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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Outrageous Respec Cost


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This is exactly why they added an increase in costs and why they should keep it as is. Respec isn't intended to be done after every grouping, it is made for when you made the wrong decision regarding your play style.


Go look for an additional guild member who has either dps or healing and stick to one.


I realize that a respec is not intended to be done after every group but from the time day the early access started to this day in time I have done prolly 6 or 7 respecs trying to figure which one I liked best on my PT. I got kind of frustrated and rolled another char to 50.


I didnt touch my original char for over a week let alone respec. Going back to poke around on him last night and boom 55k respec.



I would be nice if BW would atleast let the price drop over time if you don't respec.




Honestly if BW doesn't want people to respec but to find one build and stick to it then they honestly CAN NOT change the class mechanics. If a developer changes a class spells around then hopes that its players will not want to respec to make up for this and dare they want to try out different builds around this change it becomes very alot of money really fast.



Then thinking about it what does respecing really hurt? I mean in all honesty how could it destroy or hurt the game that much.

It should A. Have a lower cap on the cost or B. Just not be allowed.


I just kind of bent out of shape because I like to pvp in a more dps spec but for pve I love tanking. My guild or buddies may want to pvp one second and pve the next and back and forth


At the moment its suck it up and pay huge prices or just not respec OR lastly roll 2 of the same toons. One for pvp one for pve.

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Hate the respec cost, implement a free cost or a flat reasonable respec cost. I don't have enough time in the day to grind the money out just b/c I want to try out a new spec. Come on BW get with the future no one wants to pay a monthly fee to a game that doesn't allow for flexibility in play style. I don't want to level another toon to 50 just so I can dps rather than heal.
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To each his own.


I see it as a role playing game (the RPG part) and I feel that respec costs should be utterly brutal. Respeccing at 50 should cost minimum 1 million the first time and double every time after that. I totally disagree that you should be able to level as a DPS and then switch to a healer for endgame.


The game lets you play whatever kind of character you want, healer, dps, tank, etc. I do not feel that it should let one character be any of those things at a whim. You want a healer? Roll a healer. Want a tank? Roll a tank. The game lets you do that now. No changes need to be made IMO, except that I'd greatly increase the cost, not lower it. And I'd put a 1 month timer on respecs.

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I respec'd my character for the first time yesterday, & it was 0 credits of course, but it would have been good to indicate to me the cost, prior to going through with it. But this is the sort of "polish", the little things that overall make a nice difference, lacking everywhere in the game.


I'm not sure what the problem is. It tells you how much the respec will cost and then you have the option of doing it or canceling it. I guess it could tell you sooner, but you can still stop the process.

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I have no problem with the charges for respec. If it's used as intended then it's a non-issue. However clearly the OP isn't doing this and moaning about it. If you think this is bad then you should have tried Fallen Earth before it went F2P.


Admittedly it takes time to understand game mechanics but there are some good, informative posts out there amongst a lot of the dross.


Yes thats exactly why it went to F2P polly. FAIL respec system is fail.


In contrast WoW has dual spec which is not even the extreme example.

Rift currently has FIVE(5) specs that you can switch on the fly, and in a few weeks they are adding a 6th spec slot. And the actual "respec" is "capped" at 50g for max level character. How much is 50g? its basically 50 silver in wow or 500 credit in SWTOR worth (so its essentially free.


I came from Rift and are used to 5 specs (I play a mage so I have MAX ST DPS/MAX AOE DPS/Best All around DPS/Main Tank Healing/PvP) and respec is unlimited and essentially for free. Single spec + Heavy punishment for respec os TOR is extremely annoying, which caused many Rift players to return to Rift.


This single spec is really an issue especially for "dual purpose" classes like Sorc and is not so much for pure dps classes that dont do anything else but dps... which is also a sign of imbalance.


Only reason for a game makers to put such a heavy punishment on respec in a single spec system is that they want to lengthen the time it takes for talented players to find that "cookie cutter" spec. But this is a sign that says the DEVs themselves dont even have full confidence in their class/spec balancing at the current state of the game.


Hopefully we can get a better/more player friendly/more fun oriented system when it comes to multi-purpose classes. It will be really sad if SWTOR has to go F2P too, to make sure this system stays as is because it's oh0so-great.

