. Argh. Going back to my point 1. Just have 2 kinds of points - PVE Points and PvP Points (with more elegant names than that.). You do easy content, you get few points. You do hard content, you get lotsa points. No RNG. Simples. Alt friiendly.


No kidding. I read the patch notes to the new gearing system, and determined then and there "nah, can't be bothered." As soon as I seen they were going to add a whole different tier of things needed to gather up for new gears and on top of it made it so the main attraction was to do Ossus grinds over and over I had no interest in partaking.


On top of it all, I feel that as a PVPer I should be able to either gear up equally via PVP, or not even have a grind at all for PVP gears. I want equal fights, not PVP that already suffers from class imbalance coupled with a new gear disparity that will exist once some people get fully geared while others skip the new gear grind due to it's miserable gameplay.


It's like whoever makes these designs are too intelligent for their own good. Sort of like how the OPG WZ was made, it's so complicated it literally ended up being designed in a manner where you don't have to do PVP at all to win, when it's a "War Zone." Typically a WZ is where you fight, right? Most of the changes in the last 3 years or so have followed this route of over-bloat. Whether it's class abilities, WZ maps, gearing design changes, everything seems to get this extra layer of unneeded complexity.


I digressed. Point is, it seems they over-complicate everything now, and with so-called limited resources that really boggles my mind even more. It's really frustrating because in reality I want this game to meet it's true potential, and as time goes on it seems that possibility is becoming more and more unlikely.

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I preordered this game and have been playing off and on since it launched in 2011 (I think?) - I was a heavy WOW addict at the time but loved Knights of the Old Republic.


Where I'm not a full-time player in end game, I come back to this game about 1-2 months a year and just catch up on the story. The combat in this MMO is my favorite of all - I love wielding a lightsaber and being able to force-choke people who I don't care for in conversations.

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• ban paragraphs on the forum

• only allow bullet points on the forum

• different engine entirely

• released with more 'end game' content

• allow repeatable story quests

• far more development and expansions

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Yea an Mass Effect Style with Multiplayer (bigger then the Normal Horde MP^^) would also awesome :D But i hope if EA/BW is closing SWTOR they make learn of SWTOR and make a better MMO in this Timeline:o


They can't really do that anymore as of the Lucasfilm Story Group era.


Everything Star Wars takes place in the same galaxy [or perhaps better said there are no 'elseworlds' anymore, they do that now.].


Despite that this game isn't technically canon it still must make sure it doesn't contradict new canon and they won't do things taking place in the same time frame that might have contradictory issues it couldn't reconcile.


Upside is, they've said that while this game isn't technically canon, that isn't to say that it isn't in fact what ends up happing in that time frame of their storyline. They gave dates for when this game is taking place [bBY] so that they will simply avoid using those same dates in the future to presense the 'possibility' it is what happened in 'canon'.


Sounds weird, I know, but, they are doing that so that people can feel that's a possibility and they are very tight with interpetations.


Anytime Star Wars story that is considered for media usage [whether that be books, comics, or even video games] those stories have to first be sent to the Lucasfilm Storygrounp,and they than go over it and than send it back saying "You can do this", "You can't do that", "Avoid this subject it's going to come up in the next movie possibly".


The wording they use for this is " reviews the future updates for authenticity. ", updates being any new story stuff. and that occurs with SWTOR. Lucasfilm Story grounp is involved with everything now.


Lucas made it very clear that while he would tolerate the EU stories they were expressly not part of 'his' Star Wars. His Star Wars was the only legitimate Star Wars so, a lot of those kinds of problems poped up. Things like this as well as contradictions that were often made between authors is a large part of the reason they made the Lucasfilm Story Group. It's one of the few bright spots that we got from Disney's Reign of terror.



I am no Disney Fan, I dislike a great deal much of what they have done with Star Wars, but the "one canon" and staying true to it's [star Wars] core beliefs and foundation is a massive plus and I do like that aspect of it at least.


So even if that "new" Star Wars MMO was made, we would still find what it could do and the stories it could tell being ruled on the same people who are doing so now with this game. They're okay with some artistic licesnce of course, it just can't contradict anything that has been established by the new canon and what the Lucasfilm Story group has ruled on.


Even if it was just a solo game, same thing would apply storywise. They want their hands in everything. Talk about micro-managing! :eek:


We won't be seeing any 'else world' Stories anymore I don't think.


Regarding anything new [star Wars] being produced, Anything released, including books, comics, and games will be canon.They also say that the 'Old Republic' becoming part of Canon is not off the table, it's still could be at some point, so at least there's that.


