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Everything posted by blackopsranger

  1. They are skipping them so they can make money off of the tunings that grant similar effects. After all its all about the cartel market these days. Screw people who actually play.
  2. Welp so glad i didnt put much effort in this season. Rewards are terrible and seriously skipping Furious set for swashbuckler? Do us a favor and drop Subscriptions all together because this game isnt worth paying for anymore.
  3. Since phasewalk and similar abilities can be up for extended times can we have it match color crystals? This way in addition its current use it can also be used to mark locations in raids or as guide markers in the open world.
  4. SO hear me out. Tactical that sacrifices all healing from focused/enraged defense and instead increases DR by 8% per stack up to 12. Cool down is doubled. reasoning: People want juggs and guardians to feel tanky even if they are not tanks. The double duration reduces likely hood of it being overpowered in PVP and its utility makes it very viable as a large DCD in PVE content.
  5. Tried to find another post on this. Why are dps classes not getting healing medals? Medal rewards cap at 8 medals regardless of your total. So is this a bug? Or did some not brilliant person decide to remove them from scoreboard? Even if there are no medals for healing as a dps its nice to use as a gauge. If its removed because "DPS are not healers" then healers shouldn't get damage medals and tanks should only get protection stats.
  6. Seems like scaling is terrible for MM content. Would be nice to have a level 70 Tactical that nullifies all experience. Then we could just use level 70s with proper stats.
  7. It would be nice if we could get an OPS dummy for tanks. with a healer droid based upon hots or burst and then 1 or more enemies doing obvious abilities. Abilities such as "Spike tech, DoT Force" Etc, but with animations from actual bosses(Random). This way you could appropriate your Cool downs better, understand how your cool downs work against damage types and test which sets you like. Even better if you have a threat meter against your healer. As an alternative make it a mini boss for a group of 3: A healer keeping a tank and dps alive, A DPS doing normal parse maybe with minor mechanics such as aoe circle or threat dropping, a Tank keeping aggro and using DCDs. 1 Role would be player the other 2 AI. It wouldn't be anything Elaborate. Update: After seeing a Tyth Module in my inventory this might actually be simpler: Drop Mods from select SM bosses that could be placed into a "battle simulator" that's just simply a scaled up/down version of the boss. Then make an achievement to get them all.
  8. 4 piece sets are nearly all worthless. Combined however they could make useful "8 Piece" sets if you were to create a new piece that "Reduces number of pieces required for set bonuses by 1 minimum 2-3 pieces." The combinations would never be on par with 6 piece bonuses but could provide unique customization people could use for specific Scenarios or simply for fun. It would also give viability to some that seem like they are more of a meme than anything. It was stated that onslaught would be "play how you want too" and that is not the case because there are still Sets that are the only "viable" solutions. To demonstrate this "Wild Card Set Piece" look at some examples: Use Scenario A as an example: 1 Wild Card Set Piece 3 The Undying Set pieces 3 Force bound set pieces While tanks have no particular use for the accuracy buff, The massive decrease in enemy accuracy with Roar/ Awe from both the set and built in reduction, (including the Reduced cool down of said ability) combined the 20% DR for 6 Seconds provides an overall set that would be focused on mitigation. Use that Comes to mind: Corrupter Zero. Use Scenario B 1 Wild Card Piece 3 Hunter Killer Set 3 Piece Stationary Grit While this would probably be more focused on the "adds race" in D'xun a power tech Increasing movement speed of the group with the stealth scan utility and then receiving an Armor buff for a slight increase in DR . Anyways 2 cents for ya.
  9. This is all fine and dandy but can we get better descriptions on tacticals and set bonuses? I mean "increases effectiveness" is extremely vague. Is it 1% 2% 1x 2x 3x ? People need to be able to make informed decisions. Also there 4 pieces are nearly all worthless. Combined however they could make useful "8 Piece" sets if you were to change amplified champion from the additional Amplifier to "Reduces number of pieces required for set bonuses by 1 minimum 3 pieces." The combinations probably would never be on par with 6 piece bonuses but could provide unique customization people could use for specific Scenarios.
  10. Just saying it would be nice if we could flag bosses when finishing them. Or If for some not ranked flags then a flag that only works on the bosses.
  11. It's not about PVP. The "tuning effect" applies to them is a strobe effect and people use them in Flashpoints, OPS, etc. I pointed this out because people in discord during OPS had issues with them causing headaches, nausea and more. I'm all for "trolling" when it due to player skill. Someone having a seizure because BW and their like of QC can result in someone's death or worse a lawsuit forcing EA to close the game down.
  12. As a heads up to those of you who are at risk to this type of seizure, i.e. epilepsy, please turn down your graphics or ask others to use a different weapon. It has already caused people headaches and more from the strobe effect. Hopefully in the future it will be a slower effect.
