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Tank Shielding Changes Coming in 5.9.2


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Doesn't have to be. DPS damage can still aggro, but tank could have multiple abilities to keep boos aggro, add mob aggro, or selectively dump aggro.


Yes...but I never mentioned AUTO aggro and wouldn't need to redesign anything.


So if I get you correctly the tank will stand in front of the boss and will have to constantly use "aggro abilties" that don't damage? First of all, the total raid damage will diminish by what the tank would deal (and it makes a difference in many bosses), 2nd of all, what would all these aggro abilities (and there gotta be a lot, or are you removing rotation and making tanking in a raid practically a one-key smashing?) do in PVP when targeting players?

Describe to me, in detail, how would a HM OPS boss encounter of your choice look like from the tank POV with your new tank? In addition, describe to me how does a tank kill the first silver mob in KOFTE chapter one, because there is no companion in that moment.


Ok..Don't like my suggestions..CHECK...Dumb?? Wow. Let's go back to tanks doing 6mil damage or 9k parses.


What a graceful way to ignore all my reasoning as to why it is dumb, it is far more than "don't like your suggestions". Say whatever you will about me but I don't call anything dumb unless I reason exactly why it is dumb, and I did.

And tanks are still by far less DPSy and bursty than DPS unless their enemies foolishly stack to let them AoE. Indeed a tank class could solo a DPS class but not due to higher damage. It would be due to better DD/DT (damage dealt / damage taken) ratio, and that is not more or less fair than a DPS soloing a tank...


Not going down this PvP vs. PvE hole you are digging. This is the PvP thread.

This is a PVP thread of a game which has more than PVP, and every suggestion ignoring that enormous fact should be immediately discarded regardless of in which thread did I post it.

BTW you already did try to answer my PVP vs PVE concerns in your previous post. You also recongized the absurd in ignoring all other aspects on the game when trying to focus on one. The only reason you stopped is not because it doesn't matter, but because you have no good answers to my good questions.


Also the thing I said about removing all common abilities of the class, even if you narrowly irrationally focus on PVP and don't care about anything else you need to answer that one.

O...BTW...there are plenty of games that classes are support only. Support classes are quite powerful.


A support which doesn't heal at all and doesn't damage at all? Name it, don't say vaguely: "there are plenty". Even Mercy in OW can damage, and the tanks there have some really nice one-shotters. I want an example with names that I can google!

Edited by Rafiknoll
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So if I get you correctly the tank will stand in front of the boss and will have to constantly use "aggro abilties" that don't damage? First of all, the total raid damage will diminish by what the tank would deal (and it makes a difference in many bosses), 2nd of all, what would all these aggro abilities (and there gotta be a lot, or are you removing rotation and making tanking in a raid practically a one-key smashing?) do in PVP when targeting players?

1. Lower raid damage requirements. Easy.

2. Support abilities could boost raid damage done for xx seconds, apply xx DoT with any force/tech/kinetic damage, or etc.

And tanks are still by far less DPSy and bursty than DPS unless their enemies foolishly stack to let them AoE. Indeed a tank class could solo a DPS class but not due to higher damage. It would be due to better DD/DT (damage dealt / damage taken) ratio, and that is not more or less fair than a DPS soloing a tank.

Just like an equal skilled dps can't kill a healer 1v1? Well...it happens and depending on what DCDs are gone. BW already lowered 2 of the tank specs, but Jugg/Guardian damage is still high. I've been in games when classes that have taunt abilities have ZERO taunts. They are all about the damage.



This is a PVP thread of a game which has more than PVP, and every suggestion ignoring that enormous fact should be immediately discarded regardless of in which thread did I post it.

Your opinion, but PvP is in this game...O and BTW...the only reason 60% of the base plays this game. When BW loses PvPers see how long the game will continue!!

BTW you already did try to answer my PVP vs PVE concerns in your previous post. You also recongized the absurd in ignoring all other aspects on the game when trying to focus on one. The only reason you stopped is not because it doesn't matter, but because you have no good answers to my good questions.

