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Things we were promised and still don't have:


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Character Customization: The choices we have on the character creation screen are awful, and I won't even get into it right now. The gear customization options are even worse. We have the amazing option of being Jedi and wearing Smuggler clothing, or being Troopers and wearing Jedi clothing. This is not customization, this is laziness. There should, instead, be a plethora of styles of all sorts of types and colors for each class, with mixing and matching between them as an added bonus.
That’s your personal opinion, I’m more than happy with the system and was able to make 8 different characters that look the way I’d like them to. Between all the different options there’s thousands of combinations that could be used for each race.


If you PvP, there are about 5 gear sets, and 3 of the 5 aren't mod-able. Walk over to the light or dark side vendors, and you can pick out an entire new pair of boots for your alignment choice. Check out the end-game PvE vendors, and none of the gear is orange whatsoever. This is not revolutionary. This is average.
I would guess most of the best PVE gear is found by doing PVE content not buying it from a vendor. This is to be expected.


UI Customization: The UI isn't even scalable, and doesn't have enough slots for the abilities that you guys designed for us. That is lame. Not only that, but try going into voidstar and watch the upper-right hand map take up the top 1/4th of your right-hand bar. There is no way to fix this other than not having any abilities there. You guys designed this game, was there really nobody who noticed this problem?
They said they were “looking into this”, but never promised it’d be done, much less ready for launch. The game just launched a week ago, and there’s several bugs that are far more pressing than changing the UI.


Feeling Heroic: We were promised epic battles where we would walk in, and mop up the floor with multiple enemies and feel like a total boss. Being a Jedi and having a Jedi companion which allows you to kill not just 2, but 3 or 4 random Coruscant gangsters before having to take time out to heal from the battle you barely won is not heroic. Having a quest-giving civilian tell us how mean and nasty they are beforehand does not make the situation heroic.


And as you progress, even on Hoth and Balmorra we're still fighting groups of 3-4 mobs as 2 people. When did Darth Vader or Master Yoda ever have problems taking on a few random soldiers? And I've done flashpoints, and pretty much every boss fight is 4 people fighting one guy, just like in every other MMO ever.

I would send my companion on missions and mop the floor with several packs before stopping to heal while playing on Coruscant. I could still do that now on non-elite mobs. I’m playing a consular, I don’t know how that varies per class though.


As for how flashpoint bosses work, welcome to MMO’s, what do you want them to do? The entire point is grouping together with folks to complete “dungeons” or “Flashpoints” or whatever else you want to call them.


Basically, none of these things are game-breaking or going to make me rage quit and threaten to go play another game. However, we were promised these things, and so far they haven't been delivered.
I think they’ve done just fine.
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Heroes don't work alone. Think about it every great hero works with a team or receives some form of help along the way. I am sure there are heroes that have gone it alone in the past but working with people is how being a hero works. Hell look at the inspiration for most games like this, Lord of the Rings (base line inspiration for DnD the grand daddy of all games like this, feel free to dispute that but in my mind dnd was the grand daddy). The heroes work as a team it is kinda the whole point that no one person can solve all the worlds problems. Your playing in an MMO the point of the game is to work with others.
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You do realize the game just came out, don't you? In software development, particularly with MMOs and internet applications, you gather up lists of bug fixes and new features to add to a game and prioritize them. It is an iterative process where new things are added a few at a time. Would you rather they release some sloppy, half-baked implementation of something, or take the time to do it right?


If someone is showing you around their house and they say, "I'd like to put a deck out back," do you really expect they are going to have a new deck there when you visit them a week later?


Be patient, they'll get to the improvements.


Dude, this is an MMO. If we sit here and "be patient" nothing will get changed, THAT'S software development. The OPs post was claim and understandable without ranting, they are totally valid points.


The orange gear feels like a total step down from what we had in the last month of beta as far as looks customisation goes and it does feel stupid to hear a Sith tell me how awesome I am in a dual where two of us beat up on him.

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If it wasn't for the insnanly pointless death penalty this game would be very hard but with death probe all I do is kill the lesser mobs - die - death probe - kill the boss. Makes hard fights very easy but is not heroic.


Voluntarily deciding to take the easy way out should definitely NOT feel heroic. You have the option to reset the instance, or wait for respawn (outdoor encounters) if you want to attempt to do the encounter without dying and then it WILL feel more heroic.

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I am sure they will implement a gang of 10 or 20 of low level NPCs attacking a player at once in the future. I thought about this as well. It would be fun to have a quest give the impression that it is unwinable as a horde comes racing towards you like that.


