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Am I the only one here who is avoiding playing 5.10?


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I had real-life and university commitments leading up to and during 5.10’s release so I stepped away from the game for a few weeks. However, now that I have a little more time to spare I’ve decided to avoid 5.10 entirely, possibly for good, or possibly until 6.0 releases, which would hopefully bring some improvements to the story.


If not. Then I’ll play until my interest wanes then cancel my sub.


My reasons:

All the bugs that broke the Companions.

Missing Quinn for Warriors who went Republic (a bug which would affect my main).

All the other bugs.

Alliance not a real third faction.

Much too much Lana.

Forced return to Republic vs Empire.


As a subscriber and a solo casual gamer I’m happy to continue to play the old content. I have one character only that is 5.10 ready (my Sith Warrior). My Jedi Knight is part-way through Fallen Empire, and all my other 70’s have either just begun SoR or need to begin it. One will not progress to Fallen Empire because her love interest has would have gone permanently AWOL (Vector) and my Sith Inquisitor will stop before the traitor arc so Theron (her love interest) will remain active.


Currently I’m slowly levelling a Jedi Consular and having fun with my Rishi stronghold. If BioWare decides to create an Odessen stronghold then that would be very cool and I’d be first in line to buy one. One thing I have done is gain the Alliance Commander title for my girls, which was an achievement that I particularly wanted.


So for 5.10, nah I think not. It would be a regression of the story and my enjoyment in the game would be likewise diminished.

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I’ve started it, but barely. I dusted off an unused lvl 65 token to avoid bugging older characters. Got him to 70 then lost his face the day I was going to start. Then I waited around to see if Bioware would announce a fix, but they have ignored it. So I ponied up to change his body type so he’d have a face again, but now I just feel po’d when I log onto him. Couple that with a story void of characters I care about, I just can’t get motivated to play it. I was looking forward to content with Balkan, but he feels off to me.
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Its quite the contrary here.


I play since headstart and I am still enjoying the game. I dont want to say that it is perfect but I always tolerate a level of bugs, because there wont be a game which is perfect. After I tried Fallout 76 I know the true meaning of bugs :)


While I kept my subscription to SWTOR I lost many guilt-members in the last years. Despite the fact that they enjoyed the KOTFE and KOTET story they left for different reasons (some of them caused by RL some because of new games).

We still kept contact together via teamspeak but they stopped playing SWTOR.

I should also mention that most of our guilt-members are 40 years old or older, have their jobs and real-life -duties - so we are a perfect example of casual player. We focused on Roleplaying and PVP, while we had no interest in PvE-elements like operations. So we never missed them.


With 5.10 many of my friends came back to SWTOR and even some of them renewed their subscriptions.

Their reason was that it is possible to bring all the twinks, who have reached Level 70 to Ossus for the dailies. These dailies are very easily done, you dont have to use much time and by using account-wide armor it takes a short time to build a complete 252 or even 258 armor.

And because of the last server merge we have indeed many chars on lvl 70.


Also while I liked the KOTET/KOTFE storyline they prefer the old dualism between the Republic and the Empire. Now the storyline seem to switch back to this.


So in summery - 5.10 had the following advantages for me:


1. A very good and interesting designed new planet

2. Time-effective dailies/weeklies with excellent loot (252 which will bring 175 components and easy access to 258 equip)

3. (most important for me:) The 5.10-storyline motivated many of my old guilt members to return to SWTOR

4. Short but interesting story as an prelude for 6.0

5. Level 70 Twinks can start directly with Ossus without haveing to play all the stories before. So they can be used for farming the armor and weapons for the same classes of the account.


On the negative side are the bugs, but I am sure that they will be fixed.

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I had real-life and university commitments leading up to and during 5.10’s release so I stepped away from the game for a few weeks. However, now that I have a little more time to spare I’ve decided to avoid 5.10 entirely, possibly for good, or possibly until 6.0 releases, which would hopefully bring some improvements to the story.


If not. Then I’ll play until my interest wanes then cancel my sub.


My reasons:

All the bugs that broke the Companions.

Missing Quinn for Warriors who went Republic (a bug which would affect my main).

All the other bugs.

Alliance not a real third faction.

Much too much Lana.

Forced return to Republic vs Empire.


