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Name unavailable: please choose another


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Pity you didn't go LS on this one, as you could have been Respectable the Respectable.


Say, that's a good idea! Won't take too many WZs to reverse it.


Also, I've had a hunch for awhile now that names are specific to class. For ages, I'd tried to make an SI named 'Upstart' because Thanaton and others call you that frequently, and it never worked. Then I tried it on an SW and it works. I had a BH character named Spectacious [from the impside Taris quest] which forced a rename during the last merger. So instead I put it on an IA that had also gotten a forced rename [originally 'Efficacious', from Hoth pub planetary] and it worked!

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I intentionally avoid english based words and names as they will always be taken.


Not always. Pretty sure Darth Flower Child is still available. j/k, it comes back "invalid".


It is true, you do have to be super creative if you are mentally stuck with keeping your Darth name in English, but as you point out, English is not the only option. It is surprising how many options become available when you start using Google translate to create that "perfect" name.

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I've started using names in Tibetan and Scottish Gaelic. Guess what? Most of the Tibetan ones are used (and we're not just talking the more "famous" demon names either) and a rather surprising number of the Scottish Gaelic names are gone as well.
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I haven't had many problem coming up with names recently. Mortuus Equus, Fantastiline, Peatamatu are recent examples.


I intentionally avoid english based words and names as they will always be taken.


Now see. You avoid the english names, because they'll always be taken.


This is meant for those who say the OP isn't being creative. It's not creative to use a name in a language you don't speak.


That said, to the OP, maybe play a Chiss and use their naming convention. You're likely to be safe. Reva'Lexi'Sabosen is a name I recently used for mine, and I've never had any of the chiss names I've come up with been taken.


Though, if it's human you're going after, keep trying, you'll find one. :)

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-OTOH there are still 10s of 1000s of names out there .... You just have to get creative. - I was once a friend of a player who named all his characters after different cheeses.... So it can be done... A few of mine are named after Spanish towns.... whatever floats your boat really....


I can't stress the get creative point enough. I've cracked out books on Medieval Magic for character names, played with translators for other languages and busted out the thesaurus at times and have never hit the Name Unavailable notice. One guy I group with a lot tends to name his Sith/Jedi/Troopers all obscure names from Viking Mythology, his Agents after Russian Snipers, Bounty Hunters after the various Dwarves and Barbarians he's tabletopped and his Smugglers after little known Golden Age Pirates.


Once you start looking away from the usual naming conventions, there's loads of options out there.


As far as name purges go, I'm okay with them as long as ample notice is given beforehand such as sending emails out along with the usual official posted notices, but that's still no guarantee that a particular name will get freed up. Just because someone isn't playing currently doesn't mean that they'll never return to the game.

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Jokes aside, I even tried "**** u, stupid game, let's randomize then - decide it for me!" - you can just imagine how hard I was sh**ting myself when two f**king times in a row even randomized names appeared "unavailable" to me.


There are sites with random name generators for each species we play. I have never had those be already taken. The in-game random generator is finite. If you click it enough times you will see the same "random" names come up again and again. The more pronounceable it is, the more likely it is to have already been taken.

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Your lack of creativity is neither the fault of BW or the 'batsh-t insane alt-hoarders', as you so charmingly put it.




Goprlutknb is hardly a creative choice if that's what are you talking about, my friend.


The random names get taken by Credit farmers all the time. Put more thought into it.

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Your lack of creativity is neither the fault of BW or the 'batsh-t insane alt-hoarders', as you so charmingly put it.


...Also, use rare letters and those doodots over letters if you lack imagination to come up with original name.


Edited by Sarova
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Now see. You avoid the english names, because they'll always be taken.


This is meant for those who say the OP isn't being creative. It's not creative to use a name in a language you don't speak.


Apart of being creative is being inventive and yet a lot of a people are commenting using accents in specific letters there by trying to keep them english looking is hardly inventive let alone original, more than anything it shows someone who can't think of something alternative to go looking elsewhere and i mean beyond the name generator and into something they wouldn't of considered before.


I've got a lot of names, some are very original, some are inspired and others are ones no one else had the ability to think of by themselves. I don't need you lack of respect to come up with more original names outside the limited zone you are all looking in.