I wasn't going to address this because you are trying to EMO this thread (most PvEers do), but again..this is a P V P thread. Comment all you like, but when you start your EMO logic or start going into PvE lala land there is no reason to fill your PvE ego.


Also the thing I said about removing all common abilities of the class, even if you narrowly irrationally focus on PVP and don't care about anything else you need to answer that one.

Just keep trying to go there...man. Well...they can easily remove abilities in WZs. They already do it. The raid buffs are turned off in 4v4s. Again...it's a PvP thread so, I'm keeping it PvP specific. I could care less about any PvE content and when they kill PvP I'm gone anyway (and I already have 1 foot out the door).

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1. Lower raid damage requirements. Easy.

2. Support abilities could boost raid damage done for xx seconds, apply xx DoT with any force/tech/kinetic damage, or etc.


Doing so to all encounters ever is kinda an overhaul, which is the thing we want to avoid.


Just like an equal skilled dps can't kill a healer 1v1? Well...it happens and depending on what DCDs are gone. BW already lowered 2 of the tank specs, but Jugg/Guardian damage is still high. I've been in games when classes that have taunt abilities have ZERO taunts. They are all about the damage.


Names! Names! NAMES! Don't "I have been in games" me, tell me which games. I want to see it for myself, see the context of the game, and then see if it can be related.



Your opinion, but PvP is in this game...O and BTW...the only reason 60% of the base plays this game. When BW loses PvPers see how long the game will continue!!


The specific number (60%) is made up by you, but even according to it, 40% of the players would leave instantly when your proposed changes ruin their game. But I now know I don't need to ever fear your idea getting implemented because unlike you, it is certain that the devs WILL consider the game as a whole.


I wasn't going to address this because you are trying to EMO this thread (most PvEers do), but again..this is a P V P thread. Comment all you like, but when you start your EMO logic or start going into PvE lala land there is no reason to fill your PvE ego.


You just retreated to assuming things about people and insulting them rather than discussing what they are saying. I play all the content of the game and PVP and GSF is what I play most, but since I play it all then unlike you I am less narrow-minded in my solutions, and even if I was only a PVP player as long as I recognize the existence of PVE players it would be illogical to ignore them and purpose changes that break their game. And btw, did you just make up a "PVE ego" term just to insult me? Very mature...


I never said anything about YOU being an idiot. I know to remain objective and call your ideas stupid in case they are, without throwing away nonsense about your brain capabilities, ego or social skills. Keep the conversation mature, retreating to insults rather than reason (and insulting as a "reason" for not reasoning doesn't count) is just sad.




But here you go. From here on it is all going to be PVP concerns alone. I wonder how will you narrow the following part out of your perception, and how will you say I am EMOing here anyway :rolleyes::


Just keep trying to go there...man. Well...they can easily remove abilities in WZs. They already do it. The raid buffs are turned off in 4v4s. Again...it's a PvP thread so, I'm keeping it PvP specific. I could care less about any PvE content and when they kill PvP I'm gone anyway (and I already have 1 foot out the door).


So DPS specs and healer specs get to keep all base abilities of their class functional but tank specs get a total overhaul to their abilities and lose more than half of them? The least bad thing I can say about this idea is "inconsistency". Should the tank discipline tree include more abilities than other specs?

Also, have you ever seen them disabling an ability, not completely but to a certain spec among the 3 possible specs who have that ability? Taking the assassin's example again, you would disable maul for tank spec only but leave it functional for the DPS? I am seriously unsure they can pull such a thing off currently.


Not to mention, if you totally overhaul tanks, altering their rotation and function so much that the formers can't even be recognized from the new ones, believe me, the impact of the 60% PVP crowd would be far worse, swift and intense than the devs announcing right now that they do not intend to make any changes to tanks for a year. People will never accept a change of such magnitude, and I am certain most of them would rather keep things as they are rather than risk breaking all PVP.


For example, if tank now only supports, it gotta be hell of a good support to make it worth playing, right? So he probably can use very good ally shielding or increase healing received/dealt and stuff like that. How the hell are people going to have the slightest chance to kill a tank+healer combination? Even the combined might of 8 DPS might no longer be enough (and if it requires the same amount of DPS to kill a tank+healer as it currently does, then the tank has been useless because previously he could fight the same amount of players AND damage, so they gotta make him even more defensive to compensate).