As a subscriber and a solo casual gamer I’m happy to continue to play the old content. I have one character only that is 5.10 ready (my Sith Warrior). My Jedi Knight is part-way through Fallen Empire, and all my other 70’s have either just begun SoR or need to begin it. One will not progress to Fallen Empire because her love interest has would have gone permanently AWOL (Vector) and my Sith Inquisitor will stop before the traitor arc so Theron (her love interest) will remain active.


Currently I’m slowly levelling a Jedi Consular and having fun with my Rishi stronghold. If BioWare decides to create an Odessen stronghold then that would be very cool and I’d be first in line to buy one. One thing I have done is gain the Alliance Commander title for my girls, which was an achievement that I particularly wanted.


So for 5.10, nah I think not. It would be a regression of the story and my enjoyment in the game would be likewise diminished.


Are you the only one? No. Are you one of the few who refuse to play it? Yes.


5.10 has received criticism for the gearing changes and bugs, the gear grind being the biggest issue I think. But if there is one thing that evidently people liked it was the story. I have seen so many positive comments about the story we got with 5.10, people are finally letting out a breath of relief that the Alliance thing is over and done with. It is why it's such a pity that the gear grind overshadows the story of 5.10, because I have seen people who previously were negative of the story say they actually liked what Jedi Under Siege gave us.


I myself have loved both the Republic and Imperial storylines on Ossus. I am so happy we're finally done with the Zakuul and Alliance narrative, that we're finally returning to Empire vs Republic and Jedi vs Sith. The story was really enjoyable and gave a strong SWTOR vibe once more, something I haven't felt in the story since KotFE was released.


The only thing I am avoiding from 5.10 is claiming Paxton Rall, I'll wait until they fix the bug with him. But other than that, the story of 5.10 has evidently invoked a lot of positivity from players all across the forums and other social media and I agree, Jedi Under Siege's story was amazing and I can't wait to see more!

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Are you the only one? No. Are you one of the few who refuse to play it? Yes.


5.10 has received criticism for the gearing changes and bugs, the gear grind being the biggest issue I think. But if there is one thing that evidently people liked it was the story. I have seen so many positive comments about the story we got with 5.10, people are finally letting out a breath of relief that the Alliance thing is over and done with. It is why it's such a pity that the gear grind overshadows the story of 5.10, because I have seen people who previously were negative of the story say they actually liked what Jedi Under Siege gave us.


I myself have loved both the Republic and Imperial storylines on Ossus. I am so happy we're finally done with the Zakuul and Alliance narrative, that we're finally returning to Empire vs Republic and Jedi vs Sith. The story was really enjoyable and gave a strong SWTOR vibe once more, something I haven't felt in the story since KotFE was released.


The only thing I am avoiding from 5.10 is claiming Paxton Rall, I'll wait until they fix the bug with him. But other than that, the story of 5.10 has evidently invoked a lot of positivity from players all across the forums and other social media and I agree, Jedi Under Siege's story was amazing and I can't wait to see more!


Haha, well given your past and very vocal disagreement with anything and everything relating to the Alliance, Ylliarus, I'd be highly surprised if you weren't over the moon enthaustic with 5.10. :rolleyes:


For myself, everything that would have kept me playing forward in the story has either been broken or removed, so I see no point in going further. If my characters' stories end at Etermal Throne, then so be it. I'll play until I lose interest and maybe, return if a future story goes in a way that I like.

Edited by AureliaSulis
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I've taken some alts through but I'm holding back my main toons that I care about to see how everything shakes out in 6.0 and/or any patches that come before it. I'm not happy with having to ally with a faction instead of just being the Alliance and the way things turned out with Ossus. I also really don't like that my Republic characters have to sneak around and cannot defect officially to the Empire.


I'm also holding back almost everyone from claiming Paxton because of the issues with losing other companions. The only one that claimed Paxton via the holocommunicator was a newbie that had no other companions (hence couldn't lose anyone).

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I've played it with one of my JK and with one of my IA


Pub loyalist was ok, though i was pissed at my JK for telling things like "It's time i got back to the Republic" while the only other choice was siding with the Empire and "Reuniting with the Jedi has been long overdue." when that's absolutely not something she'd say while the other 2 options were 1 flirt with Tau (which i'm absolutely not interested in doing on my JK) or sounding like an arrogant piece of trash who thinks no one would be able to do anything without her...

