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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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In people's heads, yes...but coming from a fanfic writer, can you imagine the OMG HATE one would get if they were to continue writing Scourge with a female Knight if he were say...opened up to just the boys?


They have done some daft things, but even I cannot believe they'd be THAT stupid. At least I hope I'm not setting a challenge for them now. :( I think any new LIs they bring in from now on are going to be open to both genders.


I think Scourge is firmly in the Arcann camp, ie, a romance that has been requested by a lot of people for a long time. They're aware of the wish for male Force using LIs. I think that when Zenith returns he may also be a LI, again for both genders.


I'd think we're going to see Scourge and Kira both return with romance available to all in a later patch, and perhaps Jonas (again for male and female) will be set up for a future romance too. If they are going to be ambitious perhaps they will also add some new potential LIs of both genders from the Imperial and Republic NPCs on the 5.10 mission.

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In people's heads, yes...but coming from a fanfic writer, can you imagine the OMG HATE one would get if they were to continue writing Scourge with a female Knight if he were say...opened up to just the boys?


I know plenty of people who ship Quinn as bi, or Andronikos or whoever...but it doesn't sit as well going the other way. I would think BioWare wouldn't be that foolish, considering Scourge is such an old and well-loved character...I would hope they'd realize people have been identifying with and role-playing with him for years...and they would leave him open for anybody. But...sadly, BioWare hasn't done much of late to keep my faith. (Yes, every romance introduced since SoR has been opened for any player, *but* this new thing with opening returning character romances doesn't appear to include Doc...so... *shrugs*)


LS Jaesa was never a romance option but they're opening her up to both. It's a good precedent for Scourge - if they decide to make him an LI.

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They have done some daft things, but even I cannot believe they'd be THAT stupid. At least I hope I'm not setting a challenge for them now. :( I think any new LIs they bring in from now on are going to be open to both genders.




I think Scourge is firmly in the Arcann camp, ie, a romance that has been requested by a lot of people for a long time. They're aware of the wish for male Force using LIs. I think that when Zenith returns he may also be a LI, again for both genders.


I'd think we're going to see Scourge and Kira both return with romance available to all in a later patch, and perhaps Jonas (again for male and female) will be set up for a future romance too. If they are going to be ambitious perhaps they will also add some new potential LIs of both genders from the Imperial and Republic NPCs on the 5.10 mission.


I think it should be a pretty safe assumption that if he does come back as a LI, it will be open to all, but like you said...they have done some epic-level stupid things in the past.


And yeah, it would be the easiest thing for them to just open up all new romances (including previously non-romance characters) to all. Granted, they have to record two sets of dialogue (male and female), but it would save the massive quantities of pewp that would be thrown their way if they don't. I'd be one of them.


I only have a few Ride or Die™ ships...and my female JK with Scourge is one of them (the others are an OT3 with Theron and Andronikos for my SI and my SW with Pierce).

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To be fair, Luna wasn't specifically saying that they favored lesbian players, simply that it was a byproduct of favoring the straight male demographic when they had Lana doing stuff ... simply b/c Lana was able to be romanced by both male and female characters.


True, but Luna's made several comments that queer women are somehow the "winners" here along with straight men, solely because of Lana being alive and having a large role in the story. Considering we've had less than any other demographic in the game, I take umbrage to that. Having one token character isn't winning anything.


But I'm really done with that convo. It's just getting more and more hostile and not at all productive, so I'm not going to waste any more time reading what she has to say on this or responding to it.

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Well, spellcheck doesn't always catch everything, but it's nice to know the grammar police are on the scene. :rolleyes:


I'm laughing that you think the writers have favored queer women at any point in this game. Does having zero LIs in the class stories favor us? How about a grand total of one full LI in the seven years of the game? Do you think every queer woman wants Lana? Sure, we're getting two more now, both of which are class-specific Alliance Alerts who will meet the fate of every other AA'd companion. But we're obviously the Chosen Ones because we have ONE companion who has been kept alive. :rolleyes:


I've said countless times that male PCs did get more of everything in the main story, but since SoR the devs seem to have been trying to balance that more, and add more female Lis, flirts and protagonists. That's what equality truly is. Not just adding more shaggable male pixels.


As to the rest of it, as fun as the petty mud slinging has been, I'm going to be the bigger person here and just say what we'd say at home: Sin comentarios, aye.