Do you really want to see such tanks carrying the huttball or sitting on a node.


I truly hope you don't now tell me you intend to narrow it all to arenas and ranked. More than half the people in the PVP forums might lynch you ;)

[i am quite certain the reg PVP community is equal or greater than the ranked one]


P.S How would tank gearing work? Won't it also need an overhaul to match the new tank capabilities? Gear is no more PVE than it is PVP. Can you repurpose the current 3 tank stats to match the new tanks, or do you wanna force all tanks to gear again?


P.S.S Long ago I had an argument with someone who had similar revolutionary ideas for specs in this game. He possessed the similar trait of disregarding other aspects of the game which are not compatible with his ideas, and he had more and more of these ideas the longer the conversation went (I rather not get into details, not to scratch the borders of "naming and shaming" by giving information that would help people that were not present at the time track it, but basically he hated tanks and snipers). During that argument, he eventually told me I had something against him personally and this is why I don't take his newer ideas seriously anymore. I told him I am objective when I oppose his ideas and would oppose them regardless of whoever said them and dared him to create a new account and try suggesting such ideas on it. I said I would disagree regardless and would probably expose it as him eventually. Now I am starting to wonder... :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the idea of guard scaling with defensive stats, but why stop there?


Probably been said before, but from the perspective of juggs/guardians:

Could make all defensives scale from zero up to their current levels with defensive stats instead of having flat bonuses regardless of gear: soresu form, invicible/warding call, saber ward, saber reflect etc.


Could even scale the effectiveness of tank passive procs to defensive stats like: revenge/courage, pillar of strength/beacon of might etc.


If that wasn't enough to make full tanks viable, while simultaneously killing off skanks for good, you could tie some offensive abilities to defensive stats as well. For example, the amount of rage generation with aegis assault/warding strike could scale with defensive stats. Sins/shadows, VGs/PTs have many abilities that could be similarly scaled with defensive stats.


PVE tanks already care about their defensive stats, so I don't see them being adversely affected with these kind of changes.


Sounds like a lot of programming work that will never happen, but one can dream.

Edited by Tomokaze
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  • 2 weeks later...

How to force tanks to use tank gear instead of dps?

Just reset non tank stats after entered pvp > alacrity, critical rating and accuracy. Should limit the power amount also.

For dps and heals also reset tank stats if there are some (they do not use much though) > Defense, absorb and shield.

It's simple isn't is?

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How to force tanks to use tank gear instead of dps?

Just reset non tank stats after entered pvp > alacrity, critical rating and accuracy. Should limit the power amount also.

For dps and heals also reset tank stats if there are some (they do not use much though) > Defense, absorb and shield.

It's simple isn't is?


The best solution to pseudo-force players into queuing in full tank gear is to make tank gear more attractive than DPS gear. And the best way to make tank gear the more attractive option is to lower the base damage xfer of guard from 50% to something like 10-20%, maybe even less, and then scale that damage xfer coefficient with tank stats, back up to a cap of 50% damage xfer.



This accomplishes two things. It stops skank tanking from DPS classes, as you won't redirect NEARLY as much damage as before because you will be using DPS gear. The second thing it accomplishes is making tanks gear in full tank gear, to get the Guard damage xfered back up to 50%.



The best thing about tanks in PvP isn't their damage, or even really their utility. It's guard. Yes, damage and utility ARE factors as to why tanks are good, but the number 1 reason to bring a tank at all is for Guard. As it is, most tank specs rely on their passive talents in their skill trees for damage mitigation + tank stats, more so than from any of their gear. So giving them a reason to actually put on tank gear is the way to go if you want to change tanking in PvP.

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Provided the shielding changes do give tank gear purpose I am fine with further making tanks use tank gear.


In your example though, even you admit dps and heals don't use tank gear because it does nothing for them. These shielding changes are intended to make tank gear do something for pvp tanks. I am planning on running my tank set post 5.9.2, as this change is one I personally have been championing.