None of these choices suited my JK, who would rather stay neutral if she had a choice and has no intention in going back to the Jedi Order, she has no intention in fully going back to the Republic either, she's okay with siding with them and working with them, but wants to stay as independant as possible with her Alliance by her side.


But Imp saboteur was really underwhelming so far.

It really looked like my saboteur was helping the Empire more than the Republic which was trully annoying, i even had to skip completely one of the optional quests where i was asked to burn farms or something like that.

I really wish i could actually play the Pub storyline on my Imp defectors instead of that saboteur thing...

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I’m avoiding it because of the insanely slow gear grind. I’ve done it on 3 toon’s a couple of times and that’s it for me. It’s not replayable enough and I hate doing the same dailies constantly.

I will bypass this gear totally and wait for 6.0 gear. That’s if I’m still here and people are still able to pvp properly with 252;Bolster vs 258 gear.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I only did the story on one toon for the datacron. Other than that, I have completely avoided everything to do with 5.10 because of the abhorrent gearing system and I refuse to play it until they make it alt-tolerable.


This ^^^ EXACTLY this ^^^


I really hope Bioware is reading all the musket threads and posts about the grind. It has not been received well by the majority and has even driven people from the game.


Why do they keep making these same mistakes over and over

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I've only played through the Ossus story once, and even then I waited for the first round of patching to try to avoid my main getting borked. (This did end up working out; I didn't experience any major bugs, though I did end up with a few duplicate class companions.) Given the feedback I've seen on the forums about how horrible the saboteur path turns out, even if manage to slog through "Keeping Up With The Valkorions" on some other toons at last there's a lot of them I won't bring through Ossus because logically they'd choose the opposite faction and then I'd have to cringe at how that works the whole time I play it.


I'm not bothering with the new gearing system at all. Either they'll eventually change it so I'll want to save up the tokens and crystals I earn by doing the dailies/weeklies (all for decorations, not gonna lie) for that point, or they won't and I'll just hold out for the potential 6.0 where they will inevitably release new gearing tiers and a new gearing system (since that seems to be EA's big obsession with this game now).

Edited by AscendingSky
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The only thing I am avoiding from 5.10 is claiming Paxton Rall, I'll wait until they fix the bug with him. But other than that, the story of 5.10 has evidently invoked a lot of positivity from players all across the forums and other social media and I agree, Jedi Under Siege's story was amazing and I can't wait to see more!


Agreed. I played through the Ossus story once (Pub side, toon I used a master datacron on and didn't romance at all), have not retrieved Paxton Rall yet (same reason; Paxton has been sleeping in all the wrong places and is infested :eek:), and am not sure about all the implications, for alt's sake, so I'm going slowly. I really appreciate CloudCastle's thread about this; here


I really enjoyed the story. Will be playing a 70 Imp toon (prob. SI) through it soon with autocomplete and just see how it plays. No spoilers here; just wanted to say how pleasantly surprised I was at the romance options, the story cut scenes were more than I expected, and Ossus/quests are great :)

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i'm not actively avoiding it, per say. Just finding a more enjoyable time not partaking in grind for the sake of saying it's new content in my limited free time, is all. the ginormous bugfest and slap in the face to those of us who completed the world bosses while they were bugged is just the straw that broke the camel's back.
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Hate on me if you want, but I'll just say it... biggest concern for me is that SOME PvE content will... eventually... be tuned to 6.0+ gear ratings, and that 6.0+ gear will require 5.10 gear as tokens for turn-ins (as well as crystals) just like you need 252 to trade up to 258, so we'll all be stuck getting the 252 before acquiring anything meaningful in 6.0+ Edited by xordevoreaux
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Agreed. I played through the Ossus story once (Pub side, toon I used a master datacron on and didn't romance at all), have not retrieved Paxton Rall yet (same reason; Paxton has been sleeping in all the wrong places and is infested :eek:), and am not sure about all the implications, for alt's sake, so I'm going slowly. I really appreciate CloudCastle's thread about this; here


I really enjoyed the story. Will be playing a 70 Imp toon (prob. SI) through it soon with autocomplete and just see how it plays. No spoilers here; just wanted to say how pleasantly surprised I was at the romance options, the story cut scenes were more than I expected, and Ossus/quests are great :)


I only have one suggestion on autocomplete: If you have not done any of the KOTET/KOFTE, it's all good. If you have finished both as well as Revan and Iokath, it's all good (nothing to autocomplete). If you are part way through, finish it yourself. I had one that had not done Revan and Iokath. I have no idea what changed, if anything. Makeb was not touched by autocomplete nor was Oricon. That thread you posted is a great resource. I wish I had read it before I autocompleted some of mine.