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Rift currently has FIVE(5) specs that you can switch on the fly, and in a few weeks they are adding a 6th spec slot. And the actual "respec" is "capped" at 50g for max level character. How much is 50g? its basically 50 silver in wow or 500 credit in SWTOR worth (so its essentially free.


I came from Rift and are used to 5 specs (I play a mage so I have MAX ST DPS/MAX AOE DPS/Best All around DPS/Main Tank Healing/PvP) and respec is unlimited and essentially for free. Single spec + Heavy punishment for respec os TOR is extremely annoying, which caused many Rift players to return to Rift.


This is exactly why I quit Rift after a few months. None of my characters had any personality, they were all instant-change-into-whatever.


Not at all appealing. Personally, I hope even dual spec doesn't make it here.

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50k sounds like a lot but it's really not. Doing the Ilum PvE dailies alone nets you around 80k a day (800k a week). that's without stuff you can sell from your crew skills, vendor trash loot etc.... Like others have said the economy in TOR is far different from WoW's... 50k credits is equivalent of like 50-100g. I also believe that if you respec after the weekly reset it's free even though it looks like it has charged you no credits are actually taken... I assume it's a bug.
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Listen people before you create a character, you can see on the top bar, what you are getting your self into when you make a character. READ THE INFO. before you select or make your choice.......





For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.

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This whole thread is filled with the most Bs i have yet to see on the whole swtor forum database.


For starters, max respec cost is 99.8k at lvl 50. That means, at level 50, to reach that amount, I respec'd 6 times or more with the last 7 days. At most, that is less than a day at any given spec. for the purposes of 'testing' a spec out, which some of you try to argue is why you should not have to pay as much for respec'ing, less than a day as any given spec will net you nothing about how well a spec works withing flash points, battlegrounds, and soloing content. it doesn't even allow u to get used to the new spec you are trying out. So basicaly what u are doing is either - trying to use the new spec with the same or similar rotations as the old, or trying out new rotations and deciding within the first few hours that you don't like it. Then from there you are either returning to a spec you had, which for testing purposes is a waste of one of your respecs, or you are trying something else new, which has to be relearned to begin with and will most likely net you the same results as yer previous spec due to the lack of time you put in to learning the nuances of that particular spec.


Honestly I have no problem with the current system of respec'ing. You are in no way pigeon holed in this game specialization wise, except for when you pick your advance class. anything after that choice, you can change specs as much as you like as often as you like, but if you decide you want to be a different spec from day to day, it is gonna get costly. And it should be, otherwise as someone posted, regardless of collecting different sets of gear to do it, which we all know isn't that hard from our 'wow' experience, you can pretty much do anything and everything any other person can do, and it greatly takes away from the whole premise of a mmo geared game, where community and grouping with other roles is how you complete content later in the game.


At lvl 50, even if you only do half the dailies, and want to respec every single day, your dailies cover your 99.8k respec cost. Hell, I have respec'd multiple times for 99k in one week because I misplaced a point, realized a skill was worthless when i thought it would be useful, so on and so forth. Even in Wow, respec'ing was not free. Honestly 99.8k at lvl 50 is not a lot of money. Your skills alone from 40-49 cost anywhere from 13k for the baddies, to 42k for the good ones.... and you are complaining about the respec fees and not that lol.


As far as switching from dps to heals to pvp spec, in all honesty, most pvp dps specs work just fine in flash points, and without the meters to show min/max'ing for dps classes, the difference in dmg isn't super apparent. The main difference between pvp dps and pve dps is in utility and burst. You can change yer gear to provide more sustained dmg if need be. As the game currently stands, before you get hard mode gear, pvp gear is the best gear you can get at lvl 50, besides the few rakata pieces you can craft and get from dailies.


This discussion shouldn't have anything to do with age or generations, that's all unnecessary bs which takes away from the original complaint/topic to begin with. it's more about not being fickle in what role you want to play, and where you spend your points.


Unless, you are currently spending your respecs to fill a dps role for pvp and a healing role for pve due to the lack of a particular role for your group flashpoints, respecing 6 times in one week is actually a lot of 'i have no idea *** i wanna be when i grow up'. There is a lot of tweaking to be done when finding the 'right' pvp/dps spec for 'you'. The game is still new, the 'best possible' cookie cutter specs aren't set in stone for particular roles, and a lot of us are still learning the game. Someone on here suggested that you take the time to plan out what you want to be doing, how you want to do it, and where you will spend your points to accomplish it. That is sound advice. but the bottom line is that 99.8k for 6 respecs in a 7 day period at lvl 50 isn't that much money at that level when you consider the amounts you can make doing the lvl 50 dailies and space missions for credits, not even counting the group quests that are available.