Assuming it does what I think it will, lock tanks into tank gear all you will. I just feel the need to point out that dps and healers could use tank gear, but they don't. Why? Because dps and healing gear helps them accomplish their primary purpose. I think 5.9.2 will make at least shield and absorb help me acconplish my primary purpose as a tank, and therefore will switch.


On the guard idea, however, how are you accounting for a few factors:

1. Even pve tanks generally run lethal mods of some variety. These are dps mods, but since defense is close to asymptote, the extra thousand or so defense from running them is not useful, even for guardians (the defense based tank). Will these still grant you maximum guard?


2. Because of the aforementioned defense rating asymptote very few tanks run "optimal" enhancements, opting instead for high endurance shield/absorb. Do these still grant maximum guard?


3. Because of the limited usefullness of tank relics, and the (possibly fixed) overwriting of sage bubble by the reactive warding relic, most tanks run dps relics. Will these still grant maximum guard?


These 3 things are all done by PVE tanks, who do gear for maximum mitigation in general. Thus, it certainly can't be said they are skanking. The underlying issue is: tank gear is pretty screwed in general compared to dps/healing counterparts. Without a massive redesign of the system, how do you lock tanks into tank gear without obnoxiously hindering the (probably) rarest role?

Edited by KendraP
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Provided the shielding changes do give tank gear purpose I am fine with further making tanks use tank gear.


In your example though, even you admit dps and heals don't use tank gear because it does nothing for them. These shielding changes are intended to make tank gear do something for pvp tanks. I am planning on running my tank set post 5.9.2, as this change is one I personally have been championing.


Assuming it does what I think it will, lock tanks into tank gear all you will. I just feel the need to point out that dps and healers could use tank gear, but they don't. Why? Because dps and healing gear helps them accomplish their primary purpose. I think 5.9.2 will make at least shield and absorb help me acconplish my primary purpose as a tank, and therefore will switch.


On the guard idea, however, how are you accounting for a few factors:

1. Even pve tanks generally run lethal mods of some variety. These are dps mods, but since defense is close to asymptote, the extra thousand or so defense from running them is not useful, even for guardians (the defense based tank). Will these still grant you maximum guard?


2. Because of the aforementioned defense rating asymptote very few tanks run "optimal" enhancements, opting instead for high endurance shield/absorb. Do these still grant maximum guard?


3. Because of the limited usefullness of tank relics, and the (possibly fixed) overwriting of sage bubble by the reactive warding relic, most tanks run dps relics. Will these still grant maximum guard?


These 3 things are all done by PVE tanks, who do gear for maximum mitigation in general. Thus, it certainly can't be said they are skanking. The underlying issue is: tank gear is pretty screwed in general compared to dps/healing counterparts. Without a massive redesign of the system, how do you lock tanks into tank gear without obnoxiously hindering the (probably) rarest role?


PvE tanking and PvP tanking are vastly different. Guard works completely differently in PvP than in PvE.


In PvP, guard is a skill that's used to mitigate damage that an incoming recipient is taking. It's used to convert half of the damage that they are about to take to yourself, which you can then mitigate from your skill tree's passives + whatever defensive stats that you have, as well as your DR.



In PvE, guard's main purpose isn't to mitigate damage at all, it's to prevent your best DPS or healer from pulling aggro on the boss. You will generally guard your highest DPS so that they aren't constantly pulling the bosses aggro off of you because high DPS = High amounts of Threat generated.


They can change the way guard works in PvP without ever touching its main functionality in PvE.

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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PvE tanking and PvP tanking are vastly different. Guard works completely differently in PvP than in PvE.


In PvP, guard is a skill that's used to mitigate damage that an incoming recipient is taking. It's used to convert half of the damage that they are about to take to yourself, which you can then mitigate from your skill tree's passives + whatever defensive stats that you have, as well as your DR.



In PvE, guard's main purpose isn't to mitigate damage at all, it's to prevent your best DPS or healer from pulling aggro on the boss. You will generally guard your highest DPS so that they aren't constantly pulling the bosses aggro off of you because high DPS = High amounts of Threat generated.


They can change the way guard works in PvP without ever touching its main functionality in PvE.