Let's not forget the potential for an all out Rebel/Imp War event. I am sure they are working on something of that nature as well.


Game just started. Take your time and enjoy the ride! :D

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Character Customization: The choices we have on the character creation screen are awful, and I won't even get into it right now. The gear customization options are even worse. We have the amazing option of being Jedi and wearing Smuggler clothing, or being Troopers and wearing Jedi clothing. This is not customization, this is laziness. There should, instead, be a plethora of styles of all sorts of types and colors for each class, with mixing and matching between them as an added bonus.

There are a ton of different outfits out there with a ton of different looks. I'm not sure what problem you are having.

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Feeling Heroic: We were promised epic battles where we would walk in, and mop up the floor with multiple enemies and feel like a total boss. Being a Jedi and having a Jedi companion which allows you to kill not just 2, but 3 or 4 random Coruscant gangsters before having to take time out to heal from the battle you barely won is not heroic. Having a quest-giving civilian tell us how mean and nasty they are beforehand does not make the situation heroic.


Funny you should mention this! I found it really funny when I approached the end of one quest and got to a boss fight. The boss had two guys with him during the quest dialogue. When the dialogue was finished and the fight was about to start the boss gives his henchmen a signal to go away so it will be a fair fight. The fight commences and who starts tanking? My companion.

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I think pretty much everything is being looked at that the OP mentioned..valid points all tho.


Just to pick up on the companion thing tho..this had kinda been bothering me as well.


It was my understanding that the companions were there to fill rolls that you might need filled when grouping. So a 2+ area to me means..me and my companion and the more the better. If I had to group with another player it would be a 3+...make sense? Now I shouldn't have to have my companion out to do the regular quests. It should just make it easier, maybe more fun. Now maybe you would want or almost need one for a boss fight, especially ones with adds. But again that's kinda like the 2+ areas.


What I feel like now (at level 40 and staying on top of my gear, and my companions) is that I have to have a companion out all the time. To me this makes me a pet class, and I have several pets to choose from.


So yes I hope they do some tweaking to damage, damage taking, healing, and/or npc strength.


With all that said I am loving this game, but you can't expect changes and improvements if you can't relate what issues you are having.


The Force be with you all ;)

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Truly we live in an age of entitlement. Everybody wants something different, and as much as I hate to be the one to break it to you youngsters who have nothing better in your lives to do than play an online game 18 hours a day (seriously..18 hours? ) any and all of the posts that I have read that have some kind of hidden complaint in it are completely irrelevant to your personal desires and how -you- think the game should be designed.


Take some time and get used to what is given to you. The UI is not at all terrible, and is quite similar to what other MMO's use as a base. Yes it might take a little while to get used to but this is what is known as a learning curve. Every game has one. Took me about two hours to get used to it, set up my rotations and now it works perfectly for me. To compare this UI to the "one that came before in another MMO" it works EXACTLY the same in its base form, and yes, there was many a crying player out there who couldn't wrap their fragile little minds around THAT UI originally either. Deal with it.


Character customization? Its fine. Just another opinion of "I want" from the OP.


That heroic feeling? Again your complaint (opinion) is not valid as you have literally nothing to base a comparison off here. Two completely different spots in the timeline that is the Star Wars universe for one, for two, you're comparing what you have seen in movies (again a fallacy. Vader never was involved in battles with anyone other than Luke and you only see Yoda actually fighting once against the 501st in Revenge of the Sith) to a game. That heroic feeling comes from the game and story overall, not just in individual fights against mobs.


Players should put more time into the game itself than waste time complaining about things they "feel" should have been put into game from the get-go. It is what it is, and as I peruse the server list and see "full" on 90% of them, I am going to go out on a limb here and bet that those players are having a great time in playing what was "promised" them.

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Truly we live in an age of entitlement. Everybody wants something different, and as much as I hate to be the one to break it to you youngsters who have nothing better in your lives to do than play an online game 18 hours a day (seriously..18 hours? ) any and all of the posts that I have read that have some kind of hidden complaint in it are completely irrelevant to your personal desires and how -you- think the game should be designed.


Take some time and get used to what is given to you. The UI is not at all terrible, and is quite similar to what other MMO's use as a base. Yes it might take a little while to get used to but this is what is known as a learning curve. Every game has one. Took me about two hours to get used to it, set up my rotations and now it works perfectly for me. To compare this UI to the "one that came before in another MMO" it works EXACTLY the same in its base form, and yes, there was many a crying player out there who couldn't wrap their fragile little minds around THAT UI originally either. Deal with it.


