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BRB, Eric is AFK


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What?! People that work at BioWare have a life outside of this game?


Wait... this is a joke. What Eric really means is that Kai Zykken is getting married. And the "soon to be" wife is a huge pile of credits!!! Or maybe it's Feylara Raed. I dunno. C'mon, that'd be funny. You know they go together.


Okay, but in all seriousness... let it be recorded that the mighty Lord Ptach has taken for himself a wife, and she shall be forever known as Mrs. Lord Ptach. Let the citizens of SWTOR view Mrs. Ptach as having the same authority as their Lord. May she aid their Lord in his fight against the Anti-Ptach, the money-goat known as E.A.




Too much? :rak_09:


Hey, since nothing was done for April fools, do we get a funny patch note that says "Lord Ptach gets married. Festivities were held across the galaxy."?


But really, congratulations and enjoy your honeymoon and time off. Don't worry, not everything will burn down in your absence. Just most of it.

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Ok, let's not turn Eric's fun post into something gone awry. I'll comment elsewhere.


Where is this elsewhere that are you commenting?


Last year around this time we had a post from you stating there would be more transparent communication, a year later after very little communication and most of that falling into the off topic variety or meaningless 'We are listing' posts we get a post saying there will be less communication.


Then you post about commenting elsewhere and then seem to have forgotten to do this?


Looking back at the last year and the lack of story, the lack of solo content, the lack of PvP content, companion returns done right being a 3 minute cut scene, the loss of the west coast data centre, class balancing that was just about hitting a target dps and all the other questionable decisions. Would you say that a post about less communication pretty much sums up the decline of the game.


It seems that when the class balance guy has paternity leave there is no class balancing for 8 months, when the community manager goes on leave their will be no communication. It seems the team is very very small and more an indie outfit than a AAA MMO. Has Anthem really all but shut down SWTOR?

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Hey folks!

I would expect things will be quiet around here.



Ok, first. Congratulations on getting married. Hope everything works out for you two and your future.


Second, when I read that I couldn't stop laughing. Sorry dude, but it already has been quite quiet around here so I'm trying to imagine how much more quiet can quiet already be.


Anyhow, enjoy your time off and send us a postcard from your honeymoon.




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Congrats, eric! Will your bride have to start spelling her name with lower-case letters, too? :t_biggrin:


Seriously, I wish you the best and hope you enjoy the time off. You've earned it. I can't believe you've put up with this job as long as you have!

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Congratulations Eric!


Best wishes for a beautifully wonderful wedding day, a marvelous and lovely first year,

and an amazingly spectacular life together!


Something fun to do if you like; write letters (on paper!) to each other, seal them up and open them on your 1st anniversary.


Blessings to you both.

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Congrats Eric! I'm getting married soon as well (July) and I have your game to thank for it. I met my "soon to be" wife right here in the game, when we both teamed up for the Section X heroic. Four years later and we're both still playing and loving this game (and each other) :)


Out best to you and your bride.


:ph_love_this: just love this! Congratulations to you and your soon-to-be wife :sy_galaxy::sy_star::sy_lightside:

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Hey folks!


One of my communication rules for the team is to be cautious in sharing personal details. It usually opens you up to some good ole' internet trolling. I am gonna break that rule today, but you will understand why.


Later this week, I am getting married! Next week is my birthday and then in a couple of weeks me and the "soon to be" wife, she and I are going to be heading on our honeymoon. The reason I am telling you this is because I am going to burn some time off and I won't be in the office for a few weeks. Effectively I will be out of the office later this week through mid-May.


While I am gone a few things will change. Since I am the primary point of contact for all of you here on the forums, I would expect things will be quiet around here. Charles and Keith will take care of passing on any information to you. Our team will still actively be grabbing bug and issue reports, but they will be less active in posting to let you know they grabbed it. Lastly, you will likely see the return of our friend Server Droid to handle our maintenance timing messaging.


Be nice to them while I am gone :). Thanks everyone. This might not be my last message before vacation, but if I don't get to say it, I will see you all in a few weeks.




Congratulations on the up coming nuptials, I hope you have a wonderful day. 💕💕💕


And thank you for sharing this with us :D

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Second, when I read that I couldn't stop laughing. Sorry dude, but it already has been quite quiet around here so I'm trying to imagine how much more quiet can quiet already be.


No kidding. The only way it could possibly be any quieter here, with regards to developer interactions/participation, is if they actually killed the crickets.

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Congratulations to you and your fiancée! Happy birthday!


Does she know that by marrying you she is also marrying this eccentric community?


In honor of Eric's celebrations, I propose an extension to the cartel market sale, a collection unlock sale, and double-everything, until the first maintenance Tuesday after he returns to work.

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