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SWTOR Summer Roadmap


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I'm happy you wrote the word "guild" in your blog post 4 times as that shows you are super serious this time :p but please learn from your past mistakes and tell us what you have planned for guild improvements.


The last two "improvements" to guild life included a guild panel that has been broken for over a year and a major change to conquest which resulted in slashing the chances of smaller guilds taking #1. Then there are the things with missed potential like the list of top 5 CQ scorers is only per character when it should be per account.


If you had told us the changes you had planned in detail then we could of told you how these would actually affect our guilds in advance and what could be done to truly improve the guild quality of life. You keep wasting development time on things you think we want instead of what we actually want. This thread is a good starting point ;)

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I'll be honest.


The road map SOUNDS nice.

But, I will take a wait and see approach before I allow myself to feel a little bit of warm fuzzies about the game.

I'm more interested in the "Beyond September" stuff, and I seriously doubt I'm the only one.


Real question.

Are we not getting 5.10 in the summer? I posted in another thread that said that Scourge was returning in 5.10 as confirmed by dev in a live stream interview. If 5.10 is coming this summer, why not mention it in the road map?

If 5.10 comes after summer, of course I'll live, but it would be nice to know either way.


Can Keith (or someone) not explicitly tell us which companions are going to be returned in the new story line or before? I thought I heard somewhere here that the voice actors/actresses recording their lines like 6 months in advance. So, 6 months takes us close to the end of the year.


Just so you people think I'm not all about just negative stuff, I like what I am hearing about the new PVP content coming. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like both current huttball pvp maps and hope the upcoming hutball pvp map is just as fun if not more.

The strong hold pvp stuff sounds promising.

Really, at least from just hearing about the upcoming pvp changes, there isn't anything that I (personally) am thinking "Not a great plan".

I hope "new characters to meet and planets to explore in the new year" means EXPLORABLE, open world-ish planets like Voss or Tatoonie that can be revisited and aren't player instanced.


I LOVE exploring planets like I did back in vanilla instead of places like Asylum that you can only visit during the story chapter and are kinda small or Zakuul where it feels like narrow corridors. I want to be able to stretch my legs.


Also, again, just a question.

Why is the Nightlife Nar Shaada/casino event shorter than previous years? It doesn't bother me, really. I'm just curious. I remember the Nar Shadda event lasting for like 2 months or more. Is my memory wrong, or is this event a lot shorter this year. And, if so, why is that?

Edited by SolarSaenz
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Hey folks,


You can use this thread to discuss our SWTOR Summer Roadmap!




I am happy to see some thought and concern going to PVP stuffs. :)


Huttball is great, and I look forward to a new map! Just one thing, I really hope they follow the graphic setup meaning less laggy and more like the original Huttball map, make scoring harder!


Just the fact you laid your intentions on the table is a good start and here's to hoping you guys do some really nice renovating in the PVP house.

Edited by Lhancelot
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YAY!!!! just Yay!

mind you if i was you guys i would not invest in another huttball, thats what a lot of ppl hate. something like novare coast would be a better option or 8v8 with a full premade and just make a different que.

anyway very welcome changes if the cross faction and the pick'nChoose wzs get implemented I am already a happy bunny. Thanks for listening!


ps I would also raise the bolster to 246. at its current lvl it doesnt do enough yet having a 248 still gives you a bit of an edge. most players dont bother getting 248 anyway so you might as well.

also i read nothing about pvp gear /expertise/or pvp comms. Where are we on that? I heard rumours that they are coming back?





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Well I assume we can use it for non-PvP playing house as well. :D


IF... IF you set it private.. otherwise you likely will have constant transients popping into your Stronghold to challenge you to a duel. If they see a population count of 1 or better in your Stronghold on the public directory... expect to get trolled for a duel. (This assumes that these can and will be considered PvP instances).

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Hey guys,

i must say ive been quite unhappy with many changes over the past year, also as a vanguard main the tank nerf hit me hard after the dps specs are nearly unplayable the tank spec is now (ion storm nerf ok, rest not) too. Since i play much on republic side (on Darth Malgus) im very happy to see that we finally get cross q. I also like the idea of choosing what wz to play in regs (bye bye huttball) but im not sure if the playerbase is big enough to make this work without waiting for regs half an hour. New WZ is always good i just dont like huttball^^. About ranked season end: im happy its finally there but next season much shorter please and i would be happy if you dont increase the rating needed for bronze and silver tier that much so i have the chance to get silver tier on the chars i play much and maybe people that play mostly for fun (and are not that good) can get their chars in bronze too.


thx for reading :p

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As a PvPer, I for one am looking forward to these changes, especially the part about them cracking down on players who are being naughty. Overall, there's some good ideas in there, but like everything, the effectiveness of these changes will be determined by how they implement them.
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So lets see:

  • Old content credit sink from May 22 - June 30.
  • Some game updates to Galactic Command, Conquest system and guilds but no new playable content till "early July which has the possibility to be pushed back given the wording use - "early"
  • "Early" July and we get a much need PVP update with 2 new areas, cross faction and a PVP related SH.


However this:

At the end of the year, we’ll introduce an exciting new story line and multiplayer game play – all leading to an explosive conflict with new characters to meet and planets to explore in the new year.


really concerns me given the amount of time (5 + months...?) that there is nothing new added to the rest of the game. Thats a lot of time you are asking for players to continue to run old content. The focus of only PVP through the summer is a bit of a shock even though it does need some love but still an odd choice given the size of pvp vs pve.


and no 6.0 this year given how that reads. Thats a disappointment and what looks like a rather slow content year. I guess 2018 is like 2017. :(

Edited by Quraswren
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Thanks for getting this out without a teaser first! That was always annoying ;)




5.9.1 - End of May - Recycled Night Life Event


5.X - July - Lots of PvP goodness!

