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Is SWTOR addictive or just a fun hobby?


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How many of you are actually addicted to this game? I am just curious.


Seeing all the awful changes made over the last 3 years a sensible person would expect the game to be a ghost town at this point yet, here some of you are many years later still playing!


New players are forgiven, there's tons of stuff for a new player who hasn't experienced the full scope of content especially the older chapters so I can see how a new player would be enthralled.


The veterans, unless you simply enjoy the ambiance and hanging out with pals in the game, I see absolutely no reason any vet would stick around here.


What for?


The fun useless, fruitless new wave of gear grind which is abysmally tedious and chore-like, that has no new content to grind with it?


The once engaging conquest system that got gutted and replaced with a restrictive alt punishing system that rewards large guilds even more than before?


Oh, what about the newly added "locked-in" mods that make min/maxing and customizing gears even harder than ever before forcing crappy useless stats into your stat line?


How about playing the same stale meta in PVE AND PVP due to the meta not being changed for over 2 years? The same OP'd classes with the same underpowered classes for the last 2 years! Exciting right?


I honestly believe there is a factor of addiction involved here. As laid out above, there's just really no logical explanation why any veteran/long time player would play SWTOR at this point.


Oh, Happy New Year to all! :)

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The problem is that there is no other MMORPG with Star Wars elements. The story is very good. You will not be molested by PVPer as a PVEer. Which is unfortunately the case with many other games. You can also do something solo and do not get stuck.

Should there ever be another game of this kind (with Star Wars and you also play as a Sith ) I'm gone. ;)

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I've been playing since Feb 2012. I am still here because it's still fun to go through the class stories every now and then. Plus I have put so much money into the game over the years I'm not about to stop playing , as long as I'm still playing I'm getting my moneys worth.
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The MMO alternatives right now are ESO, which I just can't get into either from a game design or art perspective, or WoW, which just released one of the worst expansions in their history. I went through months of jumping between MMOs trying to find out which one was currently the least crappy before I settled on coming back to TOR. I don't like where the game's gone since the last time I played (end of SOR, first few months of KOTFE) but the 'newness' factor of having not played it in a few years and still having story content I've not played yet is still holding my interest for now.


The MMO scene is hurting right now, not because of a lack of interest in the genre, but solely because of poor design choices made by those games of late. It would be a good time for a game like SWTOR to capitalize on it, but I think we're far past the point of EA making a competitive commitment to this game.

Edited by Genaya
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After the DvL event, which I enjoyed a great time, revisiting all the class stories in a breeze, with a new set of characters that I enjoyed, with new life in the game, events, group activities etc., several factors came together with 5.0 and Galactic Command that made me take a break of almost 2 years, with a short resub once or twice. Up until that point it was addictive and part of my daily routine to at least log in, check GTN sales, run a few missions, etc.


Now I returned and as I'm tying up loose ends with old and new characters, catching up on Galactic Command and the economy, I'm enjoying it, but I don't see myself going back to the addiction levels. I started playing new roles which I enjoy and like to polish (i.e. shadow tanking, merc healing), but I won't be zealous about it.


The problem is that there is no other MMORPG with Star Wars elements.


It's the only space MMORPG of its kind.


Had Mass Effect 4 turned out to be the rumored MMORPG, I'd be there.

Edited by KyaniteD
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It's a fun hobby for me. It's really the most fun MMORPG that I've played, and I've tried quite a few up to this point, but none have ever really stuck for me.


Aside from maybe:


Dragon Saga, before the developers butchered the game.


Edited by ZeroTypeR
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The problem is that there is no other MMORPG with Star Wars elements. The story is very good.


I would say, rather, that it's very good for a Star Wars game. Unlike many here, to me the fact that it's from the Star Wars IP is a detriment, not a plus. Star Wars is a creatively barren, utterly derivative, anti-science IP. Lucas designed it that way [to sell action figures to children] and decades later he's conned grown adults into the idea that it's a valid science fiction premise on par with BSG or The Expanse, ie that it's actually intended for adult consumption. What good storytelling you see in this game [mostly in vanilla] is an accident brought on by BW writers [before EA crucified them], not a logical consequence of where the game is set.


Yes, it's addictive.

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I just enjoy the story, replaying the class stories and beyond.

Finding nice outfits for my characters, competing with one of my friends to see who will come up with the better look, that kind of things.


So anything related to the MMO aspect of this game bears little interest or impact to me.

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I like replaying stories. I keep replaying Dragon Ages and Mass Effects, too. There's just something about being able to decide everything about your protagonist, from looks to personality, and then playing the story from a new perspective that's interesting to me. I get to use my creativity, but it's still easy and relaxing (unlike my writing. WRITING IS HARD :p ).