Yeah, well, y'know, I have to do my part to protect the language from misuse and carelessness. *files nails* I never said gay/bi females were the 'chosen ones' I said they benefited by default, the game has always catered to the straight male player above all. It's always fun, but sure, 'vaya en paz'.

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To be fair, Luna wasn't specifically saying that they favored lesbian players, simply that it was a byproduct of favoring the straight male demographic when they had Lana doing stuff ... simply b/c Lana was able to be romanced by both male and female characters.


In response to Luna's comment above, I would also say that it was neither Lana nor Theron's *job* to rescue you. Neither one really had any obligation to do so or to even suspect you were actually alive. They did so because they believed your character could help save the galaxy from Arcann. And yes, Theron was helping behind the scenes. If you romanced him in SoR, you get a letter from him saying as such - that he wanted to be there when you "woke up" from carbonite but he might not be able to b/c everyone had their own part to play in the rescue.


Thanks :) Yes, that's what I was going for.


I suppose to say it's 'his job' to rescue me was perhaps a bit strong, but it would've made more sense for him to come to my character's rescue, after all, I'd rescued/helped him over Ziost and during all those updates ranging from Rishi and Yavin to Ziost there was definitely something developing between them and it would've made sense for him to be the one to come after her with a team. It would've made more sense for Lana to coordinate things because that's what she does. She was an advisor/coordinator, not so much an 'action' sort of person based on what we knew about her from before. Just lazy writing, lack of budget for two openings or catering to the all-hallowed demographic by making her be the one to rescue. Even though the game didn't let him be the one to rescue, I know he was helping the entire time, behind the scenes.

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Thanks :) Yes, that's what I was going for.


I suppose to say it's 'his job' to rescue me was perhaps a bit strong, but it would've made more sense for him to come to my character's rescue, after all, I'd rescued/helped him over Ziost and during all those updates ranging from Rishi and Yavin to Ziost there was definitely something developing between them and it would've made sense for him to be the one to come after her with a team. It would've made more sense for Lana to coordinate things because that's what she does. She was an advisor/coordinator, not so much an 'action' sort of person based on what we knew about her from before. Just lazy writing, lack of budget for two openings or catering to the all-hallowed demographic by making her be the one to rescue. Even though the game didn't let him be the one to rescue, I know he was helping the entire time, behind the scenes.


Yeah, even for an Imp character...one involved in a romance with him...it would have been nice to see more story involvement with him before Chapter 9. They both should have been there...and there's really not much of a reason otherwise.

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I would hope they'd realize people have been identifying with and role-playing with him for years...and they would leave him open for anybody.

I for one hope SWTOR doesn't turn everyone bi just for a few cheap faps sake. I don't think we need to cater to everyone at all times. And this is coming from dude who would love to bang Scourge. But making the entire universe bi from here on out really really doesn't fit. People can write steamy ooc fanfiction all they wan't, but I'd expect better writing from BW.


There is plenty of in game support for it. The writer probably didn't think players needed to be hit over the head with it by having Quinn do a monologue. Of course many players choose to ignore all of that and go with the hurr durr he's a betrayer! Oh wait, that's what you are complaining about, players ignoring in game evidence that is contrary to their preferred interpretation...

There is not. The entire thing lasts for one scene, during which Quinn only speaks of how his "killing machine" for you, and spends the next scene on corellia apologizing and claiming he has a lot to make up to you. Neither act is supporting the theory that he was protecting you. After that he never mentions it again untill Iokath, where he still only acts embarrassed and worries you'll have grudge for him. So why would he not just tell us and be done with it than keep worrying about grudges for ten years. There is nothing ingame that reinforces his side. This is very much metagaming. Feel free to hit my head with the evidence though.

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I for one hope SWTOR doesn't turn everyone bi just for a few cheap faps sake. I don't think we need to cater to everyone at all times. And this is coming from dude who would love to bang Scourge. But making the entire universe bi from here on out really really doesn't fit. People can write steamy ooc fanfiction all they wan't, but I'd expect better writing from BW.


That's why many people use the term "playersexual". However you envision the character is no skin off the nose of the next person and so on and so forth...unless that particular character comes out and expresses interest to define their sexuality. Because, of course, not everybody in the real world is bisexual, but in video-game land...it is the most fair way to handle romances.


If BW were to release Scourge...who is not a new companion...who many people have asked over the years to be able to romance...who many people headcanon as a romance...who many people have already written as a romance themselves...and all of a sudden says "sorry, sux for you, brah"...that would be...a crapstorm waiting to happen. A new character nobody has met yet? Sure. A returning favorite? Yeah, not so much...that would be a kick in the gut and a slap across the face (at the same time) to the entire population they gave the shaft to.


