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Everything posted by irrevelant

  1. I did mainly from FPs. Gear drops usually around your own item rating, and a bit above. Just equip what is highest. Even if not optimal in stat. Any item, that is not better, than your current can be dismantled to gain extra tech fragments. You can buy random items on the fleet for quite cheap from the Spoils of War vendor at the supplies wing. These items also goes above your current level up to 306. Switch the one which is the worst for the fastest progress. A very important thing. These items are bound to LEGACY. So once you reach 306 with a character you can use that to farm 306 item leveled stuff for your other characters. Gearing up an alt is really fast this way. And for the record. I love it. Thinking about making a new character, grind it to 75 without main story, then equip full 306. Just cause.
  2. I prefer my enemies slowly. Turning her into a droid would stop the visible resistance way too fast.
  3. Put a slave collar on Saresh, and have her delivered to Acina as a "gift".
  4. By the way could we get this set in current state somehow? Time-traveling back to when the event existed is kinda difficult.
  5. What's in the title. In your opinion what is the most evil choice you can make in the game. All quests considered. To me it's the part when you can shoot the father of a kid on Hutta so that the kid will go to Korriban. You are killing a caring father in front of his child.
  6. Well the thread gives pretty much all the sad examples from this game. For joy i always liked killing people who are full of themselves so i could say, that almost every end-story enemy. While i see this as a good thing it became boring by the end of the final class story i played. They should have made at least a few main villain who just does their job, and would not gloat, threaten, or backstab you. Though there were temporary enemies with the right attitude. As for truly difficult moment to watch. I think i would go with the Taris survivors holos. Mostly, because i played KOTOR1, and remember the spacer who showed them the "promised lands". But it was a lie. That was their grave.
  7. Was same for me with the chancellor. Not just revenge, but for proof, that nobody is invincible, or above consequences. I hate how nobles in games, and stories are doing all sort of evil, and dark things, and just get away with it, or at least expect that. He could have given you an open apology, and publicly declare Jun as traitor, and have him arrested for his actions. He could have fixed this abuse anytime. Now, that he is at my freaking gunpoint offers an apology? Seriously? You failed old man, and now you are going to pay the price. Not to mention, that turning against my employer is bad for business. Who wants a bounty hunter who might switch sides?
  8. Well it's a bit dependent on roleplay. My jedi Consular fell to a neutral side, and no longer pure light, and jedi stuff. He doesn't want to be in the order again, and prefers the flexibility of the alliance. A vision of making a great country in the galaxy. Free from the religious ******** of the sith, and the corruption of the Republic. My other jedi is jedi to the heart. Rejoining it is. My smuggler gone independent. He already had a nice crime syndicate running, and with the alliance in his pocket he can make a nice criminal empire. The Inquisitior rejoined the Empire. He plans to run for the Emperor's seat in the close future, and the first step is regaining his old powerbase in the Empire. I'm planing on creating a new Sith Warrior to be the biggest possible jerk in the galaxy. I found, that Sith warrior is the one who can be the ultimate unstoppable evil.
  9. I don't remember any of them going too long. The trick is not moving while picking up the trash. The pulse, that gives relative direction checks from the position you were when casting started, and not where you are at the moment.
  10. Many people are kinda mad, that force became so much stronger in the Disney movies. And many would argue, that it's already way too strong in the old republic. Well i just got an idea for story, that could justify both situation. As we know the Jedi and Sith are kinda destroying everything with a super long conflict. The Star Cabal recognized this, and many other people might recognize it later too. Darth Thraya had an idea to destroy the force. Now what if that idea re-emerge among the common population, or even among some Sith, or Jedi who are getting tired of the war, and seeks a long-term solution. The solution is to destroy the force, or at least wound it. Preventing to be used. Both Jedi, and Sith would lose their powers. The Sith Empire would not survive it, and lose. The wound made, the war ends, Siths gone, peace for more, than a thousand years with only minor conflicts. The remants of the Sith are more like following a religion, and believes, and not active force users. The are jedi similar. In time the force restores itself, and the jedi re-emerge in the open as force users, and the sith hiding in the dark. But it's power is just a shadow of it's former power. Which is why the jedi, and sith are relatively weak. In time the force recover however, and allow greater, and more power to those who uses it. As well as increased number of force sensitives, and more common un-trained usage.
