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WIll you please address the fact that everyone 100% hates Vandin


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This map is counter-intuitive. The catwalks are horribly designed and cause single ball-carrier advancement through the pit area.


I was in a match earlier today that had 14 different people leave. That's a total of 22 people on one side, although some of them probably rejoined and left multiple times.


No one likes it. It's horrible. You need to not only reduce its spawn rate, but remove it all together.


The last good map you guys made was Novare, everything since has gotten progressively worse.

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I bet the two of you are great PvP players who actively participate in your warzone objectives and are successful contributors to wins.


The constant stream of people leaving the warzone every match would seem to disagree with you.


The design of the warzone encourages you to skip the design of the warzone. The only real-estate in the entire map that's utilized is the area immediately surrounding the ball, the two pits, and the areas at the endzone ledge. Thats it.

Edited by Wimbleton
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I bet the two of you are great PvP players who actively participate in your warzone objectives and are successful contributors to wins.


The constant stream of people leaving the warzone every match would seem to disagree with you.


The design of the warzone encourages you to skip the design of the warzone. The only real-estate in the entire map that's utilized is the area immediately surrounding the ball, the two pits, and the areas at the endzone ledge. Thats it.


I've seen people leaving a lot in all warzones. Although I expect people leave vandin in particular a lot because of the higher pop rate. Also I know some people are frustrated with the CC breaker bug.


The 'skip the design of the warzone' is literally no different from original huttball or queshball. The best way to score in original huttball is to run the ball through the pit and (ideally) leap to a person on the ledge or pass. The best way to score in queshball is to throw the ball from the bottom floor to someone standing on the edge of the top ramp next to the upper acid trap. Both of those take coordination that most random groups don't have. Also once you know that's what the team is doing you can counter it.


A lot of people are bad at warzones so yeah it's annoying when they don't play objectives but that's not specific to vandin at all.

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I dont hate the map. I hate the lag, bugs and desync. If it wasn’t for those, it would be good.


But another reason why everyone is starting to hate it is the amount it pops compared to all other maps.


6/10 Vandin pops is just too much. How about one pop and let every other map have a chance.


IMO, the map should be removed from the rotation until the lag, bugs and especially the desync is fixed.

Leaving the map in the game only causes more and more people to end up hating it. So even when those problems get fixed, it will already have a bad reputation and no one will want to play it.

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Most of us on Satele Shan hate it, i guess a vocal minority like it on these forums. I refuse to play most of the time along with most other that log out as well. But i'm sick and friggin' tired of that map. it;s on 90% of all maps.


BioWare only needs to see EVERYONE Jumping ship on this map to know how bad it is.


We do appreciate Bioware trying to help Pvp, but this is a terrible spamming rotation.

Edited by MandFlurry
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I'm not a fan of any of the huttball maps. My effect volume drops considerably every time. I have to log completely off and back. I get frustrated finding people to pass to and there's too much going on. I understand some like huttball, but I'd just like an ability to turn off some maps like group finder flashpoints. I don't think we'll ever see this feature. Finally, I too would like the weightedness? (not enough coffee this morning :) ) to be normal like the other maps.
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I've seen people leaving a lot in all warzones. Although I expect people leave vandin in particular a lot because of the higher pop rate. Also I know some people are frustrated with the CC breaker bug.


The 'skip the design of the warzone' is literally no different from original huttball or queshball. The best way to score in original huttball is to run the ball through the pit and (ideally) leap to a person on the ledge or pass. The best way to score in queshball is to throw the ball from the bottom floor to someone standing on the edge of the top ramp next to the upper acid trap. Both of those take coordination that most random groups don't have. Also once you know that's what the team is doing you can counter it.


A lot of people are bad at warzones so yeah it's annoying when they don't play objectives but that's not specific to vandin at all.


Not quite. It's 2 traps in huttball whereas vandin is 3 traps.

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I'm not a fan of any of the huttball maps. My effect volume drops considerably every time. I have to log completely off and back.


OMG, I thought it was only my wife and I that had that happen. It seems to happen if I lag hard or desync in any pvp match.

The only time I’ve reliably been able to replicate it is when someone uses a hack in a match. I tested this with some nefarious hacker a while ago and it happened every time he did it.

I’ve asked other people if this sound thing happens to them as well and most have no idea what I’m talking about.

Edited by Totemdancer
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