And thank you for diminishing everybody's role-play or headcanons down to a "cheap ***". I've put hundreds of hours into my fanfiction that places him with a female Jedi Knight...and it's entirely more than "fappage"...and I know damn well that if I were to continue writing it if Scourge were all of a sudden released only to male player characters, I would be strung out and run through the streets.


So yes...in this case, BioWare *should* release him to everybody if they're going to release him at all. Personally, I wish they would just leave him alone and let whatever anybody has already envisioned stay perfectly valid.

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That's why many people use the term "playersexual". However you envision the character is no skin off the nose of the next person and so on and so forth...unless that particular character comes out and expresses interest to define their sexuality. Because, of course, not everybody in the real world is bisexual, but in video-game land...it is the most fair way to handle romances.


If BW were to release Scourge...who is not a new companion...who many people have asked over the years to be able to romance...who many people headcanon as a romance...who many people have already written as a romance themselves...and all of a sudden says "sorry, sux for you, brah"...that would be...a crapstorm waiting to happen. A new character nobody has met yet? Sure. A returning favorite? Yeah, not so much...that would be a kick in the gut and a slap across the face (at the same time) to the entire population they gave the shaft to.


And thank you for diminishing everybody's role-play or headcanons down to a "cheap ***". I've put hundreds of hours into my fanfiction that places him with a female Jedi Knight...and it's entirely more than "fappage"...and I know damn well that if I were to continue writing it if Scourge were all of a sudden released only to male player characters, I would be strung out and run through the streets.


So yes...in this case, BioWare *should* release him to everybody if they're going to release him at all. Personally, I wish they would just leave him alone and let whatever anybody has already envisioned stay perfectly valid.

That's not really a valid argument. RL isn't fair, videogames arent fair, there is strait and gay and asexual people, if you wan't fair you'd add every identity imaginable in the game for every update to represent everyone. Which naturally isn't happening.


Scourge is already in "sorry brah" state. He is immortal with no feelings, thanks to his curse, and people were writing steamy fics of him long before anyone teased they might be looking for cure. BW is not obligated to validate anyone's fic. If he won't get cured, it's still "sorry brah" scenario. Or maybe he jumped in bed with some other person after getting his urges back and is already taken when he comes back. "Sorry brah", fictional characters can have lives outside the PCs life too. This would be most realistic. Expecting him to only be available to player character, and every player character, is just asking everything to be tailored to your needs, rather than to enrich the story with diversity.

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That's not really a valid argument. RL isn't fair, videogames arent fair, there is strait and gay and asexual people, if you wan't fair you'd add every identity imaginable in the game for every update to represent everyone. Which naturally isn't happening.


Which is why making romanceable NPC's "playersexual" is the most fair option...because it levels the playing field as much as possible. The only other option is to not write romances at all. Trying to define "real world" options invariably leaves people ***'d out, which isn't right. Include everyone or don't write romances at all...and let people headcanon whatever the frig-frack-fraggle they want.


Scourge is already in "sorry brah" state. He is immortal with no feelings, thanks to his curse, and people were writing steamy fics of him long before anyone teased they might be looking for cure. BW is not obligated to validate anyone's fic. If he won't get cured, it's still "sorry brah" scenario. Or maybe he jumped in bed with some other person after getting his urges back and is already taken when he comes back. "Sorry brah", fictional characters can have lives outside the PCs life too. This would be most realistic. Expecting him to only be available to player character, and every player character, is just asking everything to be tailored to your needs, rather than to enrich the story with diversity.


Which is why I said I'd prefer it best if they would just leave him alone and not make him a romance option at all...because then your enrichment isn't any more effected than mine or anybody else's. ;)

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Which is why making romanceable NPC's "playersexual" is the most fair option...because it levels the playing field as much as possible. The only other option is to not write romances at all. Trying to define "real world" options invariably leaves people ***'d out, which isn't right. Include everyone or don't write romances at all...and let people headcanon whatever the frig-frack-fraggle they want.


Which is why I said I'd prefer it best if they would just leave him alone and not make him a romance option at all...because then your enrichment isn't any more effected than mine or anybody else's. ;)

No, making everything player-sexual is not a good solution. This is still official SW universe stuff, we're still writing lore to Legends Canon. Everyone tuning bi for no reason during one part of the Old Republic era doesn't make a nick of sense. Imo BW should make everyone unique, rather than have everyone become anyone's voodoo doll to pin any ooc trait card they want on them and call it canon.