Edited by Celise
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With over 100 toons across 4 accounts, my names go through. I just use a space:


Corey Winslow

Trueblade O’Malley

Deamathia Laeresia

Devonian Skarr

Lvaral Skarr

Riordon Dolthanis

Sunrose Hearthlight

Volonokh Auristede

Xauris Aventi

Xauris Fabriano

Cavio Zaud

Dalith Alik

Lhosan Seung

Tarington Rothmeyer

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Apart of being creative is being inventive and yet a lot of a people are commenting using accents in specific letters there by trying to keep them english looking is hardly inventive let alone original, more than anything it shows someone who can't think of something alternative to go looking elsewhere and i mean beyond the name generator and into something they wouldn't of considered before.


Agreed. I don't put accents on any of my characters. For one thing, it's a pain for a guild to add. I don't sneer at the idea of apostrophes for chiss or twi'lek names though. That's at least in-universe.


With over 100 toons across 4 accounts, my names go through. I just use a space:

Trueblade O’Malley

Sunrose Hearthlight

Tarington Rothmeyer


These names are awesome. I prefer the one word names, but I've done a few like this:

Blush Bravado [sW]

Iris Imbroglio [sMUG]

Chest Candy [RT]

Claret Crescendo [JC]


It was a lot harder imo in 2013. My first, first character I struggled endlessly trying to find a name that wasn't taken, and ended up with Areopagitica. Ick, I exiled him to another server [now SF] and haven't touched it since. I made the character name before the account name, which also doubled as the legacy name, so when I was naming this account, I thought it had to be similarly unique and that all the good names had been taken, so I used the random town in my province. I was able to change legacy names when I moved to a new server, but I'm stuck with Ardrossan as the account name.

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Here are some name ideas I've been toying around with but haven't tried.


If anyone wants to beat me to them, go ahead.


Notso Smart

Super Smart

Sorta Smart

Usetabe Smart




You can substitute the last name with something else and the naming system will still work.

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Echoing what everyone has been saying. I have not come across a lot of issues with this. The only time I ever got a "name unavailable" was when I tried a commonly known name just out of curiosity if it was taken. There are plenty of ways to find interesting and appealing names.
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It's no secret that this game is played by, like, only a couple of thousands players right now, and with that I still struggle to find a name for my SECOND character without beating the keyboard with my head for about an hour, because ALL of the names that could make even the slightest sense are already and long ago taken by bat**it insane alt-hoarders with dozens of level 10 or whatsoever alts they don't care to delete even if they are not interested in playing them.


I want to suggest BW to forcibly and massively delete most of unplayable low-level characters across all of the servers to create a space for decent people who cincerely want to play the game but couldn't care less about naming their characters after some random and chaotic pack of letters.


Uzumymwaezakmi - yeah, that's a great name for my bounty hunter, totally fitting for Star Wars and also free to use!

Did you try "Entitled"? Maybe that one is available for you to use.


Over the past three weeks, I've created six new characters:









At most it took me about 30 seconds for each of them.


Just because you can't think of any names for your characters doesn't mean Bioware should start taking names away from others.

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Apart of being creative is being inventive and yet a lot of a people are commenting using accents in specific letters there by trying to keep them english looking is hardly inventive let alone original, more than anything it shows someone who can't think of something alternative to go looking elsewhere and i mean beyond the name generator and into something they wouldn't of considered before.

Well, only speaking for myself here, but when i use accents, that's usually because i'm replaying a clone of one of my mains and don't feel like deleting the original one who's already lvl 70, and i don't want to change the name either, so that's the easiest way to do it.

IF we could replay the whole game with a character who already finished it, i'd not be doing it that way though, i'd not need to make clones of my mains if i want to take screenshots or record things.


The more "practical" names to be sure not to be unavailable are probably the Chiss ones, that'd be very unlucky for someone to already use the 3 names you came up with (well unless it's a clone of one of your character of course)



And i'd add, whenever i'm not inspired, i'm going with a random name generator and take what i find nice sounding and quite easy to pronunce.

