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Republic and Imperials on same PVP teams... lame


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Could be sponsored by the Hutt Cartel perhaps?


Exactly my idea. Make the Hutt Cartel the name of the faction. But have some crime gangs or underworld syndicates report to them.

You could even have rivalry outside of them instead of constantly fighting the imperials or Republic.

They could even be a very loose neutral/outside faction who could side with either under certain circumstances.

Then they commit to being just as powerful and you have “the rise of the Hutt Cartel”... oh wait, they did that expansion already.

Which brings up a sore point. When that was originally announced, I had hoped we were going to get a third faction that was “the Hutt Cartel”... I mean, it made sense and the timing would have been perfect. The game was getting a bit stale for story and then we wouldn’t have needed the whole Zakule-Alliance rubbish (that never felt like Star Wars]

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Exactly my idea. Make the Hutt Cartel the name of the faction. But have some crime gangs or underworld syndicates report to them.

You could even have rivalry outside of them instead of constantly fighting the imperials or Republic.

They could even be a very loose neutral/outside faction who could side with either under certain circumstances.

Then they commit to being just as powerful and you have “the rise of the Hutt Cartel”... oh wait, they did that expansion already.


I agree with you, underworld faction sounds really good. But seriously why were bounty hunter and smuggler not able to fight cross faction at the start of the game? They don't give a toss about politics; only credits.

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Only on SS and the other servers that are dying anyway. SF and DM had 0 problems with Pubside queues. Only waited longer than 3 min for a pop in the dead of night.


So, you're saying that you're not ok with it being mixed fashion teams but you're completely ok with a Smuggler killing gigantic Droids by way of punching it to death? Are you ok with an Imp Operative throwing a bunch of knives in a frontal cone, despite only actually have a SINGLE knife, and completely ignoring his/her Carbine Rifle that is being held in the primary hand? Hell, for that matter, why do I sling my carbine, sniper rifle, auto-canon (is it an auto-canon for the Troopers? It has been a long damn time since I last played post release) on my left shoulder, use my left hand to pull it down, and then transfer it to my right hand when I could have just as easily slung it over my right should?


Immersion flew out the window a long time ago and the game that could have been died when BioWare put 80% of the game focus into voice acting instead of dedicating 80% of the game focus to content. Then, EA stepped in and did what they always do. Just be happy that the servers are still up and running to support a game.

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I don't think you understood what he said, then you attack him with unnecessary anger and name calling. Are you just trolling? And it's "put your money where your mouth is." :)


Thanks, Zerileth. Yeah, ITT People who make ageist remarks like 'grow up, stop being a child' etc and then proceed to rant and swear and, incidentally, completely misunderstand the point they are railing against. Very mature.


What people are doing is acting childish, about this Imperial and Republic pvp system that helps pvp.


Congrats. I play both factions too, but I also know [cited from the fact that I have eyes] that pubs are in the minority of pvp, even with cross-faction. Has nothing to do with skill or interest, it's just a holdover from before cross-faction.


I could have written all that out initially, but I hadn't anticipated that my one-liner would cause you to freak out, lol.

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I couldn't agree more, that both faction on the same PvP team is LAME


Agreed. Trixxie's idea needs to be applied in my opinion. Take out the money grubbing bounty hunters and smuggler captains for a no-allegiance faction of none. Change it so that die-hard Imperial and Republic classes do not get put on the same teams in PVP. The four money grubber classes can make up the numbers needed. This won't be a problem because these days 75% of people roll mercs in PVP anyway. If it's not you can just go and make power-techs the next OP class (flavour of the month filth will go and re-roll that class).

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Are you ok with an Imp Operative throwing a bunch of knives in a frontal cone, despite only actually have a SINGLE knife, and completely ignoring his/her Carbine Rifle that is being held in the primary hand?


I'm not okay with this but I'm powerless to do anything about it... :'(


R.I.P. Carbine Burst. You were always and will always be the only frontal cone attack for me. The edgy daggers can go back to whatever anime from whence they came.

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Rep vs Rep and Imp vs Imp pvp has been in the q system forever.


As for reps teaming up with imps or imps fighting other imps in Star Wars lore (and The Old Republic lore) that's also been there forever. Which SW are you complainers referring to?

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Rep vs Rep and Imp vs Imp pvp has been in the q system forever.


As for reps teaming up with imps or imps fighting other imps in Star Wars lore (and The Old Republic lore) that's also been there forever. Which SW are you complainers referring to?


Prejudice, hatred and other wounds run deep; especially when aggravated by war and death of loved ones. Veteran Republic Troopers and Sith would never fight together after suffering at each others hands during decades of war. The Empire and the Galactic Republic differ fundamentally in their values and do not mesh together. I found the idea that they would put such feelings aside and join the "alliance" to be a joke. The only plausible explanation would be that those who joined the alliance were new "shinies" as Captain Rex would call them who did not have any experience.