Character customization? Its fine. Just another opinion of "I want" from the OP.


That heroic feeling? Again your complaint (opinion) is not valid as you have literally nothing to base a comparison off here. Two completely different spots in the timeline that is the Star Wars universe for one, for two, you're comparing what you have seen in movies (again a fallacy. Vader never was involved in battles with anyone other than Luke and you only see Yoda actually fighting once against the 501st in Revenge of the Sith) to a game. That heroic feeling comes from the game and story overall, not just in individual fights against mobs.


Players should put more time into the game itself than waste time complaining about things they "feel" should have been put into game from the get-go. It is what it is, and as I peruse the server list and see "full" on 90% of them, I am going to go out on a limb here and bet that those players are having a great time in playing what was "promised" them.


Wow, what an awful post. You even manage to be passively rude for no real reason as well, did he sleep with your wife or something?

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Wow, what an awful post. You even manage to be passively rude for no real reason as well, did he sleep with your wife or something?


Another prime example of rampant opinion. Perhaps you should read more closely, with a little more comprehension to help you understand the point?

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I guess it's on the "warcraft" MMO boss-challenge model but yeah, four Jedis getting pwned by one guy with blasters and 35,000 health kind of ruins the "heroic" Star Wars immersion.


KOTOR worked very hard to make you and your character feel like an awesome BA--but in TOR I just completely dissociate gameplay and cutscenes, like like Niko Bellic would have "moral crisis" moments in GTA 4 and then accidentally run over 10 people.


Obviously the boss and companion gameplay is hugely entrenched in TOR, so there's no getting rid of it.

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This is all fluff in my view.


The real issues lie in the combat mechanics and feel of the game. If they don't get the problems described in the "Ability delay" thread sorted before the end of the free month, they will lose an obscene amount of customers and they playerbase may never return.


I sincerely hope they have realised this given what happened to the other MMOs that also had this problem, and set about putting all of their resources towards this.

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I agree. Challenge me with a 10 man army coming to take me dead or alive, not 3 gangsters on stimulants.


then another 3


then another 3


then another 3



Does anyone keep getting the feeling that there are only 3-4 "pulls" in this entire game. And that I do the very same fight over and over again?

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I guess it's on the "warcraft" MMO boss-challenge model but yeah, four Jedis getting pwned by one guy with blasters and 35,000 health kind of ruins the "heroic" Star Wars immersion.


KOTOR worked very hard to make you and your character feel like an awesome BA--but in TOR I just completely dissociate gameplay and cutscenes, like like Niko Bellic would have "moral crisis" moments in GTA 4 and then accidentally run over 10 people.


Obviously the boss and companion gameplay is hugely entrenched in TOR, so there's no getting rid of it.


Yes sometimes enemies are hard to defeat without difficult enemies heroes mean nothing. Seriously learn what heroes are before you complain about how they are written. Also heroes have companions that's the way it works. There are very few full on heroes that work alone, and even when they say they work alone most heroes eventually work with someone. And yes the cut scenes and game play are slightly removed from one another. I'm a light sider yet I have killed hundreds of sentient beings, pretty much the definition of evil, that's the way MMORPGs work it is the fun part of the game.

Edited by ManOSteal
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This is how I feel having to use a compaion in a duel is just stupid. Needing to being a friend along and have 4 of us beating on one guy in a duel is not heroic at all. Needing 2 people (me and my compaion) to beat 1 strong and 2 average mobs is not heroic.

It does not feel heroic to beat 3 foes if we always fight groups of 3 mobs. If it wasn't for the insnanly pointless death penalty this game would be very hard but with death probe all I do is kill the lesser mobs - die - death probe - kill the boss. Makes hard fights very easy but is not heroic.


So you can't even beat most boss fights on your first try, but you're saying the game isn't hard enough =p

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Great game. I'm obsessed with it.


Horrific UI. Worst-in-class. State of 10 years ago. This is the biggest problem right now.


110% agree. How could a newly released game be worse then Wow's UI which is 7 yrs old? At least they allow add-ons. Love the game, but Bioware dropped the ball here.

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110% agree. How could a newly released game be worse then Wow's UI which is 7 yrs old? At least they allow add-ons. Love the game, but Bioware dropped the ball here.


I dont really have a rpoblem with the UI the only problem i have is that is blue for republic and empire.. it should be red for empire..

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