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Name unavailable: please choose another


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It's no secret that this game is played by, like, only a couple of thousands players right now, and with that I still struggle to find a name for my SECOND character without beating the keyboard with my head for about an hour, because ALL of the names that could make even the slightest sense are already and long ago taken by bat**it insane alt-hoarders with dozens of level 10 or whatsoever alts they don't care to delete even if they are not interested in playing them.


I want to suggest BW to forcibly and massively delete most of unplayable low-level characters across all of the servers to create a space for decent people who cincerely want to play the game but couldn't care less about naming their characters after some random and chaotic pack of letters.


Uzumymwaezakmi - yeah, that's a great name for my bounty hunter, totally fitting for Star Wars and also free to use!

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It's no secret that this game is played by, like, only a couple of thousands players right now, and with that I still struggle to find a name for my SECOND character without beating the keyboard with my head for about an hour, because ALL of the names that could make even the slightest sense are already and long ago taken by bat**it insane alt-hoarders with dozens of level 10 or whatsoever alts they don't care to delete even if they are not interested in playing them.


I want to suggest BW to forcibly and massively delete most of unplayable low-level characters across all of the servers to create a space for decent people who cincerely want to play the game but couldn't care less about naming their characters after some random and chaotic pack of letters.


Uzumymwaezakmi - yeah, that's a great name for my bounty hunter, totally fitting for Star Wars and also free to use!


There's definitely more than a couple thousand people playing right now. If the player base dropped to 2,000 people, there's no way EA would let the game keep running and pay for developers.


Secondly, BioWare did "force rename" a bunch of "reserved" character names (from unplayed low level characters) when they did the Mega Server merge. The fact that those names aren't available *now* means that other people have reclaimed them. Active players, not people who haven't played in years.

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Secondly, BioWare did "force rename" a bunch of "reserved" character names (from unplayed low level characters) when they did the Mega Server merge. The fact that those names aren't available *now* means that other people have reclaimed them. Active players, not people who haven't played in years.


I believe they do have a rule in place. Something like: if your character is below level 30 and you haven't been active for x amount of time, that name will be made available.


You can use two names nowadays. However... I am infinitely bothered by the fact that in the chat window, if your name is Johnny Awesome it will not capitalize the a in "Awesome". But it will capitalize the a in other areas of the game, such as when you are in a pvp arena (and I'm not talking all caps here like in the UI elements). So... yeah, if you're like me, maybe you don't want to use two names for that reason and that makes it kind of difficult to create a new character. :p If you're not bothered by that it's a good solution, though.

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I want to suggest BW to forcibly and massively delete most of unplayable low-level characters across all of the servers to create a space for decent people who cincerely want to play the game but couldn't care less about naming their characters after some random and chaotic pack of letters.


I can already picture them following your suggestion. And then you find out that your desired name is still not available, because it's used by an active player. What will you suggest then? :rolleyes:


Aside from that, I wonder if your suggestion suits a "decent people".

Edited by JattaGin
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I haven't had many problem coming up with names recently. Mortuus Equus, Fantastiline, Peatamatu are recent examples.


I intentionally avoid english based words and names as they will always be taken.

Well, I would be glad to choose sth in Russian, but the game just ****s up Cyrillic into a complete mess. :(

Jokes aside, I even tried "**** u, stupid game, let's randomize then - decide it for me!" - you can just imagine how hard I was sh**ting myself when two f**king times in a row even randomized names appeared "unavailable" to me.

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Your lack of creativity is neither the fault of BW or the 'batsh-t insane alt-hoarders', as you so charmingly put it.


So much this. I (almost) never had any issues with naming my characters.

Maybe it's because i use romanian, finnish, ancient egyptian and sumerian words and names to name my characters, not plain english ones? Who knows... :)

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This game actually needs a name purge, when was the last time they did one? It should be done everytime a server merge is done IMO.


I mean, how many inactive characters for who knows how many years are there that have been lumped together to current servers from former ones?

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All I've noticed in the 7 years since Founder is that you need to put in some more effort - but you can find a cool name for any character still.


Here are some toons I successfully created names for in 2018:


Abolished - Jugg


Amanaki (meaning "hope") - Jedi Sentinel


Elieth - (meaning Lilith , Adam's first wife ) - a Sorc, then a mirror Jedi Sage called Eliethi


Leoti for a smuggler (city in Kansas and I play her wild west style)


Vanodis - female vanguard (a title of the Norse war goddess Freyja, Vanodis means lady of the Vanir, a race of Gods)


etc. All are names which have a meaning, are nice to say and easy to remember.



Let me try and be constructive. Other posters have already mentioned interchanging letters which can almost get you the character you want. (I created a character Sylenz based on "silence" who was an operative .)


A great idea that might help you is have a browser window open. There are loads of sites with lists of names that mean something in different languages and there are many cool ones. You can search names, cities, foreign languages etc. If you want your Jugg to come across like a war god, search war gods or whatever.


My average time to create a good new name now is about 5 minutes. Good luck!

Edited by chrisforester
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Goprlutknb is hardly a creative choice if that's what are you talking about, my friend.

Perhaps, but that just means that mashing the keyboard to see what comes out is not what he was talking about.