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Agreed. Trixxie's idea needs to be applied in my opinion. Take out the money grubbing bounty hunters and smuggler captains for a no-allegiance faction of none. Change it so that die-hard Imperial and Republic classes do not get put on the same teams in PVP. The four money grubber classes can make up the numbers needed. This won't be a problem because these days 75% of people roll mercs in PVP anyway. If it's not you can just go and make power-techs the next OP class (flavour of the month filth will go and re-roll that class).

OMG LOL! You have a mighty strong RP game going.

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Prejudice, hatred and other wounds run deep; especially when aggravated by war and death of loved ones. Veteran Republic Troopers and Sith would never fight together after suffering at each others hands during decades of war. The Empire and the Galactic Republic differ fundamentally in their values and do not mesh together. I found the idea that they would put such feelings aside and join the "alliance" to be a joke. The only plausible explanation would be that those who joined the alliance were new "shinies" as Captain Rex would call them who did not have any experience.


And yet Battlefront 2 and The Force Awakens (Finn) feature main characters switching sides after long periods of war?

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Game is more important than your immersion. Especially having people able to play it. PVP without people doing PVP is pretty lame too. World is larger than the inside of your head.


No, maintaining the lore is more important than you trying to play a mmorpg like a moba. If you're hurting that bad to watch random yahoos slaughter each other for the thrill of the hunt go play DOTA, LoL, Overwatch, PuBG. Swtor ain't that.

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No, maintaining the lore is more important than you trying to play a mmorpg like a moba. If you're hurting that bad to watch random yahoos slaughter each other for the thrill of the hunt go play DOTA, LoL, Overwatch, PuBG. Swtor ain't that.


It's like you're playing a different game than me. Please don't queue when I'm queueing. :o

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No, maintaining the lore is more important than you trying to play a mmorpg like a moba. If you're hurting that bad to watch random yahoos slaughter each other for the thrill of the hunt go play DOTA, LoL, Overwatch, PuBG. Swtor ain't that.

LOL! That's terribly funny! I hope nobody thinks you're serious :D

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LOL! That's terribly funny! I hope nobody thinks you're serious :D


People play MMORPGs for different reasons. Its a genre that has a fairly broad appeal. Some people play purely for the gameplay and some play for the escapism, and some for both. That's why you'll see some people trying to give their characters serious names and others who try to come up with puns or other funny names because, I presume, they don't really care about the escapism.


I certainly don't like the mixed teams because of the game's theme. And that theme is the largely the reason I continue playing. The gameplay is buggy, especially in PvP. And the class balance feels worse than ever. But it's Star Wars. It's my characters, not Roadhog, Mercy, Lucio or some other authored character.


The mixed teams are stupid. But it didn't break the game for me, it's just a giant blemish on an otherwise epic setting. One of many blemishes. Might as well enjoy what we while we have it. It feels like the game is in its death throes, what with BioWare having lost all its talent, EA botching game after game and Disney turning sour.

Edited by Majspuffen
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No, maintaining the lore is more important than you trying to play a mmorpg like a moba. If you're hurting that bad to watch random yahoos slaughter each other for the thrill of the hunt go play DOTA, LoL, Overwatch, PuBG. Swtor ain't that.


So what happens when pvp doesn’t pop for reps because there aren’t enough for a team and if you want to pvp you have to play imp vs imp constantly or you never get to pvp? That’s where we were headed or had been at during a majority of day.


From early on the rep pvp queues had less than the Imps because everyone wanted to be “bad arse” Sith.


Then as populations dropped, we ended up with more and more of an imbalance, especially in the pvp queues. It got to a point that if you wanted to win or play with better players, you had to play Imperial. This lead to people swapping sides (who may have preferred rep story) just to pay pvp. This made the imbalance worse and killed the rep side pvp faster.


The more this happened, the faster the rep side pvp queue died and everyone ended up playing Imp vs Imp games for 80% of the day.


So where is the lore there? Does the game stop being about the Republic vs Imperial and just get renamed Sith Wars?

Sometimes compromises need to be made to make the game continue to work. If there is no pvp, there is no lore or RP in pvp anyway.

This is something all the people whinging about the lore aspect of the change don’t understand. NO PVP = NO RP or LORE in pvp.


Honestly, this change probably should have been made 6-12 months earlier than it was. All the regular rep pvpers mostly had mirror imp Alts so they could continue to pvp when pops wouldn’t happen.


One really big positive thing for myself and many other who like playing rep toon’s is we can now play them in pvp. Everyone can now play what ever their main class is in pvp and get exactly the same amount of pops. It doesn’t matter if you main a Sith or Jedi, you will get the same amount of pvp pops.


There was also this MASSIVE misconception that all rep players were crap. Which was so untrue because most of the rep players were on Imp Alts 80-90% of the day. The reality was there were just as many bad imp players.

All these imp people whining before and at the start of this system about how they didn’t want to play with the crap rep players because they would lose them matches have been proven wrong. Because it turns out there as just many if not more crap imp players than rep players and everyone can now see this because they playing their preferred faction class and not being force to all play imp.