  11. I stopped being a sentimental hoarder a long time ago. Just sell everything to GTN, or vendors. 3 tab on legacy bank is more than enough for the shared items. 1. tab mostly filled with gifts so i can spare some money on companions, and 2 tabs got 306 gears, in case if i ever decide to get another lvl75 alt.
  12. Well it's not like any roles are truly even. I mean there are differences in both DPS, and healer roles too. In a game complicated as SWTOR perfect balance is not an option.
  13. How about sending us to Taris to get some special sample from some special cave? It has plenty of Rakghouls regardless of faction anyway.
  14. You mistake Zakuul with the Aliance. The Aliance is not Zakuul. After Ossuss we can even hear, that they are not even part of it anymore. The Aliance is a bunch of people from both factions, and even with all of Zakuul territory they are still nothing compared to the big players. The only reason the alliance had a power base against the Empire, and Republic was the Eternal fleet at their disposal. The Alliance was made to defeat Zakuul. With that purpose fulfilled people are deserting, and planets are leaving. It shouldn't take long until it disbands for good, or gets reduced to a minor corporation/faction. As for Zakuul as faction. Well i wouldn't mind a new class story for it. Staring as Zakuul knight. The class story would be about serving Arcann, and Thexan, and later only Arcann. Story would end by deserting for some reason. Maybe the Knight has a close friend/love, and when Arcann demands, that half of the knights must kill each other, then (s)he is forced to kill his/her closest companion. Which makes the knight desert, and join the Empire/Republic.
  15. Well that's not easy. Maybe, if we check the time the target player is grouped with someone. Like Player X is frequent player with Y, if 50% of the whole grouped time they are in the same group. Example: Player X, and Y are bros, and they go FP together. They go for 20 hours this way. Now until Player X, or Y plays 20 hours in group(s) without the other they are considered frequent played. If you ignore X that way, then you also ignore Y.
  16. I did in less than a month ago, and had no problems with lvl75 character in like 270 ilevel. The only "unbeatable" oponent i met since last patch was the Iokath sentinels. That 3 robot obliterated my walker with ease despite having 306 irating. Managed to kill one on first try, and damage a lot on another, then probe ressed me (with the walker), and i got the other 2. So it is not impossible. Just not with one life.
  17. In ESO. NONE. You must buy the base game once, but it allows a huge experience. Like hundreds of hours without pretty much any penalty, and 0 penalty on PVP forever. For PVE the DLC stuff is stronger so you either buy the DLC once, or pay suscribtion, and temporarily unlock all the stuff. WoW. Very small trial, that only shows like 1% of the game. It's great to see, that it runs on your computer, and see the gameplay style. Never played FF. I played GW1 a lot. Now that one is pay once play forever style too. However none of these gives the illusion of f2p. They all make it clear, that you can only have a trial, and must pay for the real stuff. SWTOR shows f2p, but the penalties you get are unbearable at higher levels. Your efficiency is seriously gutted, if you are truly f2p. So if you want the real deal, then either pay a lot for each character to permanently unlock the features, or start suscribtion. I did the latter.
  18. Currently doing the Trooper. That, and the Sith Warrior missing to complete the set. As much as i hate the Imperials in faction i have to say, that they got more interesting stories. Bounty Hunter, and Agent are both very interesting. Also all of them has it's fun moments. On of my favorite: Minor spoiler incoming. For Republic the Smuggler is the only hillarious. The rest a re boring duty-carry "droids". Not much funny moments, or one-nighters.
  19. I have to disagree on this one. You already can reset ongoing story quests. This wouldn't be much different. Everything is inside personal phase, or respawning material. The only "problem" are the companions, but a lot of them already returned. They could also use temporary companions, or let us change phase on companions. My suggestion would eliminate all of these easily. I don't suggest to go back chapter to chapter, but option to reset main quest on character tab. Unlike when you create a new character you wouldn't be bothered by sidequests, leveling, gearing, and you could rush the main quest easily.