  13. Ops and scoundrel healers were already weak in ranked (mainly solo) and yet not only did they get screwed on gear this patch you inadvertently nerfed their mediocre defenses. thats not to say the astronomical burst damage for which they cant do anything about . with the "custom set bonuses" you had an oppurtunity to correct this without buffing the dps specs. Rather than simply "cry" I've included some suggestions (using imp terms): 2/6: Recuperative nano tech increases Damage Reduction for all affected by 10% for 6 seconds. alternative: activating evasion grants 'slippery team' providing the same effects as evasion to those within 8m. This is to help counter the lack of burst healing available by reducing the damage taken. 4/6: Kolto Injection always critically heals those affected by Kolto probe. alternative: while under the effects of Guard you're immune to push-backs and interrupts. Ops and scoundrels if not the focus are always mezzed out. They cannot counter the damage taken by a team mate while they are stunned. in other words the lack of burst healing is further worsened especially with disparity in DPS vs healing. Also both of the other classes have 15+seconds of immunity abilities. as the burst healing of operatives is substantially lower a full up time immunity will not have as massive an impact. 6/6: Cooldown of Evasion reduced by 15 seconds and its duration increase by 100% Cooldown on evasion was moved into legendary tier along with other "go to utilities" that gave ops a fighting chance. Alternative: Shield Probe now reflects 50% of damage back at attackers. Scoundrel healers need a deterrent similar to the others that forces others off of them for at least 6-8 seconds. Stealth out is not really fulfilling this as it requires eating a utility point into evasion or dots/aoes will immediately kill you.
  14. They don't flip them. Rather they skip using credits all together and have max companions running missions at 50. This initially doesn't seem to be a big deal until you realize the difference in time: 15 min vs 1hr. X 8. The massive increase in mats required for tier 11 vs 10 or below equivalents forces level 50 companions for efficiency. The Average player doesnt have a bunch of 50's. Buying them with CC gives an unfair advantage to someone who could simply pay their way to so many 50's. Hypercrates etc are being flipped as usual but at a higher rate than normal to compensate for massive cost increases. I mean blue augs 12 Mil really
  15. I just saw your post. It's kinda both. Credit Spammers are straight to the point but should be getting people bans and Cartel Market items are now a massive advantage to "whales" who can pay for 8 x 50 companions on all of their characters while everyone else had to grind away.
  16. Not surprising. Inflation = Massive profit vs risk ratio. Also Swtor 6 pay to win
  17. Has anyone noticed the massive increased for the cost of everything 100K for this and that. Over 600% increase in the cost of mats and drastically reduced chance of successful augment. That costs in game money that just moves around. So. Players are simply buying Cartel Market Items and selling them in order to buy new items such as augments. and all of the sudden you can pay for instant 50 Companions. Which by the way if you don't have you get super screwed on crafting. 6.0 was small because it was designed to cater to whales who EA states account for 60% profit but less than 2% population. This explains why it was very small expansion story wise with so many bugs and a mediocre operation.
  18. honestly I roll Presevers for +2% shield and then Saber master for cooldown on Battle readiness and seems fine in NIIM ops.
  19. TBH you shouldn't increase the cost of anything because you give such low amounts of tokens. If you're expecting it will make people queue its not working. only at the very beginning or very end have pops been of sufficient quantity that they would be reasonable for those prices. Until such time you have locked tiers with elo degeneration don't expect it will. locked tiers would be 1200-1299 bronze, 1300-1399 silver and 1400-1500 gold. not platinum BS that should be an end of the season cool of period instead.
  20. TBH the only way they will ever truthfully balance classes is to strip all defensives and give the same to all of them. they would also need to set armor for non tanks to all be the same.
  21. Just saying we should have group ranked as an event each week and you should have to get "buy in authorizations" each time from the solo ranked weekly. Here's why: 1. Never really seems to be any teams in queue and yet leader boards show otherwise. Who are they playing against? Where? 2. Teams that are interested but new will simply be farmed by the only other team in queue. This is demoralizing and then they never queue again. By forcing all teams to queue closer together it is more likely that they will play other new teams. Simply put it will also prevent a team from starting 10-0 who might otherwise go 5-5. 3. Group ranked players claim to be more effective at "determining course of action" on picking targets. That said forcing them to do solo will spread that knowledge to others. 4. solo ranked tends to be poorly balanced and almost never tanks, and more often than not no healers. these players doing solo ranked will provide more "group-like" matches in solo ranked.
  22. Real question is will you ever fix the glaring hole that is force abilities against snipers. Dodge and roll do nothing against these effectively making them a meme especially against Burst Sage/ Sorcs because they only have probe which is a meme and ballistic shield which will not save them.
  23. this is kind of a lol. Only class weaker than jugg right now is maybe PT/VG. Juggs and Guardians are almost always focused first. They were supposed to be a "tanky" DPS but are really a glass cannon meaning if focused= dead and if left alone = tons of damage. Not the way this class should feel.
  24. Anyone have insight into why there have been no new classes despite there being new species. I mean looking at other "successful MMOs" they added classes in addition to species when they released their expansions. KOTEE/KOTFE could have been a prime opportunity to do this. Will we see new ones in the expansion, no. definitely not. and really all it is using a "C-Table" and mixing matching from the new class equivalents. For Example, Blazing bolts and heat-seeker missiles for a Gormak XX.
  25. First of all, if you don't normally make these kinds of transactions your bank will flag your card. 2ndly, SWTOR itself, nor bitraider makes no interaction with your router. SWTOR is an application, Bit Raider is an application and they operate at layers 5-7 in the "network model" while your router operates at layer 3. if it was overloaded by the low data throughput of SWTOR then you need to replace it. its 2019 get a new AX Router.
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