The pvp community is still continuing to shrink, the same as the rest of the games population. Even with cross faction, there are time of the day that pvp hardly pops or pops really slowly. Without cross faction it wouldn’t pop at all. You can get an idea at what times pvp would have died under the old system because the queue drops to 4v4 now when there aren’t enough people for 8v8 matches. Imagine if we didn’t have cross faction at those times? We wouldn’t even get 4v4.


You can get a glimpse of how it would end up without cross faction if you go and play lowbies. Even with cross faction you are lucky to get 4v4 pops. When you do, it is nearly the same people in each match (cross faction), but swapped around a bit. If we didn’t have cross faction there wouldn’t be lowbie pvp ever. None of us in lowbie pvp care it’s cross faction. We are just greatful we can get a pop every 10-60mins (yes that’s how long the pops can take).


RP, immersion and lore are all great when you have a healthy population and balanced numbers in each faction. Which is how it was during the formative years of swtor. But the game is old now, people have continued to leave because BioWare continues to **** up. We don’t have the population we once did and IF you guys think Lore is the most important thing about pvp, then you don’t get that without cross faction there would be NO PVP at all.


You guys can argue till the cows come home that lore is what makes this game immersive. But you need to decide, what’s more important, the lore or being able to play pvp?

If you pick Lore, then you really don’t care or want to pvp to start with. If Lore is all that matters to you, DONT PVP if cross faction upsets you so much.

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People play MMORPGs for different reasons. Its a genre that has a fairly broad appeal. Some people play purely for the gameplay and some play for the escapism, and some for both. That's why you'll see some people trying to give their characters serious names and others who try to come up with puns or other funny names because, I presume, they don't really care about the escapism.


I certainly don't like the mixed teams because of the game's theme. And that theme is the largely the reason I continue playing. The gameplay is buggy, especially in PvP. And the class balance feels worse than ever. But it's Star Wars. It's my characters, not Roadhog, Mercy, Lucio or some other authored character.


The mixed teams are stupid. But it didn't break the game for me, it's just a giant blemish on an otherwise epic setting. One of many blemishes. Might as well enjoy what we while we have it. It feels like the game is in its death throes, what with BioWare having lost all its talent, EA botching game after game and Disney turning sour.


I have no problems to differentiate gameplay and actual story related, RP-heavy content from each other. You actually have no problems with it either, you don't like it but you get why it might have to be done for the benefit of the game.


I find RP-gamers often being ridiculously selfish. I never call myself a role player because of what I've witnessed among role players. I know what I said is very controversial, but that is my conclusion after 15 years among other gamers. I don't PVP, I'm a solo player, and yet I can fully understand that there are two aspects in MMORPG: time when you can RP, and time when you can't. You can't have everyhting. SWTOR has players who never role play, never. They play games for entirely different reasons. Yet, role players seem to demand that their precious immersion always comes first (if you have to worry about your immersion, how little imagination you actually have anyway? I mean, nothing breaks MY immersion, not even horrible writing). I just can't stand it. You must have an ability to give space and room for what other people want and need too. If PVP needed this to be viable, then it had to be done and it was the right thing to do and to hell with someones immersion and lore. There is time for that and then there is time when it has to be overlooked for the better of the game and people playing it.

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The game's playability is far more important, than rp, and story loyalty. If they were sacrifice everything for the sake of being roleplay, and movie loyal, then jedi, and sith would be like a hundred times better.


Most skills for most classes would require consumable. So you would spend a great deal of money buying ammo, fuel, grenades, rockets, kolto, sleeping darts, etc.. And even with these you would have 0 chance of winning on 1v1 against a strong jedi/sith. In return jedi/sith doesn't need any equipment except their lightsaber, but they can use all of those stuff with increased effiency, if they want to.


Wait the list goes better! Since jedi/sith are far less in numbers, than soldiers, because anyone can be a soldier, but only force sensitives can be force users you couldn't create new jedi/sith charater unless there is a certain ammount of other characters already, or even better you would need real money to create it.

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So merge all the servers into one massive server.


Queue problems resolved


And get 800 ping. You know even today's technology has limitations. Both in size, and latency. Latter is also affected by location of stuff. As a European playing on a server located in Australia is laggy as hell. There is a reason, that they made multiple server.


By the way they merged some of them already. It used to be more.

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Merging everyone onto one server is a terrible idea for this game. The combat already feels clunky enough at times in terms of delay between moves the added lag would make it worse for non-US users. If you use the argument that being the near the server would solve the issue that's extremely short sighted as there are people from multiple continents they play this game. I play with some Aussies who have lamented the loss of the oceanic server god knows how long ago.


As for the OP concern of Imps being on the same team as Pubs, I don't really see why it's a big deal. In PvP, AFAIK, the devs worked to make the classes as equal to their factions counter parts as possible. If it reduces queue times, I'm all for it. RP / "immerersion" breaking doesn't matter at this point. It's all tactics and rock, paper, scissors at the end of the day.

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