You missed the point completely.


My point is that even PVE tanks, who are gearing for max mitigation, are not using "optimal" tank gear.


So if PVP tanks start using PVE tank gear, as I outlined in points 1-3, will they get the full guard in PVP? They should, in my opinion, as currently that is the optimal way to gear mitigation wise.

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You missed the point completely.


My point is that even PVE tanks, who are gearing for max mitigation, are not using "optimal" tank gear.


So if PVP tanks start using PVE tank gear, as I outlined in points 1-3, will they get the full guard in PVP? They should, in my opinion, as currently that is the optimal way to gear mitigation wise.


I reread your post and I think I understand your points better now.


Ideally, they'd make guard work like: Guard damage transferred = X(S+D+A)


Where X is some random coefficient that is multiplied by a combination shield/defence/absorb stats. This makes is it so that specs that want more of one specific tank stat and less of another can still equal out and get max guard damage xferred.


The X coefficient can be played with so that tanks can still have a little bit of leeway in gearing if they want, as far as relics go. For example, perhaps the overall stat allocation to reach max guarded Damage transfer is 3200 points, split between shield/absorb/defence. That's obviously just an example number, but the concept would be that as long as you reached some break point threshold, you would get the max Damage xfer of 50% and still have some room to play around with other tertiary stats. Using that method, certain tanks might opt to have less total damage xfer % on guard in order to have more personal dps. Or other tanks could reach that breakpoint with passive talents or skills like Dark Ward, giving them more room for DPS gear. But either way, it would give tanks more options, and generally, more options is better.

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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Or simply don't give DPS guard.


Hahahahahahahaha. This is bioware we are talking about. Such a simple answer is an insult to them! If it can't be some complicated "behind the scenes" formula that takes into account the predicted length of the match, which color saber you are using, what continent your ISP is on, how many other potential guards are on the fleet, and how many letters are in your name, then it's not even worth their time to do it.

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You better have neuter their DPS otherwise what is the point of being pure DPS spec's peeps will simple play tanks along with the already OP Merc Sniper Jug super apparent to all who play save your dev team! Why because they Break trinity by having uber DPS in conjunction with tank like abilities. If your gonna have hybrids their DPS should be half of what pure DPS specs as far as DPS goes!
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You better have neuter their DPS otherwise what is the point of being pure DPS spec's peeps will simple play tanks along with the already OP Merc Sniper Jug super apparent to all who play save your dev team! Why because they Break trinity by having uber DPS in conjunction with tank like abilities. If your gonna have hybrids their DPS should be half of what pure DPS specs as far as DPS goes!


Uh sniper is a "pure dps spec" and anyone thinking jugg dps is op needs their head examined. There really arent hybrids in swtor, even now, and this change will further delineate tanks from dps if it works as intended.

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Thanks for considering tank stats and making them useful in PVP. Sounds like another great step in the right direction.


I only wonder how this impacts their damage though, more survivability means longer life means more sustained damage. I hope this works.


I want to see tanks that play like real tanks, meaning hard to kill. I always think of the tanks on Warhammer Online and how they were ultra hard to kill. The balance there was the tanks did little damage in PVP though.


Yes so we end up right back were we're at with Jug\Merc\Sniper ability to dish out huge DPS and absorb crap loads of dmg making pure DPS (glass cannon specs moot) Way to solve that issue. STOP BREAKING TRINITY!

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Uh sniper is a "pure dps spec" and anyone thinking jugg dps is op needs their head examined. There really arent hybrids in swtor, even now, and this change will further delineate tanks from dps if it works as intended.


exactly the point Sniper is pure DPS spec it's suppose to be a glass cannon spec ITS NOT! It breaks trinity just like Jug and Merc. Don't sit there and spew sunshine and say it ain't when every &%^$&$ match has at least 3 mercs 2 jugs and at least one sniper there's a reason for it they break trinity! Proverbial " I win Class"

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exactly the point Sniper is pure DPS spec it's suppose to be a glass cannon spec ITS NOT! It breaks trinity just like Jug and Merc. Don't sit there and spew sunshine and say it ain't when every &%^$&$ match has at least 3 mercs 2 jugs and at least one sniper there's a reason for it they break trinity! Proverbial " I win Class"


When i go dps on my guardian i hate snipers too, but their defensiveness isnt really based on face tanking or healing, but more on keeping you away from them.