I also do other things, but that's what keeps me subscribed. So, I'd say it's a fun hobby. :p

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It's a fun hobby. I enjoy it and been here sine June 2009 (before the game launch) but it not something I place first in my life. I am currently working on my bachelors for a paralegal degree and getting high grades is more important than playing right now and then I have an awesome boyfriend and an invalid mom I take care and working on a writing a book that is set in the star wars universe that has mine, my boyfriend's and another friend's characters in it. Edited by casirabit
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It's a fun hobby. I enjoy it and been here sine June 2009 (before the game launch) but it not something I place first in my life. I am currently working on my bachelors for a paralegal degree and getting high grades is more important than playing right now and then I have an awesome boyfriend and an invalid mom I take care and working on a writing a book that is set in the star wars universe that has mine, my boyfriend's and another friend's characters in it.


Good for you, sounds like a very busy life. I also got a parent struggling with serious health conditions that I play a big part in trying to assist them when I can. That adds a lot of stress and can make it hard to focus on other things too.

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I think this is a bit of a flawed premise. One could be addicted to a fun hobby just like one doesn't require an addiction to keep doing something one doesn't enjoy (anymore).


As for your actual arguments... eh, I have many issues with the game, but almost none that you seem to consider so problematic that "any veteran/long time player" would be a suspected addict.


Something like the added 'micro-gcd' to newer gap-closers that completely altered the rotational flow of a spec that I had been enjoying a lot up till then was enough to make me stop playing that spec altogether, but however over- or underpowered a spec is perceived/established to be has no influence whatsoever on whether or not I enjoy playing it. I mention this because while you consider this "same stale meta" to be one factor in why any veteran still hanging around should be a suspected addict, I prefer them to leave the workings of classes and specs alone as much as possible, because more often than not their changes result in one or more specs being less enjoyable to play for me.


It'd be nice if everything was perfectly balanced, but that's not a thing that will or even can ever happen. At least if they don't touch a thing that I like, I will keep liking it.


You also mention the new gear. I am.. sorta looking into how much work it'd be for me to get a character into the new stuff, but I've always favored playing many characters over getting a small portion of them into BiS, so it's really a non-issue for me too.


I've played the game since 2012, I quit playing for about half a year once 5.0 made the game no longer fun for me (I don't like most of the easier content in the game, yet am violently altoholic, so rather than being able to gear up to BiS in a reasonable time, I require being able to get many characters a few gearing steps in, in a reasonable time, for me to be able to enjoy the game sufficiently) and am now not incredibly active, but still play every week.


My partner moved on to eso, and I play that too, but.. its combat is just no fun to me. So I keep playing swtor too, until they remove too many of the things that make the game fun to me. One of the things I dread the most, in that regard, is what will happen if they decide that this 'meta' needs changing again.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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For me it's a hobby. I played heavily for years, but now, hardly at all. Now when I get some time to play games, I've been opting to kill rats in Project Gorgon rather than log in here. We are pruning out unnecessary expenses for our New Year's resolution, and the subs we keep here are the first to go, so I'll be fading from the forums soon.


I play mostly for the story, but I don't like the way they changed their story telling style with FE/ET. At least FE/ET had Theron, but now that he's gone, I really haven't gotten engaged with the Ossus story. So far no one interesting to care about. (Balker felt off. Not his charming, flirty self.) Perhaps it will pick up. I haven't gotten very far in the Ossus story yet, so it might well.


The conquest changes killed my enjoyment of conquest, and pretty much killed the big, vibrant conquest guild I was in. The tiny tweeks have done nothing to restore it to it's pre-ruined state. So that big time suck is out. Since guild leveling it directly tied to conquest, what could have been a great way to re-engage me with grinding for a goal has turned into yet another system to ignore.


One of the main reasons I kept my sub active for as long as I have was so I could collect fluff, but the changes to the CM have killed that off. The odds of new items dropping from Ultimate hypercrates is so low they aren't entering onto the GTN in any numbers and the astronomically high prices are reflecting that. I also think the direct sale prices are way too high.


And the bugs, god I'm tired of all the bugs that get ignored.

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For me it's a hobby. I played heavily for years, but now, hardly at all. Now when I get some time to play games, I've been opting to kill rats in Project Gorgon rather than log in here. We are pruning out unnecessary expenses for our New Year's resolution, and the subs we keep here are the first to go, so I'll be fading from the forums soon.


I play mostly for the story, but I don't like the way they changed their story telling style with FE/ET. At least FE/ET had Theron, but now that he's gone, I really haven't gotten engaged with the Ossus story. So far no one interesting to care about. (Balker felt off. Not his charming, flirty self.) Perhaps it will pick up. I haven't gotten very far in the Ossus story yet, so it might well.