All in all, this discussion pretty much became a childish argument with one 'generation' against another, which is pretty sad.


If you are respecing to help fill roles your guildies are missing on a regular basis, I would suggest you have em help out with the costs if it gets to be 'too much' for you. if you are respec'ing more than 6 times a week, I suggest you think out your spec before u choose one, and make up yer mind. If you just want to be able to play every role available in the game without having to rely on the community or your guildies to fill in the gaps in roles 1> advance classes prevent a tank from spec'ing to a healer... thank god, and 2> go play a single player game or pay the cost to be that super character lol.


I am completely looking forward to the dual spec option. I miss it from Wow. it was nice to have a pvp specific spec and a pve one. But, under no circumstances, do I think dual specialization should ever allow u to change your advance class role. That would completely ruin this game and the basis it was built upon. I like that if you want to be heals/ dps, you can't be tank/dps as well. If everyone can be everything, then there is no individuality in the game, there is no reason to even group with people, as we already have companions which can fill the roles we are missing.


Right now Swtor is geared, class/role wise, toward community and grouping to complete the late game content. If you allow people to start changing advance classes, then u will just limit the amount of people who will actually see that content, just because there will be no strong desire for a particular role when everyone can be everything. Not only that, but you will take away from the basis the whole Swtor game was built around. You want a sage healer and shadow tank, then u make two characters. Both classes have the option to dps and both share the same pvp tree, the only difference is one can be a tank primary, and one can be a healer. if you take that limitation away with dual specialization, you might as well take away the whole advance class mechanic, and calls this game wow 2.0


Anyway just my 2 cents. rage all you want, but was just tired of reading all the bs and wanted to address the real issue 'supposedly' being discussed by the Op.


P.s. Rage on the spelling and grammar all you want, I was at work when I wrote this and in a rush. It's the content of what I said that matters, not the minor errors I made while trying to get the point across. :)

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What the "epicwalloftext" says. Respeccing is fine and the costs are nothing extraordinary at later levels.


The idea about "one week before price reset" is to give you an idea as to what the new spec is. I.E. I am playing a Sentinel and from the very beginning was combat specced. At abt 43 I decided to respec to watchman as that was a completely different branch. In the beginning I thought is was a complete b.s. but after 2-3 days of testing I started to have fun with that. The respecced to focus, did not like that nad went back to combat. The last respec cost was abt 23000.


I think the very idea where you are given an option to change your class dramatically is awesome! My wife playes shadow and changed from infiltration to kinetic. THis is, in essence, changing you entire class from stealthed dps to tank! How cool is that! And ppl here cry for free or dual specs.... Meh. Learn to appreciate what is given to you and stop demanding for more freebies. After all, the game is epic easy as it is and already gives you gear / creds / exp in an extremely easy way.

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It's a very valuable credit sink, and MMO's need them wherever they can afford. Would you people rather have a ****ed economy?


Seriously, that's what happens when you allow unreasonable amounts of credits to enter the economy without avenues of removing some. It's called inflation you *****, and it's a gap that basically screws noobs in most every MMO ever.


I didn't respec until I was level 50. And at level 50 I make and burn at least 200k credits every day; 50k is just another drop in the bucket if I need to respec.


All that said, I do think the fee should scale with player level. 1-10 the cap is 10k, 10-20 the cap is 20k etc etc, maxing at ~100k at level 50. I also think this should be increased in the future at level 50 as credits flood the market.

Edited by Budizzle
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I want to respec for free. 20 times the day i try out a few tweaks in my build. Probably 30+ times. Its a stupid idea that i have to pay for it. I didnt like it in wow and i didnt like it in swtor. Its just one of the many things that make those games non-fun to play and made me feel like a little kid while i am mature and run in rl a company. It ads nothing to the gameplay except telling me: hey you must pay couse i am a real mmo. copy+paste.


Also i am fine with the people that dont like to respec. Dont do it.

I unsubed. Dont like to play all this nonsense. I want to have a bit of challenge and fun. Thats all.


Dont bother me with your flame and ego blsht. Never saw a post with such an ammount of creeps posting unfriendly comments.

Edited by Patsboem
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