And are you talking about dps juggies or tank juggies? In the case of dps juggies, they dont break trinity any more than a sin or PT. Sin dps can guard, pt dps can guard, juggie dps can guard, all can taunt. The worst of the bunch is by far PT. Shadow and guardian just play differently. Shadow you have much more mobility and a disengage in stealth out. Guardian has the self heal. If anything at least serenity isnt totally outclassed by madness the way focus is by concentration.

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Hey folks,


One of the topics we have seen quite a bit of feedback about is the viability of tanks in PvP. There are a few reasons for this which we would still like to address down the line, but we have one change planned for 5.9.2 which we hope will help their survivability in PvP. This will also help incentivize tanks to wear tanking gear in PvP.


  • Critical hits are now affected by Shield / Absorb.

Currently, only regular hits from players can be impacted by shield procs. By including crits, this gives the potential for much more damage mitigation for tanks when being targeted by DPS classes. Here is a very basic example. Let’s say a normal hit would do 1,000 damage and a critical hit would do 2,000 damage. You are a tank and when your shield procs, you reduce damage by 25%. Previously you could reduce the normal hit to 750 damage, but would always take the 2,000 from a crit. After 5.9.2 you can also reduce the critical hit damage down to 1,500. This allows shield and absorb to be a direct counter-stat to Crit Rating for DPS classes.


Let us know your thoughts.




Does this apply to internal (DOT) Damage as well? It would be nice if Defense Rating would counter these effects by adding resistance to them. If defense chance is 30% and you also got a 30% resistance to the abilities it would be nice. Either that or simply use the stance for a flat resistance.

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Unsubscribe, just waiting until it fully expires, after that gonna come back to forums and see how the upcoming changes are taking effect. If everything goes well.. meaning Cross Faction, balance teams, no trolls, exploits, and trade wins.. among other things.. if those things had been taken care and players are giving good reviews to the new changes, then I will come back.. Otherwise that's it for me.. continue with other MMO games.



Personally, I think the changes came a little too late, but oh well :D:D:D gotta see how the brilliant ppl who brought down WoW:D:D and who made it possible for them to go bankrupt :D:D:D are gonna fix this..


btw: its bioware a based Canadian company??? JesusChrist..

according to a video I saw on one of this thread.. Bioware sole owner took the money and ran:D:D:D according to the video he earn billions, fired the original creators and left the game in the state we in lol:D


https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=swtor+game+is+death&&view=detail&mid=538091C66011E89E8298538091C66011E89E8298&&FORM=VRDGAR <----- found the video hahahahahahah hahahaha

Edited by Grxsr
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Unsubscribe, just waiting until it fully expires, after that gonna come back to forums and see how the upcoming changes are taking effect. If everything goes well.. meaning Cross Faction, balance teams, no trolls, exploits, and trade wins.. among other things.. if those things had been taken care and players are giving good reviews to the new changes, then I will come back.. Otherwise that's it for me.. continue with other MMO games.



Personally, I think the changes came a little too late, but oh well :D:D:D gotta see how the brilliant ppl who brought down WoW:D:D and who made it possible for them to go bankrupt :D:D:D are gonna fix this..


btw: its bioware a based Canadian company??? JesusChrist..

according to a video I saw on one of this thread.. Bioware sole owner took the money and ran:D:D:D according to the video he earn billions, fired the original creators and left the game in the state we in lol:D


https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=swtor+game+is+death&&view=detail&mid=538091C66011E89E8298538091C66011E89E8298&&FORM=VRDGAR <----- found the video hahahahahahah hahahaha


I want to watch this video but I am afraid to click it. Can someone verify it's safe?

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I want to watch this video but I am afraid to click it. Can someone verify it's safe?


I didn't click it, but from the URL it's just a search on Bing for "swtor game is death", and then click the Videos tab. It's the first video... which I also didn't click. Because I don't actually care. :p

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