  20. The best thing about having options is the flexibility of playing. Some players are not like to socialize, or don't have 6 hours each day to satisfy the guild's needs for gearing. In that light making everything solo-able is the best course of action. As long as the soloing is not much as rewardable as the group content. Making the group content wield bigger, and better rewards will push the power-players into guilds, and force them to socialize. Especially, if you put top-end gear there. WoW also made pretty much "solo-able" by group finder. The only difference is, that on SWTOR operations don't have enough player, or too hard for group finder. If it were up to me, then i would release the server version, and allow player to go fully offline, and cheat/mod their own little world as they see fit, or create non-official servers with their own rules. Maybe forcing a suscribtion to maintain your own server, if it goes online.
  21. I don't think, that ignore guild is a good idea. But the frequently played list makes sense. As for "defining it". Maybe all people you were in group in the past 10 minutes? It's more than enough to press ignore after an FP, or during, if someone is that toxic.
  22. I don't PVP so here is the "to-do" list for PVE. Tons of flashpoints. Veteran, then once you got around 290+ master too. And use companions to make money the whole time. You gona need a lots of credits for the final parts Your primary goal first is to get on 306 irating. Keep all gear, and wear the ones with the highest irating. Even if they aren't optimal. Any gear you aren't wearing should be de-contructed. Also the tech-fragments are account wide. So if you got alts, then get weekly for each. You may get the new item for your class on the way. It has no irating. Once you are on 306 you can start getting the set bonuses. At this point there are 2 options. 1. You go for the best for your class, that aren't universal. This will give you more efficiency, but the gear will not be truly tradeable to alts. 2. You go for the best universal for your role. While it might not be good as option 1., but it allows you to trade the gear to your alts at any time. After that you can go for the amplifiers for any gear, that uses modifications, or in the type, that is best for you. Don't bother with gear, that you gona switch out, because sub-optimal. This is where you need a lot of credits, and PRAY for the gods of RNG. After that comes the real mess. You need to adjust your mods, and enchantements. That means farm, more farm, and more farm. Keep buying from the Spoils of War wendor, and once again. Pray. I suggest augments for the last. It has the least impact, and costs the most. But it has no RNG at least.
  23. I would like that too. There are some choices, that i would change, and try out for some characters. Also i hate to see all the sidequests i already done on my other characters. Currently doing my final 2 class story. I climbed both to lvl52 so i can focus entirely on main quest only without the need for leveling, or new gear. Even if we could just reset main content entirely. With a lvl75 full geared character you can go through the story quickly, and easily. And with all sidequests already done you aren't bothered by those either. I would give 2 option for start. On character select you could reset main content, and during planet travel you could reset planetary content. Sidequests, and local story. Both would require to complete the class quest first.
  24. I don't know how rare the force sensitivity, or how many jedi/sith trained at once, but there is more, than enough people, and resources for conventional stuff such as soldiers, and droids. Also there is a year time-skip before Onslaught. More importantly during the Onslaught both sides went all-in. So it is very likely, that a short pause gona happen. Like while you going after the mad jedi. As for Sith, and Jedi in great numbers. We knew from the start, that Sith has started desperate conscription since the class stories. They enlist everyone with force sensitivity. Regardless of age, race, or bloodline. We don't know how picky the jedi still, but i would assume, that desperate times calls for desperate measures. So they at least open for conversion, but it might be, that they also start training "older" people. The knight, and consular are both raised by the order. It could be though, that the reason behind their mostly equalized numbers is the fact, that many of the Sith recruits die during training. Jedi has less recruits, but they all survive.
  25. There is a difference between commanding, and below rank. In battles the chain of command cannot be broken. Even if 2 general is present one is above the other, because he is in charge with the operation. It is possible, that by rank Angral, and Malgus was on the same level. It's just Angral got into charget with the operation, and that's why Malgus had to cooperate. Same goes for non-sith. If a moff is put in charge with an operation, then technically he outranks everyone. Even those who are outrank him unless they revoke the command. So a Sith Lord could be put into the service of a moff. It would make sense, if the strategic decisions were given to strategists regardless of their personal power. A sith brute might be unstoppable in 1v1, but it doesn't mean, that he can command an army as well. And he won't survive against an army by himself. Nor able to occupy an entire planet.
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