I actually did it with my male Chiss BH, i knew i wanted his usual name to be "Darek" but had no idea what to use to have a real Chiss name, so i used the random name generator and found at some point Nird, and later Kareg, so the dude became Nird'are'kareg, and i got a nice Chiss name.

I had a similar problem for my Chiss IA except i actually had no idea what i wanted her name to be, so used the name generator again, and the end result was Tlar'naara'aisa, which gives her regular name as Naara.


I once had a male Zabrak JC whose name was Shaan-si, using the asian looking face, but was not that satisfied with how he looked like, nor with his name actually, so when i remade him he gained black hair with his asian looking face and looked a bit more japanese, so i used the same random name generator found Qeto wich was quite nice and Nebako somewhere else, so he became Qeto Nebako, and now i'm satisfied both with his look (especially now that i got the Distinguished Warrior set on him) and his name, which while not being japanese at all, sounds a bit like it is.

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There's another snag: Character limit.


Inspired by this thread, I went in game with the purpose of creating an IA named Unbelievably Trustworthy. It just popped into my head, and I found the contradiction funny. But alas, too long. Now, I normally pick names that doesn't seem too out of place in a fantasy setting, but there is something to be said for that kind of linguistic creativity. And if I've understood it correctly, there's a character in the KOTOR games called Mission. So there's that.

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Apart of being creative is being inventive and yet a lot of a people are commenting using accents in specific letters there by trying to keep them english looking is hardly inventive let alone original, more than anything it shows someone who can't think of something alternative to go looking elsewhere and i mean beyond the name generator and into something they wouldn't of considered before.


I've got a lot of names, some are very original, some are inspired and others are ones no one else had the ability to think of by themselves. I don't need you lack of respect to come up with more original names outside the limited zone you are all looking in.


The lack of respect, is in thinking players should accept using names in languages they don't speak. And using accents, that's just a pain for other players.


What's even funnier is, I've seen people make fun of people for using names such as Sakura and variations of popular asian names.


I've made do myself, but it'd be nice if the person using a popular easy name some player wants, isn't sitting on an account that hasn't been used in forever.

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I wanted my female Togruta Pyrotech BH to be called Darkfire but that was taken.


I then changed it up a bit and now it's spelled Darkefyre. It's looks much better than the original.


It's the one, rare time I'm glad the first spelling *was* taken.

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I have never understood the difficulty in creating a name for an MMO game. These names do not have to follow any kind of societal norms they are simply strings of letters that sound like a name...


You start with a letter... hint you have 26 to choose from... I'll choose "T" then another letter "A" then keep going,,,




There I just made up a name by simply typing letters. Again I'll choose "W"




There you go another one.... Bet nobody else has either of those... and it took me all of 20 seconds to make each one of them....


Stop trying to make a "Statement" with your characters name and simply make a name for them. Hint.... Nobody cares!

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For Cathars, I try to find them cat names, which is probably the toughest [most of the names from CATS have been taken]. So Griddlebone, Verdauga [ie. Redwall] etc


For Troopers and IAs, I use military jargon and spy tradecraft, ie. DILLIGAF, Chest Candy [officers with lots of medals] etc


For bounty hunters I use business slang and financial terms, ie. Incentivize, Mercantile etc.


For the rest, I like to pick an adjective that fits in some way with the direction I want to take the character, ie. Heterodox for a Darth Occlus SI, Hackneyed for a LS Pureblood JK, etc.


Being able to make two names is very helpful; if a name is unavailable, it's easy enough to add something simple in front, ie. Stacy Strategic for an IA, Blush Bravado for an SW, etc.


So actually, you CAN make a character name that is a statement, as long as the statement isn't 'Darth Starrrrkiller', 'President Covfefe' or somesuch.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I have never understood the difficulty in creating a name for an MMO game. These names do not have to follow any kind of societal norms they are simply strings of letters that sound like a name...


You start with a letter... hint you have 26 to choose from... I'll choose "T" then another letter "A" then keep going,,,




There I just made up a name by simply typing letters. Again I'll choose "W"




There you go another one.... Bet nobody else has either of those... and it took me all of 20 seconds to make each one of them....


Stop trying to make a "Statement" with your characters name and simply make a name for them. Hint.... Nobody cares!


Both names are as bad as Abcde.

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