I'd be fine with Scourge never finding a cure, or not being available otherwise. It was one of his unique traits that made him interesting in the first place. I hate it when writers strip characters off their uniqueness to make them more mainstream and sell-able. Even if he feels no lust for anyone, I can still look at his pick in and faps all I want without demanding the devs to validate my personal lust for X character by making them canon viable for bangs :p

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No, making everything player-sexual is not a good solution. This is still official SW universe stuff, we're still writing lore to Legends Canon. Everyone tuning bi for no reason during one part of the Old Republic era doesn't make a nick of sense. Imo BW should make everyone unique, rather than have everyone become anyone's voodoo doll to pin any ooc trait card they want on them and call it canon.


I think you're missing the definition of the term "playersexual". A "playersexual" love interest is not defined as bisexual, gay, straight, or otherwise. They are left open to that individual player's interpretation. If you want to envision a "playersexual" love interest as ace or demi or into purple polka-dots...you do you. Hence my reasons for saying that it is the most fair option.


A game maker trying to make money off keeping the general player base happy isn't all of a sudden screwing up some skewed version of Star Wars lore by making NPC's "playersexual". I'm pretty sure Theron Shan's sexuality doesn't matter to anybody on the grand scheme of historical importance. And if anything, why would our definition of sexuality even matter in a completely different galaxy that operates separately from our existence?


I'd be fine with Scourge never finding a cure, or not being available otherwise. It was one of his unique traits that made him interesting in the first place. I hate it when writers strip characters off their uniqueness to make them more mainstream and sell-able. Even if he feels no lust for anyone, I can still look at his pick in and faps all I want without demanding the devs to validate my personal lust for X character by making them canon viable for bangs :p


Again, you seem to be operating under the belief that I want to see Scourge opened up as a LI. How many times do I have to say that I'd rather they just leave him alone? I'd rather they leave all original companions and love interests alone and put their resources into new and meaningful content for everyone.


And awesome for you to *** away whenever you want. It's a bit different for writers who have publicly shared works that can all of a sudden become hate-material. ;)

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While i don't think that every comp should be player sexual and wish we'd have more straight only, gay only and some unromanceable both males and females comps, i do think Scourge should be player sexual if he becomes romanceable.

He talks about his first love once, which means he already fell in love before being immortal, but the gender of said lover is never stated which means it can be either male or female. So here, him being attracted to either male or female or both, would not seem to completely come out of nowhere.


That being said, i just don't see my main JK in any kind of romantic relationship with him, they have more of a mentor-mentee relationship where she sees him as someone with great experience and valuable knowledge.


And about his immortality, and without more intell on this, i see it as his immortality was tied to Vitiate's own life : as long as Vitiate was still alive he would remain immortal, but once he's dead, he becomes mortal again.

I may be completely wrong on this though.

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While i don't think that every comp should be player sexual and wish we'd have more straight only, gay only and some unromanceable both males and females comps, i do think Scourge should be player sexual if he becomes romanceable.

He talks about his first love once, which means he already fell in love before being immortal, but the gender of said lover is never stated which means it can be either male or female. So here, him being attracted to either male or female or both, would not seem to completely come out of nowhere.


I can see the pros and cons of both systems. Yes, it is very nice to have really in-depth characters, such as the ones we were given with Dragon Age: Inquisition, but when a game is made that way, some people always end up out in the cold. I'm a straight female who plays straight females 99.9% of the time. I generally get represented very well in games. But I can see that other people don't, and that's not right, and it's not fair to those other players. Just because I usually get what I want doesn't mean I should be complacent. So, I usually would vote for the "playersexual" system...because then everybody gets their cake and can eat it all.


And yes, I totally agree about Scourge. We spent so much time with him already, and he already made mention of an unidentified love interest in the past (I'd like to think those first love's eyes were those belonging to the Knight...because he had that vision before he went through with the ritual...yes I know it's ultra-cheesy, lol). It would make the most sense for him to be open to any player...if they're going to open him up to romance at all.


There is also the consideration that Scourge is an old character. Introducing a new character with an established sexuality is one thing...we know up front what we can/can't have. But I think any old character who is altered to become a romance should be opened up for anybody (just like they did for Arcann).