The conquest changes killed my enjoyment of conquest, and pretty much killed the big, vibrant conquest guild I was in. The tiny tweeks have done nothing to restore it to it's pre-ruined state. So that big time suck is out. Since guild leveling it directly tied to conquest, what could have been a great way to re-engage me with grinding for a goal has turned into yet another system to ignore.


One of the main reasons I kept my sub active for as long as I have was so I could collect fluff, but the changes to the CM have killed that off. The odds of new items dropping from Ultimate hypercrates is so low they aren't entering onto the GTN in any numbers and the astronomically high prices are reflecting that. I also think the direct sale prices are way too high.


And the bugs, god I'm tired of all the bugs that get ignored.


We sound fairly similar, only change conquest for you to PVP for me.


I never participated much in conquest till they added the conquest killing patch, then learned how bad the changes were from actually being in a conquest guild to see with my own eyes. I knew those changes were going to have cataclysmic results to the game,


I think BW seriously underestimated how many people actually enjoyed conquest. I know I did, until I read the forum posts complaining about the changes, then trying it myself.


That really was the biggest blunder recently on their part, losing that facet of the playerbase that left due to conquest changes.


Sorry to see you are one of the conquest refugees still hanging on with nothing to look forward to. :(

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Swtor is just plain fun. No addiction necessary to get me to play. Ive been here since open beta, and there are still things that i find to do that i havent done yet. Perhaps its because i dont rush or grind every aspect of the game. I dont limit myself to a single aspect, but i will stick to a small few areas of the game on occasion if i find it valuable to me, and that makes the neglected content feel new again when i eventually go back to it. For example, i have found myself busy in ossus since its release, and while i generally complete conquest on multiple toons, i have no issues neglecting it in the interim. It will be there when i return, and any feelings of boredom with conwuest will likely have subsided by the time i start going at it as my focus again.


Financially, swtor is also a solid investment. Its entertainment with a low, flat rate, that is available nearly anytime i want it. Going to the movie theater is $5-15 per ticket, so obviously not a great investment for the day to day. Same with going out for drinks - sometimes even more expensive.

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It’s addictive and is the only reason I’m still here after the continuous degradation of the game when ever someone lets the Devs near it.


I’ve been trying to ween myself off it since 5.0... 5.10 has just about done that for me... so in a way I should thank them for this abortive gear grind and stealth gearing changes.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I would say, rather, that it's very good for a Star Wars game. Unlike many here, to me the fact that it's from the Star Wars IP is a detriment, not a plus. Star Wars is a creatively barren, utterly derivative, anti-science IP. Lucas designed it that way [to sell action figures to children] and decades later he's conned grown adults into the idea that it's a valid science fiction premise on par with BSG or The Expanse, ie that it's actually intended for adult consumption. What good storytelling you see in this game [mostly in vanilla] is an accident brought on by BW writers [before EA crucified them], not a logical consequence of where the game is set.


Yes, it's addictive.


People fooled themselves into believing that because it had spaceships and lasers. Any time you have magic, even if it's in space, you're watching a fantasy.


The problem wasn't helped by Timothy Zahn writing things that *were* more in line with science fiction, confusing it even further. :)

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Been around since beta, early-mid 2011 and before that i was in a fleet on Star Trek Online.

I've lost all interest in Star Trek Online over the last few years, however the appeal for SWTOR has never waned completely. There have been a few instances where i took time out from SWTOR but the game pulls me back into it. it is a bit like Lieutenant Columbo saying "Just one more thing, sir", like i can't let it go because there is just one more thing to do :p.


Anyway, i've got a number of well establish characters, a few of which were started in 2012 and 2013, i still have two original characters from launch, even if their names are different.


Having stated all of that above: This game has a fairly long storyline, pve and pvp isn't a dominating factor with at least 212 blue rated (and above) in order to remain in a fairly good place, you wouldn't need to get involved in other things if the storyline is the only thing to care about..

Edited by Celise
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Financially, swtor is also a solid investment. Its entertainment with a low, flat rate, that is available nearly anytime i want it. Going to the movie theater is $5-15 per ticket, so obviously not a great investment for the day to day. Same with going out for drinks - sometimes even more expensive.


That's true, at least in the past on any MMO when I hit them hard, I did save tons of money, especially past games that had no cash shop.


However! lol on SWTOR, especially the first 4 years of the CM I spent quite substantially on it, so I would have to say actually I probably did not save nearly as much money as I did on past MMOs.


Thing is, perhaps I saved money in the past by not going out as much, drinking, going to movies, etc., but some may view this as costing life experiences if not money.


I think online gaming is addictive, and I think for many of us it can actually take over a life to the point it can cost one to lose focus on other things that they'd be better off focusing on. Many don't like to believe this, as I see some people get very defensive when you bring this point up about MMOs but it's the truth in my eyes.