If you're interested in reading some more about this, some of it pertains directly to SWTOR, here's a link to check it out of ya like.



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All good points I agree with you. ^


Hey we share an EQ1 history too. I played RZ server, then when SZ came out I went there (3 factions ftw!) THEN when they combined/merged servers etc. I went to Zek for a short time.


I started on Vazaelle (US) before the Euro servers were released (im based in England), did all the SSRA stuff and flagging for the planes and Time, now that was grinding!

But at least there was a reason for it.

I was a Pally plow Tank but later switched to my Necro which I still play now (the pull of the Dark side).


Be safe

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Oh yeah, I’m so use to BioWare not caring about APAC people that my expectations don’t even consider stuff like :


19. Give us an APAC server.


At least a west coast USA. I like playing with Aussies. I don't want you all tucked away into a corner somewhere.

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Despite that this game isn't technically canon it still must make sure it doesn't contradict new canon and they won't do things taking place in the same time frame that might have contradictory issues it couldn't reconcile.

The 2 last acts of SI story completely contradict the new canon, why? Dark Side force ghosts aren't a thing in it. Act II is hunting them, act III is literally dealing with the very real consequences of having all those ghosts in your body, so they can't even pull an excuse of it being an illusion. Heck even KOTFE which came out after the reboot still contradicts the new canon with Tenebrae being a Force Ghost, bound to you but still contradicts the entire notion of post-mortem Dark Siders the new canon seems to reject.


Lucas made it very clear that while he would tolerate the EU stories they were expressly not part of 'his' Star Wars. His Star Wars was the only legitimate Star Wars so, a lot of those kinds of problems poped up. Things like this as well as contradictions that were often made between authors is a large part of the reason they made the Lucasfilm Story Group. It's one of the few bright spots that we got from Disney's Reign of terror.

George flipped flop or whether or not the EU was canon, sometimes he kept continuity other times he retconned. No different than his behavior with his own stuff, considering his multiple special editions. He definitely acknowledged the EU though.


“George Lucas says “There really isn’t any story to tell. It’s been covered in the books, and video games, and comic books which are things I think are incredibly creative.”” George Lucas Interview with the LA times, George Lucas: 'Star Wars' won't go beyond Darth Vader, May 7th, 2008


“After Star Wars was released, it became apparent that my story—however many films it took to tell—was only one of thousands that could be told about the characters who inhabit its galaxy. But these were not stories I was destined to tell. Instead they would spring from the imagination of other writers, inspired by the glimpse of a galaxy that Star Wars provided. Today it is an amazing, if unexpected, legacy of Star Wars that so many gifted writers are contributing new stories to the Saga.”-George Lucas introduction to the 1994 reprint of splinter of the Mind’s Eye


And the new story group isn't doing their job very well, new canon still has contradictions although unlike legends they're less event-based and more characterization and logic based from what I hear of my friends who do follow it. That's not to say it's a "mess of contradictions", but let's not pretend their new system is perfect either.

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I would change SWTOR into a single player game set within a multiplayer world like many of its genre.


Now before I am hung, drawn and quartered this idea would ONLY happen if AE/BioWare decided that the game was no longer profitable as a MMORPG and had the choice of closing servers and extinguishing the game for good, or reworking it as a solo player game.


The benefits to a solo game would be no more need for class or equipment or boss mob balancing, companions wouldn't be bricked because of someone else's gameplay choices etc and content would be easier to churn out.

^^ This


What i'd love :

- An offline solo mode where i could only play the story, heroics and solo FP, and next to that an online mode for all the mutliplayer aspects of the game, including GTN, PvP, ops... (a bit like how Monster Hunter works, but better)

That way i could play the content i like while being completely alone, and more importantly i would not have to worry about the quality of my internet connexion, which when it's not that great, i just can't play anything.


- The possibility to replay the whole class story from the starter planet to the last bit of story with a character who already did everything so that i could replay the whole thing with a toon that is already lvl 70 and fully geared, and not have to creat xxx clones of my main characters everytime i want to replay the story with one of them.


- More story


- More interactions with my companions, especially with my character's LIs.


- Being able to have my characters interact with each other, for instance i'd choose my JK as my canon Outlander and my other characters would have a role to play in her story as well. (a bit like how the different protagonists meet in Detroit : become human, but i guess it could only work in a solo game, and it'd have to take into account all the customisation options for every character, so might be a bit too complicated)

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