Examples from my own list (all taken on The Leviathan, thanks):

* Yerka Kolar

* Kylarina Lyuze

* Xalari'pelarth

* Parnos

* Chankara Heltick

* Kylath

* Tikreva'tarsil

* Averkit'tarsil

* Bentarik

* Ben Tarik

* Be-bop'alula (proof that brain-worm songs and character creation do not mix)

* Eltera'inskis

* Ykarie

* Ykarie Kinsaver (1)

* Jeniara (created less than three weeks ago)

* Jintalie Tark (Bounty Hunter, BT3 Human Female, *always* uses the Baroness title despite not looking remotely like a baroness)

* Yen'reerr'traa (fell directly out of the random generator for a Chiss)


If your imagination is failing you, mash the random generator a few times to see if anything sounds interesting. Add, change or remove syllables, change endings, insert hyphens or apostrophes, remove hyphens or apostrophes, take two random names and use one as a surname, create alternative spellings that should sound the same, etc.


The last one was fuelled by the random generator suggesting "Flopialis". My word-to-sound-to-word thing turned it into "Floppy Alice" which was "invalid" but when I changed "Alice" to "Alyce", I ended up with a character called "Floppy Alyce". At least one commentator said that she looked sleek rather than floppy, but whatever.


(1) I'm saving "Ykarie Kinslayer" for later, thanks.

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This game actually needs a name purge, when was the last time they did one? It should be done everytime a server merge is done IMO.


I mean, how many inactive characters for who knows how many years are there that have been lumped together to current servers from former ones?


We had a name purge last time we had a server merge.

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Lot of good tips here already for naming characters! Here is mine (some might overlap with ones already mentioned:


Let's pretend you want to name your character Emily and it's taken. Try:


  • Adding ' or - somewhere in the name: E'mily, Em'ily, Emi-ly etc.
  • Play with the pronouciation and/or similarity: Emilie, Amily, Emilly etc.
  • Add something to the end of the name: Emilyssa, Emilyra, Emilyn etc.
  • Add a second name, using space between the words (it's been posible for a while): Emily Strong, Emily Ether, Emily Steel etc. Second name doesn't have to be surname it can also be just second name and work together with your legacy name as surname. Let's pretend you legacy name is Johnson, you could for example do Emily Catherine Johnson.
  • Search meaning of your name and look up in thesaurus synonymes and related words for it. Use the them to form a new name. One meaning for Emily is a word rival, you could for example make names like Rivaly, Nemesa, Baney etc.
  • Search meaning of the name in other languages. Use google translate to browse trough words that mean the same. With Emily as "rival" you would get for example Karibal, Co-rèite, Raibaru, Takaro, Rivale, Antipalos.


Which methods you use depend totally on if you want same sounding name or something with same meaning. Mix and match. Good luck with naming, i hope you find something you like!:)

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Delete old accounts - not the best idea: players can come back one day, the developers will be eaten alive. Now a lot of names have taken, and now it’s really a problem to choose a name even from those suggested. If you look at the players in the fleet ... The solution is simple: unpin the names (and mb the Legacy), each character to set a unique (hidden) code tied to the Legacy and the account (in many RPGs there is). But for this need to do a lot of preparatory work.
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If OP has been around for so long, they must know that all the regular names are taken, and that you just have to spread you net a little wider than 'Boba Fett' 'Revan' 'Malgus' etc. ( which are actually against the rules)


It probably means most of the regular western names are already taken too - Henry, Jane, Robbie etc.


But I'm guessing that there are a lot of players who pay their sub and got to the front of the queue. That's just life.


-OTOH there are still 10s of 1000s of names out there .... You just have to get creative. - I was once a friend of a player who named all his characters after different cheeses.... So it can be done... A few of mine are named after Spanish towns.... whatever floats your boat really....

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Goprlutknb is hardly a creative choice if that's what are you talking about, my friend.


Here are some toons I successfully created names for in 2018:


Abolished - Jugg


Amanaki (meaning "hope") - Jedi Sentinel


Elieth - (meaning Lilith , Adam's first wife ) - a Sorc, then a mirror Jedi Sage called Eliethi


Leoti for a smuggler (city in Kansas and I play her wild west style)


Vanodis - female vanguard (a title of the Norse war goddess Freyja, Vanodis means lady of the Vanir, a race of Gods)


etc. All are names which have a meaning, are nice to say and easy to remember.


These are the names I've made since the last name purge in Nov 2017:


Respectable [DS IA]

Upstart [Rattataki SW]

Hometown Hero [sith PB RT]

Heterodox [Neutral SI]

Verdauga Greeneyes [Cathar JK]

Lofty Ideals [LS JC]


I didn't have to use special characters, accents or foreign languages to make any of them. I do often have to make two words, but not always.

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Delete old accounts - not the best idea: players can come back one day, the developers will be eaten alive. Now a lot of names have taken, and now it’s really a problem to choose a name even from those suggested. If you look at the players in the fleet ... The solution is simple: unpin the names (and mb the Legacy), each character to set a unique (hidden) code tied to the Legacy and the account (in many RPGs there is). But for this need to do a lot of preparatory work.

Legacy names are already not required to be unique. (I have two accounts, one of which is fairly recent (November of 2018), and both of them have "Argentis" as the legacy name.


The problem if you make the only unique identifier of a character invisible is that there's no way to send a message to ==> that one if neither is online, nor if both are online. Imagine if there are two Yerka Kolars, both Rattataki Sorcerer, both level 70. How do you send a mail message to mine? What if the other player's legacy is also Argentis?


The Secret World and Secret World Legends use a different system, where a character has first name (not unique), nickname (unique), and last name (not unique). The combination of first and last is not unique either. My first TSW character was first = Melanie, last = Roberts, nick = Truckslayer. In-game she appears as Melanie "Truckslayer" Roberts. But the nick is required to be unique.


So, if the unique identifier is hidden, how *do* you specify which of a dozen Yerka Kolars you want to contact?

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