I view social media as the successor to online gaming though, as PC gaming seems to decline especially MMOs, social media activity picked up in it's spot and it's far more encompassing as nearly every human being now seems to have access to it whereas in the past PC gaming was a fairly small niche.


Social media is equally addictive as online gaming, probably more so as the variables to the interaction are compounded substantially making it that much more engaging. Plus, people have the baked in excuse with social media that it enables them to "keep in touch" with friends, they need it.


Social media platforms really do the same thing our beloved MMOs have done for years, which is bombard your brain with a meta that rewards our brains with constant information that creates pleasure sensors to activate just like a drug does.


Anyway, I think SWTOR is addictive, but that doesn't mean everyone gets addicted to it. I think just like drugs, gambling, etc., some people are more prone to the addiction of a MMO than others.

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That's true, at least in the past on any MMO when I hit them hard, I did save tons of money, especially past games that had no cash shop.


However! lol on SWTOR, especially the first 4 years of the CM I spent quite substantially on it, so I would have to say actually I probably did not save nearly as much money as I did on past MMOs.


Thing is, perhaps I saved money in the past by not going out as much, drinking, going to movies, etc., but some may view this as costing life experiences if not money.


I think online gaming is addictive, and I think for many of us it can actually take over a life to the point it can cost one to lose focus on other things that they'd be better off focusing on. Many don't like to believe this, as I see some people get very defensive when you bring this point up about MMOs but it's the truth in my eyes.


I view social media as the successor to online gaming though, as PC gaming seems to decline especially MMOs, social media activity picked up in it's spot and it's far more encompassing as nearly every human being now seems to have access to it whereas in the past PC gaming was a fairly small niche.


Social media is equally addictive as online gaming, probably more so as the variables to the interaction are compounded substantially making it that much more engaging. Plus, people have the baked in excuse with social media that it enables them to "keep in touch" with friends, they need it.


Social media platforms really do the same thing our beloved MMOs have done for years, which is bombard your brain with a meta that rewards our brains with constant information that creates pleasure sensors to activate just like a drug does.


Anyway, I think SWTOR is addictive, but that doesn't mean everyone gets addicted to it. I think just like drugs, gambling, etc., some people are more prone to the addiction of a MMO than others.

I agree. Ive been there, and i dont feel im going out on a limb believing that the majority of players become addicted to MMOs in some form or fashion at least sometime during their "hey day." I was addicted at one point. My wife was. Most of my friends have been. It happens. But we all developed perspective, each at different times, that allowed us to understand there are more important things in life than MMOs, but that doesnt necessarily diminish its entertainment value or the interest in it. I used to be as passionate about the game as some of these forum posters that argue against my current view of MMOs, but my change in perspective came as a result of the addiction i had and overcame. MMOs CAN be played in moderation, especially when the company starts implementing less time consuming ways to play. People CAN, and DO, walk away from these games regularly to get some much needed space. Its ok, and i think some players dont realize this.


Even Ossus, for as much as people complain about the 3 month grind to BIS gear, it honestly only takes 30-60 minutes PER week (2hrs max) to complete everything needed to get ur 252 gear and 2-3 MW shards. The actual playtime needed appeals to the casual player. The longevity needed to get a full set appeals to players staying with the game for a longer duration. Its brilliant planning by BW, if you think about it.


But yes, if u become addicted to the point that you are neglecting important RL, then yes, the cost can potentially be more than just monetary.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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Its one of the few things the old fanse have left that have any connection to the old canon.


Its the only part of the franchise that does not seem decimated by Kathlyn Kennedys force of evil.


We wantt this game to continue because we love Star Wars.


It frusteraing to see it go in the wrong direction because we wont be getting a replacement.


We have already seen the death of a Starwars MMO and nobody wants that to happen yet again.


I used to think that Starwars was a force to be reckoned with and I couldn't see how anyone could destroy the franchise, but it's pretty much dead.


I dont see it coming back as an mmo once this one is gone.

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I'm a story player, not just in this game, but in all of my games. This one is the only one, as yet, to get fairly regular new content (not talking MMOs), so I'm hanging around here until the next in the other series that I play come out. Tried WoW and wasn't impressed, so here I am. I also like to write, and this is ripe for expanding on the original. Even the vanilla story was lacking in places, and I like to flesh it out a bit. I've just started on a rather ambitious project and I want to see where it will take me. :D
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Yea.....I been subbed for forever. I enjoy the stories. I enjoy playing through them again and again like I would any game. I replay the dragon age series. I replay God of War series. I'm replaying mass effect 2 as we speak. I just finished The legend of Zelda O of T. The only difference is I spend $15 a month here, but it's worth it to me too not have to deal with the restrictions of preferred play. Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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