Rishi Stronghold


Septemberish - Something Something story & companions. PvE people please don't quit!



Cartel Market stuff shouldn't be on roadmaps. It is neither content nor QoL.


I might start pvping again if I can pick my maps! I'm so rusty I might need to roll alts and stay in lowby tiers. :o


The wait for Scourge is going to be longer than I thought :( Otherwise not enough detail to pique my interest, let alone get excited.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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First, I would like to say, great news for PVPERS.


it sounds like were getting another prelude to the expansion like SOR in the Fall. which means shouldnt expect 6.0 this year. I do wonder when we will start getting details about 6.0. this also confirms one thing based on how I read it, we will be getting new planets.

Edited by mastersdr
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IF... IF you set it private.. otherwise you likely will have constant transients popping into your Stronghold to challenge you to a duel. If they see a population count of 1 or better in your Stronghold on the public directory... expect to get trolled for a duel. (This assumes that these can and will be considered PvP instances).

I have a lot of my SHs set to public and this never happens. :confused: Unless you're expecting it to be different because this is a PvP SH... But with no previous PvP SHs to go by, I feel like this is just speculation. Maybe you're right, but we'll see.

Edited by Estelindis
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Hey folks,


You can use this thread to discuss our SWTOR Summer Roadmap!




As suggestion for PVP one of the biggest problems is team comps. IE 4 healers on one team with 4 tanks. My suggestion is fixing this que system with new all cross faction queing. Make it so both teams are made up of 2 tanks 2 healers the rest DPS. This way big pvp guilds cant que sink 4 tanks and 4 healers. which is no fun... Please pass this along Eric welcome back hope you had a great well deserved vacation We missed ya.

Edited by Neoforcer
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Dear Keith and co,


As a dedicated, hardcore and competitive PvPer, while all of this SOUNDS nice, I'm going to wait and see if you guys actually deliver on this stuff, particularly this part:

  • We’ll be focusing attention on exploiters, cheaters, and adjusting how Ranked Warzones complete. This will be an on-going effort, but like all of you, we want Warzones and Arenas to be fair, competitive, and fun.

You guys have been saying this for YEARS yet nothing has been done, especially when someone can outright sell top 3 rewards to other people by exploiting.


For many years now there's been a huge account-selling ring going on with accounts that exploited for top 3 rewards, with a few others that personally want it for themselves and have been wintrading, backfilling, and hiring boosting services for it. All of this has been going on right in front of your eyes and yet nothing has been done to stop it.


Last season and this season in particular have been frankly the biggest jokes of this game's ranked cycles thus far.


Unfortunately it's not only the wintraders, backfillers and other exploiters, but mat farmers, conquest farmers, CXP farmers, throwers, que syncers and que decliners too... but I digress.


Please change the way the rating system works and actually do something for once about the blatant and rampant cheating going on in ranked PvP. I love the arena format and most of the rewards in general have been pretty neat, but it's unfortunate that I can't even obtain these rewards on most of my toons (when I know for a fact that I'm a decent player) because of your apathy and lackluster management toward cheaters.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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As suggestion for PVP one of the biggest problems is team comps. IE 4 healers on one team with 4 tanks. My suggestion is fixing thie que system with new all cross faction queing. Make it so both teams are made up of 2 tanks 2 healers the rest DPS. This way big pvp guilds cant que sink 4 tanks and 4 healers. which is no fun... Please pass this along Eric welcome back hope you had a great well deserved vacation We missed ya.


Who would queue sync 4 heals and 4 tanks? That sounds like aids where you cant kill anything.

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It sounds really, really awesome. I hope that PvP-focused update also comes with class changes?!


Thanks, Keith. While being a PvPer I can appreciate them awesome news. However from the sound of it we shouldn't expect 6.0 this year, right?


Stop with the nerfs please.. :mad:

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So lets see:

  • Old content credit sink from May 22 - June 30.
  • Some game updates to Galactic Command, Conquest system and guilds but no new playable content till "early July which has the possibility to be pushed back given the wording use - "early"
  • "Early" July and we get a much need PVP update with 2 new areas, cross faction and a PVP related SH.


However this:


really concerns me given the amount of time (5 + months...?) that there is nothing new added to the rest of the game. Thats a lot of time you are asking for players to continue to run old content. The focus of only PVP through the summer is a bit of a shock even though it does need some love but still an odd choice given the size of pvp vs pve.


and no 6.0 this year given how that reads. Thats a disappointment and what looks like a rather slow content year. I guess 2018 is like 2017. :(

Yeah, as much as PvP needs love (and has for ages - this is loooong overdue), they aren't giving anyone else a reason to play until 2019 it seems.

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Thanks for the roadmap arriving quickly!


The PVP stronghold is a good idea, cross-faction and better matchmaking also. Not much in there but here's me hoping it means that they are working on 6.0 and this is the inevitable content gap that comes when you work on an expansion. I'm also hoping maybe we can see something at E3?

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Eric or Keith, can you please confirm that the Rishi stronghold will be available/private for those of us who want nothing to do with PvP?


I have been stockpiling and buying decos for Rishi ever since it was announced. But if PvP participation is required in any way to get the stronghold or the SH is open for duels, without an option to turn that off and keep it private, I'm not touching it.

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