That and there needs to be more romanceable male force-users (because all we have right now is Arcann). :p

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There is not. The entire thing lasts for one scene, during which Quinn only speaks of how his "killing machine" for you, and spends the next scene on corellia apologizing and claiming he has a lot to make up to you. Neither act is supporting the theory that he was protecting you. After that he never mentions it again untill Iokath, where he still only acts embarrassed and worries you'll have grudge for him. So why would he not just tell us and be done with it than keep worrying about grudges for ten years. There is nothing ingame that reinforces his side. This is very much metagaming. Feel free to hit my head with the evidence though.


Did you miss the part where Quinn said that he never wanted it to come to this? Everything he says and does with the romanced SW over the course of the story shows that he truly cares about her, but is torn between two Sith, which either way will likely end up with him being dead. Neil Pollner, who wrote the SW story and created Quinn's character has told us in several DM's on Twitter that it is indeed the case and that he wrote it that way so that it's up for interpretation so that it works for all story levels. You don't like him, you don't want to see it, that's on you, but the author said so, so that makes it fact.

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And thank you for diminishing everybody's role-play or headcanons down to a "cheap ***". I've put hundreds of hours into my fanfiction that places him with a female Jedi Knight...and it's entirely more than "fappage"...and I know damn well that if I were to continue writing it if Scourge were all of a sudden released only to male player characters, I would be strung out and run through the streets.


So yes...in this case, BioWare *should* release him to everybody if they're going to release him at all. Personally, I wish they would just leave him alone and let whatever anybody has already envisioned stay perfectly valid.


I've been writing a Scourge and female Jedi Knight story, actually, a series that has taken me 6 years of work, as evidenced by the weekly posts I've been making here and other various sites.


I tell ya, if the powers that be made him gay and only available to men, that would be it. I would tear Bioware a new one, cancel my sub and never look back. I have no problem with him being BI, but if they invalidate all our writings with a crap decision like giving him solely to males, it's not gonna be pretty. I was among the first of the people here requesting him as a romance companion just after launch and over the years there have been many many people who wanted him for romance. To deny one sex or the other of enjoying his romance, would be the end for me. :eek:

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While i don't think that every comp should be player sexual and wish we'd have more straight only, gay only and some unromanceable both males and females comps, i do think Scourge should be player sexual if he becomes romanceable.


"I think we should have more unique sexualities, but this one character should be for everyone!"

Bit of a double standard there.


I think you're missing the definition of the term "playersexual". A "playersexual" love interest is not defined as bisexual, gay, straight, or otherwise. They are left open to that individual player's interpretation. If you want to envision a "playersexual" love interest as ace or demi or into purple polka-dots...you do you. Hence my reasons for saying that it is the most fair option.

Playersexual NPCs are sexually attracted to the protagonist and only the protagonist because they are the protagonist, regardless of gender/species/other. So they're bisexual xenophiles, since PC can be anything and so the NPC needs to be attracted to anything.


A game maker trying to make money off keeping the general player base happy isn't all of a sudden screwing up some skewed version of Star Wars lore by making NPC's "playersexual". I'm pretty sure Theron Shan's sexuality doesn't matter to anybody on the grand scheme of historical importance. And if anything, why would our definition of sexuality even matter in a completely different galaxy that operates separately from our existence?

Theron has never even dated as far as I know. He could be any sexuality.

I'm taking issue with taking old characters who were previously strait or gay or not interested, and making them suddenly be interested in everything and everyone. I thought it was cool we had light Jaesa who just wasn't sexually interested, about anyone, but now she is interested in everyone because "fans wanted it". It's a poor excuse to make a character more sell-able by changing their sexuality to something mainstream rather than staying loyal to what and how they were and what they believed. If changing sexualities is "normal", where are all the previously romancable characters who decided they're now gay or asexual instead. It's mainstream nonsense made for the purpose of selling them more.


Again, you seem to be operating under the belief that I want to see Scourge opened up as a LI. How many times do I have to say that I'd rather they just leave him alone? I'd rather they leave all original companions and love interests alone and put their resources into new and meaningful content for everyone.

Have I been accusing you of something? I've quoted a comment about Scourge's sexual urges and arguing about it, not your personal beliefs. It's be unrealistic to expect me or anyone to care about everyone's sexual preferences in a thousand-headed player-base. I care about the content we both consume, aka this game. You can be sexually attracted to millennium falcon for all I care, I don't judge :p


And awesome for you to *** away whenever you want. It's a bit different for writers who have publicly shared works that can all of a sudden become hate-material. ;)

"Hate material"? What even. People hate anything they want to hate. Haters gonna hate. That's how haters function. People hate me for being openly pan, I don't need protection from haters, I don't care if they hate me, my sexuality or my fictional fapperoo waifus and husbandoes. Why should I. It's my life, my fantasy, I don't need other people to validate my preferences, nor should anyone. What even. You do you, disregard the haters.