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Never even downloaded it. I quit before they dumped 5.10 on the game, due to feeling pretty strongly that the game was heading in a direction I no longer wanted to go. I feel very confident I made the right decision.


If talking with my wallet doesn't give the game cause to pause, nothing will. Clearly the feedback and player input means nothing, maybe the money will?

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I was waiting to start Ossus until some of the bugs got squashed so I rolled up a new Consular. I decided to play Balance since my main is TK and skip the class story and solely focus on planet arcs and side missions since they usually get overlooked due to the way leveling is now. So far I'm having loads of fun playing that character. It's really interesting to not have that purple icon on the galaxy map leading you around. It makes the game feel more open (like ignoring the main quest in an Elder Scrolls game). I have a baby Assassin waiting to be played. I might do the same thing as the Consular and skip the class story. I also have a Knight in their 50's that I need to get back to, and an Agent I need to get to 70/300 for the achievements. I have plenty to keep me busy until 5.10.1.


That said, I'm actually looking forward to getting to Ossus and the story. I didn't dislike FE/ET. Like all stories there were parts I enjoyed more than others. Some of my characters would rather stay independent while some are ready to get back to their original sides (and one is already plotting to remove Acina and assume the throne, but that's head canon for another post). I don't have any characters that will go into Ossus that will be a saboteur for the Empire, but I have loyalists on both sides and my Sorc can't wait to switch sides. What I really want is to start on my Ossus reputation so I can start collecting the decos. The gear situation doesn't bother me. I know gearing has been a major point of contention for many people but having the best gear has never been a high priority for me. Command crate gear is good enough for most of my characters. Really, the only thing that has kept me away have been the bugs. So, here's to a robust 5.10.1 patch.

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skip the class story and solely focus on planet arcs and side missions since they usually get overlooked due to the way leveling is now. So far I'm having loads of fun playing that character. It's really interesting to not have that purple icon on the galaxy map leading you around. It makes the game feel more open (like ignoring the main quest in an Elder Scrolls game). I have a baby Assassin waiting to be played. I might do the same thing as the Consular and skip the class story. I also have a Knight in their 50's that I need to get back to, and an Agent I need to get to 70/300 for the achievements. I have plenty to keep me busy until 5.10.1.


Ive never thought of doing that. I might try that with my next reroll, but I’d need to delete one of my 30 (maxed my slots and I’m certainly not paying for another. Bioware don’t deserved more money till they fix ****).


It certainly sounds interesting. Im guessing you had to do the opening planet class quests to get your ship?

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Ive never thought of doing that. I might try that with my next reroll, but I’d need to delete one of my 30 (maxed my slots and I’m certainly not paying for another. Bioware don’t deserved more money till they fix ****).


It certainly sounds interesting. Im guessing you had to do the opening planet class quests to get your ship?


I did everything on Tython and Coruscant so I could get my ship. Then after I got on board and had the cinematic with air traffic control I flew right to Nar Shaddaa and Taris to get those cutscenes out of the way then unticked those two class missions.


Without doing the class story you won't have your companions, but that's really not an issue with all of the token comps. I have Qyzen, which is really all I need, but also have Shae Vizla, who I put in regular Mandalorian armor and RP that she was part of Jicoln Cadera's Crusader's schism and joined the Republic, and Darth Hexid, who I put in cybernetic armor and RP she's a Sith combat training droid that was reprogrammed to serve the Republic (her vocabulator is still stuck in homicide mode, though), as well as C2, Treek, and HK-51 (if I spend the credits). An eclectic crew for a ronin'esk Jedi. I'm just wandering around the galaxy doing missions as I find them (explorer missions are on, of course). The only thing I don't like are the way the planetary bonus series missions are handled now.

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