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I've been writing a Scourge and female Jedi Knight story, actually, a series that has taken me 6 years of work, as evidenced by the weekly posts I've been making here and other various sites.


I tell ya, if the powers that be made him gay and only available to men, that would be it. I would tear Bioware a new one, cancel my sub and never look back. I have no problem with him being BI, but if they invalidate all our writings with a crap decision like giving him solely to males, it's not gonna be pretty. I was among the first of the people here requesting him as a romance companion just after launch and over the years there have been many many people who wanted him for romance. To deny one sex or the other of enjoying his romance, would be the end for me. :eek:


Thank you...yes! This is exactly my fear. Why they would do that is beyond me, but we all know they have done some really dumb things in the past.


Like I said before, introducing a new character with an established sexuality is one thing...but altering an original fan-favorite to be romanceable...and then only giving that character to half the population is...not right. This is why I'd honestly rather they just leave him alone...I don't need it on screen to know it's there. All you need to do is read between the lines.

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"Hate material"? What even. People hate anything they want to hate. Haters gonna hate. That's how haters function. People hate me for being openly pan, I don't need protection from haters, I don't care if they hate me, my sexuality or my fictional fapperoo waifus and husbandoes. Why should I. It's my life, my fantasy, I don't need other people to validate my preferences, nor should anyone. What even. You do you, disregard the haters.


Okay, then you try writing a fic pairing a "canonized" only-for-men (or only-for-women) character with a member of the opposite sex...even one that was started before the change in canon. Then come back and tell me you weren't strung up in the public square. ;)


I'm done going back and forth on this...it's clear that you're only here to incite argument. Have a lovely evening.

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Did you miss the part where Quinn said that he never wanted it to come to this? Everything he says and does with the romanced SW over the course of the story shows that he truly cares about her, but is torn between two Sith, which either way will likely end up with him being dead. Neil Pollner, who wrote the SW story and created Quinn's character has told us in several DM's on Twitter that it is indeed the case and that he wrote it that way so that it's up for interpretation so that it works for all story levels. You don't like him, you don't want to see it, that's on you, but the author said so, so that makes it fact.

Haha, there is a lot of character who claim "they didn't want it to come to this" and then attack us in this game.

But only Quinn is the one who "protects" us after attacking us after a comment like this, and somehow it's evidence just in this case :p

I don't hate Quinn, but there being ingame concrete evidence of him protecting us is just false. The evidence comes from outside source years later that was not included in the writing that made it into the game.

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Okay, then you try writing a fic pairing a "canonized" only-for-men (or only-for-women) character with a member of the opposite sex...even one that was started before the change in canon. Then come back and tell me you weren't strung up in the public square. ;)


I'm done going back and forth on this...it's clear that you're only here to incite argument. Have a lovely evening.

Hey, I didn't say it would never happen. I said you shouldn't care about it. You do you. Don't care about the haters. Plenty of gay artists out there who make tons of money for making strait characters in steamy gay scenarios. Some people hate them some people pay them to get more. It is all personal.

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I'm hardly worthy of note- this is pretty much my very first time posting on this forum, but do we really need "We wanna kill X", "I really hate X" or "Can we remove X" threads every other week? I can understand that you find X boring, or annoying, or you despise them (though why pour so much energy into pixels...), but you gotta remember that this isn't a single player game, and when you want something, you have to consider how that will affect everyone else's game. So far, killing companions off has only made the game poorer. And the reason why Lana is "inflicted" on people is EXACTLY because you all wanted kill options, so towards the end, most of the main characters in KotFE/ET are as likely to be dead, as they are to be alive. We'd have more diversity if people we're a little less hostile towards the poor pixels. Edited by asiasusanna
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but you gotta remember that this isn't a single player game, and when you want something, you have to consider how that will affect everyone else's game.


First off, welcome to the forum. Secondly, everyone's voice is worth something, if they post once or a thousand times. Thirdly, it's a shame the game devs and writers didn't consider the point above when they decided to kill people's love interests. And now that it's a precedent, it's hardly fair to brick some people's comps, but not others. Blame the studio, it was a stupid idea, because they caved to haters, thinking them the more popular voice.

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